View Full Version : mine is better than yours

Kyryanu Sevon
May 10th, 2003, 10:54:04 PM
She was on Omerose for a brief visit. She'd used the Shirow, s'Il's modified tagwing, for the trip. It'd been nice; smooth and fast.

But now she was on Omerose. It'd been a while since she last saw Khendon, and Kyry was looking forward to seeing him once more.

Making her way through customs, she stopped at the first station, handing the guard on duty her ID. He took it swiftly; he'd done this many times before... it was a routine that he could most likely do even in his sleep. And probably did. As he took her card, running it through the scanner, he couldn't help the lazy yawn that stretched his face.

A small beep.

Mid-yawn, he stopped to look down at the read-out.

Nerrot-s'Ilancy, Kyryanu

female, human

status: nuetral


The name rang warning bells in his head; he'd been present when the last s'Ilancy had come through, posing as Reve Ryrie, and Admiral Piett had taken her, keeping her for his experiments and tests.

The man narrowed his eyes at the woman who stood before him now, and she turned to look at him nonchalantly. Canting her head to the side, she rested her elbows on the counter before asking, "... is something wrong?"

Khendon Sevon
May 10th, 2003, 11:05:53 PM
The Officer sized up Kyry fairly quickly, assessing her threat value. “Miss, I need to uh… check something out on your ID, hold on a second,” the man’s voice quivered for a moment and he looked somewhat fatigued as he turned around and activated a small device.

“Omerose General Office, how can I direct your call?”

“Eh… Bureau of Immigration,” said the Officer.

“Please hold,” said the voice on the line. The Officer cursed under his breath and looked uneasily at Kyry.

“Eh… one moment, just one moment,” he tapped his fingers nervously on his desk, the ID card tightly wedged between his hand and the metallic surface.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 10th, 2003, 11:19:12 PM
She simply rolled her eyes, and turning around, leaned back against the counter, her elbows resting along the top. "Just don't take too long, Space Ranger. I've got things to do."

Kyry cracked her neck then, doing her best to relieve the tension from being in the cockpit of her sister's tagwing for... well... it was a long time, that was all she knew. s'Il was still gone; god only knew where she was. She'd effectively disappeared; all Kyry knew was that she'd been changed into... something. A Lupine...

That's what Millard had called her at least.

Pausing in her thoughts, she looked back over her shoulder, giving the officer a lazy stare.

Khendon Sevon
May 10th, 2003, 11:31:14 PM
“Hello, are you still holding?” said the feminine voice on the line.

“Yes, yes,” said the Officer.

“Can you please identify the nature of your call?”

“It’s in regards to a…” he was cut off before he could say anything.

“Are you operating station #243?” said the feminine voice with a hint of urgency.

“Uh,” he checked the number engraved on his card reader, “yeah, I am wh…” yet again the feminine voice cut him off.

“Please hold,” with a click he was placed on hold. The Officer scrunched up his visage in a look of anger, then became stolid again, fixing his uniform and turning to the woman standing at the station.

Like most traffic processing areas, the Officer’s station was nothing more than a cube with windows as walls and a wrap around, metal desk. The only thing that connected him to those that passed through the station was a small slit, just large enough for someone to fit their hand through. His only joy was his swivel chair, which he enjoyed leaning back in and taking short respites in while he allowed random passerby’s to enter without being checked.

The Officer knew it would be his job if he were ever caught sleeping on the job, but he figured it was a risk he could take. After all, who wanted a job as a card checker?

He turned towards the “S’ilancy” and gave one of his fake grins and a slight, choppy chuckle, “I uh… well… I’m sure it won’t take a moment. Really, I’m certain,” he continued tapping his fingers against the metallic desk, a droning click, click, click reverberating every time he struck the synthetic material.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 10th, 2003, 11:44:58 PM
Her shoulders slumped in the beginnings of impatience, and turning back around, stared down the line that was beginning to form behind her. She shrugged. The officer's tapping was annoying, but for the most part she ignored it.

Five minutes later, however, it had become very much annoying, and her patience was all but up. Turning, she pounded the glass.

"Oi! Stop doing that and get me through this checkpoint! I'd like to be out of here before I hit fifty, ok?"

Her demand was accompanied by grumbles from those behind her, and Kyry lofted a brow at the officer. "You heard the people; get your butt in gear."

Khendon Sevon
May 10th, 2003, 11:53:38 PM
By now the Officer had began to sweat and was pulling awkwardly at his uniform. “Uh, I…” he searched for the words but they simply wouldn’t come, “just a moment,” he whispered with a false smile.

“Hello?” said a voice commanding the attention of the Officer.

“Hi,” said the Officer rather nervously.

“Station Officer #243?” inquired the crisp voice from the line.

“Uh, yeah.”

“Sir. It’s ‘yes, Sir.’,” said the voice.

“Um, yes, Sir.”

“Better. Now, why do you have a line? And why haven’t you let the nic-” The Officer cut Khendon off.

“Sir, I thou-”

“No, I don’t pay you to think, now do I? I pay you to put the shiny little card through the nice machine and if it says ‘hostile’ contact the proper authorities… or at least, that’s what that week of training you went through boils down to.”

“Actually, Sir, I umm… skipped the training,” mumbled the Officer.

“You what?” said the voice with great demand.

“I skipped the training, Sir,” said the Officer, sensing the trouble he had gotten himself into.

“One moment,” said the voice, “please hold.” The Officer looked around, his eyes widening with disbelief, if he was put on hold one more time, he’d shoot somebody.

