View Full Version : Bad company (Reedemer and co.)
May 10th, 2003, 12:26:32 AM
The night was young. With the sun just barely rising above the horizon, the moon ahd already begun it's climb into the sky. The planet he was on was a quiet one. A few towns scattered here and there. It was in one of these towns that Malice sat within it's tavern. Drinking some sort of strong liquor he had never heard of before, he awaited his expected guests.
Malice had recently sent out a dozen men to look for the one known as Reedemer. A vampyre woman. That one, singular word sent waves of angry emotions up and down Malice's body. How he loathed Vampyres to the point of being sick at the sight of them. Being what he is, his kind had never really gotten along with Vampyres.
Then again, his newest found hatred was when his sister, Syndell had been turned into a vamp a while back. His spies had seen one night the company that Syndell had kept. It would seem that his sister loved to make friends. Friends that he ended up hunting and killing. These would fair no better.
And so, the dark sith master waited for the vamp.....and maybe the others that were there that night to show. He would give them no mercy.
May 11th, 2003, 11:17:56 AM
Redeemer grasped the sword at her side, breathing heavily. With a toss of her head, her white hair flipped over her shoulder and her white eyes stared at her victim. A pathetic drug dealing thug. Luckily for her, he had no trace of drugs in his blood when she fed.
'The world won't miss you.' She thought to herself. Looking around quickly, she heard footsteps coming towards her in the alley way. Putting the sword away, she reached for her twin blasters and aimed them into the shadows. She knew it wasn't any of the Bloodpack, she knew their signature scents.
"Show yourself." She called out.
A minute passed before someone stepped out from the dark. The figure was swathed in dark clothing and Redeemer could not see their face.
"I've a message for you, Redeemer." He hissed.
Redeemer, keeping her blasters trained on him, raised her eyebrow and smirked.
"How do you know I am Redeemer?"
"You and the others have made a name for yourselves on this planet...and others. Everyone knows who you are."
"Fair enough." Redeemer said. "What message is this you are to give me?"
"Someone wants to meet you." The figure cackled. He went on to tell her where she was to go, making sure not to tell her who it was who wanted to meet her.
"Who wants to meet me?" Redeemer asked, growing impatient.
"Do not worry about that. Just" The figure coughed and then stepped back into the shadows.
Redeemer stood there, her blasters still aimed wondering what just happened here. She shook her head, curiousity getting the better of her. Reaching out to the other Bloodpack members, she let them know where she would be, to keep close, she may need back up.
Quinlin Torr
May 11th, 2003, 01:14:29 PM
He was the closest to the place. He heard Redeemer announce where she was going, and he came. Walking in, he headed straight for the bar. Sitting down, he ordered a red wine and waited for the others. Wanting to know whom it was that asked to meet Redeemer and the "pack".
May 11th, 2003, 04:57:33 PM
Through the force Malice could sense them. He could sense the death, and darkness around each and everyone of them. Yes, one by one they were coming. And soon, very soon, all of them would be right where he wanted them to be. His plan of revenge was working perfectly.
*One more of these bartender*
Malice called out. He didn't care if the vamp fellow heard him or not, for he knew they did not know who he was so it wouldn't matter at all. But, very shortly they would know. And they would regret ever meeting him.
May 11th, 2003, 06:26:01 PM
Ice walked into the club, his senses immediately finding Quin at the bar. He smiled, then took a long look around the club. He was curious to know who had sent out a message to Redeemer. He was not getting a good feeling about this.
Walking to Quin's side, he ordered a drink, then turned around to lean against the bar, keeping his eyes open.
"I do not like this, Quin." He said, paying for his drink. "Redeemer should not be coming here tonight."
Quin gave him a look as if to say 'you're going to stop her?' and Ice shook his head. She was his lifemate. Anyone dared to touch her, even dared try and take her away from him, they would have him to deal with, as well as the rest of the Bloodpack.
May 12th, 2003, 02:09:40 AM
Redeemer came upon the entrance to the club, stopping infront of it. She sensed Quin and Ice there already and she smiled. So protective they were. She adjusted her trench coat so she could easily reach her weapons if need be and took a deep breath, opening the door and stepping through.
Her eyes quickly scanned the club thoroughly, trying to pick out who it was who had sent for her. Her eyes landed briefly on a brooding man sitting at a table sipping a drink. Eyebrow raised, she watched him for a moment longer, then stepped into the middle of the crowd on the dancefloor. Someone had reached out for her to try and dance with her, but Redeemer shook him off with a thrust of her arm and walked to the other side of the club.
Redeemer nodded at Ice and Quin, taking up a booth near the back entrance. If someone was going to try and kill the Bloodpack, better to have them scattered out instead of together. She slid her trench coat off to reveal her bare arms and rested one foot up on the seat, waiting.
Epona Rhi
May 12th, 2003, 02:18:39 AM
Epona was leaning against the wall outside. She seen Ree go in and decided to wait there. If anything happened, she would be in there in a heartbeat.
May 12th, 2003, 04:39:39 AM
Malice continued his drinking. Another tremor within the force, alerting him of yet another bloodsucker had arrived. Turning, Malice scowled at the sight of both men. They reeked of death. Normally Malice enjoyed the decayed smell. But not when it poured off of Vampyres.
