View Full Version : Step 2: Learning to let go of Hate (Alpha)

May 10th, 2003, 07:47:51 AM
Ebony walked into the Training room, knowing that she needs to continue her training or risk slipping back to the Darkside. Her first step is completed. She's approached the Jedi and joined their ranks. Now comes the harder step. Letting go of her Hate for Jedi. That one will not be easy since it was Jedi who killed her parents. But she will let it go. She will succeed at becoming a Jedi, not because she promised her daughter that she would, but because it is the right thing to do.

She's had numerous encounters with her former Master, Lord Gareth. He had been trying to get her back to him. But she refused. The most recent encounter didn't go all that well since they both had drawn their lightsabers and were in a fight for a short while. Up until she had put a stop to the fight by retreating. She knows the way he works and she is not going to fall prey to one of his traps.

She currently has her lightsaber hooked to her black belt that she's wearing. Her belt is dark enough that it blends right in with her black fur.

She had requested this time for training. The training room is practically empty right now due to the late hour. But she will train today, and tomorrow, and every other day until she's broken her old ways completely. Then maybe, someday, she will have a child again. One that she can raise as a Jedi and see her grow in the ways of the Jedi. But until that day, she is but a child to this way of life, and she needs to grow. But she can not grow anymore until she lets go of her hate.

May 10th, 2003, 08:46:55 AM
Satine gives a little yawn as he walks into the empty room. Spying Ebony almost immediately, Satine taps into the Force for a boost quickly, and then walks over to his Padawan.

"Ah, welcome back. I heard you wanted to train tonight." He smiles. "So, how've you been?"

May 10th, 2003, 10:14:06 AM
Ebony bows slightly as Satine approaches her.

"Greetings Master. Yes, I do wish to train tonight."

Ebony, after a moments pauses answers Satine's question.

"I have been doing well for the most part. Lord Gareth has been trying to get me to go back to him, but I keep refusing. He got fed up enough that he decided to trick me into using the Darkside again. He drew his saber on me and attacked. I fought back for a short while before retreating.

I do not trust myself to fight for to long without using the Darkside."

Ebony takes a deep breath before she continues to speak.

"I have decided that I need help on several things, not just learning the ways of the Jedi. I need to learn to stop hating the Jedi."

May 10th, 2003, 07:53:59 PM
Satine considers the request.

"That will not be an easy task...First, I need to make sure I know why you hate us."

May 10th, 2003, 07:58:22 PM
Ebony takes a deep breath, knowing that she has told Satine before why she hates Jedi, but she will tell him again.

"I hate Jedi because it was Jedi that killed my parents when I was younger. When I was just a child. Shortly after that, Lord Gareth took me in as one of his apprentices and worked on the hate that was already there, getting it so I hate the Jedi even more. I believe he just wanted to reassure himself that I would not leave him and go to the Jedi like I have now.

And yes, I know it will not be an easy task."

May 10th, 2003, 08:31:03 PM
Satine nods.
"I know you've told me that before, but I wanted you to repeat it, so I could make sure." He gives a wry smile. "My mind ain't what it used to be."

His face going serious, he begins to pace.

"Hate is one of the hardest emotions to let go of, you know. You need to be prepared to deal with the loss completely, even down to forgiveness, before the hate will completely leave you. and you must try to unlearn that which your former master taight you."

May 11th, 2003, 09:18:25 AM
"Nobodys minds is what it used to be.

I do not like to admit this, but I don't know how to unlearn what I've been taught from when I was a child. But if you are willing to teach me and help me, then I am willing to learn."

May 12th, 2003, 10:18:49 AM
"I'm willing to help." And Satine smiles. "There really is no set way to teach someone to unlearn something. For instance, the way to unlearn a n automatic reaction, you would train to react differently to the same thing happening. I think we might be able to do the same here."

May 13th, 2003, 07:53:33 AM
Ebony nods her head as Satine is talking. She just waits for Satine to start training her in this manner since that is what she is here for.

May 13th, 2003, 03:11:13 PM
"Now, one other thing I need to learn. How does your hate spring up? Do you react whenever someone mentions the Jedi, or does it stay there?"

May 14th, 2003, 01:29:52 PM
"Most of the time, whenever a person mentions anything to do with Jedi, I feel like hissing at them. But I don't. My hate is also constantly there, and I feel it more when I am around Jedi."

Ebony answers truthfully.