View Full Version : Social Distortion (Oriadin)

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 9th, 2003, 04:19:39 AM
In the short time J'ktal had been at the Order, he had taken full advantage of the training facilities and excercise rooms. The Death-Shadow had managed to reproduce some of his old routines, and had even gotten ahold of a small stash of "cutting mats" and stands for them from a supply room.

Dressed in his standard workout clothing: a sleeveless gray shirt and a pair of lightweight gray trousers, both accented with crimson sides, the mongoose held his katana at the ready, then launcehed into a routine of advances, turns, and sidesteps, wheeling his sword about expertly as he did so. By the time he was done, many of the rolled mats on their stands had been halved at least, some cut apart several times. Each cut was clean, and he was about to set them up again for another run when the beat of footsteps sounded in his attentive ears.

Watching the doorway out of the corner of his eye, J'ktal practiced his tameshigiri on one of the taller standing rolled mats.

May 9th, 2003, 04:36:02 AM
A sunny but cool day today, ideal for a spot of training. He didnt get much time to himself to practise nowadays. Having two padawans saw to that.

Oriadin walked down the corridors of the Jedi Acadamy looking for a free room. He took a quick look in each as he went past. One particular room caught his eye. A strage, but somehow familiar man performed what could only be described as some flawless and extreamly impressive moves. The Jedi Knight hadnt met the man before, so decided he would greet him.

He opened the door slowly and quietly, hoping not to disturb the man as he continued on with his excersises. As he did so, Oriadins jaw dropped ever so slightly and ever so slowly. A frown appeared as if he were shocked at what he saw. From what Sejah had told him, Nehantites were not known for their force abilities. As far as he knew, Sejah was the only one! But now, his eyes fell upon another.

His silence broke at that moment. He couldnt contain his suprise.

--Your... your a Nehantite--

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 9th, 2003, 04:43:25 AM
J'ktal made a show of taking a two-handed swing down through the mat he was by, chopping it neatly in two, then bringing his blade back up to slice through the freed section, then back down again to sever one of the halves once more before sheating his katana fuidly and pivoting back to face Oriadin.

"The incredible intuition of the Jedi, will it ever cease to astound?" he smirked, looking the newcomer over.

"Is there something you needed, or did you jsut come for a show, young man?"

May 9th, 2003, 04:50:02 AM
The strangers tone was less than friendly, although Oriadin did interupt his training.

--Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Oriadin. Im a Jedi Knight here at the order.--

He held out an open palmed hand in the mans direction.

--You will have to excuse my comment before. I was caught a little off guard you see. Its just that, Nehantite's are not really known for using the force, as far as I am aware anyway. Do you know of Sejah Haversh by any chance?--

Oriadin was pretty sure he would. Sejah had become somewhat infamous on his home plannet now afterall.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 9th, 2003, 04:57:14 AM
J'ktal looked at Oraidin's hand, but made no move to shake it, or even come forward for that matter.

"Yes, I know of Mr. Haversh," he replied flatly, "And if he survived his escape back to this place, I would like to parlay with him. I am Captain J'ktal Anajii, Death-Shadow of the N.I.S.C., Mr. Oraidin, and you were correct in your presumption about the lack of Force-adept Nehantites, we are few and far between."

Finally moving again, the gray mongoose eased to a relaxed stance, his sheathed katana inserted in his belt by his side, his left paw still slackly holding it beneath the handguard. "Tell me, do you know Mr. Haversh well, Oraidin?"

May 9th, 2003, 05:10:35 AM
The fact that J'ktal chose to ignore Oriadins hand was disrespectfull. The knight sensed something cold about this man. Jedi were supposed to feel no emotion, but this guy seemed simply clinical.

--Sejah? Oh, ive seen him about a few times. Not for a while though. Tell me, what is a Death-Shadow exactly?--

The alarm bells were ringing within Oriadin. He wanted to play things cool for the time being, until he could find out a little more about this character. See if he could learn more about his motives for asking questions about his good friend.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 9th, 2003, 05:19:08 AM
Oriadin was not a terribly convincing liar. honest men never were. J'ktal, on the other hand, could lie so well even another of his class could not detect it. Still, he would play along for now, to see what the Jedi Knight was hiding.

"A Death-Shadow, Oriadin, is the higest rank attainable of any kind where I come from. We are soldiers, diplomats, and many other things, and serve both the Sultan, and the N.I.S.C. as we see fit. We are the men and women you do not want on your bad side, or after you," the Nehantite answered him. "Does that satisfy your curiosity, or would you like to know more?"

May 9th, 2003, 05:23:45 AM
Oriaidn thought for a second.

--So, have you left this, Death-Shadow movement to become a Jedi?--

He questioned.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 9th, 2003, 05:27:23 AM
His cold, pink eyes never breaking contact from Oriadin's, J'ktal replied, "Left? No sir, the only way a Death-Shadow can remove himself from his place is death. I will very much continue to be what I am, and seek what it is you Jedi aspire to as well."