“I’m sure it’ll only be another moment,” he said to that ”S’ilancy”.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 11th, 2003, 12:01:55 AM
That was it. She was done. Through. Finished. Kyry gave the officer a sharp glare as the grumbling from the people in line behind her became louder. She looked back at them; almost like some leader surveying her army; her pissed off, tired, and grumpy army. They wanted to go home; go to their hotels; go wherever they were trying to go... but thanks to the idiot in the checkpoint station, they were being held back; kept from their destinations. They were ready to mob the officer.

They're so perfect.

She grinned to herself then, and looking back to the officer, leaned in close to the glass, her voice deadly quiet.

"They're going to lynch you... "

Khendon Sevon
May 22nd, 2003, 05:39:11 PM
An air car elegantly cut through the thick oxygen rich lower atmosphere of Omerose, propelled forward by powerful United Imperial Technology engines, lofted by Maverick Labs’ repulsor lifts. The tiny vehicle was jet black, windows tinted, a Federacy crest clearly decaled on the side in red.

The luxury vehicle floated towards its destination, not like a leaf caught in the wind, but like a finely tuned sports machine, cutting through the sea of air with razor precision. Jets flared and the air car was quickly given priority clearance to a landing pad at the port, it’s stabilizers angling gently to optimize its aerodynamics as it descended and took its assigned position.

Small durasteel legs yawned out of shiny black metal housings, touching the landing pad gently and with precision, the pilot was clearly skilled. The craft was shaped like a tear drop with two small, angular wings folded tightly to the sides, prepared to change positions and arc according to what its complex aerodynamics’ processors told it would optimize the maneuver. A large engine intake protruded from either side towards the rear of the air car, turbines blindingly silver. A single exhaust was at the rear, vectoring systems clearly visible.

The upper canopy slid forwards until the rear portion of the transparasteel was in line with the shorter, lower transparasteel that covered the bottom of the nose of the craft, providing greater view for the pilot. From within the craft emerged two figures, one wearing a striking black Federacy uniform, the other a drab gray inspector uniform. They hopped out of the vessel and slowly strode towards immigration.


Station Officer #243 was getting nervous. The immigrants… no wait… that wasn’t quite right, the mob that was gathering looked agitated, and they were all staring directly at him.

The Officer cursed and bit the nail of his right thumb, chewing nervously, “a minute,” he mumbled in-between bites, “just a minute more.”

Kyryanu Sevon
May 22nd, 2003, 10:22:52 PM
Two hands slapped down on the counter; one flesh and bone, the other very much metal, in front of the officer, startling him.

"You listen to me you nailbiting pencil-neck paper-pusher. I don't have the time for this kind of crap, and neither do these people behind me-"

A chorus of affirmations and agreements answered her, but she ignored them and went on.

"So you know what? You can keep my ID card; I'll just get another."

And with that, Kyry gave the counter one last pound with her artificial fist before turning and head the rest of the way through customs; completely disregarding the rules and regulations set forth by the Imperial laws of the planet.

Khendon Sevon
May 25th, 2003, 11:53:48 AM
The man in the striking black Federacy uniform pushed through the mob that had amassed around Officer #243’s station with the inspector trudging behind him. The dark figure parted the sea of blood thirsty “aliens” and walked with confidence towards the desk.

Upon arriving at his destination, the Officer stroked his chin for a moment then cleared his throat loudly, the three men that had been assailing the booth that protected Officer #243 looked towards the demanding figure and quickly retreated into the faceless mass.

“Well, 243, it appears that you’ve made a mess,” said the Federacy Officer.

“…uhh… ye-“ #243 was truncated.

“Are you forgetting something?” said the Federalist with underlying tones of aggravation.

“Sir, I meant Sir! It wasn’t my fault, Sir! It was all that S’ilancy person’s fault!”

“I’m sure it was… Now,” said the Officer with a firmness that forced #243 to suddenly be grasped by the presence of the character that stood in front of his terminal, “Where is she?”

“Uhhh…. She left.”

“You let her leave,” said the Federal Officer with a low growl, “what do you mean you let her leave,” he said with spite as he slowly clenched his right, gloved fist.

Number 243 tugged uncomfortably at his collar and found himself gasping for air his lungs ablaze. He swallowed hard and brought his hand to his throat, making gurgling sounds as he attempted to take in precious oxygen.

“ANSWER THE QUESTION,” demanded the Officer.

“S…ir, sh, sh, shee went that way,” #243 pointed towards the exit and collapsed to the floor swallowing air as if it were a commodity that would soon leave him again.

“Frederick,” said the Federacy Officer to the man wearing drab gray, “call security, have 243 escorted out of the building, and while you’re at it, clean up this mess. I have some things to do.” With that the Officer walked off in the direction specified by #243 at a semi-trotting pace, his face set in determination.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 25th, 2003, 12:34:37 PM
Storming through the sea of people milling about the customs building, Kyry headed for where she thought the exit would be. Funny, how things snowballed like they did; not that she really cared though. Shouldering her way through different lines, she kept up her pace, oblivious of the fact that she was being followed.

The exit now in sight, Kyry picked up her pace; not even bothering to acknowledge the 'excuse me's and 'miss you need to stop's'.

Khendon Sevon
May 27th, 2003, 05:48:59 PM
The Federacy Officer realized his mark had spotted him and erupted in a sprint. He literally shed his uniform coat, it being thrown to the ground and drowned in a puddle, rank canister and insignias all being cast aside. He tugged his collar open, sending a dark, metallic button flying into the street where it rolled into a gutter, its polished glimmer diminishing and its glory being taken away from it.

The Figure’s face was stolid, all of the muscles of his body relaxed and powerful. His strides began to widen and the intervals between shorten as his body fell into running form, carrying him forward at an alarming velocity. He was closing the distance between the two, but not by a significant enough amount, he needed to hurry or he would lose her in the mass of pedestrians.

