View Full Version : The Mending Craft II - Terran
Navaria Tarkin
May 8th, 2003, 02:33:38 PM
Sometimes there were certain acoustics to a room that helped to focus a Jedi's mind. The last session with Terran worked out quite well in her private quarters that Navaria decided to have the next one here as well. She did change her mind a few times because of how they had departed last time. Terran had physically stumbled along his words when Navaria had made an innocent joke. She didn't want there to be any uncomfortable feelings between them.
Then again, she could be worrying over nothing. She focused her thoughts on the task at hand, cleaning up a few items in the kitchenette, while waiting for Terran to arrive.
imported_Terran Starek
May 9th, 2003, 02:55:22 AM
Just as the first time he had come to her room, Terran found himself (as usual) running a tad bit late. He made his way quickly to her door. Bringing his hand up to knock, he paused, finding himself hesitant for only a second.
Last time he was here, he had--on a whim--found himself taken by Master Tarkin's beauty. He reminded himself that this was no time nor place to bother either he or Navaria with such a childish manner. Though it was true that he found Master Tarkin. . .intriguing, to say the least, it could be passed off as a product of circumstance. She being a beautiful, skilled, talented woman, it was no real suprise that he would find her attractive.
These meetings were not entirely social, though. They were part of his training. They were all part of his attempts to become a better healer. Today, Master Tarkin planned to introduce something new, and Terran found himself excited to take on the new task. He had an energy about him that his mentors could sense.
He knocked on the door softly.
Navaria Tarkin
May 9th, 2003, 10:22:20 AM
She glanced at the chronometer and smiled to herself. Five minutes late again. He would probably apologize for his tardiness like last time.
The door opened upon her command as she finished putting a few items away in the cupboard.
imported_Terran Starek
May 9th, 2003, 11:31:31 AM
Terran did so as the door slid open, making his way inside of the same hallway he had entered once before. The room looked pretty much identical to his last visit, and he found the place more comforting now that he was getting used to it.
"Master Tarkin?" He found her closing the cuppord as she put a few things in it. "Please forgive my tardiness. It's never been one of my strong points." He gave her a sheepish smile and leaned against the wall as he spoke.
"Thank you for granting me a second lesson. I appreciate your help and your time," he said. He had always had a knack for helping others, but he never knew it would come out in the art of healing. There was so much more to it than just the physical part, and he was learning that through Navaria's teaching.
"It's good to be back." He smiled--her room was a warm place. "I would be remiss not to admitt that I am very excited for this lesson."
Navaria Tarkin
May 11th, 2003, 10:22:50 AM
Navaria was right as she smiled to herself and spoke in an obvious kidding tone of false disappointment.
"Terran, please."
She turned around after closing the cupboard, leaning on the counter.
"You know better then to apologize for being late. Besides, I knew you would be anyway. You are awfully hard on yourself for a five minute tardiness. Granted... if it was before the Council ... you might be in trouble."
The smirk on her face, Terran remembered from last time, and he was motioned to have a seat, Navaria taken on a more formal tone.
"You are quite welcomed. Not many students take the path of healing. It is an honor to teach it."
Her brow raised at the mention of his excitement.
"As good as that is, you best calm yourself when we start. Such feelings will impede your body."
She laughed at little, at herself.
"Trust me, I know."
imported_Terran Starek
May 11th, 2003, 04:17:12 PM
He smiled and took her piece of advice for its full value. Master Tarkin was an expert in this subject (among others) and he took everything she said as an oppurtunity to learn. He sat down across from her and brought his attention to her.
"Yes, of course. A Jedi must remain calm and in control of himself at all times when he calls upon the Force," Terran recited. "Master Elessar has imparted that knowledge upon me several times, I might add." He laughed again, bringing another smile out of her. Her smile was definitely one of her strongest attributes, and he found it warm and inviting.
"Though not to rush my time with you, as I find you friendly company," he said with a smile, "I do indeed wonder what you have in store for me today."
