View Full Version : A new beginning...

May 10th, 2003, 06:26:50 PM
The doors to the recruitment center slid open, and a figure walked in. She was thin, and of average height. She wouldn't have been that remarkable if it hadn't been for the fact she was wearing...slightly revealing clothes. Well, that and the heavy blaster slung from her hip. A spiral tatto decorated her eye, and a dragon ran up her leg.

She stared around the recruitment center, attracting appreciative glances from some of the guys. She was glad she couldn't spot any brown jedi-robes in the immediate vicinity...at least there wasn't a dress code.

Hell, I'm not gonna wear one... she resolved in her head.

She took a seat at a table, idly playing with the vibroknife her brother had given her...before he died.

His words came back to her, words from the grave.

"You have a gift, Rhayne...don't waste it."

With that he had expired, his body spasming as he bled out from a slugthrower wound.

Well, she had a gift, and she had come here to develop it...if they would take her in. A droid trundled by, and she grabbed a drink off of it. Not alcohol, she couldn't have her brain muddled right now. She leaned back in the chair, waiting for somebody to notice her.

Kelt Simoson
May 14th, 2003, 05:38:17 AM
Kelt had been asked to attend to the Recruitment Halls today due to a few of the Recruitment officers being ill and they needed a fast replacement, of course the kind hearted Kelt did not pass up the chance to make someone happy and help. Walking into the recruitment hall Kelt was overwhelmed by just the number of applicants there were and wondered where on earth to begin.

The Jedi Knight searched the hall before coming across a young girl whom he thought he might start with, he approched her with a smile and gently spoke to her in a kind manner.

' Hello young lady may i help you this day?' He said taking a seat next to her.

May 14th, 2003, 11:17:58 PM
Rhayne jerked and looked up, startled. Her vibroshiv was activated and in the defensive position her brother had taught her within a second. She stared into the man's eyes. They looked cold, like ice. She nodded, relaxed, and flashed a smile at the man.

"My name's Rhayne...sir. I'm a former member of the Corusca Dragons gang." she said, motioning at the tattoo on her leg. "I wish to join the Jedi Order. You would be?"

She finished with a question, flicking off her vibroshiv and pocketing it.

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 04:10:47 AM
“This is Kelt,” Dasquian interjected.

“And I am Dasquian. We are both Jedi knights. Tell me, why do you wish to join the Jedi, Rhayne?”

Jun 7th, 2003, 11:51:40 PM
Revenge was the first though to pop into her head, but she squelched it out. She'd long ago dealt with the freaks that had killed her brother.

"Well, Dasquian...I'm sick of killing with no purpose. If there's one thing I've learned from my life with the Corusca Dragons, it's that ganger life is short and dumb. And...my brother knew what I was capable of. I made a promise to him that I'd join the Jedi, right before he bought the farm. Slugthrower wounds are quite fatal from close range...erm, sir." she said. The words sounded strange in her throat. She hadn't spoken to anybody with a note of respect in her tone since she was born.

"And I figure I could finally stop roaming dark alleys at night, sleeping on street corners if I got taken in with you guys." she added, a bit of grim humor slipping through that last comment.

(ooc: Ergh, I can't believe I forgot about this char...o_O)

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 8th, 2003, 07:38:50 AM
“You are joining because you promised another that you would?”

A little concern showed in Dasquians face.

“Do you truly understand what it is to be a Jedi, and want to be one, or are you simply fulfilling a promise?”

Jun 8th, 2003, 08:24:58 PM
"Indeed, I'm joining because I promised someone I would, Dasquian. I made a deathbed promise. Ever since then, that promise has fueled a determination in me, a fire within. I'm not just joining because of somebody else's wish."

She sighed. She knew this wouldn't be easy.

"I truly want to be a Jedi. I'm tired of killing, and trying to scrounge for life day after day. I've seen things you wouldn't ever believe, sir. Do you know what it's like to watch somebody jumped by 5 men with vibroblades? It happened to one of my best friends. We couldn't even find enough of him afterwards to bury."

She took a sigh and stepped towards the jedi, staring directly into his purple eyes.

"Jedi Dasquian, I'm tired of taking lives away. I wanna finally give something back, and maybe make a difference. If I can, for just one day do something beneficial, it'd make my life worth something again."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:08:15 PM
“And you understand that as a Jedi you will almost certainly have to face danger? We are not loved by all – some set out with the tent of harming or even destroying us for their own purposes…”

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 16th, 2003, 12:45:29 PM
Rhayne nodded.

"Every day of my life has been dangerous, Jedi. I'm not afraid of danger anymore."

She took a step back and muttered under her breath: "Well, that was fething wonderful." Bringing her face back up to normal volume, she looked at Dasquian again.

"So, sir, am I in or are you gonna have the bouncers toss me out?" she asked, nodding towards Lochabre and The Shambler.

(ooc: Just imagine it's Rhayne, I'm tired...:lol)