With a slight grin, his hand dropped to his thigh, and, from a black leather holster, he retrieved a Sevon Rifle, Co., blaster, silver and shining in the day’s light.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 28th, 2003, 10:15:04 AM
Stepping up onto the opposite curb, Kyry stopped. With a curse she realized she hadn't gotten her weapons back from the customs officers. Of course at this point in time, she really didn't feel like going back into the building; Might as well just pick up some new guns...

She shook her head though, frustrated still at the ineptitude of the man who was checking ID's. It was funny how some people were just not cut out to live life the way the rest of the galaxy knew how to live. She could almost laugh to herself at the thought of the man in a fighter, or in a hand to hand fight.

With a snort she started forward, but stopped short again as the sound of pounding footfalls reached her ears, and whirling around, caught a quick glimpse of an officer chasing after her; it had to be her...

Her eyes bypassed his face and went straight to the gun he held. Of all the times to have my guns confiscated...

She began to walk away at a slow pace, and brushing up against the nearest person, proceeded to apologize while removing his sidearm with a deft move. Her sleight hopefully went unnoticed by the one chasing her, and skeeping the gun out of sight, listened intently as the pounding boots got closer...

Khendon Sevon
May 28th, 2003, 04:18:01 PM
The street was lined with tall office buildings, reaching towards the pale gray sky of Omerose like giant fingers stretching for the sun. The sidewalk was cluttered with people who happily made way for the Officer with the shiny blaster. He attempted to be inconspicuous by pointing his blaster at the ground, both hands’ fingers neatly curled around the grip, right shoulder low and legs bent slightly, lowering his center of gravity.

The man continued forward, closing distance with the red head slowly, then shifted his stance again, noticing that everyone was looking at him oddly. The Officer relaxed and released his left hand’s hold on his gun, weapon remaining in his right. He allowed his grip to relax along with his stance. The man now walked normally, weapon in right hand, low, towards his knee.

He continued the short distance to the woman and, with a grin, poked her with the muzzle of his blaster, his boots still making slight metallic clicks as he walked.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 29th, 2003, 11:52:48 AM
Reflex took over then, as Kyry whipped the gun from inside her jacket, and whirling around brought the weapon up. However, if the man was expecting her to threaten him with the business end, he was in for a surprise not easily forgotten. Bringing her arm up, she held the gun by the barrel before swinging it across in a blur of movement, pistol whipping the officer across the cheek with the handle of the gun.

Feeling the impact solidly, Kyry couldn't help the grim smile that passed over her face as the man stumbled back. Her smile soon turned to a scowl, then to a sheepinsh expression as she cast a look to the passer-by's who stood gawking, and finally looking back to the man, she stood stock still. Hands at her waist, gun still clutched in a tight fist, Kyry inclined her neck forward a little.

"Um... hey Sweety...

"... you okay... ?"

Khendon Sevon
May 30th, 2003, 01:51:17 PM
Khendon rolled his tongue around in his mouth and touched the recently struck portion, the soreness of the inside of his cheek reverberating like a klaxon in his head. He tasted blood, but it could have been worse, Kyry and that metallic hand of hers could have knocked out a tooth, a pistol whip was welcome in comparison. Khendon wet his lips with his tongue, “we gotta’ stop meeting like this. It seems every time we get together we beat each other up,” said Khendon with mirth.

The Imperator holstered his blaster, pointing at the selector switch that was currently on safety as a sly smile crossed his face. He touched his jaw and winced, he could still hear his heart beating like a tribal drum, a constant droning, and for every measure, there was a reminder of the fiber-composite barrel that had just collided with the fragile bone of his mandible.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 5th, 2003, 09:03:21 PM
Dropping the stolen weapon on the ground, Kyry stuffed her hands in her pockets, her stance nonchalant as she looked at Khendon.

"It's your own fault," she started matter-of-factly, "You were the one who ran up on me with a drawn gun."

She grinned at him though, and stepping forward, pulled a hand from her pocket. Reaching up, she took his one of his hands that was feeling his jaw, and as she pulled it down, leaned up to kiss him lightly on his cheek, mindful of the damage she'd caused.

Khendon Sevon
Sep 22nd, 2003, 06:36:39 PM
Khendon grinned at the kiss and used his other hand to lift his love’s lips to his own. The old Imperial grinned as the two companion’s lips parted one another’s embrace, “To tell the truth,” said the Imperator in a soft, delicate voice, “the entire reason for pulling the blaster was so I could make a show of arresting you,” he made a motion with his head towards his belt and the cuffs attached to it, “I wanted to… uh,” his grin widened further, “detain you in my presence for questioning.”

The former Vice-Diktat was reduced to a defenseless planet ripe for the taking by Kyry’s stare. The founder of the Federacy bit his lower lip and grinned wildly, “I guess my plan failed, eh? We’ll just have to go and eat that candle lit dinner on the shadow basked portion of the planet without fanfare.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Sep 22nd, 2003, 06:48:19 PM
The look she gave him wasn't so much full of anger as it was simply a raised eyebrow and a somewhat mystified stare. His expression was priceless, and Kyry couldn't help but return his grin; it was infectious. And at his mention of dinner, she let the grin widen.

"Fanfare?" she gave him an odd look then, "what in the world would you need fanfare for?"

She supposed she could wait before asking him about her sister; and how her visit went. Lok had sent her a message while leaving Thyferra that she would be visiting Khendon, and Kyry wanted to know how the two had gotten along. Of course what she thought had happened and what had really happened were very, very different. But now, she brushed all thoughts aside as her hand went to his.

"Is something going on that I don't know about?"