Navaria Tarkin
May 14th, 2003, 02:51:51 PM
"Marcus does, eh?"
She had to laugh a little.
"Looks like he is heeding his advice lately. I remember a time when it was shoot first and ask questions later. Well ... still happens."
Navaria winked.
Her face became quite warm at Terran's kindness.
"Thank you. I enjoy our time together as well and look forward to our lessons together. I thought perhaps we do something a little different today. Something that can be used on others if needed, but it is mainly used by Jedi. It is called a hibernation trance."
imported_Terran Starek
May 15th, 2003, 08:38:57 AM
Terran smiled. This was going to be interesting. He'd read about the trances before, and he knew that many Jedi in the past had used them to stay alive in some very questionable situations. He knew that the trance could be used to lower life signs--to hide from enemies who could detect Force signature/life forms. He knew that when wounded, a Jedi could use the trance to remain stable until he was able to get proper medical attention. Also, it could keep a Jedi alive when he was unable to get to food or drink for a longer ammount of time than a normal human.
"I am familiar with the hibernation trance, Master Tarkin, but only through books. What I know it limited." He brought a finger to his chin and patted it lightly, thinking. "However, I must admitt, I'd never heard of it used to benefit another. Is that an advanced manuver for a Jedi Master? How does it help the other person?"
He had always been a very inquisitve young man.
Navaria Tarkin
May 16th, 2003, 08:09:59 PM
She nodded.
"Yes. It is an advanced technique, but an experience Knight could learn it.
Even a non-force sensitive being can be induced into a trance. It is much needed if they have received life threatening injuries. The trance can stabilize them until proper treatment can be given. Also, it can to refresh one's vigor during a short period.
The only real main different between a Jedi's trance and that one is the Jedi can induce it and come out of it on their own if they so desire. For a non-sensitive, they would need a trigger word to arouse them from the trance."
imported_Terran Starek
May 17th, 2003, 09:06:07 AM
Terran was intrigued as he listened to Master Tarkin. He loved learning, and to come upon new information like this always excited him.
"I see. That makes sense, since a non-Force sensitive being would not understand what had happened," he spoke, thinking aloud. He tapped his chin again with one finger while thiking. "Hmmm. . .very interesting." Coming out of his trance of thought, he returned his eyes to Navaria.
"Ok. . .I think I am ready. I've asked enough questions." He smiled and adjusted his sitting position into a more comfortable one.
Navaria Tarkin
May 17th, 2003, 07:39:42 PM
"Very well."
She folded her hands together and straightened her posture, sitting in much the same manner as last time Terran was here. It was a sign that the lesson was going to begin.
"As I have said, the Jedi can come out of the trance either by himself or another Jedi. Since this is your first time attempting this ability, it is best to give me a word to break you out of the trance incase anything goes wrong."
imported_Terran Starek
May 28th, 2003, 01:31:42 AM
OOC: Sorry for the late reply, Nav. I really do luv ya!! :)
A word came to mind immediately.
"I can probably think of one." He sat back a little more comfortable. "How about Xazor. I think that will work." He smiled, the thought of her making him a little happier. "What's next?"
Navaria Tarkin
May 28th, 2003, 09:27:06 AM
OOC~ :)
IC~ "Xazor it is then. Now we can begin."
She picked herself up and moved to sit besides Terran. The closer that Navaria was, the better, incase anything went wrong.
"Relax your mind. Bring yourself into a familiar state with the Force. The connection to it must be strong in order for this to work properly."
imported_Terran Starek
May 29th, 2003, 01:24:08 PM
"Yes, Master," he spoke, closing his eyes and settling his body. He breathed deeply, letting the breath out slowly as he relaxed his eyes. Letting his mind take control, he relaxed his body very meticulously--starting with his neck. Working down to his shoulders, then chest, arms, and so on. Finally, he felt himself in a meditative state, preparing to undertake the next step.
Bring yourself into a familiar state with the Force.