Then it happened. The one he was waiting for. Reedemer had finally arrived. Though he expected them all to be vampyres, the dark sith also sensed another darksider standing by the door outside. It seemed she was with them as well, for her presense too reeked of death. The king of death that could only come from the darkside.
Opening himself up to the force, he reached into Reedemer's mind.
(Greetings Vampyre. So nice of you to come. Please wont you join me. I am in the corner)
As the lady vamp looked his way, Malice made a simple nod of his head. Now, the games would begin.
May 12th, 2003, 08:38:57 AM
'Greetings Vampyre. So nice of you to come. Please won't you join me. I am in the corner.'
Redeemer sought him out, her eyes connecting with his. The brooding man, she should have known. Before moving from her booth, she looked over at Quin and Ice, both of them watching her carefully.
'Here we go, Boys and Girls. Let the games begin.' Redeemer sent out.
Slowly getting out of the booth, she kept her eyes trained on the man. Walking past Quin and Ice, she reached out to touch each of them on the shoulder as she passed, but was stopped by Ice. She turned to look at him and he smiled, kissing the back of her hand. Squeezing his hand in her's she turned back, continuing to walk towards him.
'You seem to have me at a disadvantage.' Redeemer sent, standing infront of his table. 'You know who I am, but I do not have the...pleasure...of knowing who you are.'
May 12th, 2003, 02:40:36 PM
'You seem to have me at a disadvantage.' Redeemer sent, standing infront of his table. 'You know who I am, but I do not have the...pleasure...of knowing who you are.'
Hearing this Malice chuckled to himself.
*In due time my'lady. You shall find out who i am. Or, i can just show you*
Entering her mind once more, this time though he had to force his way in a bit. Imgaes began flashing within her head. Mostly, images of Syndell, and him with her. After that it was quite easy to put the pieces together. Stopping his mental show, Malice motioned for her to sit.
*But since it is a name you are looking for, then you shall find it. I am Malice.....Malice Draclau*
With that he stopped. He would wait till he heard what she had to say.
May 12th, 2003, 03:58:33 PM
Redeemer raised her eyebrow at the images playing in her mind, courtesy of Malice. The realization that he was Syndell's brother hit her and she turned her full gaze upon him. She remembered Syndell quite fondly and had to smile.
"Now that the pleasantries have been exchanged, Malice," Redeemer said, reaching for a chair. She turned it around to where she straddled it and her arms crossed over the back of it. She looked at Malice, her eyes searching his. "Why have you sent for me? Has this anything to do with your sister? Is she ok?"
Redeemer reached out mentally for the others, glad that they were there and quite alert to what was going on. A quick glance back told her that Ice and Quin had moved closer to their table. She sent for Epona, asking her to make her way into the club. Something wasn't sitting right with her about this whole thing. She hoped she was wrong, but it was better to be prepared than not. She looked back at Malice, grinning suddenly.
"Why do I have the distinct impression your name fits you perfectly, Malice?"
May 13th, 2003, 01:59:55 AM
"Now that the pleasantries have been exchanged, Malice," Redeemer said, reaching for a chair. She turned it around to where she straddled it and her arms crossed over the back of it. She looked at Malice, her eyes searching his. "Why have you sent for me? Has this anything to do with your sister? Is she ok?"
Watching as she sat down, Malice listened with a smirk on his face to her words.
*Ohhh this meeting as somewhat to do with her yes. As for if she is can only assume*
Taking a sip from his drink, the sith master couldn't help but laugh at her last comment to him.
"Why do I have the distinct impression your name fits you perfectly, Malice?"
*Ha, well my name was given to me for a reason. Why.....would you care to find out why*
He asked in a tone that would resemble that of a child who was hiding a dirty secret. Through the force he could sense the other's moving closer to them. He didn't care. Inwardly they were laughing. For he knew that once the main part of his little game had begun, all of them would not be safe.
May 13th, 2003, 09:24:37 AM
Redeemer looked at him as everything fell into place. She smirked, turning to look back at the others. She winked at them, then cut all their connections with her as she looked back at Malice with a grin, her fangs gleaming from the lights of the club. Ice was trying his hardest to link with her, but she slammed the walls up around her mind, blocking anyone and anything from getting in.
"You seek to try and kill myself and the Bloodpack, do you not?" Redeemer asked, slowly getting up from the chair. She moved it out of the way and then leaned against the table, her hands flattened. The smirk on Malice's face was answer enough.
Redeemer pulled away, turning to face the crowd. She let out a hiss and bared her fangs. She got the affect she wanted. Screams errupted and patrons rushed to exit the club to get away. Within a few minutes, the club was empty except for the Bloodpack and Malice.
Epona Rhi
May 13th, 2003, 11:49:32 AM
Leaning against the wall, she jumped as the first group of people came screaming out of the doors. Something was going down and thats when she got the 'call' from Ree. She ran in as there was a spacein the groups running out. She seen Ree standing facing a seated man, and Quin and Ice were against the bar. She ran up to Ree's side and stopped. Oh Frak! she thought. Not this guy again. She looked at him and then to Ree.
"Ree, I know this fellow here. And whatever the reason he's here isnt a good one."
