View Full Version : Mysterious Grand Master seeks Jedi Knight (Estelle)

Marcus Telcontar
May 11th, 2003, 07:41:44 AM
Peaceful early morning in the Living Quarters. there is not a soul about, all are asleep. thence, it's the time of the Warlord to roam freely, unobserved and uncommented on. According to any records, he wasn't supposed to be alive. But there were a few whom knew of his continued existance. Not many, cause that was how he preferred to keep it. Even from the Jedi.

Now, which room was it? Ahhh yes. This one. The control card came out of his cloak and in a brief swipe, he let himself in. Now, that type of behaviour wasn't becoming of an ordinary Jedi, but then again, he was not even an ordinary Jedi Master. If there was such a thing as a Grand Master, he was it. Tonight, he had a purpose. He was going to speak to Jedi Knight Russard, for he believed the time had come.

The room inside was dark, but that didnt bother him - his night vision was nothing short of incredible. He moved with a good deal of confidence and poise, maing to a lounge chair and sitting down. Hood up, cloak ruffled, time for the mysterious person act. Out came the pipe - the lighter flared and he puffed on the stem.... now if she was any sort of Jedi she would be awake and aware someone was smoking in her lounge room - and he could sense her stirring.

Lets see how she reacts first

Estelle Russard
May 12th, 2003, 12:11:39 AM
She wasn't what one would call a light sleeper. In fact, she was quite the opposite. Farm life was a life of hard work and when it came time to sleep, one didn't fool around. And such life habits were hard to shake, even in the bustling megatropolis that was Coruscant where she now made her home.

Especially when she felt every bit as safe at the order as she had in her own home back on Tr'Nuva. It usually took an act of God or a natural disaster, or an annoyingly insistant alarm chrono to rouse her.

But this morning was different.

She'd had a late dinner with Aurelias Kazaar the night before, and drank a little wine. It was only a very little, but it served to keep her unsettled throughout the night for some reason. Atleast she thought it was the wine. Perhaps thoughts of the conversation they had had - his family life was a sad one, and Estelle had found herself often remembering his face as he had told her about it.

And so it was that she had been semi-awake and had heard the faint "click" of the door as it unlocked and allowed entrance to an intruder.

The Jedi Knight froze beneath the covers. Suddenly wide awake and her heart pounding. The natural spark of adrenalin shot through her bloodstream as she strained to hear anything further.

But all was quiet. Which did nothing to lessen her apprehension.

Her first thought was Kimiiki Crei - dang Kazaar and his bounty she thought in selfish irritation, somehow blaming her bounty hunter friend for the probable danger.
But she soon dismissed the thought as outlandish. How could Crei get into the Order..and the Albino's methods were not nearly so subtle, as Estelle well knew.

Then a strange hope that somehow it could be her Master, ReaperFett returning. Strange how he was ever just below her conscious thought. But inside, she knew this was not the case.

Sliding sideways out of the bed, trying to make no noise, her feet lighted on the soft carpet ...and picking up a.....can of hairspray...crept cautiously to the doorway or her room to peek out.

The hooded figure sat large as life in her favourite sofa chair and was smoking a pipe!

Estelle still held the hairspray can in a menacing manner, though not really realising that she was doing so. She stepped into the living room, vaguely recognising the man puffing nonchalantly in the gloom.

Not really knowing what to say, she said the first thing that came to mind..

"What are you doing in my chair?"

Marcus Telcontar
May 12th, 2003, 03:22:20 AM
"Smoking.. I think." He took the pipe out of his mouth, gave it a cursory look, then put the stem back in between his teeth. "Yes. I am smoking. An odd question you ask, because what I would have asked is what I was doing, entering in here without announcement or introduction. You can also put the can of hair spray away - my hair my be messy, but I do not use the stuff personally"

The puff of the pipe made the leaf in the bowl glow red, the illumination glinting of clearly amused eyes, even if the rest of the face was in shadow of the hood.

Estelle Russard
May 12th, 2003, 12:19:57 PM
The can was lowered slowly as Estelle moved a little closer.

It was obvious by the man's layback approach that he was not intent on harming her. In fact, she had come to that conclusion as she peeked at him from her doorway. A person didnt break into someones house in order to attack them in their sleep, and stop first and take a smoke-break giving the victim time to wake, arm themselves and get in defensive position.

Her eyes shifted to the door, where there were no signs of forceful entry or damage.

"Actually, what I really want to know, is how exactly you got in here...And..." her eyes narrowed struggling to get a clearer look at her strange visitor, but she could only make out the mans eyes, smiling at her with soft amusement, "....Why it is that I think I know you."

