View Full Version : Total Defense: Hard Constitution (Council)

Pierce Tondry
May 8th, 2003, 10:27:19 PM
It had nearly been a a week after Pierce had originally returned to Coruscant and made contact with the Jedi Order that he was summoned to the Council Room high above Coruscant.

The first delay had come about when he'd taken Morgan Evanar to the planet of Tanaab to help the other Jedi track down links to half a holocron Evanar had been in possession of. That had been relatively simple, and Pierce had gotten through the data hunt without incident.

The second delay had been a bit more involved. The Liannan distress call came the next day, and Pierce went out with the other people in a rescue effort. That mess was still resolving itself, but Pierce was no longer needed and so Coruscant once again became his destination.

Pierce felt himself dwelling on the constant conflicts he'd been jerked into every time he traveled to Coruscant. Those thoughts led to painful recollections of his torture at the hands of Sorsha Kasajian that had taken him away from his studies and his duties.

Not all those wounds had healed. He would be entering the Council Room in a blindfold because of them.

Pierce brushed his thoughts aside and entered the Council Room's double doors. "I bid the Jedi Council a good day," he said. Not just his voice, but his entire manner was quiet and sedate. Here, now, he didn't have to worry about putting out a fire.

"And I have to say, it's good to be back."

Navaria Tarkin
May 9th, 2003, 10:34:01 AM
"And it does us good to see you on your feet. How are you feeling?"

At first glance, things seemed to be quite well with Pierce, especially with the trials that he face recently. But, he was a survivor.

Estelle Russard
May 10th, 2003, 05:34:41 PM
Estelle looked over the man before the Council, her eyes lingering on the blindfold that protected his eyes.

She knew of Peirce's capture and subsequent torture, and couldnt help but feel a strong sense of wonder at his resilience and determination to press forward after such a trial.

"Hello Mr. Tondry. Welcome home"

Helenias Evenstar
May 11th, 2003, 03:17:42 AM
The seat of Helenias Evenstar was empty. She had taken ill once again and hence could not be in attendance.

Pierce Tondry
May 11th, 2003, 12:30:33 PM
Pierce inclined his head briefly to both Navaria and Estelle. "Feeling like I could use a vacation, but if you count the past week, I've already had more vacation than I usually get."

"But I do need to get back into the swing of things," Pierce continued in his calm tone. "Got places to go, things to see, people to do-" he grinned at his own joke "-the usual."

"Nope, can't stop now. Can't stop. Gotta get 'em all." The grin on Pierce's face faded just enough to become fixed.

He had slipped and said more than intended.

Navaria Tarkin
May 11th, 2003, 12:46:13 PM
There was more to his light humor then Pierce had wanted to let on.

"What did you mean by that, Pierce?"

Something was wrong and that caused Navaria some concern.

Dasquian Belargic
May 12th, 2003, 12:43:30 PM
Silent, Dasquian listened tentatively as he awaited the answer to Navaria’s question. There was definitely something unsettling about his words.

Estelle Russard
May 12th, 2003, 12:45:38 PM
Estelle had laughed along with Peirce, but she found it was more a nervous reaction than one of true mirth. Something dark was underlaying his lighheartedness and it disturbed her.

Navaria had picked up on it also and without hesitation called Tondry on it.

Estelle wished to somehow bring comfort to Tondry and it showed in the kindness of the look she gave him. But she said nothing and waited for him to answer.

Pierce Tondry
May 12th, 2003, 05:48:47 PM
The smile on Pierce's face remained, but when he spoke it was slowly and without any of the jovial mirth that had come before. "I meant," he said softly. "That the people who kidnapped me put me through hell, and that someone should take away the notion that they can do things like that."

Navaria Tarkin
May 13th, 2003, 12:15:35 PM
"I ... see."

She said solemnly.

"I assume you are going to wait until you are fully healed before taking on this endeavor? And ... be willing to have others aid you in this just cause if they desire?"

Pierce Tondry
May 13th, 2003, 12:31:42 PM
Pierce's face lost all semblance of mirth that remained to it. What remained was a stony expression, doubly enhanced by the blindfold that obscured his eyes and doubly reflected by the straight and active posture he now stood in.

The one necessary trait to being a true survivor was to have a hard constitution, both mental and physical. There could be no question that as he stood in the Council's chambers today, Pierce Tondry was inflexible and unbreakable.

