View Full Version : Awakening: Anarch Angel
May 8th, 2003, 12:04:46 AM
Somewhere in the Plains of Killdair...
0200 CBT 2 Years Prior...
It was a cool mid-fall night in the grassy plains of Killdair. The prairie grass had begun to loose its green hue and had taken a more brownish dead hue. The bright Balmorran moon lit cast a pale unnatural light upon the rolling plains. The air was crisp and clean, and the night still.
A meteor shower had been entertaining a few members of the Balmorran Military out on patrol. The watched from the back of their hover trucks as the heavenly bodies fell from the sky burning up in the atmosphere.
"Hey look at that one, ain't she a beut..."
"I'll say, wow haven't seen a shower like this in years."
"Holos said it only happens once every 15 years or so."
"Hot damn boys look at the size of that one..."
A Lieutenant pointed to a streaking red ball of flame in the sky. It was much larger and closer than the other meteors.
"Wow that's enormous."
"Guys I don't think that's any meteor," A young Corporal blurted out as the space debris began getting closer. Suddenly a flash of light was seen a few hundred yards off as something slammed into the ground. Still the largest of the streaks was getting closer.
"Frelling son of a Sith that's no meteorite, that's a ship and it's headin' right for us."
The soldiers scrambled to get their gear and their hover truck out of the way, as they screamed off in the opposite direction they turned back and watched. There was a brillian flash of light that filled up the night sky.
A thunderous explosion followed the flash as the vessel that had been knocked from orbit slammed into the quiet Plains of Killair.
"Better call this in to HQ"
************************************************** **
Next Morning...
The entire area had been quarantined as the Balmorran intellegince began sifting through the remanants of the wreckage. So far they had found no descernable markings, no sign of life nothing, except a heavily armoured storage unit that was marked with a bio-hazzardous sign.
Members of the service were dressed in chem suits as they tested the unit for signs of chemical, biological or radiological traces. The clicks of a geiger counter could be heard as they scanned the area. However, nothing was found.
As the scientists gave the all clear sign, three men dressed in black jumpsuits quickly approached the unit and ordered it placed into the back of a hover truck.
"Let's get this thing in here and get it moving."
"Yes sir."
The relatively unscathed storage unit was quickly placed in the back of the truck to be transported to Bin Prime and a non-descript industrial complex; that served as a front for Balmorran Intelligence.
************************************************** **
15 hours later...
"So what the frell is it," A red-haired well dressed man demanded of the scientists standing over a stasis tube holding a very odd specimen.
"As far as we can tell sir it's some sort of Genetically engineered life-form. It is carbon based and humanoid, but it isn't like anything we've ever encountered before."
There were men in white coats moving hastily about the sterilized white lab. In the center of the lab was an perfectly preserved stasis tube, inside of it was the source of all the commotion. A prototype humanoid organism, if you could even call it humanoid. It was built like a typical male enuch, save the fact that it's skin was blanch white as if all the pigment had been removed, it's hair was bleach white and it's eyes, well it's eyes were the most disturbing part of the creature.
"Well open the thing and tell me what's inside."
"That's the thing sir, it seems to have some sort of personel shielding that won't allow us to break into it without the proper coding."
"Well hack into it."
"We're trying sir."
************************************************** **
Present Day...
Endless rows of crates and boxes stacked on industrial shelves lined the dark cavernous store room of the Imperial Warehouse in Bin Prime. The general populace was unaware of its mere existence, had they known what was inside of it, their would have been panic in the streets, but for the most part it was fairly secure. A platoon of Stormtroopers defended it, being relieved of their duty in four hour shifts. No one really ever saw the inside of the dank, basement smelling building.
In the far northwestern corner of the warehouse stood a stasis tube. It was covered in dust, the contents within it long forgotten, but that was about to change. Inside the creature contained within the tube began to stir. The sleep cycle it was on had ended but with out the proper chemicals and stimulants to bring it out of it's cold-sleep it had taken it a few months to regain complete conciousness.
But it had...
The tube though designed to keep people out, was not specifically designed to keep something in. As the creature became aware of it's surroundings it pushed the tube open and exitted the dusty cryo-coffin. It opened it's fearsome eyes and took in the enviorment around it. Slowly it began wandering down the corridors of stored material, looking for a way out.
