View Full Version : Looking to Report....(Council / Open)

Garen Selore
May 7th, 2003, 04:57:09 PM
Garen wanders the halls of the Temple looking for his Master (AB). It Being late at night, Garen does not see many people around. He checked AB's quarters first, but she was not there. He then checked the garden, but she was not there as well.

Thinking that His Master would most likely be in the Temple somewhere, he now walks the halls, looking into every room that is not locked.

Earlier that night he went back to his old room, and found outside the window, in the garden that the Thugs came through to get to his room, a data pad. He pulls out the data pad and reads it again...

Room 125, Garen Selore's room, Keeper of a sith Holocron,

Locate the holocron, and kill Garen. Access his room from the garden. it is the window that is on the left of the main entrance, and 15 windows down. It is positioned over top of a Rose garden. Keep your Jedi robes on intill you are in his room. Try not to draw too much attention to yourself.

Talzen Out....

After reading it again, Garen goes back to looking for AB, hoping that he will find her soon, so he can report his findings...

May 7th, 2003, 09:58:39 PM
:: AB had been in the library reading, and having finished, had made her way back to her room. When Garen cam,e to check her room for the second time, she was there. She knew who it was before the knock even came. ::

Come in.

:: AB smiled cheerfully as she watched her Padawan walk into her room. The smile however faded as she saw he was troubled. ::

What's wrong, Garen?

Garen Selore
May 7th, 2003, 10:06:29 PM
Garen enters the room, and hands over the data pad to AB...

"I'm sorry to disturb you Master Mystt... But I went back to my old room tonight, and I found this in the garden below the window the thugs came in through.... I'm guessing it fell out of a pocket or something..."

Marga Alton
May 8th, 2003, 07:58:29 AM
Marga had decided to keep Garen company while he was looking for his Master. Her main reason is that she doesn't want anything bad to happen to him again. That's why she sleeps outside his room now. That's why she will continue to sleep outside his room until she feels better about what happened and no longer blames herself for it.

When they check AB's room for the second time, she just stands at the door as Garen heads in, not wanting to seem like she is trying to protect Garen. It had actually been this lady that had stepped in and was a big help in protecting Garen. If it hadn't have been for her, Garen might be dead right at this moment. That is something she can't even bare to think about though she she just focuses her attention on the conversation between Garen and AB. She's only going to speak up if she feels she has something to say.

May 16th, 2003, 10:56:51 AM
:: AB took the data pad handed to her and skimmed through it, her brow creasing into a frown as she read it. Having finished she looked at Garen and stood. ::

I think it best we take this to the Council for discussion.

Garen Selore
May 16th, 2003, 11:07:56 AM
"When should we take it there? do you think the council will be awake at this time of night?"

May 16th, 2003, 05:17:10 PM
An emergency session can be called. And I feel this situation...

:: She waved the data pad in the air. ::

...deserves immediate attention. It shows your life is in danger, and it has already shown that the Living Quarters can be broken into.

:: She grabbed her cloak and swung it over her shoulders on the way towards the door. ::

Come. We will go to the Council chamber, and from there I will summon the session.

:: On her way out, she nodded to Marga in greeting, before continueing down the hall towards the lift. ::

Garen Selore
May 16th, 2003, 10:33:47 PM
Garen nods, and folows AB out the door and to the lift....

"And what will happen then? From what I recall, The last time I saw the Council It ended in me helling and accusing people of trying to send me to my death. Do you really think that after what happend then thay would care if I was killed?"

OOC: I'm changing the title to make it (Council/Open) instead of (AB/Open) just so we don't nead to make a new thread.

May 21st, 2003, 03:19:17 PM
(OOC: Ok. I may have to get their attention through OOC means if they don't notice this thread.)

:: The lift began to take them up swiftly to the highest parapet, where the Council had it's council room. She looked to Garen. ::

The Council would never wish for anyone to die, especially not one of the Order's students.

They will look into this matter and investigate how it was that our security was breached.

I do however ask that you remain silent unless spoken to, and only then, answer the questions asked of you with honesty. Avoid getting your emotions involved, if at all possible. It will help the process to move more quickly and efficiently.

:: The lift stopped and spilled them onto the balcony-walkway that lead to the Council room. ::

Garen Selore
May 21st, 2003, 03:29:22 PM
Garen listens to AB, and nods in understanding.

"I will do my best so stay quiet and not let My emotions get the best of me."

Garen Folows AB out of the lift and along the walkway.

Marga Alton
May 22nd, 2003, 07:55:50 AM
Marga follows Garen and AB, keeping herself quiet, almost as if she's not there. This will be a long night for sure.

