View Full Version : The Lost Runaway: Help ahead?

Oen Fray
May 10th, 2003, 09:57:40 PM
Oen blinked a bit as the suns rays pounded down upon the surface of the planet city that was Coruscant. He winced his eyes as the rays hurt them and he moved into the shadows for comfort. He moved silently, his arms wrapping around his shoulders tightly as he looked about, lost, wondering where to go next.

The eleven year old runaway had been wandered the streets of Coruscant for quite some time, but he wasn't a runaway of normal circumstance. No, he wasn't a runaway for the reason of being beaten, of being neglected, no, he was a runaway because he had something. He had a curse. Some would have called it a gift, had he been able to control it. He stopped walking for a moment and then thought about why he was here, why he wasn’t in a room that was richly decorated, where he had toys everywhere, where he was happy...

But no, he could never be happy, never be happy again. Ever since he turned ten, he had experienced disturbances. Whenever he was frightened, whenever he experienced anger, or sadness, even when he was happy beyond believe, something horrible happened, or something scary. Whenever such an emotion occurred, or even when he was just sitting there, things shattered, things fell down when they were secured, or something across the way would be hit by a tremendous force and it would fall. His parents were frightened of him, his sisters, which he loved dearly, didn’t want to be around him at all. And then those whom he called his friends, shunned him.

And not only that, he had visions, things that would happen in the future. He had seen something that had happened days later, saw it in every detail. He then saw some things hours before they happened, and then minutes possibly, then seconds. This frightened him so badly, and when he had told his parents, or friends, they were scared of him, freaked by it.

He was getting tired of it all, and when he actually convinced his sisters that he wasn’t going to hurt them, when he had got them to play with him, to walk around with him in the house, tragedy struck and ended his happiness, for good. Something had happened, one of his sisters scared him, frightened him badly. This had caused a bookcase to fall on his sisters, almost kill them, they were in the hospital for months. It was then that his parents had called in specialists, people that examined him, told him that they could take them back to their ‘institute’ and see what was wrong with him.

It was then that he had decided to run away, to live on the streets. To live on the horrible streets of Coruscant, where he had to fend for himself, pick food out of garbage, try and beg for everything, and he had even reduced himself to stealing, when his curse wouldn’t ruin it for him, wouldn’t get him nearly beaten within an inch of his life.

And now he was here, in this street, which was rather close to one of the flea markets in this rather raunchy area of the Planet City. He narrowed his eyes as he looked up to the sun and then back to the market. He moved across a street and he moved slowly into the market, looking around, trying to keep himself calm as he breathed. He looked about, looking at the shiny things, the blasters that were being sold, then trinkets, and to clothes.

While he looked, he had managed to slip things that he could possibly sell for money into his pocket, and then moved onto the next vendor. But what he didn’t see, was several bullies, who had found a rather easy target, and perhaps due to his rich, yet dirty clothes, thought him to have money. Oen looked about, trying to find a better place that had better things when he saw seconds before, and then felt a hand on his shoulder that lifted him into the air, and he cried out, and it happened again.

As he was frightened, as the man had grabbed him, he had been thrown back into a venders booth, things that were electronic started to freak out, blow up, smoke. Then some things ceased to work as the other men who rushed him were thrown back and Oen moved to cup his hands over his head, as this part of the flea market started to be utterly and completely destroyed.

Sejah Haversh
May 10th, 2003, 10:36:19 PM
Sejah loved flea markets and swap meets. It was one of the few pleasures he had been able to keep when he moved to Coruscant to the Jedi Order. He had grown up poor, and the swap meets were where he found many of his things, and he could afford them back then.

Nowadays, he had a bit more money, but still loved to peruse through all manner of things and find good deals. The brown mongoose could be quite the frugal shopper when he had a mind to be.

So it happened that afternoon that Sejah drove his clunker of a convertible old speeder to the closest flea market and pulled it to a stop between two panel trucks before wandering in to take a look around. All went well, and soon he had a small basket of old music and holovid chips, old books, and a vintage tee-shirt with a cool band name on it. He was about to head over to the electronics portion of the layout when a sudden disturbance hit him.

