View Full Version : Getting Attention (Open to a Jedi, Fight)

Vice Hazzard
May 10th, 2003, 01:08:05 AM
Vice threw off his cloak and took out his staff. Twirling it in his hands he hit the first pedestrain to pass by, knocking the businessman to his knees. It caught gasps and screams as people scattered. Well, he had gotten some attention. Raising the staff he swung it towards the man's head...

OOC - Eh, not the greatest set-up, but I'm just wanting a simple fight with a Jedi. Any rank, doesn't matter. If I lose, I lose. Just help the poor, helpless man. :)

Agden Ithrin
May 10th, 2003, 02:53:15 AM
If Agden had been able to hear, he imagined he would have been currently hearing the sound of a man screaming. The Force had guided him quite conveniently to the scene of a man about to club in a civilian’s skull with a staff of some kind. Frowning, the Zabrak fumbled at his waist until he found a long, slim hilt. With it gripped tightly in two hands, he simply ignited the beams and began to walk towards the man, whom he could only guess – accurately, no doubt – was a Sith.

Vice Hazzard
May 10th, 2003, 11:10:37 PM
Vice paused as he felt a presence and heard the snap-hiss of a Light Sabre.

"Seems I have company."

He looked down at the cowering man and kicked him.

"Go on before I change my mind and kill you as well," he said with a sneer. The man took his advice and ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

Turning now, holding his staff in front of him, he smiled broadly.

"My, you're ugly. Perhaps I can pound out those horns of your's and help you out."

Agden Ithrin
May 11th, 2003, 05:08:45 AM
He hadn’t expected anything less than blatant arrogance and pomp, and that was exactly what he’d go. Silently, the Zabrak wondered if this Sith would be all bark and no bite. Agden didn’t respond to the bait, but instead stopped and set himself into a defensive stance, with the two beams of the blade angled diagonally over his body is a loose guard.

Vice Hazzard
May 13th, 2003, 02:02:59 AM
"Can't you speak? Or are you too frightened to?" he said smugly, arrogantly, and the list went on.

Arrogance was something Vice had, though it was only skin deep. Underneath he was constantly in fear and had no confidence to speak of.

"Answer me you ugly bastard!" he screamed, the knuckles of his hands turning white as he gripped his staff harder.

Agden Ithrin
May 13th, 2003, 12:17:48 PM
Watching the man getting riled up over so little was amusing, to say the least.

“… Y’get angry quick don’t ye?”

Agden’s lips turned up into a faint smile.

Vice Hazzard
May 13th, 2003, 11:29:25 PM
Vice's eye's became slits as he squinted in anger.

He put away his staff and fumbled with a lightsabre, single bladed. Thumbing it on, his fury became unleashed. Though there seemed nothing big to anger him, Vice acted as if his mother had been killed in front of his eyes.

"Aaaargh!!!" He yelled as he charged and swung at the Jedi's neck with little thought to his safety, or to the double blade's of the enemy.

Agden Ithrin
May 14th, 2003, 12:15:41 PM
Almost a direct parallel to the Sith, Agden acted with complete control and concentration as he followed through his training drills – raise the upper blade and guard his body with the lower, adjusting his footing accordingly. One the shot was blocked it wouldn’t be long, he wagered, before the Sith drew back for another swing, and thus he pushed his weight forward into shoving Vice away.

Vice Hazzard
May 18th, 2003, 01:38:29 AM
Vice toppled over but went into a tumble that saved him. He came up to his knees and raised his free hand, using one of the only powers he knew. All his anger, accumulated through all of his life, was sent into a Force Push. One the downfalls of Vice was the fact he channeled all of his hate into each attack. The toll on his body and his mind was taxing to say the least, and over time he was paying the price.

OOC - Sorry for the slow reply. Thanks for the edit TTT. Reminded me. :)

Agden Ithrin
May 19th, 2003, 05:03:52 AM
The push caught Agden off guard, and for a moment he lost his footing – tripping over himself as he was knocked backwards. The twin-saber became a disadvantage in this situation, as he had to free one hand to get his balance and thus the movements of the two blades became erratic. None the less he managed to regain composure without scathing himself.

“That all y’got?”