He thought of the things that brought him closer to the Force: nature. He envisioned himself in a green, sunny meadow, the sun warming his face and skin as he sat in the middle of the soft earth. On one side of him was a small grove of trees--cerans, his favorite from Gias. Their great trunks were as wide as a column in the Jedi Temple and as tall as one too. On the other side of him was a patch of wild flowers--everything from petunes to gravids. They were a mass of purple and orange with hints of white and lavendar among them. Some of the pedals were dotted with orange like a young freckled-child's face. He could smell their silky fragrance in the air as his face lit up with pleasure.
"I'm ready, Master Tarkin," Terran spoke, his physical voice a distant echo as his spirtual self sat in the beautiful meadow.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 2nd, 2003, 04:28:26 PM
Navaria had closed her eyes and was gently probing Terran's thoughts as he went into his meditative state. She picked emotions, never anything concrete that he was looking at for Navaria was not linked with Terran. The Knight could feel the peace and calmness that Terran had surrounded himself in. His mind was had become a bright beacon for the Force to aid him, if he needed to call upon it quickly.
"Now, as we did before ... I want you to go further then relaxing your body. I want you to actually begin to numb it. This will help to facilitate your mind to progress further ..."
imported_Terran Starek
Jun 2nd, 2003, 07:16:37 PM
"Yes, Master," Terran replied, his voice still distant to his mind. Master Tarkin's voice, however, had come in clearly. He imagined himself lying down in the deep green grass of the meadow, the bright sun kissing his skin warmly. It was surreal, and he soon found his mind at a nearly perfectly relaxed state. It was time to move on to his body.
Master Tarkin had directed him to numb it, and he had to think about precisely what that meant. The meditative state was the ability of a Jedi to calm his or her body and slow it's processes to preserve him or her in needed situations. The first step, he guessed, was to do as she instructed and numb his senses.
His breathing slowed on the outside and he pulled his mind further and further from his physical body. He allowed himself to lose 'touch' with his physical self, in essence, numbing his senses. He could no longer feel the place where he sat, nor could he feel himself breathing. It was as though he was disconnected from his body.
". . ." He tried to speak, but found the words detached and not coming to him. Instead, he used his mind. Master Tarkin, I can't. . .I can't feel my body. . .I hope I'm doing this right. . .and I hope you are near! He was slightly worried, but he trusted Master Tarkin greatly.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:56:51 PM
She felt his trust, but also that his mind was panicking somewhat. It was a natural reaction for the first time when you loose all sense of your body. A body gave your a connection to the real world and a way to keep you grounded from becoming lost as your spiritual self. Navaria connected to Terran's mind quickly so that he could feel her aura around his mind which offered comfort and support. And with that connection, the Knight could subtly emote feelings that soothed Terran further so his mind could remained focused.
Nearer then you think, Terran. You do not have to worry. I will always be here.
As this progress, it would become increasingly difficult for the Padawan to complete each task, but it was the only way to learn how to do this properly without shutting down a vital process like the beating of his heart.
Return to calm and only when you are, target your lungs and the rhythm that you breath in and out. I want you to concentrate specifically on this and keep focus on the numbing of your body. We are going to eventually slow down your breathing as if you were asleep, like you were safe and sound in a comfortable bed.
This was all about control. If he could not master the control over his body then the exercise would be finished. But, Navaria had great faith in Terran. His abilities were quite close to that of a Knight.
imported_Terran Starek
Jun 5th, 2003, 12:37:08 PM
With Master Tarkin's soothing voice and warm aura around him, he felt more and more confident on allowing himself to do what she asked. He let the panic leave him and returned to the detached state that he found himself in initially. Then, as well-focused as he could be--he concentrated only on his breathing. It was hard to hear at first with his body so detached from his mind, but after several seconds of thought, he could essentially visualize his lungs.
In-out. . .in-out. . .in-out
Though his breathing was normal and rythmic, it was rushed. He knew that what Navaria wanted was a relaxed, slow and steady rythym. He had to exert control, because though he was relaxed, the breathing was still rather tense and uncertain.