"And put other people at risk that I'd have to defend?" he countered Navaria's second argument. "I don't see any need for that."

Navaria Tarkin
May 14th, 2003, 02:37:49 PM
"You must know now Pierce, that it is a Jed's duty to protect and aid their own. We all know the risks.

And that still does not answer the other question. You are going to wait until you are fully healed before tracking down those responsible?"

Pierce Tondry
May 14th, 2003, 08:10:43 PM
"I'm injured, not stupid," Pierce replied. "I'm not going anywhere until I'm ready. Even though it galls me to have to wait, while they plot and scheme and kill more innocent people."

Pierce could not help but notice that his breathing now stood out in the absence of speech. He flared his nostrils and breathed out the tension.

"When I'm ready, they will feel the full weight of justice on their shoulders."

Estelle Russard
May 14th, 2003, 09:57:22 PM
Estelle had sat back slightly in her seat as Tondry's reply was much harsher than she had been expecting. And she was surprised that he would speak so roughly to Navaria. Dasquian was leaning forward keenly, listening.

"Padawan Tondry, remember you are before the council, and need speak respectfully."

Her voice was soft, and its reproach felt twice as heavy because of it.

"The Council appreciates your desire for Justice, and..." she paused to add sincerity to her words, "....we know the price you have paid in remaining just and upright within your own self."

Her eyes were kind, gentle, as she continued to speak.

"We have a duty to you, as much as you do to us and those you swore to protect. Justice must be done with level heads and true hearts. I fear there is much desire for retribution..revenge, and that this is your motive."

Pierce Tondry
May 15th, 2003, 02:09:48 PM
"If you don't trust my motives, Master Russard," Pierce said slowly. "Maybe you should have gotten to know me better. Revenge is not my trigger."

"Do you know what I see when I look at you right now?"

There was a pause with no answer.

"I see an angel," Pierce said quietly. "A bright, shimmering figure that seems to be sitting on the air above your seat cushion. And Nav- 'scuse me, Master Tarkin, burns just as brightly, and so does Master Belargic."

"But it's not the same thing as seeing you with my own eyes. Everything everywhere is either pure white set against darkness, or black outlined with light. And I see this only because I'm a Jedi. And my wounds will heal only because I'm... biologically unique."

The volume of Pierce's voice began to drop. "But what happens to the beings who don't have my advantages? What happens to the innocents caught in the crossfire? What happens to a little boy who's lost an eye because he was in just the right position for a Sith to use his life as a bargaining chip?"

Pierce let those words hang in the air before speaking again. "And it happens every day. There haven't been any mass attacks, which means there hasn't been any major outcry. No one calls for justice. They're all afraid, or indifferent."

"I can't let that continue. Not anymore."

May 16th, 2003, 05:14:10 PM
:: AB remained seated and attentive to the conversation being held. What Tondry was saying was rather startling, and she was still sorting it all out. If it wasn't revenge he was after, his demeanor was certainly related to it. Perhaps in the time it took for him to heal, his thoughts would settle and he'd be able to think more clearly. ::

Estelle Russard
May 16th, 2003, 07:45:38 PM
"You are right, I dont know you very well, so I must weigh what I see in you today, and the words you speak to us now.

We are not ignorant of the tragedies orchestrated by those who serve the darkside, Mr. Tondry. We feel them everyday in the imbalance in the force, and our lives are given in service to change this.

But you cant deny your recent experiences have no bearing on what you are expressing here today. Or can you?

Justice will be served against such actions, but it will not be dictated by the same dark emotions that prompt them in the first place - anger, hate, fear...pain" She said the last word as she looked directly at him.

He might not see her eyes clearly, but she knew he could sense her gentle searching of his spirit.

James Prent
May 18th, 2003, 12:50:22 AM
James sat outside the Council Chambers, playing with Jax in the hallway. He was being content to roll a small ball back and forth, but he was three now, and dying to run away. She could see it in his eyes.

The padawan learner looked up at the doors to the Council room, and wondered what was going on inside. Pierce had needed her help more since his return, and his injuries... He'd seemed even more serious than usual, if that were possible.

James grabbed Jax's arm as he started to dash away, and he wriggled his face showing that he was about to start verbally complaining. Which meant screaming at the top of his lungs. James scooped him up and ran him down the hall herself, towards some windows where he would be occupied for another few minutes.