Khendon Sevon
Sep 23rd, 2003, 06:55:18 PM
Khendon winked, “Not unless I don’t know about it either.” The Imperator’s devious smile widened and he kissed his love once more before pulling playfully on her hand, “I have an air car waiting for us, uh… I’m driving.”

The former Vice-Diktat gazed into Kyry’s eyes, passion swirling in his own. It had been a long time since he’d last seen his love, too long. Khendon knew he would soon be separated from his beauty, and this fact saddened him, but he didn’t let it show. The young Imperator would break the news to the ravishing woman at his side after dinner and with a glass of wine or two to soften the blow, though, he had an idea…

Kyryanu Sevon
Sep 24th, 2003, 06:02:36 PM
She let him tug her back through the crowds, happy to once more be in his presence. Her hair fell over her shoulders as they walked, and Kyry soon fell into step beside him, grasping his hand with a more firm hold as they navigated through the people littering the streets around them. It'd felt like years since she last saw him, and she hoped that he would be able to find the time to spend more than just a few days with her - as many times over their time spent together was always cut short with either one thing or another. It was a little aggravating at times, but she still accepted it.

Strange, how someone like him could have such an affect on her, and for the first time since losing Curzon Nerrot, she felt close to someone. Legitimately close. She still guarded her feelings, but more often than not she found herself expressing herself fully whenever the two were together.

And now they were. For a while at least.

The corners of her lips curled upwards in a smirk as they stepped over the curb and began o cross the street. "You're driving? ... is there something wrong with mine... ?"

Khendon Sevon
Sep 24th, 2003, 06:22:04 PM
Khendon grinned wickedly, “Well, you now I have an aversion for denting my toys,” he turned towards her and bit his lip, squeezing her hand as they continued walking on. The former Vice-Diktat of the Galactic Empire, former leader of the Guild, former Sith, and current Imperator of the Federacy had had a thrilling life, yet nothing excited him more or caused his heart to explode with passion as much as Kyry’s presence.

The light haired Imperial had been planning on asking Kyry something, something very important. What if she says no? Thought Khendon sudden sobering up. He quickly used all of his will power to shoot down the thought and flood his mind with happy thoughts of where he was going to be that night, and more importantly whom he would be with.

Kyryanu Sevon
Sep 24th, 2003, 06:33:32 PM
A light shove was sent his way, and Kyry rolled her eyes. "I don't dent my ships - and besides. From what I remember, you ran your ship into mine, not vice versa. So don't go blaming me for anything."

Her grip tightened just a little bit, and she leaned up to place a quick kiss on his cheek before patting it lightly with a slim hand. "But that's ok, I forgive you for it. And so did Lok."

Using the mention of her sister as a segway into her desired query, Kyry went on.

"How is she, by the way? I haven't been able to see her that often, so when she told me she was coming to visit you, I figured I'd try to catch her while she was here."

Khendon Sevon
Sep 30th, 2003, 04:38:40 PM
Khendon’s leisurely pace slowed, he peered at Kyry with his silvery-gray eyes, “Uh,” he mumbled, his facial muscles tightening into a confused expression, “are you sure she said she was coming to visit me?” said the Imperator, surprise escaping through his words.

The former Vice-Diktat raked his mind in an attempt to remember the last time S’ilancy had contacted him. She definitely didn’t transmit anything to me, he thought rapidly, but she couldn’t have landed on planet, I would have been alerted… Khendon shook his head lightly and bit his lip, his eyes narrowing in thought.

Kyryanu Sevon
Oct 22nd, 2003, 01:24:12 PM
Now that was odd... his reaction wasn't exactly what she expected, and Kyry narrowed her eyes as she sent a stare up into Khendon's puzzled face.

"Well, she told me she was, and then sent me another message right before she got here... or at least thats what she said."

It wasn't like Lok to lie to her own sister - the two were close, and seeing as how Kyry was Lok's only tie to the rest of the family, it didn't seem logical for the eldest s'Ilancy to outright try and decieve her sister.

But by the tone of surprise in Khendon's voice, it was easy to tell he hadn't been privy to the knowledge that she was apparently planning on seeing him.

Khendon Sevon
Oct 22nd, 2003, 06:28:17 PM
Khendon frowned for a moment as he rolled the words around in his mind, playing with his response before allowing it to slip through his lips and clenched teeth, “well,” he said slowly and precariously, “we could,” he bit his lip for a short moment then continued, “we could postpone the romantic dinner, head over to my office, order some takeout, and file through all of the departure and arrival files…”

The Imperator tightly clenched his love’s hand and his face contorted with worry, What if S’ilancy got in trouble around Omerose space, could I ever forgive myself for it happening right under my nose? Khendon licked his lips, his throat had suddenly become dry and his lips parched.

Kyryanu Sevon
Oct 29th, 2003, 03:53:19 PM
Kyry nodded, feeling as Khendon's hand clenched hers tighter, and coupled with the look on his face, she knew it was a sign that he was generally worried. And his worry was contagious - it spread to her. Reaching up, she patted his chest in an effort to not only somewhat alleviate his concerns, but her own as well.

"I'm not too worried," she said quietly, "I know that if my sister got into any sort of trouble, she got out of it.

"She's pretty good at that you know."

But still, the reassurance was hollow, as Kyry herself feared something had happened. Something that just maybe, Lok couldn't get out of this time.

Khendon Sevon
Nov 5th, 2003, 09:32:00 PM
Khendon let go a breath he had been holding and faintly smiled. He took a moment and studied the woman at his side. The Imperator’s heart leapt forth from his chest as his eyes caught hers and torrents of love radiated from him. “Alright,” he said gently as he leaned in and kissed her lightly, her soft lips driving him crazy, “let’s head over to my office.”