Easy. . .easy does it. . .slow down. . . Talking to his lungs as though they had a mind of their own, he tried to calm his respiratory system. Though perhaps it was foolish, it seemed to be working, as his lungs became less and less tight and took deeper breaths.
In and out. . .in and out. . .in and out
Better, he thought, as he continued to let his body relax. He was envisioning a great, soft, green bed like Master Tarkin had suggested, with flowing satin sheets and a soft, cloud-like comforter to cover him. He probably smiled on the outside.
In and out. . .in and out. . .in and out. . .
He was feeling very relaxed at this point, and it seemed like it took less and less oxygen to stimulate his brain. He knew that Navaria was near--a comforting thought, training or not--and was not afraid to push as hard as he could.
In. . .and. . .out. . .
He breathing slowed to a crawl as he concentrated.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 8th, 2003, 11:48:01 AM
Quietly, she smiled, not wanting to distract Terran. He really was smiling on the outside, but there was still a ways to go, and it was only going to increase in the complexity and difficult with each step. She waited for a few moments to pass, making sure that Terran had perfected this state and was safe.
It was time to move on and this is where control was key. Some had become so shocked at the next request that they broke their concentration so much that one of two things happened. They woke out of the relaxed state, nothing too major. Or ... their breathing stopped.
Her mind wrapped tighter around Terran. The only person she was this close mentally was Sanis, but considering that the Padawan's life was on the line, Navaria refused to take any chances.
We are ready to move on. As with your lungs, I want you to do the same with your heart, in the same exact manner
imported_Terran Starek
Jun 8th, 2003, 11:54:43 PM
Without delay, Terran continued to follow Master Tarkin's orders. It was difficult to break the initial seal of slowing down automatic processes of the body, but it would be even harder to slow down something as automatic and necessary as the beating of the heart. He tried to remain calm, his breathing nearly stopping it seemed. Despite the lack of oxygen now entering his lungs, it seemed that he could still concentrate well.
With his mind, he traced down the path of his arteries until he came to his heart. Beating rythmicaly and controlled, it was almost enough to put his mind to rest. But Terran knew what he had to do--he had to focus and slow it. He allowed the Force to guide him as he called for its assistance.
Slowly, ever so slowly, his heart began to loose beats.
It wasn't irregular--it was intentional and controlled. He found it easier and easier with each beat, reducing its rate until it was nearly beating. Until he could barely hear it.
Thump. . . . . . . .Thump. . . . . . . . . . .Thump
Worry filled his mind as he wondered if what he was doing was ok, and for one second, he lost his trust in Master Tarkin. But, as panic left him, he regained it, scolding himself for foolishness.
There he waited for Navaria to call to him, for he felt as though his body was a stone. He could no longer move, no longer speak. All he could do was think, and so he prayed she was listening.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:08:09 PM
Her eyes narrowed and she leaned down closer to Terran as Navaria felt the wave of panic crash down into his mind with potent Force. He almost lost his concentration, and Navaria was ready to intercede on his behalf but ... she was surprised and most please. Terran brought himself back to his center and overcame his fears.
Even though there was nothing he could feel from the outside world with his body or mind, he waited patiently and bravely, trusting in Navaria to guide him further into this perilous unknown.
Terran I am here. You are almost there. Only a few more important steps to go .... This one should provide you with more comfort then the sound of my voice and the presence of my mind to soothe your nerves. I want you to simply focus on Xazor. Remember her face, the way she dresses ... smiles. What she smells like. Every little detail including the sound of her fist name in your mind.
imported_Terran Starek
Jun 11th, 2003, 01:35:46 PM
Her voice was so soothing and comforting to him in this time of stress. Even moreso than the thought of Xazor, he was pleased that Navaria was near. Inside--and possibly on the outward--he smiled.
As he was directed, he did. With his physical self almost completey detached from his body, he relied soley on his mind. With a sharp mind's eye and skilled control over his thoughts, he envisioned the one he loved within his mind.