"So I told Mary lou that she could put out...He what the frell is that?" Exclaimed a suprised stormtrooper. He hadn't been expecting someone other than he and his partner's replcacement to be wandering about the halls of the building.
"You hey you, what do you think your doing?"
The creature turned and looked at the men as they yelled at him.
"Holy Sith-spit, did you see that things eyes!"
"Shoot it!"
The being which at first had been curious of the actions of the two stormtroopers immediately changed it's posture as the soldiers leveled their blasters to fire. As if a switch had been thrown, immediately the naked test tube creation kicked into military mode; ducking for cover behind a crate as the first blaster bolts were fired. As the Stormtroopers continued to shoot at it, the creature made it's way in a zig-zag pattern towards them, leaping from crate to crate and shelf to shelf to confuse them. Suddenly he was ontop of them. The First trooper attempted to shoot the creature at point blank range with his blaster carbine. Immediately his blaster was pushed up in the air and the red bolt fired off harmlessly. The albino freak then kicked the second trooper firmly in the chest plate sending him flying into the shelves across the row and knocking the rifle out of his hand. As the creature and the first trooper struggled for the blaster rifle, the thing threw a knee into an unarmored portion of the troopers body, catching him off-guard for a moment. Then suddenly he spun the trooper to the left. At that moment a blaster could be heard firing and the first trooper slumped to the ground. The second trooper was still aiming his blaster pistol at the thing, when it took the first blaster rifle and with lightningt quick reflexes turned the first troopers weapon against the second troopers.
And in this way the first trooper patrol was eliminated, allowing the man to slip out the entrance undectected. At least as undetected as a nude albino could go...
Taylor Millard
May 8th, 2003, 10:59:00 PM
Bin Prime- Castle Millard
"Sir," the mechanical voice of the comm came over the Admiral's intercom, "Emperor Mironat is on the line for you."
"Put him through," the soft, but firm voice replied. A holographic display opened up on his desk, revealing the younger face of Ford Mironat, Emperor of Balmorra.
"Admiral," he greeted the military officer, "We have a bit of a situation. There is a light blinking on my desk."
Taylor Millard nodded, trying to keep his thoughts quiet. Mironat wouldn't call him about a *blinking light* if it wasn't important.
"I had the Inquisitors do a check on's coming from a part of Bin Prime that's supposed to be deserted. Near the old 'Kiterix Enterprises' location."
That caught Millard's eyes. The mention of Kiterix always rang warning bells in his mind. If he were involved...then it couldn't be good at all.
"Thank you for the information Emperor," he said crisply, any sense of softness gone from his voice, "I will have it investigated. I believe we are still decifering files the former emperor had on anything."
Mironat's holographic eyes nodded and he signed off.
Taylor Millard, his blue eyes holding a bit of concern, leaned back in his chair. When his door chimed, he wasn't surprised by who was outside.
"Come in Tomar."
His second-in-command entered, walking briskly towards the mahogany desk. Although he didn't have to, Commodore Tomar still saluted Millard...a gesture repeated.
"We're receiving a distress call from a stormtrooper team called 'Anung Ram' group," Tomar's Corellian face was a mixture of anger and concern, "Have you heard of this stormtrooper compliment?"
Taylor shook his head, "No...I believe our former leader left it for us to discover."
He motioned Tomar to sit, and he did so, pouring a glass of water for himself.
"It appears," Millard said with subtle irony, "They ran into something more than they could chew."
Tomar tooka drink from his water, "Shall I send a team to investigate?"
A shake of his brown haired head, "No, Tomar. I think in this it might be best for us to have 'others' investigate. Do you have recordings from the distress signals?"
Tomar set a data recording on the desk, pressing 'Play' on it.
"This is Commander Far of Team Anung Ram!" the recording began, as the two Imperials listened intently to it.
"We are under attack by an unknown entity. By the Force...all I can see is man...send back up..."
There was a clamor in the background as well as blaster firing.
"Understaffed...only three here...send help...Far out."
Millard's blue eyes narrowed as the transmission ended.
Tomar looked at him, his own eyes questioning.