Marcus Telcontar
May 12th, 2003, 06:55:58 PM
"Simple. I got in here because I have access to everywhere of the GJO. I come and go as I please. Not even the Council members can do that. And.... yes, I believe you may have met me before, when you were a Padawan. But I can't recall if it was the name Tohmahawk or Q'Dunn that would mean most. I go under so many different names, they even confuse me"

Estelle Russard
May 12th, 2003, 09:28:05 PM
"Yes...well you are a confusing fellow.." Her look took in the fact that he still remained completely at ease smoking in her chair.

"I believe your name was Force Master Hunter when I first met you and you made me feel quite welcome...But really, I cant believe you have the right to just come into anyones room. I mean..what if you were a weirdo..?"
Her tone implied that she very much held that opinion of him at this very moment.
She muttered more to herself than to Marcus, "What can the elders be thinking!"

Estelle was quite perturbed and it showed in her face, in her body language. Marcus had managed to make her feel awkward and uncomfortable in her own home by his unorthodox arrival, and that made her quite indignant.

"So..who shall I know you as today, Mr. Hunter...and should I call for Security to toss you and your pipe out onto the landing?"

Marcus Telcontar
May 12th, 2003, 10:55:06 PM
"Aye, I dont think you be wanting to call security. They wont come and if they did, I wont be one on the landing" The tone of his voice, the amusement made it clear this was no boast.

"And as for the Elders... well, that is why I am here. I am one of the Jedi Elders, one of the very founders of this Order. Please... take a seat. It's time you learned of certain things that you dont know of. The first is that I am Jedi Master Marcus Q'Dunn. The second is that I was once also known as Turbogeek. The third.... I will tell you in a moment. But first, sit"

Estelle Russard
May 13th, 2003, 07:32:14 PM
Estelle believed him when he responded to her mention of calling Security. Something about Hunter, or Marcus Q'Dunn as he had reintroduced himself, gave her the firm conviction that what he said was true.

She remembered when she had first met him, so long ago now it seemed, he had been a commanding presence then. And still was. And just as back then, she had listened keenly and respectfully to what he said. As she did so now.

Obediently she pulled a second sofa chair up, taking a moment to wrap the throw-blanket about herself having realised she was rather underdressed for such a meeting with a Jedi Master.

Settling herself quickly, she looked across at him eager to hear what he would say.

Marcus took his time, slowly drawing on his pipe and Estelle felt perhaps she should offer him some tea. Did he drink tea? Was tea too frivollous to accompany this conversation? She decided she should just wait on him and try not to feel quite so like a deer flushed from the woods and not squirm under his quiet gaze.

Marcus Telcontar
May 13th, 2003, 10:25:56 PM
"Yes I do drink tea, thank you. I would appreciate one very shorty - after I tell you why I'm here. this isn't a social call - My position and non existance to the Galaxy, puls what I do don't allow for such luxuries. Instead, I am here to look after the strength of the Jedi Order, to see that the foundations are strong and what I, with Yogurt and Figrin plus many other now gone Jedi will endure. You, as a Council member are entrusted in making sure the traditions, rules and order are passed down to other Jedi. I on the other hand, my task is different"

Marcus leaned forward, his face becoming visible under the hood.

"If there is such a thing as a Jedi Grand Master, I am it. My skill and power reached beyond other Masters and with this order, is only matched by Yogurt himself. While I seek not to lead the Jedi , I have one honour that is specifically mine and no one else has the right to it. I am the judge of whom becomes a Jedi Master. I set the test and I answer to no-one whom is judged and how. It has been my privledge that for the last years that not a single Jedi Knight has been acclaimed a Jedi Master without a trial set by myself. I have found out much about you Jedi Knight russard - much indeed. I know how honourable you are, I know your skill and I know how you hold up to the Jedi Code and ideals. Thence, I deem it is time for your trial. I take milk and two sugars in my tea thanks"

Estelle Russard
May 16th, 2003, 08:55:21 PM
"....Milk and two sugars..." she mumbled as in rote, vaguely realising her thoughts were not hidden to the man before her as he read her inner proposal for tea. But she didnt move to get up to turn on the kettle. In fact she didn't move at all. She sat where she was, trying to absorb the hammerblow of what Marcus had said to her.

It was not what she had been expecting. Not that she had been expecting anything in particular but her mind had been ticking over the possiblities of this unusual visit while Marcus had been speaking. Mention of Jedi Master's Yoghurt (whom she had learned the beginnings of the healing arts from) and Figrin D'An (with whom she had recently become acquainted at the Jedi Formal Dinner) - Estelle had considered that perhaps the Elders thought it was time for her to expand her studies by accepting the tutelege of a new master.

ReaperFett had been lost to them all some time ago, and Estelle had learned as much as possible as a student could without a teacher. Various missions for the Order and life in the school of hard knocks with Kazaar had caused her to grow as a fighter, and as a survivor. It had also taught her much of the grace of what it meant to be a Jedi - to be able to defend others, and herself, while keeping true to the Codes showed by example of her old Master, Fett.