She looked him up and down again. Hasn't changed a bit since last they met. She tapped her fingers on her saber hilts as she looked at him.
"Dont they give you playmates back home?? Why have you called my friends here? "
May 14th, 2003, 09:19:24 AM
Ice watched as the club cleared out and Redeemer stood there with Malice. He did not like this one bit and was more than pissed off that Redeemer cut any link with her.
'What the frell was she thinking?' He thought. Redeemer had been acting funny since the night Epona was healed by one of the Elders. He shook his head, now was not the time to think about that.
Ice looked over at Quin, then at Epona as she ran into the club, coming to Redeemer's side. His eyebrow raised, watching as Epona recognized him.
"Interesting." Ice whispered.
Quinlin Torr
May 14th, 2003, 09:24:05 AM
Quin replied to his friend as he too viewed the spectacle. He looked over at Ice and arched an eyebrow. Sipping his drink again, he sat there calm, yet alert. He didnt know what to expect from all this and he didnt like how it sat with him. And could tell Ice was feeling the same way too.
May 14th, 2003, 08:40:37 PM
Watching as she stood and cleared the room, Malice merely stood as well. Once all were gonce, except for the ones he had come fore. Malice slowly, and calmly took off his robes, putting them across the back of his seat. His head canted to the side a bit as Epona came in. He recognized her, as did she with him. Her words made him laugh a bit though.
*Yes they do. But they never last long. I always end up......eating them*
With a sly grin, he looked at Ree.
*So, i take it you now know then why i have come. You had made the mistake of introducing yourself to my sister. For that you will pay*
Malice reached his hand down, hovering it over his saber as if to ignite it.
*I will kill her oneday, but for now i want her to spend eternity alone. And to do that, i must get rid of all those she has met over the years. Sadly it had to be the two of you*
Through the force, he spoke to Ree. For she had not blocked him out, but only the others.
(Your friends i care not for. But should they get in my way. I am not responsible for what i do)
Without waiting for a response, Malice decided to get the ball rolling. In one fluid motion, he thrusted the hand he had over his saber upwards. Sending out a strong force push as he did so. The sith master watched as Ree and Epona went flying backwards. Would they land on their two feet, or backside was a bet he had made with himself. Either way, before dawn would come, none of them would leave here unscathed. If they left at all.
May 15th, 2003, 12:17:13 AM
Standing outside of the premisses, The cloaked figure waited. She felt the use of the darkside and something beyond that. Whomever it was to decide war on the BloodPack made an unwise choice. Her father had sent her and possibly one more to come to the aid of her force lacking group. This new enemy would find out the hard way. She decided to wait a bit more to see how her family fared against this one. Slim fingers crackled with energy as she anxiously waited.
May 15th, 2003, 08:23:02 AM
Redeemer flew against the wall, landing with a 'thud' as her back hit it. She fell to the floor, landing on her hands and knees. Slowly lifting her head up, she let out a deep growl, her eyes turning their shade of white and her fangs lengthened. Standing, she reached behind her and pulled out her sword, grinning as the 'shink' from it echoed in the empty club.
She took a step forward, tilting her head to the right and watched him for a moment.
"Nice, I must admit." She laughed. Redeemer quickly dematerialized, appearing infront of him in a blink of an eye. "Boo!" She hissed.
Malice raised his saber to strike her down, but she brought up the sword to block the humming blade and he stared at it.
"Specialized metal...can withstand any lightsaber." Redeemer said, thrusting the lighted blade away from her face. "I must thank you for sending for me when you did. I was growing bored!"
Still holding onto her sword, Redeemer turned sideways to face him and then let out a yell as she kicked, her heeled boot connected with his chest, sending Malice flying over the table he had occupied. It crashed under his weight and Redeemer took a few steps back to distance herself.
May 15th, 2003, 02:29:26 PM
Malice also landed with a thud. The heeled boot nearly puncturing his chest. Laying there, Malice took his time getting up. All the while, a smirk rested upon his face. When he stood, he looked at Ree, and at the rest of the vamps.
*Yes well, i wouldn't want you to get bored now would i*
Using force speed, he arrived on Ree's left side in a matter of seconds. With a whisper he spoke to her.
*Your not the only fast one child. Now, feel the power of the darkside*
Thrusting both hands out at her body, Bolts of force lightning shot out. Covering her body in blue energy as she was ravaged by the lightning. Malice would not stop his attack, he would keep going till she was fried.....or burnt whichever came first. He would make them sorry they ever agreed to come here.
Quinlin Torr
May 15th, 2003, 09:28:54 PM
Once the force user unbalanced the scale on Redeemer, Quin was right behind him. That was the thing with force users. When they attacked or defended, they had to concentrate. Which gave him an open window. He pointed his gunblade at his back and fired. The impact sending this being forward. Quinlin stood there with the gunblade still pointing in the general direction of the thrown sither.
Epona Rhi
May 15th, 2003, 09:31:19 PM
Epona ran over to Ree and helped her up. She was watching Malice moving slowly on the floor after Quin's attack, knowing it didnt really do much but probably get the demon miffed.
"Ree! Comon! we gotta get out of here while we can, I faced him before, he's not what he seems!! "
Epona was getting anxious as Malice began to get up.