Finally, the Balmorran Grand Admiral spoke, "I believe this is something our 'friends' can handle. It's dark enough so I don't think we have to worry about being seen.
"Make sure General Xilarian meets me here in the office. As well as Alexander and Zumari."
Tomar rose, a small smile on his face, "Yes sir. I will also have a commando team standing by in case anything goes wrong."
"Thank you Tomar," Millard said, a smile on his face. Tomar always thought four steps ahead.
The Commodore nodded, then exitted the office.
May 9th, 2003, 12:30:51 AM
Inside the Kiterix Enterprises Warehouse...
"Which way did it go?"
"I don't know," Responded the voice of a confused young stormtrooper. The two men were spinning in circles trying to locate the source of the disturbance. Whatever it was had already wiped out 5 well-trained, fully-armed members of the Balmorran Military and had not been so much as even scratched.
The shouts of the trooper were followed by blaster fire as the outline of a pale figure could be seen in the dim lighting of the building. The troopers continued to hit nothing but atmosphere with their attacks as the fast-moving creature evaded them once again.
"Damnnit, lost him."
The two men who had been firing ceased and continued on down the aisle, looking for some sign. Hunting for the 'escapee' of sorts, though unbeknownst to them; they were now the hunted.
"I thought I saw him go this way," replied the senior of the two grunts hutning for the creature.
"Ok you go first."
The man who had been volunteered to go down the dark aisle turned his head to look at the man whom had decided he was to go first. The meaning was clear even through the pallid blast helmet that the man wore; Thanks for nothing.
Slowly the two began making their way down the aisle a shuffling noise was heard behind them. Both men turned immeidatly and began firing.
"Ahhhhh die you bastard die!"
All the shot was darkness, though they now had company. As the point man turned to continue on his path, he was met with a thunderous forearm shiver to the neck joint in his armour. Immediatly he dropped his weapon as his hands shot to his now, crushed larynax.
There was a pause in his partner's reaction, as if he had just realized his own doom.
"Smith what's wron---" He never got to finish his sentence as the pale man leapt into the air and wrapped both of his muscular thighs around the troopers neck. With a twisting motion that sent both bodies into a seeminlgy controlled tilt-a-whirl, the hunted man snapped the neck of the trooper, whilst he was still in his armor, not an easy feat.
The other trooper was still gripping at his throat, down on all fours trying to syphon come air through his damaged windpipe. He turned his head and saw the dead body of his partner lying next to him; that's when he heard it.
"click-sssshhhhttt..." The high pitched whine of a blast-tech blaster carbine being locked and loaded.
"click-sssshhhhttt..." Now he was cursing himself as he heard his own weapon being armed
The last sound the gasping trooper heard was the sound of two blaster rifles firing nearly simeutaneously.
************************************************** **
"All men fall back towards the exit"
The order came from the commanding lietenant on the shift. Everyone that was still alive was to fall back to the door and hold their posistion until back-up arrived.
The remaining 8 troopers took up a defensive position infront of the only viable exit for the man to escape through. Staggering themselves in two lines of four they weighted for a sign.
"Anyone see or hear from Neuman?"
"Negative, he was with Thompson and Garris when they got taken out."
"Yeah I knkow but I didn't see his body when we came across those two."
"Maybe he got away."
As the trooper finished his sentance, blaster fire was heard about 30 yards away. The thundering echos of hte blaster fire continued for about 10 seconds and then it was over. Silence was all that was heard.
"Think Neuman got him?"
"Shut up Jones!"
Things grew deathly silent as the men waited for their assailant to reveal himself. Then suddenly someone approached.
"Who goes there?"
"Neuman is that you?"
"Stay were you are and identify yourself!"
The figure continued to advance.
"Open fire!"
The blasters roared and the dark warehouse was filled with the red color of blaster bolts. The figure was riddled with fire and fell to the floor almost on contact.
"Hold your fire..."
Nothing not an iota of movement, the men started to relax for a moment.
"Think we got the son of a sith sarge."
"Yeah we shot him up good!"
"Shut-up you morons..."
As the Sargent reprimanded his mean. A small rounded object came bouncing and rolling towards the men.
"What the frell is that?"
"Looks like a helmet?