The Imperial tugged lightly on Kyry’s arm and led her towards the air pad. By now the clog that had been caused by #243’s stupidity had been sorted out and people flowed fluidly from the Federacy customs booths.

The skies threatened to open up, but Khendon didn’t care, all he worried about was how the goddess that’s hand he held was holding up.

Kyryanu Sevon
Nov 5th, 2003, 09:47:56 PM
Kyry had only nodded, accepting his kiss gratefully as they made their way to the air pad. Looking upwards, she frowned at the sky, wondering how long it would be before rain started to fall, and with a sigh, she canted her head back down, giving Khendon a sidelong glance. It was easy to see he was concerned about something, but just what it was she couldn't determine. And that was what bothered her. She'd never liked it when he was upset about something, though at this point in time, she herself was also starting to get a little worried.

So caught up in her own thoughts was she that the trip to his office seemed to take no time at all, and Kyry let out a sigh.

"And you're sure you didn't hear anything about her showing up?" she started, the worried tone in her voice easily recognizable, "Not even a customs report or passenger manifest?"

Khendon Sevon
Nov 17th, 2003, 08:53:54 PM
Khendon’s office on Omerose was spacious, but not quite as open as his study. The room contained only a select few creature comforts, one being a thick, plush synth-leather couch. The room was decorated with vivid paintings, one in particular depicting Khendon’s friend and mentor, Darth Viscera, former ruler of the Empire.

Large, arching windows were behind the Imperator’s heavy, dark oaken desk. Crimson drapery hung from the very top of the massive windows and from their vantage, one could see the expanses of the mechanized planet.

The soft light of the fading sun crept into the room as bastions of shadows took hold and multiplied. The contrast between darkness and orange hue was startling and beautiful. All in all, Khendon’s office was perfect for its purpose.

The Imperator smiled as he punched in the commands and the door opened, “We can access any file in the Federacy databases from here… if S’il was on Omerose, we can find the record from my console.” Khendon squeezed Kyry’s hand reassuringly and gently led her into the room, his soft silvery eyes gazing lovingly at her the entire time.

Kyryanu Sevon
Nov 19th, 2003, 07:27:16 PM
Kyry stayed close to Khendon as they walked to his office, and as he led her inside, she let her eyes wander the room's interior - it was beautiful, and she couldn't help the breath that caught in her throat. Her fingers tightened on his hand, and she cast a stare up to him briefly before once more turning back to the room before her. Somehow, Khendon always managed to surprise her every time she saw him - no matter how big or small. And now was no exception. Briefly she wondered if she should tell him, but soon enough she brushed the thought away. It could wait for now.

But as Khendon led her to his desk, she once more focused her attention to him. If she was wrong - god she hoped she was - then there would be nothing about her sister to find. But, if she was right, and Khendon somehow hadn't heard, then Kyry knew something had happened. Something that she hoped could be rectified.

"How long would a search through custom take?" she asked, looking up to Khendon.

Khendon Sevon
Dec 12th, 2003, 06:53:03 PM
Soft shadows created delicate pools on Kyry’s face as Khendon gazed into her lovely jade eyes. A wisp of hair moved in the slight breeze generated by the scrubbed air gently flowing from the nearby vent. The room was like a great void that trapped sound and suffocated it.

The door slid closed with a muffled hiss and Khendon’s world snapped back into focus, he cast his eyes at his feet and bit his lip. The hard, polished, metallic surface of the floor reflected a contorted image of the Imperator and he let out a slight, inaudible sigh.

An unusual, uncomfortable pang formed in the depths of his chest and he looked up, eyes sharp and brow furrowed in concern. Khendon wet his lips and moved closer to the angel that had fallen into his office from the heavens. What’s wrong with me, thought Khendon as he felt hopelessness begin to creep into the back of his mind, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME, he demanded of himself.

With a prolonged breath and an amazing show of self-control Khendon fought back the swelling seas of salt that were welling forth from his soul. The Imperator ran a somewhat shaking hand through his hair and started in a mildly weak voice, “Uh, it could take a few hours, I…” he turned his head sharply away from the vision of beauty and narrowed his eyes, “can we sit? I’m…” he let the last word trail off as he bit his lower lip with great force, his face turning slightly red. A single shimmering tear rolled down his cheek and he blinked away the sting.

Kyryanu Sevon
Dec 12th, 2003, 07:13:02 PM
Almost instantly, concern descend upon her features, and Kyry reached out her free hand - the prosthetic - touching his cheek and catching the tear. It was one of only a handful of times that she'd seen him show such an emotion, and it scared her just a little. It was strange - that in the few times she'd seen tears in his eyes, she'd comforted him, but this time was different. This time there seemed to be such a powerful emotion coursing through him that just by looking at his face she couldn't help but reach out to him.

As the two skirted his desk, she waited as he lowered his frame into its' form, and kneeling at his side, let her prosthetic carress his jawline before coming to rest at the base of his neck over his uniform.

"Khendon - what's wrong?"

I've never seen you this upset...

Khendon Sevon
Dec 12th, 2003, 07:40:39 PM
Each breath came only with great labor. Delicate migrations of solemn, lonely travelers followed the paths that burned across Khendon’s face. The Imperial sobbed openly. Forlorn tones emitted from the man’s delicate, torn lips. “Kyry,” he managed through gulps of air, eyes filled with passion.

“Kyry,” he said again, eyes glistening with a thousand diamonds. “Kyry, I just, just can’t handle it anymore,” the Leader of the Federacy set his jaw, closed his eyes, and with determination stopped his lip from quivering and his hands from shaking. After a few more gasps and sobs it was over, it had passed, it had passed.