May 16th, 2003, 12:16:13 AM
Redeemer slowly stood, reaching for her sword as she did so. Looking at Epona, she smirked and then said,
"I do not run, Sister. This is a fight intend to finish."
She lifted her sword above her head and ran back over to Malice, letting out a yell. Before she got to him, she disappeared again and materialized behind him. She jumped onto his back, wrapping her legs around his waist, holding on with one arm. She grinned, leaning closer to whisper in his ear.
"I like your style, Malice. Its a shame we have to kill each other."
May 16th, 2003, 12:20:14 AM
Watching Redeemer, he felt his blood boil at the sight of her wrapped around the Sith. Jealousy flooded him, as no man should ever touch her, as she should never touch another.
"Redeemer," He called out, walking closer to them. "Let us fight this monster."
Redeemer looked up, glaring at him. Things have not been the same between them for awhile now and he was growing weary of it. Ice reached for his own sword as he, along with Quin and Epona stood infront of Malice, waiting for him to make his next move.
May 16th, 2003, 10:52:06 PM
Malice flew forwards, landing once again with a thud onto the bar floor. Though the gunblade did not injure him badly, it did have a kick in it. As Malice's backside stung like hell. When he finally got up, Ree had disappeared. Reappearing behind him, she jumped onto his back. Wrapping herself around him.
"I like your style, Malice. Its a shame we have to kill each other."
With a slight smirk he replied.
*I aim to please my'lady*
Malice was about to counter her move, when he had heard the others speak to Ree.
"Redeemer,Let us fight this monster."
Staring at the three infront of him, he grinned.
*Now, now wait your turn. You'll all die soon enough*
Drawing upon the force, Malice began chanting in an ancient language.
*An-al-nathrak muug hud devere. estios nugata. pyreo kenkatsu*
As he spoke these words, A wall of fire rose up from the bar floor. Seperating Ree and Malice, from her allies. Once this was done, he gripped onto her single arm she held around him.
*You have quite a strong grip there Vampyre*
Malice had to admit. These creatures were strong. But even so, the force would show mercy to no one. Enhancing his strength, Malice was now able to match her poweress. Pulling her arm free, Malice managed to violently free himself from the rest of her grip. Her legs fastly swung away from around his waist, up and over his shoulders. Only to land hard on the bar floor. Malicehad flipped her off of him.
Backing away, a maniacaly stare followed Ree's every movements as she began to stand back up.
*You should have listened to your sith friend and run away like the coward you all are. Now it's too late. You will die. And your friends shall feel my wrath as well*
It was time Malice stopped fooling around. The darkside made a dramatic increase within the bar. As Malice was now concentrating on the dark energy. He would show Reedemer just what she was up against. What they all would be up against. Then, then they would be sorry. Sorry they had ever become vampyres.
May 16th, 2003, 11:30:25 PM
A musical voice was heard from the doorway. A shadow only from the flames glow.
" Un shadah heza mul !! "
And the flames died down and the figure stepped up. and pointed to the Sith warrior.
"I am Izabell, Daughter to Danae, Sith witch of the BloodPack! Who are you who dares declare war on the purebloods of Khar Sian!?"
She stood there dark energy crackling from her fingers. Her eyes hard and ice blue.
Epona Rhi
May 16th, 2003, 11:45:32 PM
"Who the frell?!"
She asked aloud as the young woman walked in and spoke some weird language. Just as Malice ahd done. By the gods, Malice has just decalred war on them and they didnt even know why. All they knew it had to do with his sister they ran into a while back. She didnt even stay long enough to become friends, just up and left before they could get to know her. Man was this demon mixed up. With all the hate he harbored for everything its a wonder he hadnt consumed himself with it to just disappear all together. Which wasnt a bad idea to her. The freak.
May 18th, 2003, 01:57:51 PM
*Who am i? WHO AM I!!!!! you'll soon find out witch. I WILL CRUSH YOU ALL!!!!!*
Malice voice boomed over all of them with aid of the force. As the darkside continued to grow within and around him, he was finally ready. A black sphere enveloped his body. Covering him head to to with dark energy. It would act sort of like a fore shield while he was changing. Though it had only taken a few moments before the black sphere began to shrink. Going back into Malice's body.
But, as the sphere was gone, they no longer stood staring at the Malice they had just started fighting with. No, instead, they now stared at an 8ft tall blue demon. His skin was as hard as armor. His teeth and nails grew long and dagger sharp.
A pari of deadly wings grew out of his back. Along with it, was a whip like tail. With saliva dripping from his mouth, the demon sith master stared at the vamps, the sith, and their fellow witch. In a low, rumbling voice he spoke out.
*I am Malice Draclau. Demon Sith master. Since the begining of time my kind has hated all Vampyres. And you all will now fel my power*
Though Malice had grown huge, his speed as some would expect had not suffered at all. He was without a doubt even faster now then in his human form. And just like the dark witch, lightning bolts danced along his massive frame. Black force lightning jumped from one arm to the other. Then doen to his legs, only to scatter across his body and repeat the same thing over.
Malice was ready to fight now. Though he would have to hurry. As one downside to being in this form, within about 30 minutes or so he would go berserk. Loosing all sense of sanity and reason he would be like a mindless killing machine. Attacking any and everyone without care.
