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Tirzak Kerr
May 10th, 2003, 11:45:48 PM
Tattooine. Planet of the Hutt's. Waste planet of civilization.

He stared out of the helmet's vizor, the red tint in it welcome as he stayed silent, his hand never far from his blast pistol. He narrowed his eyes under the helmet as he waited in the room. Apparently there was a large bounty on someone who had angered the Hutt's some time ago, and now they wanted to collect.

So why did they call him? Why did they send a messenger boy far out near the outer rim, to find him, to implore him to come, to pay him just to come? They could have sought out other hunters, others who would come for less.

Yes, they could have sought out others, but they would have not found one as more skilled as he. Tirzak was a virtual unkown in the galaxy, his reputation small, meager compared to those such as Jango and Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar.

But that was the way he wanted it, that was the way he liked it. He didn't have people knocking at his door all the time, shoving credits in his face, trying to get him to do a job.

No, he was the one you came to when you wanted a job done cleanly, swiftly, and accurately. He was the one who loved a challenge, who's hunt was about the challenge.

He looked about the grimey office and he sneered under the face plate. For someone who wanted him so badly to kill someone, they sure were rather late. Either that or they were gauging if he was as good as those who hired him before said he was.

Gorgja the Hutt
May 11th, 2003, 12:00:24 AM
Ironically, he wasn't meeting a Hutt face to face. Gorgja preferred business done in person, but other affairs had kept him on Ylesia. His fat body looked small in the holo as he rested on the dias.

Sorta shooma Tirzak Kerr. Gorgja...timar spar

A golden protocol droid was in person for the meeting, stood next to the holo.

"The Great Gorgja the Hutt welcomes you to his Tatooine summer home. He hopes, this meeting goes better than the last one he had via holo at his place."

And, for once, it wasn't Aurelias Kazaar...the bounty hunter turned crime lieutenant in Gorgja's business...who gave Gorgja a heart attack.

This was a smuggler who vexxed Gorgja. A smuggler by the name of Loklorien s'Ilancy.

"Gorgja looks forward to doing business with you," the prissy voice intoned, its hands moving in tune with his words.

"He wonders if the price of 640,000 is enough to track the smuggler, Loklorien s'Ilancy."

Tirzak Kerr
May 11th, 2003, 11:52:42 AM
The stoic face plate stared at the holovid of the fattened Hutt. He narrowed his eyes underneath it, his hands were tapping on his blaster as he thought about this.

The Metal Eyed Butcher. A former assassin in the Hutt's employ. Someone so hooked on Liquid Silver that her eyes turned completely silver. When she made her run as assassin, Tirzak had followed her through reports he recieved in the universe's underworld.

How could he resist the escapades of such a being? Someone so bold as Loklorien s'Ilancy. But, Tirzak had stopped reading about her for quite some time, he had stopped caring what happened to the renowned assassin and smuggler. He looked back up to the Hutt.

"Is she not still in your employ, Gorgja? And for me to take this job, you know your going to have to do better."

Gorgja the Hutt
May 16th, 2003, 05:06:23 PM
The image of Gorgja fizzled for a minute as his bulbous eyes blinked.

Kazaar's shimba tla 800,000. Ta Kazaar soo ta Loklorien s'Ilancy.

The droid translated, "The Great Gorgja the Hutt says a more well known bounty hunter named Aurelias Kazaar had a bounty of 800,000 on his head. The Great Gorgja says...because Kazaar was more well known...it makes sense for the larger sum. He will not pay more than 640,000

Despite the way she has behaved."

Tirzak Kerr
Jun 5th, 2003, 11:12:07 PM
"I expect the money to be transferred to my account, Gorgja. Immediately. And I will be taking any and all intelligence you have on Loklorien."

He looked at the holo-vid. 640,000 was more than enough, he just wanted more. He had his spending habits. He looked to the droid, and once again to the Hutt..

"Including her most recent escapades that have angered the Hutt Syndicate."

He smiled under his face plate, and merely awaited the intelligence from the droid. Once recieved he then turned his back, giving Gorgja no room to reply or say anything.

The Hunter was gone.