"It's Neuman's"
As the helmet came to a stop, the men noticed something else strange about it, there was a blinking orb in the center of it.
The men standing ran and dove for cover as the powerful eruption ripped through the area. The four men kneeling were not so lucky as their bodies were torn to shreds by the shockwave. A hail of blaster fire followed the explosion quickly, dispatching the remaining survivors in a quick and nearly surgical manner.
************************************************** **
Streets of Bin Prime
A naked pale figure stalked the streets of the Balmorran city. Quietly it moved keeping close to the shadows as if it did not want to expose its' stark white nude figure to the dregs of Balmorran society. As it moved past on of the large shope windows it saw it's own reflection in the light.
Pale, tall and muscular were the best ways to describe it, that is other than nude. Immediately it seemed to realize it was unclad and it covered itself. Seeing a nearby retail store it forced it's way into the shopping center.
Quickly the creature moved through the store as if it knew that it had set off some form of alarm by it's forced entry. Moving rapidly it seemed to clad itself in colors that matched it's skin tone. A silver silk shirt, a creme vest. Grey trousers, silver belt, white shoes, and the coup de grace; A white leather trenchcoat.
As the creature began to flee the scene of the crime it noticed a pair of designer sunglasses, stopping suddenly he put them on continued on out the stor.e. So now a very heavily armed and ecclictily clad figure, wearing sunglasses in the wee hours of the night could be seen moving through the shadows of Bin Prime
May 9th, 2003, 03:07:00 PM
He'd just returned from class at the university, setting his books on the kitchen table and searching in the fridge for a drink. He had a lot of studying to do. It was only his first semester at the university and he had a paper due in two weeks. A paper that he'd begun to write in his head, but hadnt yet motivated to put onto paper. Or, as technology had it, a computer.
He twisted his neck, trying to stretch the kink out of it from sitting for hours in a classroom. And it was then that his com rang and a few moments later his books were abandoned on the table as he made his way to Millard's office.
When his uncle summonded for him, he knew not to dally. And moments later he was permitted inside. He was, with each passing day and week on Balmorra, maturing. He stood up a bit straighter, his physiquemuch more toned after the exercises Wargrave put him through. His demeanor perhaps a bit more adult if not even professional.
He nodded to his uncle in greeting.
"You wanted to see me?" He questioned, knowing that when his uncle was ready, he would explain. And with newly acquired levels of patience and understanding, he was content to waitl.
Taylor Millard
May 9th, 2003, 03:18:20 PM
"Yes, Alexander, please sit down," Millard greeted him, not rising from his chair.
"Get yourself a drink too, please. There's a pitcher of water by the humidor."
Because it was a 'business' meeting, Millard cut past small talk, his eyes darkening and his face looking a little grayer.
"We have a situation. There is an 'incident' going on right now, as we speak, over by the old Kiterix Enterprises location. Once Vali and Zumari arrive, we are all going over there.
"You have your gear with you? If not, go get it. And if you see Zumari, get him as well."
Silus Xilarian
May 10th, 2003, 12:34:45 AM
The door to Tayor's office opened, with Silus having to duck his head slightly, as he stepped in before the door had completely open.
"I've already heard....Do you have any teams out yet?"
Silus barely noticed Alexander in the room. He was actually a bit worried. He was tense. Some thing was roaming around Bin Prime at the moment. He already had two guns at his side.
Taylor Millard
May 10th, 2003, 12:39:02 AM
"No," Millard replied, "I thought sending our 'friends' to investigate would be better. After all...both Zumari and Sasha need some more training in dealing with threats."
He gave a knowing smile, "Under our supervision, we should be able to handle the threat.
"But either way...Tomar has a commando team standing by."
Silus Xilarian
May 10th, 2003, 02:18:17 AM
"Yeah, im glad you're so thrilled. Sasha come with me, we can get a head start on things, I gotta grab my gear..."
Silus didnt wait to see if Millard was gonna let Sasha run ahead or not. At this point, he was headed back to his ship to get his stuff. Seconds had become minutes, Minutes had become hours. Silus couldnt stand around and wait for a meeting, he had to act.
He was almost out of the building now, and still hadnt looked behind him. Alone or with help, he was intent on finding whatever the hell this thing was...