Estelle had been thinking Master Q'Dunn would direct her to seek out a new mentor.

Instead, he had spoken of a trial he would set for her. A Masters trial. And Estelle had found all blood had drained from her head to pool in her feet and they now felt like cement weights. So much so that she couldn't lift them. She was completely knocked off balance, and now, with all this thinking, was beginning to wonder that she may have misheard.

"My trial...as in Master trial? Is that what you said?"

Marcus Telcontar
May 16th, 2003, 09:22:34 PM
"You heard correctly. It is time for you to be trialed. But dont think for a moment your journey of learning and discovery is over - for a Master, it is only begun. Truly begun. A Master has their mind opened to possibilities Knight just dont have. A Master is not just about raw power - it's about how it is used, how you act and how you are. To be thought of for this, a Jedi must be truly worthy - and those that pass, their path is truly set"

"Do you feel fear? Concern? Anxiety? While they are not emotions the code says you should have, I understand if you do, it will not count againt you. The Master's Trial is the greatest test a Jedi can have and it would be natural, if you have heard of some of the fearsome tests I have set. Some Knights do die - some fail and become shadows of their former selves. Most do pass, I admit - I only test those whom I believe will."

"Normally, I would test to make sure a Jedi can not fall to the Dark Side, will remain strong - mentally and physically. For you however, yours is a journey I will send you on. And...."

He removed the hood that covered his face, a look of sadness was on it.

"... I will say I am sorry beforehand. This will either be the easiest thing you have ever done, because I have misread you - or it will be the most difficult and be truly a sore test. By what I sense is also in here, I do not believe I have misread you"

Estelle Russard
May 16th, 2003, 10:13:42 PM
"Well........I wasn't scared till you kept talking.."

He grinned a little, and so did she, but hers was a nervous smile and Marcus realised she was quite serious.

"For a person to become a Master is, of course, a great personal achievement. But it is not for this reason we strive to attain this. "To whom much is given, much is required" My father always used to quote this saying, and I believe it is true of the Jedi more than for any other."

Estelle remained very still, not moving in her chair, but she was composed now and held the Jedi Master in a candid gaze.

"If you see fit to set this trial for me, then I agree to face it."

She took a deep breath.

"What is the journey?"

Marcus Telcontar
May 19th, 2003, 04:09:48 AM
"The journey will be to find out what happened to Master Reaperfett. On that journey, take what you believe you will need. Take whom you want. But this, I will also tell you. Ponder why Yoda didn't want Anakin Skywalker trained. That is the key what you wil be tested on."

Estelle Russard
May 20th, 2003, 05:30:11 PM
Estelle had heard Marcus outline her trial, speaking of Anakin and Yoda, but for the moment she focused what she knew was naive optimism..


She sat forward.

"Is there...has there been more news.....?"

The hope in her voice was painful to hear, and Marcus shook his head.

Marcus Telcontar
May 21st, 2003, 03:22:26 AM
"I dont know what happened. No one knows. All I know is that his presence is no longer seeable by me. You seem to have a strong attachment to him"

Estelle Russard
May 21st, 2003, 08:53:43 PM
"He was my Master"

Her answer was simple, but in those few words she managed to convey the complete loyalty, trust and respect she held towards ReaperFett. The man who took her willingly as his padawan and laid the foundations for her destiny as a Jedi, was someone she ideed was attached to - and missed very much.

Her large brown eyes held steadily as she looked to the Jedi Master across from her.

"If there is something to be found regarding Master ReaperFett - I will find it."

Her voice held great conviction, and Marcus could see she would be determined for more than just the trial's sake.

"Master Q'Dunn, is there any advice you would give me before I begin this journey?"

Marcus Telcontar
May 25th, 2003, 10:26:24 PM
"No. No other instructions. Other than to consider why Anakin was not to be trained. It will be what you are tested on. I will be watching, even if I am not apparently around"

Estelle Russard
May 25th, 2003, 10:43:30 PM
She let his reply sink in, and then, quietly got up to make tea.

Marcus Telcontar
May 28th, 2003, 09:38:38 PM
He waited for Esteele to come back with the teea, before saying anything else

"Will you need to know more, or you understand what it is you are to do?"

Estelle Russard
Jun 2nd, 2003, 08:03:29 PM
She handed the teacup to Marcus, who took it, dwarfing the dainty porcelain in his strong, tanned hands and sipped slowly from the steaming brew.

Estelle felt she understood what was required of her.

"I will do as required, Master Q'Dunn. And I will strive to answer both questions you have set before me today.

I will leave tomorrow after I set my Council schedule and padawan training sessions in order."
She got down to necessary information now.

" The last destination recorded that Master ReaperFett was heading to was Corellia for some R & R, I believe. Was the Order able to gain any leads from that point. It is understood he never arrived there."