He said the word in his mind, his tongue wrapping around each consanant and vowell as it stuck in his mouth. It was a pleasant sound, and as he said it, it was as though he was summoning her to his presence. First, her distinct smell tickled his nose. It was heavy, like the warm, sweet air of spring, engulfed with Spitfires and Daisyettes. He took a deep breath, taking in her scent in.
The word was stronger now, bolder. He could see her face--a glowing, soft white light encompassing the symetrical curves of her familiar musculature. He smiled as he could see her do the same. When she did, it was a though a great light was released, brightening everything around him. His face was bathed in the warmth of her love, and he could feel it eminating around him.
He was at ease now, every part of him calm and controlled. He waited now, waited for Master Tarkin to continue his instruction.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 15th, 2003, 11:33:36 AM
Everything was falling into place with Terran. The Padawan's mind and body were adapting quickly to the required needs for the trance. She had to resist the urge to rest her hand against the side of Terran's head. His inward gratefulness was thoughtful and sweet. It would only be another gesture of support for him ... but he would not have felt it.... So, she kept still, providing the support needed through their link. A link that was so strong at this point that Navaria shared in the vision of perfection that Terran had constructed of Xazor ... and there was a part of her that was jealous of that relationship.
Those thoughts were quickly pushed aside before Terran could feel that. This was about his training, not about Navaria's messed up love life.
You are ready now for the final step. With the last thought of her name, find yourself closed to the rest of your surroundings and sleep. Let the love you feel be your anchor as your mind shuts itself off so you can rest and heal. So you can be one with the Force that will keep you sustained in life as those in the real world are fooled otherwise. Think of it like mediation but only a more intimate contact with the Force that will remain permanent until awakened.
imported_Terran Starek
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:07:49 PM
So relaxed and enveloped in the comfortable world of his mind, Terran laid his head down in the tall, cool grass around him. Xazor lay beside him--holding his head against her breast and stroking his face with her other hand. Her touch was so warm it felt like the sun above had reached down to touch his face personally. She was smiling the whole time, as was he.
His eyes felt heavy.
He wanted to gaze at her and kiss her, but he could not fight the feeling that overwhelmed him. It was a peaceful call to sleep. It was though every part of his body was prepared to rest. Xazor brought her lips close to him, kissing him softly on the forehead. She kissed him on the right cheek, then the left cheek. There she paused, bringing her mouth to his ear.
"Sleep," she whispered softly. He could hear the peace in her voice, an indication of how restful his sleep would become.
"Sleep," she said again with the whispers of a thousand winds brustling the soft grass around him. He didn't want to fight the peaceful rest anymore even if he could. WIth that, he drifted away, his mind and body preserved as everything around him seemed to stop.
On the outside, his life signs all but completely ceased. His breathing was in such a small, shallow interval that those around him wouldn't even know he was breathing at all. His heartbeat was also so quiet and weak that it no pulse could be felt by the human hand.
He had acheived a complete state of stillness.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 18th, 2003, 03:27:13 PM
Navaria sat back and smiled proudly. With only a few minor setbacks, and no life threatening problems, Terran was able to go into a hibernation trance with relative ease. His control over his body and the Force were commendable and impressive.
She severed the link gently, knowing full well that he would not wake up at all. Any mental contact towards his mind at this point would be futile. It was tucked safely away in a perfect dream while the outside world thought he was dead ...
The pangs of jealousy returned and Navaria stood up to make some tea. It would be a good test to make sure that Terran would be all right for a few minutes in this state, and by the time the tea would be done ... it would be time for Navaria to wake him up.
Ten Minutes Later
Two steaming cups of tea sat by themselves on the coffee table as Navaria focused on Terran. It was time to send the word into his mind to awaken him, and so, the final test. If he did not enter the trance properly in the final moments, his life would be threatened here.
Taking a deep breath, she calmed her mind and sent the name Xazor into his brain, hoping she wouldn't have to intervene to save his life ...
imported_Terran Starek
Jun 19th, 2003, 04:38:29 PM
His mind slept more soundly than his body, and it seemed as though he was in a peaceful dream that contained no visuals or senses whatsoever. It was as though he was just. . .at peace. If he was awake and logical, he would've guessed that keeping his mind empty was a way to prevent any uneeded energy or Force vibrations from giving away his location.