May 9th, 2003, 05:34:21 AM
Oriadin nodded his head with a curious little look. He noticed the stare he was getting from J'ktal and returned it with a stern look of his own. He seemed very sure of himself. Sure that he would continue to be a Death-Shadow and train to be a Jedi at the same time.

--I see. So why is it you want to train as a Jedi does, and what makes you think you have what it takes?--

Oriadins left eyebrow lifted slightly as he asked his question.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 9th, 2003, 05:42:31 AM
"It was not my first choice to come here, Mr. Oriadin," J'ktal an swered his gaze unwavering. "I came because I wished to help correct the serious mar that Mr. Haversh has put on your order by announcing his trainginto be one of you. Surely a beast of my stature would rectify the harsh feelings toward you from my people for his actions."

Stepping closer, he continued, "I have also come because it is my duty to protect the lives of many, and since your order is devoted to the protection of those who could otherwose not help themselves, I deemed it a worthy goal. Do not attempt to judge me, Mr. Oriadin, I have far more than what it takes, and you will see that soon enough. Now, I didn't appreciate your lie earlier; tell me how Sejah Haversh is after his escape back to this Order. I saved his life, I deserve to know at least that much."

May 9th, 2003, 07:47:41 AM
Oriadin remained stern faced. There seemed to be a bit tension in the air. A battle of words to see who would come out on top.

--And I dont appreciate your tone, Mr J'ktal. As I said before...--

Oriadin took a small step forward and looked deeply into the mongooses eyes.

--...I havent seen him for a while. Im not sure how he is.

Im not sure what your understanding of the Jedi is, but I do belive you have it quite wrong. I have no doubt you have the skills to become a Jedi. The question is, do you have what it takes within you?

For a start, I question your motive for joining our ranks. Sejah is a well respected member of our order, and if any of your people wish to question that, they can take that up with the council. I feel sure the Jedi hold more weight in the galaxy then the Nehantites do.

To be a Jedi takes commitment and the most serious mind. Its not a training course for you to be better at your job. There's no certificate you take home and wave around as if youve achived something. Like the Death-Shadows, simply leaving the Jedi order is not that easy.

You know, for a person trained in diplomacy, your people skills could still use some work.--

Oriadin guessed that last remark would probably come across as an insult, although it was more of an observation. With what little he knew about J'ktal and his training, it seemed more likely he would use bully boy tactics, rather than diplomatic tactics. The fact that he didnt even have the decency to shake the hand of a humble Jedi Knight also helped with this early conclusion.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 10th, 2003, 01:26:40 PM
For a while, J'ktal just looked at Oriadin, not saying a word. Finally, the smlow glimmer of a smile began to tug at the corners of his mouth,a nd he let his gaze drop, rubbing closed eyes with his fingertips as if he had just woken up, then shook his head out before looking back to the Jedi.

"I apologize, Mr. Oriadin," he said rather unnexpectedly. "I have only recently arrive from a long trip that was none too pleasant. Forgive me, lack of sleep can make me.... cranky, sometimes." Easing his stance, he continued, "My concern for Mr. Haversh is genuine, and I had suspected you of hiding something from me. Forgive my methods if they seemed harsh, I did not know if I could believe you."

May 10th, 2003, 05:43:55 PM
Oriadin looked at J'ktal, his face showing his suprise at the turn in conversation. Although he seemed very convincing, the Jedi Knight still felt unsure about the whole thing about Sejah. Perhaps it would be an idea to move away from this subject, he pondered.

--You know what? Dont worry about it. Im not one for making enemies. The more friends you have, the better your chances of recieving help when you need it most.

I imagine that your line of work doesnt deal much with team work?--

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 10th, 2003, 05:53:15 PM
"Usually I do work alone," J'ktal replied. "But we are occasionally assigned in teams. Since I hold the rank of Captain, I am usually ranking officer and make the decisions. The amound of Death-Shadows and Shadows in the grouping depends on the size and complexity of the job. I have never known an assignment to requite more than thirteen members of either the Death-Shadow, or the Shadow, though. If anything we are.... efficient."

May 10th, 2003, 06:04:01 PM

The trouble with trying to leave the Jedi, is that its a never ending job. You never, ever reach a point where you say your job is done. Your trained in the ways of a Jedi until you are good enough to reach Knight status. Its at that point that you are expected to take a Padawan, or understudy of your own. That can be a lot harder than it sounds!--

Oriadin smirked at that remark, recalling his own experiences.

--I have yet to meet a Jedi who has reached a point when they can be no better. There is always more to learn, more to teach and more to give.

Im curious to hear what it is you hope to achive by being with us, J'ktal.--

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 10th, 2003, 06:22:20 PM
"An understanding," came the Nehantite's reply.