May 18th, 2003, 02:36:55 PM
Ice's eyebrows nearly shot off his forehead as he watched Malice change into his true form.
"What the fu--" He said, his jaw going slack. He looked over at Quin. "What the frell are we suppoesd to do now?" He called out.
Looking around, he nodded to the newest addition of the Bloodpack, watching as Ree eyed her cautiously. He caught Ree's eye, quickly smiling at her as they all moved to stand with each other as a group. Ice looked at them, one by one, then said.
"I think it would be wise for us to hit him all at once."
Epona Rhi
May 18th, 2003, 02:56:14 PM
Epona began backstepping slowly. They weren't ready to face this, none were. But now comes another bloodpack member, one who can use the darkside as well as Malice. Even with the rest of the group the arena would just be a stalemate she gathered. Malice asn't one to trifle with, but then again, neither was these warriors. She stopped her slow retreat when Ree looked at her. Ree could see the fear behind Epona's eyes. Which spoke of experience where this deamon was concerned.
But she didnt want to disappoint her friend, so she pulled out her twin sabers and ignited them.
"Im with you to the end Ree."
Quinlin Torr
May 18th, 2003, 02:57:55 PM
"You gotta be kriffing me...
Quinlin said in shock. Ice was right though, a concerted attack was wise a choice.
May 18th, 2003, 03:11:21 PM
Redeemer let out a deep, shaky breath as she looked at the group. She could tell they were all scared, frell, even she was scared. She'd rather face the Reapers than this monster infront of them.
Accepting the probability that she wouldn't be walking out of the club tonight, she fastened her sword back into it's place on her back and reached for her twin blasters. She tried to hide her shaky hands, hoping no one else had noticed.
Redeemer looked at Ice, offering him a small smile as she watched his hold tighten on his sword. Turning back to look at Epona, she let one blood tear fall from her eye.
"It was nice knowing you, My Sister." Redeemer said proudly. Before anyone could say anything, Redeemer began blasting at Malice, charging in closer to him, hoping to somehow save her family, even if it meant her death.
May 18th, 2003, 08:24:28 PM
Malice watched as they all began to regroup. Bunching up together, he snarled and began to slowly head towards them. Then, without warning, Ree charged forwards, blasters firing away. In a flash he called his duel bladed saber to him. Igniting both sides, Malice movements were quick to counter shot after shot. Though he had made one miscalculation with one of his slices.
Just an inch lower then where it was suppose to be. The blaster bolt wizzed past his blade, striking him in the upper left arm. A sorch mark was now present on his blue hard skin. Even a small dot of blood could be seen if looked very carefully. Holding his arm, Malice growled and charged forward as well. Going on all fours, Malice continued to dodge blaster fire after blaster fire. Doing a 180 turn, Malice whipped his tail around striking the blasters. Sending them flying off to the side.
Continuing the turn, Malice lunged. Wrapping his massive arms around Ree's body. And his tail around her ankles he squeezed. As his mouth full of dagger sharp teeth loomed over the female vamp, he spoke to her.
*Now, know how the humans feel when you prey and feed upon them*
In one merciless strike, Malice bit down upon her shoulder. Her blood easily began to ooze into his mouth as he drank. Though as he fed, his concentration was still on the others. So he wouldn't be caught fully off guard. This would indeed be a night the vampyres would regret.
May 19th, 2003, 12:51:04 AM
Her eyes turned their icy blue and eeriely glowed as she harnessed the Dark Force energies.
"Shia kadarak naeish!!"
She stuck her hands out and dark force tendrils shot out to wrap around the deamon's throat. It tightened immediately and she held it without any strain. The deamon will know she was not as weak as the others. She may not have been around as long as he, but she was around long enough to not be taken lightly.
Epona Rhi
May 19th, 2003, 12:54:24 AM
Epona screamed as she watched the demon attack her sister. She ran at him with tears in her eyes, just as the witch struck. With the sorcery going, Epona attacked his side. Both sabers striking at him. Putting all her fury behind the hits. Feeling the dark side take over as she gave in.
Quinlin Torr
May 19th, 2003, 01:34:12 AM
Quinlin ran at the demon and jumped. Flipping overhead, he landed on it's back and hacked at it with his gunblade that was treated and blessed by a sith alchemist/sorcerer. As he watched as the blade did little damage, he stabed the tip down into the back of the creature. Determined to get Redeemer out of the grasp of Malice.
"What do you mean "know how they feel" beast? We choose the undesirables to feed on, we dont feed on the innocents. You need to learn how to distinguish the barbarians from the civilized!"
With that he pulled the trigger once more, sending the thunderous charge into the demon's back.
May 19th, 2003, 02:30:15 AM
Malice was rather taken back by the multiple attacks. The force choke had caused him to let go of Ree. But, before Malice could react, Qunlin had jumped onto his back and started whacking him with the gunblade. While the blade it's self did little to penetrate his skin, when the vampyre drove it into his back, Malice felt that. Letting out a ravenous roar, Malice's pain was fueld even more when he sent a charge from the gublade into his back.