It was soft, the wind against a window pane or a door left slightly ajar sweeping across soft carpet. It was less than a whisper, and at first he ignored it entirely. It did little to wake him from his peace.
Slightly louder now, Terran could feel his mind stir. His senses flared as he became aware of what was happening. Something inside of his brain had recognized the word and was panicking--telling him it was time to wake up. Groggily, his mind began to function.
The voice was plain as day now as he found himself rising out of peace. He had never experienced this before, and he felt scared. He felt alone--as he woke, he was no longer in the meadow. He was in a desperate darkness, it seemed. The darkness continued, as though nothing would ever take shape. Then it hit him.
He could begin to feel his body. He was cold--so cold, his lungs seemingly ceased.
The voice now commanded his attention. He looked into the void as something began to materialize in the distance. It was a face. A light. It came closer--second by second, inching--until finaly it came into view. It was the face of his brother--Jeran. It was the face of pain. Blood poured down over his eyes as he screamed--screamed with all the bloody despair possible in death.
Terran sat up with such force that he nearly fell off of the couch, all the while gasping at the air. Color was returning to his face as he struggled to breath. His brain functioned as it had always,and he realized what had happened. He had not come out as peacefuly as he had went in, and he was in shock.
He rolled over onto his side, his eyes bright and wild as he gasped to put his organs in action. It felt as though he would be ok, as something had come over him. A wave of comfort and warmth--it must've have been Navaria. Finally, after a moment of gasping for air, he regained his breathing, turning to face his Master.
"I'm. . .I'm. . .(gasp). . .sorry, Master Tarkin," he said between breaths. "I thought I had control. . .(gasp). . .but something happened." He saw the tea before him and, having regained most of his control, he took a sip of the hot drink, letting it warm his stomach and calm his nerves.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 22nd, 2003, 05:14:01 PM
He wasn't responding immediately. She probed further and was releaved to find that his vitals were intact, just that his mind had regressed so far, that it was difficult to call back. Terran had engrossed himself so deeply that his consciousness thought it was reality. A major point to lecture about later after Navaria got him back safely.
The Knight's mind expanded further to absorbed enough ambient Force energy and quickly focused it like a funnel and penetrated Terran's mind. With each repetition of Xazor's name, her voice grew louder until the Padawan could ignore her voice no longer.
Terran woke with a fright and rolled off the couch to get away from her. Her mind detached from his and provided an aura of warmth and protection that extended outwards from her body and surrounded Terran. Soon, he was able to regain his composure and have his body working under his control.
Now that Terran had acclimated himself once more and settled his nerves with a sip of tea, Navaria listened to his first words carefully. Something happened, in his own words ... but what?
"At what point did you loose control? It took a lot of effort to get your mind to recognize the word I was sending into your mind."
imported_Terran Starek
Jun 23rd, 2003, 10:27:30 AM
"I know, and I'm sorry," he said. His eyes were wide as he tried to understand what he had seen. He was coming out of the trance peacefully--skillfully, even. He'd handled the entire session very well. It was as though when it was time to come to, something wouldn't allow him. Something sheilded his mind from the truth. Something held him back.
Something made him watch the strange vision.
"I don't know what happened." How could he explain it? She would think he was crazy. He could barely explain what he saw, let alone try to rationalize it to someone else. He trusted her--he really did. There was something about her that was warm and kind. Something he felt very comfortable around. Given his relationship with Xazor, perhaps he was too comfortable.
"I don't remember," he said, turning away. Lying was difficult for him, but he didn't know how to reveal the truth. He didn't want to be outcasted or labeled the GJO crazy man, so he thought it best to let the situation be.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 23rd, 2003, 09:44:11 PM
Empathic abilities aside, Navaria knew that Terran was lying to her. It disheartened Navaria to watch him turn away and push her aside after how .. close they had been.