Khendon gripped Kyry’s hand, “I have such…” he trailed off again, stifling and fighting back his depression, “I just, I can’t… You’re all I have, Kyry, you’re all I have,” the words slipped from man’s barely parted lips with a tenderness beyond simple love.

Kyryanu Sevon
Dec 12th, 2003, 07:56:08 PM
Tenderness overtook her then - a tenderness hat had not been seen in the middle s'Ilancy daughter for quite some time, and she brought both of her hands to his face, turning his head so that they locked eyes. In hers burned only love - love for a man that she considered to be paramount to everyone else save her family.

Finger gentle on his skin, she let a gaze of adoration fall upon him. With this new show of emotion, she knew he needed every bit of support she could give - and as much good news as could be found. And she hoped her next words would bring him as much joy as they had her.

"No Khendon," she started softly, her eyes gentle, "... I'm... I'm not all you have... "

Khendon Sevon
Dec 12th, 2003, 08:16:06 PM
Khendon’s heart skipped a beat. He could feel his soul swell up and take flight as if it were finally set from its heavy bonds. Soft eyes sought his own, and he greeted them with equal passion. When Khendon spoke, he spoke softly and with care, love weighing each word with emotion that not only expressed what he felt, but helped him come to terms with himself. “Kyry,” he began, “you are the galaxy to me.”

He blinked slowly and chose his words, “The only thing that drives me is my love… my love for you.” Khendon wet his lips and gazed into Kyry’s radiant eyes. “I love you, Kyry… I love you.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Dec 12th, 2003, 08:29:38 PM
She'd never heard him utter those words before, and when he did, her heart stopped. To hear those words from his lips - directed at her - she could only afford him a light smile. And yet, within that small smile was something that couldn't be described by words - something deeper. She let out a shaking breath while rising up just a little to wrap her arms around her neck.

"God Khendon," she whispered, her lips grazing his ear, "... I love you too - I love you more each and every day... "

Silence reigned then, as she felt his own arms encircle her, and she gave his neck a light kiss before whispering once more...

"I love you... Daddy... "

Khendon Sevon
Dec 19th, 2003, 08:15:07 PM
Shallow shadows slowly swayed this way and that. The room was dark by all accounts, that was the way Khendon had always liked it. Each cloud of darkness rotated solemnly in its own protected kingdom, shrinking away from the dim, scattered lighting of the room.

Khendon’s face changed slowly. Muscles contracted and expanded, his face became a complex knotting of confusion. Heavily burdened eyes closed momentarily and then opened with renewed understanding and vigor. Like a ship from the fogs of the sea, it hit the Imperator with the force of a gale. “ Daddy,” tested Khendon, surprise evident on his face.

The furrows and folds of the former Vice Diktat’s face relaxed and a smile broke out. “Kyry,” said Khendon, passion flowing from his eyes and words. A sudden uplifting took hold of Khendon’s stomach and sent it into his chest. “Oh Kyry.” His arms were around her before he even understood the new emotion that had taken hold in him. The embrace was warm and safe, a protected shelter from the rest of the galaxy, full of love.

Kyryanu Sevon
Dec 21st, 2003, 03:36:21 PM
She smiled then, letting out a little laugh at his reaction - a sudden feeling of joy welling up within her chest as his arms went around her, crushing her to his body. It was wonderful being around him - being so close to him; intoxicating almost, even, and Kyry smiled widely. She'd been surprised when she found out, but the shock had ebbed away into excitement, and so her reason for seeing Khendon had been doubled - try to find her sister and tell him the news.

"Surprised... ?"

Khendon Sevon
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:04:40 PM
It was like Khendon had finally taken the first deep breath in his life. Time slowed and warped until it moved no more. The only sensation that the Imperator could feel broke the dams of years and flooded his body and soul, reaching every parched and wanting section of his being. That one vibrant emotion crackled with an unknown energy stronger than hatred, stronger than malice, stronger than contempt, stronger than enjoyment, stronger than pleasure, even stronger than love. This birth, this spring well of power consumed Khendon as the Force could only, but it was not that mysterious art that the dark soldier had studied, nor was it the bloody religion he had once followed, it was different.

At once the images before Khendon sharpened and his mind clasped what he was experiencing. It was as if he had literally touched Kyry’s soul with his own ephemeral fingertips, caressed her with the purest emotion possible. The Imperator clasped his soul mate to his chest, drinking deeply of her love.

The digital clock finally broke its elongated pause and on Khendon’s face grew the grin of a man in the deepest kind of love, a man entirely submerged in passion. The Imperial’s lips formed words and they slipped from his tongue like rose pedals, “you have no idea.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jan 12th, 2004, 07:22:10 PM
"Well good," came the reply, "cause it sure as hell surprised me."

Extricating herself from his grasp, she looked down at him, her jade eyes soft. Almost isntinctly, one of her hands went to her stomach - still flat but starting to expand outward just minutely.

"I guess the other reason I came here, aside from trying to find my sister, was to see how you felt about me maybe staying her for awhile - like - " her voice became low then, and just a little nervous, as trepidation filled her tone and she went on, "... forever... ?""

Khendon Sevon
Jan 13th, 2004, 06:49:23 PM
A delicate veil of deep thought was lifted from Khendon’s mind. Jade gems stared intently at the Imperator and reflected his own silver eyes. Events connected themselves, concepts tied together. I’d been meaning to ask her to move in…

“Well,” he said as a smirk crept across his face, “I guess the imperial palace could use a woman’s touch.” He looked over Kyry again, “on second thought,” he wrapped his arm around Kyry’s waist and leaned in for a kiss, “you’re just as much of a scoundrel as I am… Yet I still insist you stay.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jan 18th, 2004, 11:22:44 PM
"Scoundrel?" sha asked lightly, laughing a little, "I hardly think you're a scoundrel of any kind. If you were, you'd have stubble, clothes that were older than dirt, and a ship that was in dire need of repair. Look at you, you're clean, you wear a uniform, and you have a fleet.