Taylor Millard
May 10th, 2003, 02:23:03 AM
Millard nodded to Sasha, "Go with him. I will take Zumari."
After Sasha exitted, Millard walked towards a small, off to the side closet.
Before disappearing inside, he called Tomar and asked him to sent Zumari to the roof of the building to meet him.
Then he was gone.
May 10th, 2003, 06:58:06 AM
The creature was moving silently, it had since left the streets of Bin Prime and taken to the roofs. Any time a speeder flew by, the pale figure ducked behind some sort of cover and waited for it to pass. I was quite adept at keeping itself hidden from it's pursuers.
As the creature approached the end of each building, it leapt to the next. It was incredible to see this figure clad in white, clear spans of nearly 20-25 feet in a single bound. Each time it would leap it would land and roll on the next roof and hide behind some cover, so in case something noticed it moving up there.
May 11th, 2003, 10:44:07 AM
As soon as Taylor gave him the go ahead, Sasha was out the door and following Silus. He ran a few steps to catch up, exchanged words brief enough to plan a meeting place and ran to get his gear.
Minutes later, slightly out of breath from running through the castle halls to grab his things, he met back up with Silus - prepared to follow his lead.
"So what's up with this 'incident'?" He asked, mid stride as they departed.
May 11th, 2003, 07:18:55 PM
He had been training when he had recieved the call. It was strange, his new mannerisms. He spent much of his time in the weightroom and training rooms, improving himself. When he was in the arena, his competition never improved, and he hadn't trained for some time. Maester Wargrave, however, had appealing equipment that suited his needs very well--differnet types of weight machinery as well as sparring weapons and sparring partners.
Without hesitation, Zumari immediately dropped the program and moved quickly and quietly to his chambers. He was instructed to dress in his newer attire, and he dressed in a black suit-type article with a long, black, leathery jacket.
Maester Wargrave had also given him a pair of dark glasses to wear.
Quickly, he found himself on the roof of the castle before a ship. All that was left was to wait for Maester Wargrave. Across his back--hidden by the long jacket he wore--was his longsword. A sleek, steely blade that he always carried, it was his first line of defense. At his side, strapped to his thigh, was a 'holdster' containing a 'blaster.' Silus had taught him to use one--he'd said that it was always a trustworthy weapon.
"I am ready," he said to the attendant, standing alongside the ship, as stiff and dark as the metal it was forged out of, waiting for Wargrave to arrive.
Maester Wargrave
May 11th, 2003, 07:28:40 PM
The attendant turned to Zumari, nodding to him. Then he abruptly vanished into thin air.
A voice...a soft one came from behind the a dark figure strode out.
"Greetings Zumari, Maester Wargrave spoke as he walked.
"Join me in the shuttle...I will tell you why your presence has been requested as we travel."
Then without another word, the Dark Jedi Master climbed up the ladder into the two seater fighter and waited for Zumari to follow.
May 12th, 2003, 12:25:46 AM
The pale creature had made his way off the main streets of Bin Prime and was gradually moving towards the more remote areas of Balmorra's capital city. As he got off the main streets, he moved from the roof tops back down to the pavement. Also he started moving about more freely, trying to blend in with the eccentric dregs of the seedier side of Bin Prime.
"Hey there big boy, you wanna have some fun tonight," The voice was almost seductive save for the hit of an adam's apple in it, surely enough when the "lady" of the night appeared in the light of the street corner, she was packing something other than a blaster in her short skirt. The white haired man looked at the transsexual curiously, but did not speak.
"Hey baby it's more fun to play with than to stare at," "s"he called out, seemingly a bit more agitated. Still the funny looking pale creature did nothing. As he examined the prosititute, he stood openly in the light for the first time. His white hair draped to his shoulders in a loose array of dreadlocks. His skin so pale it looked as if someone was applying talcum powder to his face. He was tall, nearly 6'4" and athletically built, weighing in somewhere around 218lbs. All in all he was quite an impressive figure, if not extremely ecclectic.
"What the frell is wrong with you, you pale pervert!"
The "lady" was tired of giving a free show and had decided to skip the services and just demand the pay. Quickly a blaster was drawn from her purse and was being leveled at the figure.