"There is no need to apologize, Terran. This was your first time attempting such a powerful ability. Set backs happen."
Out of respect, Navaria didn't probe anything further. He wasn't comfortable speaking of what had happened to him. Maybe he would come to her later when he was ready, or seek someone else out for counsel. The Knight hoped that he would and not keep his experience bottled up inside.
"I am sorry you do not remember so I could possibly help. Perhaps when you do, I could help then?"
Navaria asked gently, making sure Terran got the hint that she knew more then what she was letting on.
imported_Terran Starek
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:42:19 AM
He smiled. He understood. His forte was sensing and readin others, and it was no suprise that he could feel out Master Tarkin's intentions.
"Of course, Master Tarkin," he replied. He meant it--he would definitely come to her if he needed her assistance. He trusted her very much. She had already taught him so much and he failed to see how her teachings would not continue. He would learn from her as long as he existed, he was sure of that.
"I can't believe how much these sessions wear me out," he said, covering his mouth as he yawned. "I feel more drained after our sessions than combat training with Master Elessar!" He laughed and smiled, taking another sip of his tea.
He was ready for a good night's rest.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 25th, 2003, 09:02:45 AM
His comments brought a knowing smile.
"Combat wears the body. Sometimes injury can happen with training, but the strain is not as severe when it comes to molding mind and body into one fluid constant, while channeling the Force in learning new abilities.
And it only gets harder."
With a wink and short laugh, she stood up to refill her cup.
"By the sounds of it, you will not have any trouble sleeping tonight."
imported_Terran Starek
Jun 25th, 2003, 05:20:00 PM
"I am prepared to face the challenges before me, Master Tarkin." He finished out his cup of tea. "And again, I find that you are to thank for all of your help." He stood, following her into the kitchen area and placing his cup on the counter. He faced her.
"You've believed in me, encouraged me, and assisted me to the success I have today. I thank you for that and am indebted to you for this kindness." He smiled, taking her hand softly in both of his own. His face was sincere and his words came straight from his heart.
"I've found more than a teacher in you. I've found a friend--someone I can trust. Someone I can count on. I hope that, despite my rank here, I can be someone whom you can trust as a friend as well."
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:54:01 PM
A smile lit up her face and she looked downwards as if shy.
"Thank you ..."
She looked back up and placed a hand over his.
"... not many have said such things to me. I am glad that you feel this way, and Padawan or not, I will always be there for you ... when you need me."
After this training session and being so intimate with his thoughts and feelings had brough them closer. Navaria had the Force to thank for that gift.
"And please. My tiltles aside ... call me Navaria when formality is not needed."
imported_Terran Starek
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:59:37 PM
"Thank you, Master Tar--" he stopped, blushing and smiling. "Thank you Navaria." His smile was sheepish and he turned away to his bag at the foot of Navaria's couch.
"I hate to leave you like this again," he chuckled, rolling his eyes and yawning. After each lesson with her, his body grew tired from the strain that was put upon his mind. "But all of me is crying out for sleep. I could use a short nap." He slung the bag over his shoulder and made his way towards the door.
"Do you need anything?" He said, standing with his back to the door. His tone was soft and very informal, as a friend would address a friend.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 29th, 2003, 01:20:47 PM
She rose to see Terran out and smiled modestly towards him.
"No, but thank you for asking. I am going to retire for a bit as well. My mind needs to rest after our training this time as well. It was rather ...."
Navaria stopped to think of a proper word.
"... intense."
imported_Terran Starek
Jul 1st, 2003, 09:24:29 AM
"Indeed it was," he smiled, his eyes feeling weary and ready for sleep. With everything in order, Terran opened the door and made his way out of it.
"I look forward to our next session," he said as he exited what was becoming a familiar place to him. "I wish that you rest well and I shall see you again soon." He nearly said it over his shoulder as he headed down the hall, back towards his own chambers. A smile was upon his tired face. He was content, and it seemed that he learned much from her. An excellent teacher, he thought.
An excellent friend.
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