Falling to his knees, Malice turned, sending Quinlin right infront of Epona's wild saber attacks. Flapping his wings, he flew Quinlin off his back and straight towards Epona. All this was happening while he still couldn't breathe. The demon sith master was starting to feel the lack of air within his lungs. Looking up at the witch, Malice managed a low menacing growl.
With that Malice thrusted a hand towards her. The strong force blast he shot her way was enough to knock her off her feet, thus breaking the hold she had on him. Finally able to breathe, Malice took in a few deep breathes. Though he was still stuck on his knees due to the immense pain his back was feeling. Flapping his wings more, Malice hoisted himself up into the air, shooting his body upwards, Malice flew through the roof, shattering the wood sending it everywhere. When he reached a good distance up, he glared down at the bar.
Blood oozing down his back, Malice concentrated on the pain. Using it to fuel his darkside power. If he were to attack, then he would have to hurry, for with the pain his back is going through his wings would not be able to keep him up much longer. Every flap sent jolts of stinging pain up and down his body.
*Now, feel the elements. Feel the raw power of nature fused with the darkside AAARRRRGGHHHHHH*
As Malice yelled, dark clouds quickly formed and gathered above him and the bar. Diving into his well of dark energy, Malice began to draw upon the darkside. Sending darkwaves into the clouds, thick bolts of lightning cracked across the sky. As he was nearing the end of preparing, Malice took one last look at the bar. A maniacal grin upon his face.
With that Malice attacked. he rained down upon the bar with lightning. Thick bolts crashed through the roof everywhere. Each bolt striking randomly. The wood it struck either was destroyed, or was light on fire. Malice kept up this barrage of attacks as he saw an eerie orange red glow appearing within the bar. He knew then that the fires were starting to catch everywhere.
The group would only have mere moments before the lightning destroyed the bar. Or before they were burnt to crisps from the flames. Either way, Malice would not show mercy.
Epona Rhi
May 19th, 2003, 03:00:28 AM
She was in a frenzy when he threw Quin at her. She halted one hand, but the other struck as he came at her. Her blade cuting through his side, he cried out but caught her arm, preventing her to continue her swipe. She disengaged her blade as they both went tumbling backwards. She landed on her side and instantly checked him. Quin pushed her off of him and getured to Ree, although Ice was already by Ree's side. Epona nodded and ran over to Ice.
"Let's go while he's up there! She needs help fast Ice!"
Then all hell broke loose...literally. The roof started to explode and bolts were coming down like gangbusters.
May 19th, 2003, 03:22:01 AM
The force blast that hit her knocked the wind from her. She was lifted off her feet and sent flying backwards. Crashing through the doors of the night club and then through the window of a merchant shop across the street, she landed heavily against a counter.
She yelped as she ricochet off the counter and face first to the floor. Stunned, she slowly rose on her hands, and then collapsed with one arm to the side and the other out in front of her. Her vision wavered and she heard the crashing sound from across the street, and then heard the booming voice from above. The ground started to quake as the bolts of lightning came down. She silently prayed her fellow BloodPack could escape without harm, but knew someone would not be leaving without a scratch, just like the deamon himself hadn't. Someone would be hurt, hopefully not killed she thought.
May 19th, 2003, 10:13:28 AM
Ice screamed Redeemer's name as the horror unfolded infront of him. Everything just seemed to move in slow motion. Fangs bared and snarling, he moved to attack when he saw Redeemer released and thrown to the ground.
Ice ran to her side, gathering her up in his arms. The bit mark on her shoulder was bad and it wouldn't stop bleeding.
"Let's go while he's up there! She needs help fast Ice!"
"Ree." He whispered, his hand smothing back her hair. The roof exploded and Redeemer let out a weak moan of pain. Ice stood, carrying Redeemer in his arms. He bolted out of the club, silently cursing Malice for doing this to his Beloved. Turning back to the others, he yelled...
"GET OUT....NOW!!!"
Epona Rhi
May 19th, 2003, 09:39:02 PM
Running after Ice as fast as she could, Epona turned back to see Quin slowly getting up and heading for the door. As she was about to turn and run down the alley, a bolt came down and "BOOM" Quin was gone. She fell down as she stuttered in her steps. She got up and yelled for him.
"QUIN!!! QUIN!!!"
She didnt get a response of any kind. She knew if she went back in she'd be hit by one of them bolts. And if she went in, he could be already dead, and it would be a waste of time. She seen the Sith witch shrouded in darkness. And her expression was of *Get out now!* Epona turned and ran down the alley....tossing a small oblong shaped charge inthe air, it exploded and covered her with opaque smoke....when it had disappeared, so was she.
Quinlin Torr
May 20th, 2003, 12:17:49 AM
Getting up, no fear on his face as he jogged to the entrance while the lightning storm tore up the place around him, Quinlin held his side where Epona's saber had partially cut through when Malice threw him at her in mid attack. As he reached the opened doorway, he could see Epona running and looking back at him. Then in a split second a deafening boom and bright flash, a wave of intense heat engulfed him as a stray bolt struck no more than ten feet from him. His body went numb from the initial shock as he went careening through the far wall of the establishment. He landed in a heap amoung some crates and boxes in an alley. He just laid there staring up at the sky at the demon hovering there. Then he felt hands under his arms that picked him up, he couldnt feel that it could be one of the others had come for him.Then he caught the familiar scent of something from recently. And he gave into the darkness as he was slung over their shoulder.