A disturbance called a couple of flying datapads that struck him in the head and shoulder.

Spinning around, the Nehantite tried to figure otu where the blast came from when he saw it. A young boy in the middle of a radiating Force Wave. Sejah had never seen one before in real life, but it matched the descriptions he had read about. Dropping his bag, the mongoose sprinted over to the area to get a closer look. Three teens went running off, one of them limping, and the other patrons of the flea market backed away slowly, but not Sejah. Though he was not telepathic, he could feel the boy was in pain, scared. Slowly he approached and held out his paw.

"Hey there, calm down now, pal, nobody is going to hurt you," he spoke in a comforting voice. "It's okay, I'm a friend, just, calm down. Are you okay?"

Oen Fray
May 11th, 2003, 12:46:57 PM
Oen still had his hands pulled tightly to his head, he was shuddering a bit, as he opened his eyes, he saw the paw, and then he heard a calming voice. He pulled his hands slowly from the sides of his head and he tried to calm down from those men who tried to grab him. He was curious about the paw, and then he slowly looked up to the...man?...that was standing before him.

His eyes fell to his fur enveloped face, his odd facial features, but as he held his paw out, as he held bags of things, Oen stood up and rushed to him and hugged him quite tightly. He buried his face into his stomach and he closed his eyes, he was still shivering a bit and he spoke in a broken sentence...

.."They...tried..to hurt me! And...My curse...Hurt them...and everyone around!"..

When he realized what he had caused in the surrounding area he seemed to cry a bit as he clinged to the other man for a moment. His black firzzy hair was in stark contrast to the man's brown tunic. He looked up to him, tears trickling down his face..

..."I didn't mean to hurt them...to hurt everyone...Honest! I'm sorry..."

But as he experienced another emotion, his sadness, things around him started to fall, and more things started to shatter.

Sejah Haversh
May 30th, 2003, 02:01:08 PM
Sejah had no idea what was going on, but somehow knew that it was most likely the boy that was causing it. Hoping to calm him down and get him to stop doing whatever it was he was doing, the mongoose held him close like a father would to his son and rubbed his back while he spoke softly.

"There there, kid, come on, nodbody's going to hurt you; you're safe with me now, okay? Just calm down and everything will be okay."

As the boy did not let go, Sejah continued on, "Are your parents here? What's your name, kid? I'm Sejah."

Sejah had dealt with many troubled kids before in his classes, but nothing ever like this. He only hoped his methods could somehow still work.

Oen Fray
Jul 17th, 2003, 02:54:53 AM
Oen inhalled sharply cutting off his cries. He sighed, inhaled and exhaled deeply. He stayed tightly against the..man's..body, afraid that anything else would happen. However, things slowly fell to the ground. And soon enough, there was nothing. No more damage. No more disturbance. At his question, he looked up, his face emotionless..

"I have no parents."

He said sternly. They had tried to get rid of him. he looked up to his face, and then he smiled, grinned even. This man was sure funny looking. What was he? He even laughed a bit, before quieting himself enough to ask a question.

.."What are you? You look...different..."

Sejah Haversh
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:05:57 AM
Sejah rubbed the child's back until he calmed, hoping to make him feel safe, feel wanted. When Oen pulled back and looked up at him, Sekjah smiled, though careful not to show much of his teeth, which might have scared him again.

"I am a Nehantite, a mongoose. What are you, a human?" He asked, hoping to get the boy to think about something as not to dwell on whatever caused the blasts. "What is your name?"

Oen Fray
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:11:01 AM
"Yes...human, I guess. What else would I be? A wookie?...hehe!"

He laughed at his own joke, he found himself quite funny. And to the rubbing of his back, he did calm down, and now he turned around and looked around the area, which he had destroyed. He really felt nothing, just a bit worried that he would be beaten, or hurt.

"My name's Oen...I didn't mean to do all this..I swear.."

His voice began to die a bit..

Sejah Haversh
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:15:18 AM
"It's okay," Sejah assured him, nobody is blaming you. Now, Oen, are you here alone?"