"Give me all your credits and your clothes and no one get's hurt!"
The pale man was still packing his dual carbines but he had placed them under his coat for more covert look, but that made him no less dangerous to this shaky handed amateur with a pea-shooter. Immediately his left foot shot up, kicking the "woman's" blaster hand upwards, as it did she fired off a few reaction shots, eaching flying off harmlessly into the air.
The left foot to the hand was immediately followed by a flipping crescent kick. As the figure went off his right foot into the air, flipping backwards. The same right foot that had propelled him upowards was now connecting with the cross-dressing whore's face, with a sickening snap. He had broken her jaw in a fluid motion, that sent his assialant flying backwards and into a durracrete wall.
"Whhuut-t-t-t t-t-type of f-f-freak ur yu...," exclaimed the now slurring and stuttering prostitude as "she" tried to stand back up. The pale figured had delivered the blow with such force that he had inflicted a concussion on the "woman" with a single blow.
Slowly the figure in white moved closer to the "woman" who was bleeding profusely from "her" mouth. She started to scream but the figure in white only raised a solitary finger to his mouth and uttered a simple; "Shhhhhh....."
The "woman" immediately fell silent, either fear had over come "her" finally or this figure had gained some strange control over "her". Once he got to her he placed his hand over "her" mouth and nose, "she" didn't fight him and soon her chest quit heaving for air as "she" passed on.
A light shone down from the sky, seemingly searching for something, immediately the pale figure left the scene and made for an alley way were it could find more cover.
May 13th, 2003, 02:39:00 PM
"Yes, Master," he spoke, following Wargrave into the ship. Taking his seat quietly across from him, he sat in silence, waiting for his Master to explain. Zumari was patient and there was plenty of time for him to think. He wondered where they were headed, but had no real worry.
He followed Master Wargrave now and did not question his intentions.
Lord Vali
May 14th, 2003, 05:54:21 AM
Silus glanced back at Sasha as they strode into the main part of the city. Things were fairly quiet, hopefully to their advantage.
"Some..."thing" annihilated a team of guards at Kiterix Enterprises. Took out all of em and fled. Security video's saw it head out into the city. So far, if its caused any damage, its been discreet about it."
Beneath his mask, Vali scanned the area. The lights of the city would keep him from activating night vision, which at this point, would blind him. He'd left his claws at home too, opting to just carry his sabers and his blasters. He hadnt fully adjusted to the weight of the claws on his arms yet, so carrying them would hinder him while using the grappling gun on his belt.
"We need a higher vantage point. Lets hit the rooftops."
The grappling gun on his belt emerged, as he fired a shot to the roof of the building next to them.
May 14th, 2003, 07:14:47 PM
His grappling gun was rapidly becoming his best friend. Not out of anything but the fact that he had used this more than he’d used his lightsaber upon his arrival on Balmorra. It had seemed strange to him at first, for as a Sith, there was hardly a day missed without the use of it. Now, it was rare that he employed the force or anything connected with it. This was put upon him by his master – one who wanted him to learn to use the force as a tool, not as a crutch. And it had sunk in enough that he didn’t give a second thought to grabbing his grappling gun and firing as Silus had and following him up to the rooftops, where, upon his arrival, he first used his eyes to look around, his ears to listen, and then it was the force, reaching out not as a crutch, but as a tool to aid in his observations.
For a moment his eyes narrowed, violet orbs following a spotlight, and then there was nothing. His head cocked for a moment, sensing, feeling something, but only for a fleeting moment. And then it was gone.
“What did the security video pick up of this ‘thing’?” Sasha asked as he continued to stare across the city.
Maester Wargrave
May 15th, 2003, 09:50:14 PM
Wargrave's fighter silently took off from the rooftop. He'd modified a missile boat...expanding the cockpit so it could seat two people. It made various missions much, much easier. Less of a connection between Taylor Millard and Maester Wargrave was good.
The fighter shot across Bin Prime, the SLAM drivers propelling it at a speed that would beat Vali and Sasha to the 'thing'. Whatever it was. Plus, he had enough scouting to know Helios had all ready taken clothes and beaten some of the less than savory characters of Bin Prime.