May 20th, 2003, 10:19:43 AM
Finding the one called "Quin" wasn't too hard, She had sensed where he had been thrown. As she got to him, another bolt had touched down near their immediate surrounding. She lifted him up by the arm pits and dragged him to a safer spot. She began a low chant and lifted her arm. The dark energies formed into a 'javelin' and she shot it out at the daemon.
"That should keep him off balance and occupied enough for us to get clear."
She said more to herself than to the badly injured man at her feet. She didn't even look back to see if the dark bolt had hit the creaturre or if it barly missed. She hefted the other BloodPack member over her cloaked shoulder and began her own retreat. Giving the field of battle to the Daemon Sith Master.
May 20th, 2003, 08:50:04 PM
OOC: Hmm where hath Ree gone. Ohh well, guess i shalt wait no longer for her to post. Besides, don't want you guys thinking i ditched this thread lol.
IC: Indeed the Javelin had almost made it's mark. But Malice was able to move out of the way. Though the Javelin had managed to sliced a bit ways past the demons armored skin and part ways into the flesh of his leg. As his wings kept flapping, the stress on his back was too much. With much effort, Malice managed to lower himself to the ground. A good chunk of his force energy gone, the lightning storm slowly vanished as Malice cut off the power supply of force energy which fed it.
Staying on all fours, Malice breathed heavily as he was once again on the move. By now however, his mind was nearly emptied of all sense of reason. He knew he had damaged them good, but as the demonic side took more control over his mind, he wouldn't stop. Walking like a ravenous dog, Malice now started to hunt them.
Sniffing the air, Malice now started a gallop towards the one he could make out as the dark witch whom had tried to show him up by way of power. The demon side of him wanted to rip her to shreds. While the sith side of him wanted to show her the depths of his knowledge and power in the art of sith sorcery. Something of which not many sith could do.
Either way, his quest to take out every single vampyer was far from over. These four he would hunt to the ends of the earth.
May 20th, 2003, 09:29:11 PM
OOC: I'm here, just haven't been able to post to this til now!
IC: Redeemer slowly opened her eyes, realizing she was in Ice's arms being carried away from the fight. She tried to get out of his arms, but Ice held her tight to him.
"I-Ice...." She whispered, the searing pain in her shoulder making her stutter. "P-put me down."
Ice turned to look at her, giving her an 'I don't think so' look as he dashed into a vacant building. Redeemer searched mentally for Epona and Quin, letting out a sigh of relief as she found they were still alive. She sent for them, wanting them close to her. Even the newest of the Bloodpack, she wanted her near. Redeemer had a feeling this wasn't the last of Malice.
May 21st, 2003, 12:54:40 AM
Running with her cloak and Quin on her shoulders, Izabell was having a time making distance. She knew the daemon was on her trail and was making more headway than she was at the moment. She stopped, put Quin down, and removed her cloak and breaking a window she tossed the cloak inside to throw the daemon off her trail for a bit.
She picked Quin up and ran down another linking alley. Trying desperately to find the others. If he caught up with her, she couldnt protect Quin and herself at the same time. She jumped up at one of the fire escape landings on the side of the nearest building and scaled the structure holding Quin. She got to the top and began running again, leaping rooftop to rooftop.
May 21st, 2003, 02:19:32 AM
OOC: Ohh ok. Well if ever any of you are busy and can't post, just let me know and i'll understand.
IC: Malice followed her trail. The scent of her body floated through the air, landed right into his nostrals. As the demon ran on all fours, He came to a stop at a particular building. Leaping onto the side wall, malice's claws dug in clinging him to the stone. Looking into a broken window he sniffed the air. To his dismay, all he saw was a cloak. It was drenched in her sent. It was clear to him that he had been following the wrong trail.
In a fury he let out a ferosious roar. Climbing to the top of the building, he twitched his ears in all directions. Letting the force flow from him, Malice finally detected her. She was several buildings to the right of him. And moving fast. With haste he once more sped after her. He too hopping from rooftop to rooftop. He would take these two out before going after the others.
May 21st, 2003, 09:41:56 AM
Redeemer kept her link with Quin and the newcomer as strong as she could. Ice was tending to her wound and she clenched her teeth, trying not to cry out in pain.
"You're going to need to feed, Re." She heard Ice say. "You've lost too much blood to heal yourself."
Redeemer watched as Ice took his jacket off and slit his wrist open for her to feed. She weakly glanced at Epona, then with Ice's help, sat up to feed from him. She moaned as soon as the first drop of blood touched her lips. Ice stroked her hair as she fed, whispering to her, but she did not catch it.
She could feel herself growing stronger little by little and prayed she would be strong enough to help out her family in this battle. Ice stopped her before she took too much from him. The cut healed itself up and and Redeemer could feel the healing begin in her shoulder. She looked down to watch it, her eyebrow raising as it went away, leaving the imprint of Malice's teeth in her skin.
May 21st, 2003, 10:37:21 PM
She could sense him behind her, he was keeping pace with them. She needed to get Quin to safety. He was beginning to move but was still very much out of it. This daemon behind them had no honor of combat that was for sure. If she put Quin down, he'd find him and mercilessly kill him when he was badly injured. That made her even more angry at this daemon upstart. For one, blaming them for something they had nothing to do with, secondly, the sheer and utter wanting to destroy her family.