Oen Fray
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:20:03 AM

He replied, thinking about it. He was alone. No one was his friend. But this man in front of him seemed nice to him. He didn't scare him at all..

"..I've been alone for a long time.."

Sejah Haversh
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:26:04 AM
The boy was dirty, his clothes were ragged, and he looked half-starved. Immediately, Sejah felt a cord sturuck with him, for he often looked the same at Oen's age.

Remaining kneeled, the Nehantite nodded that he understood. "I know how that feels," he said in a sympathetic tone. "But don't worry. I know some people who might be able to help you not be alone anymore. But, you must be hungry. You want to go get something to eat, Oen? Anything you want." Sejah's pink eyes were kind, and he smiled at him to show that he was honestly trying to help.

Oen Fray
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:29:51 AM
"Nerf burger! I haven't had one of those in.."

He started to count, and how he was counting, it was so far off. He had counted out loud numbers, to the tune of 6. And then he spoke after finish counting...

..."Months. So yeah, food does seem like a good idea! And who? Friends? Other people...They won't hurt me will they?"

His mind returned to the time that his parents talked about sending him to an institution. What if this place was one, and they wanted to do things to him, to figure out what was wrong. He started to back away from him nervously..

"It's not an institution, is it? Where they try and do things, test stuff on you..."

His voice was grim, it was evident he was afraid.

Sejah Haversh
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:40:32 AM
"No no no!" Sejah replied almost instantly. "Nobody will do anything you don't want them to. Except maybe make you clean your room, but, even I have to do that in my room." Hoping to calm Oen down more, he explained, "I am with the Jedi. I'm still a student, myself, but, they give me a good place to live, food to eat, and clothes and other things if I need them. I'm sure we could figure out something for you, if that's what you want."

Looking Oen in the eye to show he was telling the honest truth, Sejah continued, "But you said you wanted a Nerf Burger, and there is a restaurant not far from here. But, if you don't want to, I can just go away quietly."

Oen Fray
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:44:14 AM

He said. These type of people were glorified by most children. Who didn't dream of becoming one? Wielding a laser sword, defending the innocent, defeating evil! And here, this...Nehoeynitey..was one of them? No way! But upon these thoughts a few things shook loudly, and he calmed himself..

..."Your really a Jedi? I mean really? Do you have a laser sword? Can you prove it to me?! What can you do?"

Sejah Haversh
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:57:12 AM
Sejah was nearly taken aback by the instant change in Oen's attitude once he mentioned the Jedi. Chuckling, Sejah looked down at the ground, then back up at the boy. "Well," he started, "I'm still a student, like I said, so I can't do much. But I do have a lightsaber."

Still not standing Sejah reached to his belt and unclipped the beaten, rugged lightsaber he usually had there. It was old, older than himself, and had seen a lifetime of hard knocks and abuse. By no means was it an elegant weapon, but it still worked, which was a testament to the crafter's dedication, whoever he was.

Making sure Oen stood far enough back, Sejah held the saber out and ingited the blue, glowing blade with a humm. Neatly twirling it in one paw with the ease of a true swordmaster, for that was what he was, Sejah put on a good show. Shutting it back off, he returned the saber to his belt and looked back to Oen. "Convinced, Oen?"

Oen Fray
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:30:57 PM
Oen gasped deeply as he saw the lightsaber blade extended from the metallic hilt. He was awed. He watched as closely as he possibly could as it went back inside the hilt, and then he looked to the furry-man-guy...

"Your a real jedi! And you know other jedi!? Can I meet them? Will I get to be a Jedi!?"

He was happy, beyond anything. And oddly enough things were not flying around hurting people. But slowly some things started to lift, debris off the ground, however, Oen was paying absolutely no attention.

"When do we go?! Now!?"

He had completely forgotten about food.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 19th, 2003, 07:10:30 PM
Takign notice of the levitating objects, Sejah began to understand what was going on. Evidently, whenever the boy had an emotion, it would manifest itself in his surroundings. Keeping that in mind, he patted Oen on the shoulder. "Now, I guess," he agreed, then picked up his bag of purchases again. "Come on, we can take my speeder. But, nobody will be at the order to meet us right now, it's lunchtime."