He was doing Wargrave a favor. That might make him worth having around for certain. Of course...he'd have to see how he fought too.
The missile boat's trek accross Bin Prime took over two minutes and another two to land on the top of the 'Kiterix Enterprises' building.
Wargrave exitted first, then turned to Zumari.
The creature is about ten blocks that way. We will travel seperately...I expect you to use your hunter's skill to track whatever it is we are tracking. I will meet you on top of the Vikatu Clothing Company.
His apprentice nodded.
"Good...I will meet you there."
Then he let the shadows cover him and he effectively disappeared.
May 21st, 2003, 01:39:14 PM
Helios had been moving through the dregs of Bin Prime with a fair amount of ease. The word had moved quickly throughout the underbelly of the city that some ghostly looking thing was wiping out anything in it's path. It was this very story that allowed Helios free reign as he moved silently towards the center of the metropolis. Something was calling him, calling to him and he didn't know what, only that he couldn't resist the urge to find it.
************************************************** **
"So I as I was tellin' Ol' Tom the other day, I think tha..." The old man who had been speaking to a few of his drinking buddies began to stammer and go pale white.
"What is it Silas?"
"G-g-g-ghost-t-t-t...." He stammered and pointed up with his right hand at the figure of Helios who had been watching them from above.
"Oh son of a..." His friend replied.
In a pale streak Helios was gone, leaping across the building ledge to the next; a distance no ordinary man could span in a leap.
"Did you see that?"
"I did and there's a reward out for his arrest, I'm calling Imp HQ."
************************************************** **
"Operator; How may I help you," A soft reassuring feminine voice answered the comm-link.
"Ya my name's Barney, I'm down by the Rusted Helmet and I just saw that thing y'all after."
"Ok Barney what thing are you refering too?"
"That Ghost-killer sumthan..."
"Sir have you been drinking tonight?"
"Well ol' Silas and I have had a few but nothin' too strong."
"Ok sir I'll check into it why don't you go rest now ok?"
"W-wait just a second what about the reward?"
"Sir I'm afraid there is no reward and I don't really know what you're talking about."
"Damnit it woman is there a man around I could talk to?"
"Good bye sir" -click-
************************************************** **
Maester Wargrave
May 21st, 2003, 05:24:57 PM
Whatever was calling Helios didn't concern the shadowy figure watching above him. Wargrave was still waiting for Zumari to appear, having 'beaten' him down the roof.
When he saw the white figure, a smirk came to his mustached face.
I think...we have a winner
He leaped in the air, using the Force to carry his body. A flip and he was behind the figure in white.
"Good evening. Out for a late night walk?"
His saber remained locked onto his belt...for now. The Dark Jedi Master sized up Helios.
Obviously strong to be able to do the damage he'd done. Fast too. And he definately had the Force around him.
Whatever Kiterix had wanted with was of no use to him now. Wargrave had discovered him. Now...what did the white figure want in return?
May 21st, 2003, 05:34:45 PM
"Good evening out for a late night walk?"
The pale figure spun immediately both blaster's drawn. There was a shocked expression upon Helios' face; the creature was amazed that someone could get behind it.
For a fleeting moment there was an urge in the creature to draw both blasters and unload. So far everything it had encountered had tried to hurt it. But somehow this one was different, at least initially. Helios took a hard step backwards, keeping his eyes locked on the mustached character in front of him.
The taught muscles of the thin, athletic being tightened as it readied itself to fight or flee.
"G-g-g-oood-d-d-d eeevenin'," He replied in broken basic.
Maester Wargrave
May 25th, 2003, 09:21:25 AM
Wargrave wasn't one for talking too much. No that was Millard who preferred speaking.
"So...quite a path of destruction we've caused."
He crossed his arms and stared.
"Any reason why?"
May 26th, 2003, 09:41:23 AM
Helios tilted his head slightly to the left, his long white dreadlocks fell of to the side. There was a blank expression on his face as the man spoke to him.
"D-d-d-destruc-ion w-w-why?" He stammered. As he gazed at the figure standing before him, he was sizing up the threat it posed to him. The man had not taken an aggressive posture towards him and he had no reason to strike. So he simply turned and began wondering down into the shadows again.
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