J'ktal broke from his standing position to walk slwoly toward one of the mats that he had cut, examining the clean slice he had taken through the rolled straw target. "The Death-Shadow are also required to take on students as well, though in a different manner. In two years I will be required to begin teaching four different age levels of prospective Death-Shadow. One class I am specifically looking forward to." He paused to look back at the Jedi Knight, his face attempting to look friendly, an expression he did not excel at. "I know that I will not become perfect in the ways of the Jedi, Mr. Oriadin. But I do expect to learn more about you, and about myself as well. It is my duty to serve to the greatest good of my people. Though my methods may clash with your ideals, I believe they can be adapted well enough."

May 10th, 2003, 06:37:37 PM
It was hard to belive that J'ktal was allowed to train along side the Jedi as he was for "an understanding" as he put it. Someone who does not stick with the Jedi code after completing their training can become very dangerous indeed.

This was begining to turn into an interesting conversation now though. It was obvious that J'ktal did not have the same ideals as a Jedi, but he was a man of honour to his people and from Oriadin could tell, a very brave man.

--Well, at least you are on the right tracks. A large slice of being a Jedi is knowing ones self. Learning about yourself to see what kind of person you really are. A large part of being a Jedi, is to love life. Death is always a last resort. Negotiation should always be attempted first. At the end of the day, who are we to judge who can do what and when? We can only try to keep the peace.

I imagine your line of work has a somewhat different perspective? Who is it you actually work for? A government of some kind, or do the death-shadow work to what they see should be done?--

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 10th, 2003, 06:47:19 PM
"The Death-Shadow do not officially work for any set government, but most of our payroll comes from the Sultan, and the central monarchy. Though, we do contract out to other employers as we are needed. They would need to be rather wealthy to aquire my services, though," he almost chuckled. It was evident that J'ktal thought highly of himself, but it was not unfounded. He could command a high price because he could guerantee success while maintaining a very low profile.

May 10th, 2003, 06:51:47 PM
--Do you ever get given missions you disagree with? Something that goes against your morals?--

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 10th, 2003, 07:12:56 PM
"It is not my morals I am chiefly concerned about when I am assigned a mission," J'ktal pointed out. "We are quite free to turn down any assignments we are given, but we are encouraged to think about the consequences of leaving things be. After all, though you might be assigned with the assassination of an apparent innocent, not taking action could result in the deaths of many others. It is not a pleasant job, peace is not foremost in our minds as it is with you Jedi."

May 13th, 2003, 04:31:42 AM
--Yes, I can understand that, but even still, you must have feelings on what your doing. A sense right or wrong. Just because your peers or employer asks you to do something, does not mean they are taking the right course of action.

There is always two sides to every story, some reasoning behind everything.--

Oriadin reached out with the force and sensed J'ktal.

--From what I can make out, your good at your job. Very good. You have that air about you. To be trained in the ways of the Jedi would be against many things youve already learnt, I would imagine.--

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 13th, 2003, 04:55:28 AM
"Then I will adapt," J'ktal replied curtly.

"Though in the interim, my former training will be my primary source of instinct."

May 13th, 2003, 04:59:38 AM
He had to smile at the reply. Oriadin really hoped J'ktal knew what he was getting himself into.

--What if you decide you cannot go back to the life you had before joining the order? Its a very different life from what I can make out. A different way of seeing things. A different way of doing things.

Can you make that change?--

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 16th, 2003, 12:32:37 AM
"A life can never be returned to by anyone when they have learned of other things," J'ktal pointed out. "I will learn these new ways, and decide for myself which is the better, or more efficient one. I assure you, Mr. Oriadin, that I will make every endeavor to learn your ways, and adopt them as my own. And perhaps teach you something in return."

He paused to raise an eyebrow ever so slightly. "Why do you ask? Do you feel that I should not be here? Do you feel as if I will abuse whatever talents I aquire? That is very much a possiblity, and I make no guarentees."

May 16th, 2003, 03:01:00 AM
J'ktal did well to turn the questions back on the Jedi Knight. The ice had been broken now, and Oriadin felt a little more at ease than he did earlier.

--Its not that I dont think you should be here...--

He said calmly.

--Im just keen to learn your intentions. To become a Jedi takes in inner peace. I wonder whether someone of your proffesion can find that peace. To feel the life around them and try to preserve it rather than take it.

Id also be keen to hear what you'd say if people compared you with Sejah?--

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 26th, 2003, 03:38:21 AM
"There would be little to compare," J'ktal stated flatly. "Mr. Haversh and I are from two entirely different walks of life. You fould find very little in common between us to base a comparison off of, Mr. Oriadin."

He added as a footnote, "That is to mean no disrespect to him, Mr. Oriadin, merely that we are not able to be classed on the same scale."

May 27th, 2003, 02:01:26 AM
--As true as that may be, people are still going to compare the two of you, since you are both Nehantish.

So, have you been with us long? Have you been given a master yet?--