"Not to mention that if you were a scoundrel, you'd spend your time at titty bars."

She gave him a semi-stern look then.

"And you better not be going to any titty bars."

Khendon Sevon
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:13:47 PM
Khendon opened his eyes wide and smirked, “Me?” he asked innocently, “I’m far too busy to go to those things, besides,” he grinned widely, his pearly whites shining in the mild light, “my eyes are only for you.”

He took her hand in his and got down on one knee, his eyes shimmering. “Kyry… if you say no, I’ll be crushed, if you say no… well,” he choked up for a moment then continued, “I love you, you’re the only one I do. I’ve never… Kyry,” he started again, looking down for a moment and composing himself, “Kyry, marry me. Tonight.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:35:30 PM

she hadn't really expected him to want to get married that night, and honestly she would have been happy just living with him. But... he'd asked her to marry him, and his words caused her to catch her breath momentarily.

But only for a few seconds.

"... tonight..."

The thought invaded her like a stampede, but she welcomed it, and looking down to him, his hand engulfing her own as he kneeled before her. Her only answer was in a whisper...

"... Kyry Sevon... "

Khendon Sevon
Feb 3rd, 2004, 08:46:52 PM
Khendon grinned one of his classic smirks, “Well, I don’t have an official ring,” he narrowed his sparkling eyes, “but I think this might do it, for now.” The leader of the Federacy, Vice-Diktat of the Galactic Empire, former Sith warrior, and soon to be father gently removed a single thin silver ring from his finger and slipped it onto Kyry’s.

The ring was unremarkable except for several small clear gems encrusted in it. “It’s nothing special,” mussed Khendon, “it only ensures the safety of the Federacy and security of a future Empire… nothing else.” A very natural, loving smile formed on his face then and he looked deeply in his love’s jade eyes. “Consider them fragments of my heart, always to be yours.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Feb 6th, 2004, 06:52:17 PM
The fact that he wanted to marry her so soon was still somewhat of a shock, and when he slid the ring onto her finger, even though it was just a little to big, she couldnt help the sigh that escaped her lips.

"It's beatiful... "

And then everything seemed to speed up around her once more - time again returned to its normal pace, and her eyes widened.

"We've got to find Lok then," Kyry started, staring into Khendon's eyes, "before anything happens tonight... "

Khendon Sevon
Feb 6th, 2004, 07:11:27 PM
Khendon let out a deep breath and bit his lip, his smile remaining, “Well,” he kissed his bride-to-be’s hand, “we better get started then.”

The day had started out like any other wonderful day. Every event had lead to a romantic night with the two alone, sharing some wine and enjoying one another’s company. Then everything had changed, but it somehow enriched the moment, rather than taking away from it.

A new happiness now filled Khendon. In fact, he was so overwhelmed with pleasure that he almost wished the moment would never end. The Imperator had been buried under Federacy document after Federacy document for so long that he had nearly forgotten what it meant to be with someone he loved so much. It felt good. Amazing. Perfect.

Kyryanu Sevon
Feb 6th, 2004, 07:58:43 PM
She moved closer to the desk, but refrained from touching any of the keys on the console. This was Khendon's territory now, and she didn't want to encroach on anything of his.

She could tell Khendon didn't want to end the moment they'de shared, but she wanted to find her sister. It was important.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 6th, 2004, 08:25:17 PM
Khendon sat, his face quickly changing and revealing his concentration. His fingers flew over the command keys, occasionally his hand jutting up to press an image on the display. Information rolled over the screen as password after password was entered.

After several moments a search screen came up, “Alright, we now have access to the entire Federacy database. Every report, document, file ever stored on a Federacy console or transferred by one of our carriers… every shred of information we’ve ever had is stored here.”

Khendon keyed in a simple word, “S’ilancy.” The screen changed and a status bar appeared, 1%… 5%.

“This could take a bit,” said Khendon gingerly, “I’ll send a message to have my fastest Dirk-class vessel, I believe that is the Grigoras, to warm her engines and prepare to travel at her fastest speed. That way we’ll spare no time once we find S’il’s location.” Khendon brought up an additional window and keyed in a short message, then sent it.

Kyryanu Sevon
Feb 6th, 2004, 08:38:55 PM
Kyry smiled warmly, her eyes going from Khendon to the screen, watching as the bar slowly worked its way towards 100%. It was slow going, but thankfully whenever a file was found with any mention of her sister, it was dumped in an open directory, the title listed in crisp illuminated letters.

One of which caught her eye.

"What's that? Loklorien Iakyn s'Ilancy - inmate #55912568100A (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26215&perpage=20&highlight=xenophobia&pagenumber=1)of Imperial Federal Rehabilitation Center?"

An uneasy feeling spawned within an instant in the bottom of her stomach.

"Khendon - what is that."

Khendon Sevon
Feb 6th, 2004, 08:51:10 PM
Khendon’s heart fell into his stomach and his throat suddenly went dry. “The IFRC,” the Imperator’s face expressed his concern. “Uh,” he started, his eyes darting from the inmate number to Kyry’s face, “it’s… a facility that helps… misguided people. Developed and instituted by my friend and the Vice-Imperator, Piett.”

Khendon shook his head slowly, “I would never have signed those papers if I had known S’ilancy would…” He brought up the attached document and information regarding her circumstances.

