View Full Version : Sometimes - It all comes down to Knuckles

Estelle Russard
May 9th, 2003, 08:52:20 PM
Entering into the Jedi Academy, Maximas coming in just one step behind her, Estelle crossed over to a coded locker.

Tapping in the code by rote, a solid click was heard and then the door to the locker opened.

Lined up inside was a selection of lightsabers, in grips of all sizes, shapes and weight.

Turning to her padawan, Estelle smiled.

"Pick one and join me out side on the terrace"

May 21st, 2003, 05:21:43 AM
Max stared at the contents of the locker for a few moments, trying to decide which weapon to take. After several seconds he made his mind up and went for a rather flash looking modern lightsaber.

He took a step back and swung the hilt around a bit to get used to the weight and the grip. He then accidently ignited it! He panicked and duct for no particular reason before letting go of the saber which ended up leaving a mark down the side of the wall before deactivating itself.

"Im sorry! I...", he wimpered, hopeing Estelle wouldn't have a go at him.

Estelle Russard
May 21st, 2003, 08:58:47 PM
The familiar hum of the lightsaber made Estelle turn around quickly. Which was plenty of time to see Maximas take a gouge out of the Academy wall.

She frowned at him, but said nothing, managing to bite her tongue. Turning back to continue out onto the terrace, she rolled her eyes heavenward and murmered, Lord, have mercy..

May 23rd, 2003, 02:21:47 AM
He didnt say anything but his face flushed red, and not for the first time. Inside his head he was kicking himself for being so stupid as he walked over to pick the weapon up. He looked at it in a funny way as if to try and blame the saber for the incident.

--Good start huh.--

There was a depressed tone to his voice. The fact that they hadnt even started yet was not a good indication of how this was going to go.


The actual competition is about to begin. Here is the thread im in

Estelle Russard
May 24th, 2003, 02:38:26 PM
Estelle's face was quite stern.

"These weapons will kill you quicker than you can blink Maximas - it would be quite a shame for you to die at your own hand for clumsiness."

His face flushed red, her harsh words had angered him.

"It would be even worse if you killed me by the same means, now get a tight hold of that thing will you."

This image made them both smile and Max realised he need not feel awkward around her. He was here to learn, he didnt have to be perfect.

She softened her expression.

"The weapon you are about to handle now is one only those gifted with the force can properly weild, some gliches are to be expected. Just remember that gouge in the wall, and think of the damage it can do to flesh and bone."

She lifted her own blade holding it centered in front of her chest with two hands. Standing with her feet a little apart, she gestured for Max to do the same.

"The trick, is all about control."

Applying slight pressure to the activation button, she watched as the yellow/orange lightblade slid upward in beautiful prescion and hummed low and powerful.

May 27th, 2003, 03:59:28 AM
Max watched carefully, as Estelle showed him how a lightsaber should be handled. He held his saber and positioned his feet to mirror that of his Master. He watched as she activated her weapon, and then he followed suit. He leaned back slightly as he ignited it, feeling a little uneasy at handling such a dangerous weapon.

Thankfully, it worked without a problem. A green blade shot out with the hum you would assosiate with a force user. No heat came of the weapon, and very little light, suprisingly.

He sent Estelle a smile, pleased that he'd managed to do as requested.

Estelle Russard
Jun 2nd, 2003, 04:38:23 PM
She returned the smile, and then continued.

"The saber is more than an extension of your hand in fighting, it is the extension of your will against an opponent."

She moved her blade in slow, fluid movements through the air, its graceful lines slicing back and forth with the swaying of her hand.
Maximas did the same, and Estelle noted he had surprising balance with the weapon.

"We must always remember when we ignite our blades that we, as Jedi, are protectors first and foremost. A Jedi fights to defend. You must remember this always Maximas. It is the control to which I spoke of earlier. It will dictate your actions and the way in which you fight."