View Full Version : Please.... a list of fleet rules!

May 10th, 2003, 12:17:43 AM
We would like an updated version of the fleet rules and planetary assets.

Taylor Millard
May 10th, 2003, 12:25:29 AM

There is the list of Imperial Group planets.

As for fleet rules...

*looks at Charley*

Diego Van Derveld
May 10th, 2003, 02:46:41 AM
Same rules as apply to any other roleplay. Common sense and fair play take precedent.

Marcus Telcontar
May 10th, 2003, 06:43:47 AM


Two words that are not to be used in polite company in this place. -_-

Admiral Lebron
May 10th, 2003, 08:35:37 AM

Fleet rules were nice :(

Morgan Evanar
May 10th, 2003, 10:04:59 AM
Fleet rules were stupid, fleeting is still stupid, because the number of people who did it remotely correctly can be counted off on one hand.

Admiral Lebron
May 10th, 2003, 10:28:59 AM
Nah... there was like 10 of us.

Pierce Tondry
May 10th, 2003, 04:55:09 PM
So you THINK.

Admiral Lebron
May 10th, 2003, 05:45:25 PM
Viscera, Telan, Piett, Jyener, Scorp, Khendon, Khan, New thrawn and old thrawn and myself.


Evil Hobgoblin
May 10th, 2003, 05:48:32 PM
Yeah, I'd argue five of those.

Zasz Grimm
May 10th, 2003, 07:05:08 PM
I would too.

I miss Old Thrawn. He was a trip and he was uber at fleets....

Uber I tell you...

Sean Piett
May 10th, 2003, 08:44:44 PM

Admiral Lebron
May 10th, 2003, 09:13:59 PM

He was decent. When he was here.. I was like 11... so naturally he had the upper hand. In his old age tho, hes grown more peverted than imaginable and he hangs out with socialists.

May 10th, 2003, 10:09:34 PM
Common sense....

good enough

Khendon Sevon
May 10th, 2003, 10:17:08 PM
*hates common sense*

At its peak there were a lot more than 10 of us... now there are few, because us fleet RPers hate common sense... and no, I'm not talking about the papers written during the revolution :p

but yes, the fleet rules currently are simply common sense

Sean Piett
May 10th, 2003, 10:24:09 PM
Personally, I would love more structure to fleet roleplaying. Unfortunatly, I sort of feel like people that aren't very involved with fleet roleplaying have made a number of the decisions concerning it.

Sanis Prent
May 10th, 2003, 10:28:53 PM
We've tried to set rules in stone. All it does is cause a mad dash for loopholes. Setting fleet RP on the same standards that other RPs are held to is the only answer.

Taylor Millard
May 10th, 2003, 10:35:23 PM
I think having common sense works just fine personally. The previous fleet rules had my head spinning in more circles than if I'd had hot sauce.

Khendon Sevon
May 10th, 2003, 11:13:44 PM
Speaking as a person who RPed during the era of large fleets with massive amounts of super weapons, and through the strict rule period.

The group was largest probably during both of those phases, not changing majorly, besides the gungans leaving. But, slowly, as the rules kept morphing people began to get frustrated and left. Then, once we went to a "common sense" rule fleet RPing in its true sense, RPer vs RPer, died off.

It's been a while since I've seen a true fleet combat between groups played by actual people with things actually to lose and gain.

Morgan Evanar
May 10th, 2003, 11:32:28 PM
Go play Homeworld or something.

Marcus Telcontar
May 10th, 2003, 11:32:51 PM
Cause the take over the galaxy thing upsets people who dont give a crap and are just here to do their own thing. Face it, frigging fleets caused more arguments, dissentions and hostility than any other issue and I for one am glad they are simply filed under common sense and seemingly limited to those who can actually use some common sense and fair flay. Screw the old ways and the accounting and planet grabs. You get into a who's more Uber than anyone mode.

FWIW, any I wanna take over the galaxy types get filed under the Ignore button. I really dont care anymore.

Sanis Prent
May 10th, 2003, 11:37:05 PM
Fleeters of the past made it a concious choice to put stakes behind their fights, which was damningly stupid. Nobody has personal duels over lightsabers or lives anymore, so why hamstring fleets like that? Now, if you could have a fight at X location, and in the end have the loser retreat and the winner go home victorious, etc...that would be about the same effect. Fleeters have nobody to blame but themselves if they don't like the situation.

Khendon Sevon
May 10th, 2003, 11:44:47 PM
And fleet RPers aren't here to just do their own thing?

As a fleet RPer, I personally don't want to take over the galaxy, I would like the galaxy to provide a challenge to take over, though. But it's people who don't see the reasons for fleet RP that corrupt it and make it worse than it really is.