Kyryanu Sevon
Feb 6th, 2004, 09:15:57 PM

This wasn't good, and Kyry narrowed her eyes, looking at the screen as Khendon brough up the attached file. It was fairly generic, detailing the arrest and subsequent interrogation of s'Il, and by the end of the report, Kyry couldn't help but feel a little sick. There were attached medical documents as well, and numbly reaching out, she selected one at random.

What opened up before her eyes caused her to take a step back, hands going to her slightly enlarged stomach.

Bone Marrow Extraction

Doctors proceeded with caution. Test subject was known to show erratic behavior so restraints were utilized. Sedation and anesthetics were forbidden by Admiral Piett.

Initial encounter during interrogation yielded that subject was an alien of unknown origin - Lupine. Traits are the ability to morph into a vornskr either at will or as what appears to be an involuntary reaction to the force. It is indeterminate if such a species came into being either through genetic manipulation or by natural evolution.

Marrow extraction was carried out without incident. The level of pain the subject bore was quite intense. She did not scream or beg for mercy however - only a few ‘yelps’ and groans as the procedure was carried out.

Three samples were taken. One from the femur, one from the humorous, and one from the spine. All three have been catalogued and sent to the labs for further analysis.

Marrow Analysis

Marrow was found to possess trace molecules of unknown type. Data is inconclusive as to what exactly the source of such incongruities may be, but further studying should yield acceptable results. What is known is that the trace molecules found are what seems to be a catalyst agent. The marrow itself seems to be more flexible and stronger than normal human bone marrow. Data also indicates that a sort of physical altering characteristic is built into said agent, thus allowing for the ability to change bone structure.

Because of the nature of the marrow, it is recommended that samples of blood, muscle fiber, and tendons be conducted as well to see if there are any similar such catalyst agents spread throughout the body.

"... oh God... "

Khendon Sevon
Feb 6th, 2004, 09:26:28 PM
Khendon looked on with confusion, Lupine…, his mind suddenly felt very clouded. “This can’t be right,” he said slowly, “S’ilancy’s not a… she couldn’t be… I mean, we’d know, wouldn’t we?”

The pleasant world and intense happiness Khendon had built up suddenly came crashing down. His Empire had caused a problem in his personal life, what would he do? What could he do? The Imperator hit a few keys, information on known whereabouts and aliases took up a small corner of the screen.

Kyryanu Sevon
Feb 6th, 2004, 09:37:44 PM
'Yes," Kyry started, her voice suddenly without emotion, "she is a LUpine. Something happened to her on Naboo about a year back - she got bit; or stung... I don't remember. I do remember seeing the result, however.

"She can change into... " what was it Millard had called the thing? "... into a vornskr. She changes into a vornskr.

"And she did it infront of Piett," Kyry pointed up to the report the Admiral had filed, "it says so right there."

Her finger moved then to the recorded date.

"This happened a long time ago... 6 months at the least."

Khendon Sevon
Feb 11th, 2004, 07:52:03 PM
Khendon threw around the idea of S’ilancy being a lupine for a few moments. He studied the data carefully, checking for a discrepancy that would signal hackers. Maybe the report was mixed up and she wasn’t the one it was actually talking about…

The Imperator snapped himself back to reality. No one had hacked his database, and there was no way the report was erroneous, S’ilancy was able to turn into a vornskr, the documents were clear. “So, what now?” inquired Khendon, staring into the deep jade eyes of his bride-to-be.

Kyryanu Sevon
Feb 13th, 2004, 03:35:48 PM
Kyry bit her lip. She had no idea where s'Il could be at this point in time, but given that Khendon wanted to be married before the day was over, something would have to be done. Another few minutes of silence passed between the two before she spoke up.

"It'll take time to find her - time that we don't have. How about we have a private ceremony tonight, then sometime down the road a more public event... ?"

She took a step back from him then, her eyes flitting to the side as she thought, and a hand idly went to rest itself over her stomach.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 17th, 2004, 08:10:56 PM
Khendon drank in the beauty of Kyry at that moment. Vivacious, scarlet hair cascaded around her elegant shoulders. Deep, wild wells of jade dizzied the Imperator with emotion. Her form was so simple yet perfect, every curve just right, every line exactly as it should.

Words played games in Khendon’s mind; sentences formed and fell, ideas grew and were cut short. Kyry had the right idea; she somehow knew exactly what he wanted and how to achieve it. A small, sly grin grew on the Imperator’s face, “You read my mind,” he said, staring lovingly into her brilliant, sparkling eyes.

Kyryanu Sevon
Feb 17th, 2004, 08:42:22 PM
She looked to him then, a shy smile suddenly crossing her lips as she stared at his face and the expressions he made, and her fingers involuntarily curled inward across her stomach.

"It must this thing in here," she laughed lightly, blushing just a little as she looked down, running both hands over her slightly enlarged belly. "It's sending me ESP signals or something."

Looking up to Khendon, she stared into his eyes, jade green locked with silver-grey, and taking a step forward, she leaned in, laying a gentle kiss to his forehead. "So when is this... marraige happening," she whispered, pulling away, "... and where?"

Khendon Sevon
Feb 24th, 2004, 03:55:05 PM
Khendon’s heart ached as his love brimmed over and he was overpowered. His eyes moistened and face turned a hue of crimson. The Force adept threw down his defenses and allowed sacred energies to encompass his mind. The soon-to-be father extended a single, invisible hand to his child and cooed her, felt her presence in the binding powers of the Force.

She… he thought to himself in wonder of what he had discovered, a daughter… I’m going to have a daughter. He caressed her with the extension of his being one more time and thought hard.

“I know just the place,” said the Imperator softly as he shifted his attention to his bride, “you’re going to have to trust me.” A sly, classically Sevon smile crossed Khendon’s face.