She stopped, put Quin down and chanted again, once more the dark javelin formed. She could see the silhouette bounding towards her. She took aim and let fly. Her target, his leg. If she could slow him down, she could get Quin out of harms way and perhaps regroup with the others and face this animal. She picked Quin back up and watched the dark force javelin make its way to him. Once hit, she would take off running again.
Epona Rhi
May 21st, 2003, 11:21:27 PM
Sitting with her knees brought up to her chest, Epona weeped. Seeing Quin get blown away like that hit her hard. She felt Ree trying to reach her, but kept her at arms length. She was hurting from seeing someone she actually liked just disappear right in front of her. Though she didn't know Quin was still alive, she only remembered what she saw. One second he was making it towards her, the next second gone like the wind.
Her eyes burned with tears and she pounded the floor with her fists as she cried.
May 22nd, 2003, 11:50:11 AM
Malice continued running towards Izabel and Quin. That is until he saw what was coming at him. His now berserker mind could still remember what it was. A javelin. One that had attacked him while he was up in the air not to long ago. As it came closer, Malice moved to the side trying to dodge it. He did not expect it to come at him so fast however, and it scewed right through both his wings.
Falling to his side, furiouse ear defening screams penatrated the night sky. Screams of anger, pain, hatred filled the air. Quickly though Malice had stood up once more ready to chace her again. But he could no longer sense her and Quin close. She must have ran when he had gotten hit. She was gone now. No matter. A tremor in the force had alerted him of yet another presense.
One who's emotions were running wild within her body now. Drowning himself within the darkside, the demon sith master began a run at this one now. One he recognized shortly as Epona.
He would have to hurry and finish them all off. His force energy was running low. And he would soon have to retreat.
May 22nd, 2003, 12:07:21 PM
Feeling herself back to full strength, well..somewhat...the bite in her shoulder was playing havoc with her arm, even healed. Redeemer stood up and ran over to Epona, placing her hands on her Sister's arms.
"Epona! Look at me!" Redeemer ordered, shaking Epona slightly. "Quin is just fine! You've got to believe that!"
Epona turned her purple eyes to Redeemer and she smiled at Epona.
"Epona, my Sister, I need you to be strong now. We must defeat Malice." Redeemer whispered, mentally seeking out Izabell.
'You must get here quickly.' She sent out.
Epona Rhi
May 22nd, 2003, 12:37:12 PM
Epona looked up at Ree, then nodded her head. She was right, they needed to keep focused if they were to come away at least with their lives intact. But how can Quin be fine?? She seen him disappear in that explosion.
May 22nd, 2003, 05:33:38 PM
Malice being closer to Ree and the others then Izabell was, he spotted them first. Looking at them from the top of the building he was on, he let out a low growl. He would finish this now. Drawing upon all of his force energy he had left, Malice let out a horrific yell.
*Anu natural deestol keminal*
A strong wind had picked up. They could see it start to swhirl around Malice, before being concentrated above his head in the shape of a big ball. The shwirling winds looked like a raging storm. Malice was going to unleashe his most powerful attack. One that he had used only once before, and nearly died when it was turned back on himself. Next, he opened his mouth. Bellowing out a long stream of fire into the ball of wind. It quickly formed a napalm affect.
The firewind was soon joined by lightning. As a few stray bolts struck down from the sky, seemingly out of nowhere. Now, As the darkside fused these three elements into one destructive force, Malice's attack was done. The ball was massive to say the least. It was twice the size of his own body. Sweat pouring over his body, Malice nearly went to one knee trying to keep the ball afloat.
Was all his berserk mind could say as he unleashed the ball. Should Ree, Epona, and Ice not move quickly. They would all die from this attack. Of course, Malice was now through. With all his force energy gone, his form changed back into that of a human. He was laying stretched out across the roof of the building. Quickly however, four figures covered in black robes appeare.d They were sith priests, and loyal servants of Malice. Having watched the fight from the begining, they knew what was coming.
Picking up their Master, the 5 of them now fled. They would take Malice back to TSO to rest up and regain his strength. Once that happened, they knew the sith master would be after the vampyres once more. Should they survive this.
May 22nd, 2003, 06:02:17 PM
Redeemer looked up just in time to see the great fire ball barrelling down on them. She let out a scream and grabbed Epona, pulling her out of the building as fast as they could run. Ice was behind her and she sent out for Izabell to stay away.
The building exploded and the three of them were sent flying out the window they were passing. Shards of glass blew everywhere as they landed on the hard cement. Redeemer felt the bone in her arm crack and knew she broke it.
"Epona, are you ok?" She cried out, crawling over broken glass and cringing when pieces stabbed her skin. Holding her arm to her stomach, she reached Epona to find her ok and then looked over to Ice to find him starting to get up.
"Ice?" Redeemer asked, relieved when he turned to smile at her.
She looked around, realizing Malice was no where to be found. She held her breath, waiting. Nothing. She let out a deep breath and slowly stood with Epona, getting the feeling that they hadn't seen the last of Malice.
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