Fleet RPing, by nature, is competitive and causes arguments. Is this a bad thing? Not in my opinion, as a Fleet RPer, mind you. Of course, the battles over issues in the threads should be done in private, IMO, not in the thread (as so often happened) or in OOC, but between the two combating groups.

Maybe your entire view of fleet RPing would change if it played out like that, rather than like a war of words.

As you pointed out, people are self interested, and don't enjoy having their planets taken away from them by uber powerful fleet, etc. Well, why not communicate with the person attacking, explain why your planet is important to your character, show some background information or RP material.

Maybe agree to do an RP where the attacker loses or you negotiate a treaty. Why do we always have to look at it as "the fleet RPers are always arguementative, are always planet grabbing, are always counting beans'.

That was simply the way prior rule sets were designed. The common sense isn't what has removed this aspect of fleet RPing, though through killing off fleet RPers I guess it helped, but in truth the current fleet RPers are people who are less prone to public displays of emotion and public debate of threads.

As I see it, the current "age" of fleet RPers is different than the one I knew back when we had super lasers up the wazoo. The average fleet RPer is a sophisticated writer with more than just their empire's interests at mind.

Sanis Prent
May 11th, 2003, 12:00:10 AM
You're talking to me as if I don't already participate in fleet RP. Patronize-- plz.

Khendon Sevon
May 11th, 2003, 12:03:30 AM
I was commenting on Marcus's post, I didn't see your until after I had posted

But in regards to your post:

without loss of ships, fleet RP is pointless. I'm willing to loss any ship in my fleet, even if it's a super ship. As long as it's fairly done.

What characters do you play that fleet RP, btw? (I don't know anyone's characters, sorry)

Marcus Telcontar
May 11th, 2003, 12:04:22 AM
Fleet RPing, by nature, is competitive and causes arguments.

And that, is the reason fleeting sucks. And you are quite wrong. Scorpion, Vis and Telan prove you are wrong. If you run fleeting with the common sense, consideration and fair play of a Scorpion, then fleeting wouldnt be looked on as being a group with more retards than the Osbournes

Sean Piett
May 11th, 2003, 12:04:42 AM
Schreiger, for one

Khendon Sevon
May 11th, 2003, 12:05:15 AM
Marcus, do you fleet RP?

Sanis Prent
May 11th, 2003, 12:05:36 AM
Ship losses are fine. Characters, planets, etc...are not...not without permission.

I play Grand Moff Schreiger (Empire), Admiral Sargast (NR), and Emissary Sarrtarroa (TCP)

EDIT: As well as Darth Vader, who I suppose you can count as Fleet RPing with TSO. Also there are the "multiple character accounts" of Cizerack Hunter Forces, and TSO Naval Officers.

Morgan Evanar
May 11th, 2003, 12:07:11 AM
Its already been declared a non-issue by the staff long ago, so you whiny kids can drop it.

Marcus Telcontar
May 11th, 2003, 12:07:39 AM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
Marcus, do you fleet RP?

My fleeting character was given away. But I quite well aware just how much of a crapfest it was turned into. Fleeting with Scorpion was a great deal of fun.

Khendon Sevon
May 11th, 2003, 12:08:04 AM
See, taking planets is a tricky issue. In some cases, if you have the forces to take it, you should be allowed to. But in others you shouldn't, but that would also make it hard to have decisive victories.

Sanis Prent
May 11th, 2003, 12:10:46 AM
By your sky-is-purple logic, my character (Anbira) should kill 9/10ths of all characters here. With his pinky.

This was decided so long ago that it might as well be in the annals of history under "Byzantine Empire".

Khendon Sevon
May 11th, 2003, 12:11:08 AM
what if all of the current active fleet RPers, or at least a large majority, want a change of rules? Do we get a voice?

I'm sorry;

I've been thinking this over and discussing it with the rest of the Imperials for some time and it just came out tonight.

Sean Piett
May 11th, 2003, 12:11:42 AM
Fleet Rules, as they stand:

-You can't attack a group without a standing fleet
-Use common sense

Does this mean that I could, at the moment, attack any group with a fleet, or do they have to agree?

Sanis Prent
May 11th, 2003, 12:15:56 AM
Khendon: Sorry, only hearing you complain. Heard many more not complain.

Piett: Same as if you posted a personal challenge to a certain character. Both parties voluntarily agree to post in a thread. If the person you're involved with refuses, then they likely aren't the kind of person you want to RP with anyway.

Morgan Evanar
May 11th, 2003, 12:16:27 AM
I am reminded why I hate fleet RPing so much.

Sean Piett
May 11th, 2003, 12:30:05 AM
People like us?