Pierce Tondry
May 18th, 2003, 10:00:10 AM
The hairs on the back of Pierce's neck tingled, but he forced himself to remain still. Let Estelle probe where she wanted. She would see.

Meanwhile, the Council's expectant looks required he reply.

Deny. When it had escaped Estelle's lips, Pierce's mind seized on that word and the statement that carried it. Deny.

Deny. What had he denied? The damn witch Kasajian tried to break him. Of course he'd been affected. Pierce now knew that his entire ordeal was an everyday jaunt for Sith. His survival of it boiled down to a few personal traits. Nothing more.

Why didn't the Council see this? Why didn't they understand? Was it just because they hadn't personally felt that kind of impact on their lives? Aside from the initial slip, Pierce exercised care in choosing what to say and how to say it; to express only what he felt and nothing more. Was this continuing line of questioning and implication indicative of something?

Pierce's heart sank as he realized what it was.

"Y'know, I've found mistrust a lot of places, but I gotta admit- I never expected to find it here."

Estelle Russard
May 20th, 2003, 06:11:21 PM
Peirce was confusing concern for mistrust and Estelle felt sad that he should feel that way.

She didn't correct him however, instead she watched him with a level gaze. He was open to her gentle exploring of his emotion, and that said much that atleast he still held faith with the Council.

The padawan was selling them short if he felt their questioning was because they lacked the care or the drive to do something about the darkness of the Sith.

He was very proud....or maybe he was just very angry..to say what he said to such company.

Pierce Tondry
May 20th, 2003, 09:16:14 PM
Pierce's weak senses swept the Council members. Not one of them had denied mistrusting him- he didn't even sense so much as a flicker in their change of mood.

First Ysanne Isard, then Airen Cracken, and now the Jedi Council. Who the hell in this universe trusted him?

"You know what really hurts, Master Russard?" Pierce asked. "What real pain is? Pain is being told your entire life you have to be loyal, faithful, and trustworthy because lives are depending on you, and then not being believed when it comes down to it."

His shoulders slumped from their proud bearing. "I've said I won't be taking any action until I'm healed, but I still believe it wise if I perform any operations I go on solo. Does the Council have any further questions for me?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 21st, 2003, 01:06:03 PM
The situation with Pierce required much to dwell on and Navaria remained quiet, thinking on the matter as Estelle took over. His initial reactions were worrisome, but he had been through a lot and needed time to heal, both mentally and physically. He realized that he overstepped his bounds in these halls and presented his point of view clear enough. Such things happen, but you move on.

Navaria couldn't help but wonder if a lot of Pierce's current attitude had to do with what they talked about personally. There was a mental clock ticking away in the back of his mind ... Sorsha's torturing of him perhaps sped that up? She did feel that the two were related and found herself cursing mentally at her Sister ... something not done too often by Navaria.

Then his feelings shifted dramatically and it brought Navaria's attention fully to the present. She never felt such hurt coming from Pierce before and frowned in disappointment. Navaria thought Pierce knew her better then that, even if he did not know all of the Council.

"Just because we are silent, does not mean we do not believe you or do not trust you. We are only concerned. Iwas concerned for your well being and did not want you to rush into things without the proper time to heal."

Her eyes softened, though the sting of Pierce's words were still reflected there.

"Since we are all in agreement on that matter, you are free to go if that is your wish."

Pierce Tondry
May 25th, 2003, 12:10:07 PM
Pierce's posture straightened and his facial movements made it obvious that he was examining the Council members in spite of the blindfold. Beneath the dark strip of cloth, his eyes closed briefly-

-then his head snapped fully upright. It was time to be all business again.

"All right then," he said crisply. "If you'll excuse me, I have things I need to take care of. Thank you for your time."

Pierce turned around and walked out of the Council chambers. The door gently swooshed shut and Pierce stopped. He looked over his shoulder at the closed double doors and extreme pain washed through him.

His shoulders slumped again and Pierce put a hand to his forehead, pressing his palm there like he could somehow squeeze his feelings out of his head.

James was down the hallway with a running Jax, instead of just outside the double doors. Good. Jax needed exercise if he was going to grow up strong and healthy.

Pierce started walking. It could have been his ears playing tricks on him, but his footsteps seemed more hesitant than usual.

Nah. It was just his imagination. It had to be. His disappointing reception could not be allowed to interfere with what needed to be done. He could not bend, could not break. This was too important for that. It was all just in his head.

It had to be.