Sure, there's going to be conflict over the matter. We've always had problems with fleet roleplaying, moreso than normal roleplaying. I think that a big part of this has to do with tangible assets- ships, planets, troops, etc. Fleets, however, are a pretty big part of the Star Wars galaxy. We've let fleets sit for a long time now. Would it be so hard to give us a chance, rather than assume that all of us are going to get swept away by power lust?

Sanis Prent
May 11th, 2003, 12:33:22 AM
I see absolutely no reason to do that, whatsoever, unless it becomes a sweeping interest by everyone.

Khendon Sevon
May 11th, 2003, 12:34:50 AM
Everyone? As in the community as a whole, or as in the active fleet rpers?

Sanis Prent
May 11th, 2003, 12:36:23 AM
Everyone. Because the kind of changes that are involved in fleet RPing affect everyone.

Marcus Telcontar
May 11th, 2003, 12:42:24 AM
It appears to me there are one or two doing fleets well. No fuss, just doing it. Working within the spirit and the rules we have. Why should there be change, when clearly it can be done, and done well? Telan seems to have no real problem fleeting FWIW. I bet Scorpion would have no problem.I hbet if I turneed my mind to it, I could do it well. No changes needed.

Khendon Sevon
May 11th, 2003, 12:56:41 AM
I’m not going to concede, but I’m stopping my debating right here, because I know no matter how articulated my words, no matter how strongly rooted in fact or logic my arguments are (not saying that they are, but if they were!) they still would be ignored.

I’m saving my breath.

Good night, Gentlemen.

Lion El' Jonson
May 11th, 2003, 01:40:08 AM
I agree with Marcus on the fleet issue. The Balmorran Empire, especially, is doing well within the constraints of the current fleet rules. They've got an active character base and a real(!) fighter squadron.

The NR is sloooooowly growing in size (one character every two months), but I've yet to see anybody with the real talent I saw in the old fleet RPers. Even I'm not a spectacular fleet RPer, something I can probably owe to the fact of used to writing unfair fanfics, not person-v-person fleet threads.

There's no rule changes needed, and if we can ever get the "governmental" groups churning again (NR, Remnant, Ciz), I think that the rules will make Fleet RPs alot more fun. They prevent somebody from jumping into a battle with 100 Star Destroyers. If somebody did pull that (as Morgan quoted, I think...) I'd PM him and indicate the fact that all of his planets are now undefended.

Basically, common sense works. You didn't see the entire US Navy converging on Iraq, did you? We didn't transport our entire army to Kuwait. If you fleet RP, think of carrier battlegroups: One or two big ships, and escorts.

*Walks off with the feeling he missed the issue entirely*

Pierce Tondry
May 11th, 2003, 11:46:12 AM
I've noted a lot of seeming interest in change in this thread, but I also note very little actual suggestions for directions people want to go in.

Next time you want something major to change about the rule system, for the love of monkeys, come up with a proposal. All that's really been said here is "We don't like this" which gets no one anywhere.

*Remembers that he still has to post with his fleet character and makes a note to do that today.*

Sean Piett
May 11th, 2003, 03:00:01 PM
It seems pretty obvious to me that a number of people are ready to pre-emptivly shoot down any proposals at all.

Realizing that, I see that I can only argue for the sake of arguing, and will just drop it.

May 11th, 2003, 11:48:03 PM
WOW!... let me retract my question and apologize for bringing up such an apparently sore subject!

Being apart of these boards is really cool. I have RPed with a few of you and find it ... for the most part, fun!

The soal intention of my questions were to find out who i need to contact over moving forward with my idea.

MY IDEA:: the threads i have been interested in are extreamly cool, the Galexy is made of all the small stories... thus time moves inexorably onward... But this all lacks the real feeling of star wars after a time. Mr. Lucas's vision that came to life on the big screen in 1977, was an epic story of good versus evil. The struggles of the good guys overcomming insurpassable odds and in a moment of grand exhultation... driving back the evil forces and bringing peace to the galexy.

If this is not the way this Galexy is seen, then im sorry and apologize for all the turmoil that these simple questions I asked caused! If your interested in this then please feel free to post it or pm me... DO Not think im trying to pull the wool over your eyes... I understand the costs and am willing to pay the price for a kicken story.

Sigil Roland
May 12th, 2003, 12:04:32 AM
Ok.....Do I need to do another Moltar thread now....

It sounds like too many people are taking this way to seriously.

Lord Soth
May 12th, 2003, 12:13:46 AM
Amen and Amen!...::Pops a Valium::

Pierce Tondry
May 12th, 2003, 11:40:08 AM
Piett: That's not really the case. If I see you on AIM sometime this week, remind me and I'll talk with you about it.

Pilot Akito
May 12th, 2003, 10:18:34 PM
Do I take that as an endorsement Lord Soth?