May 23rd, 2003, 04:49:12 PM
:: They entered through a pair of glass doors that lead into the entry/waiting room. Another pair of glass doors seperated the waiting room from the Council room, which AB proceeded to walk through. ::

:: Upon entering, the Council room was empty and dark, save for a decorative spill light coming from the center of the ceiling that spilled a quiet soft light into the room. She silently walked to her seat, a seat made to her specifications, just as the other Council members had seats made for them to serve their body types comfortably. ::

:: Seating herself, she pressed a small combination of buttons on a small panel hidden under a flap on the armrest of her chair. A tiny screen unfolded itself from the tip of the armrest, allowing AB to send a message to the other members of the Council. ::

Fellow members of the Council. Forgive me for the late hour, but there has been a development I feel needs immediate consideration.

It concerns a possible security breach here on the Order's grounds.

I await the Council's response here in the Council room.

Garen Selore
May 25th, 2003, 02:20:20 PM
Garen walks into the Council Chamber and stands off to the side, out of the way

Navaria Tarkin
May 26th, 2003, 06:45:24 PM
Fifteen minutes later, Navaria enters the Council Chambers with concern deeply etched into her face.

"What exactly has happened?"

She noticed that Garen was here too briefly before looking again at Rie as she head towards her own Council seat.

"Possibly security breach was vague but understandably so."

Dasquian Belargic
May 27th, 2003, 03:20:11 AM
Moments after Navaria arrived, her apprentice entered, concern too showing in his expression. He heard Navaria’s words, and looked to AB and Garen awaiting the answer.

“Yes, what exactly is the problem?”

Marga Alton
May 27th, 2003, 07:47:16 AM
Marga enters the room with Garen and AB. She stands just behind Garen, a hand on his shoulder to give him support, but keeps herself quiet.

May 29th, 2003, 01:12:31 PM
:: AB walked forward and handed Navaria the data pad which Garen had handed to her earlier. ::

This was recovered shortly after the four thugs that attacked Garen. One of the thugs had fallen out of his bedroom window and apparently dropped that.

:: She pointed to the data pad. ::

There is a name we can start researching on as to who it may be.

Other than that, the message on the data pad doesn't reveal much, but it does bring to our attention that there is a hole in our security here on the Order's grounds, particularly in the Living Quaters area.

There's no explaination as of yet how the four intruders got into the grounds, let alone into the room of a Padawan. Those areas are supposed to be locked down, and tight with security.

So that leaves two possibilities... either we need to re-evaluate the security protocalls for the Living Quarters, or there is a "mole" within the Order.

Navaria Tarkin
May 29th, 2003, 08:42:56 PM
Her face quickly turned concerned as she looked over the data-pad.

"This is highly disturbing. Nothing was caught on camera or picked up on the sensors at all?"

Navaria looked up from the data-pad, handing it to Dasquian.

Dasquian Belargic
May 30th, 2003, 06:59:58 AM
“Someone must have noticed four unfamiliar faces,”

Dasquian quickly read over the pad, sighed, and handed it back to AB. The thought of their being a ‘mole’ was a disturbing one and Dasquian was trying not to entertain it, however possible it could be.

“What about those who fought off the intruders? Have they been questioned about it?”

May 30th, 2003, 01:42:39 PM
:: AB first answered Nav's question before turning to Dasq. ::

The cameras in the wing they intruded into were cut of from main power. I don't know whether it ook place during the altercation or just before.

:: She turned to Dasq. ::

As to noticing the faces, somehow they were able to slip by with Jedi robes and a basic technique of Force alteration. I did sense Force ability in the lead thug, but other than that, I don't know what his strengths were. As it is, if they were being aided from within, masking them wouldn't have been a problem in their plan.

:: She sighed, a headache beginning to form. ::

As to questioning those who fought the four men, myself, Rognan, and Garen were thoroughly questioned. But we could give little information on the four men save for descritpions. No names, no affiliations, nothing.

Garen Selore
May 30th, 2003, 02:59:31 PM
Garen speaks up....

"I wasn't questioned... From what I have been told, I was always sadated in the Med-Bay when they showed up to question me.

From what I have heard from the other that were at the Med-Bay there was another group of four that attacked a girl named Shandri La the same night. A person by the name of Aaron Belargic was the first to respond to that one. That's all I know about that attack.

But the people that attacked ME all of them had the same Tatoo somewhere on their bodies. The Boss, as he was refered to by the others, had his Tatoo on the back of his neck. the others had theirs on the left arm. The pummle of the knife that was used by The Boss had the same marking as the tatoo. They got into my room by the window, which faced out to the garden."

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 03:30:43 AM
“What did these tattoos look like?”

These traits could be key to identify the attackers.

Garen Selore
Jun 1st, 2003, 06:47:46 AM
Garen thinks for a moment, then says....

"There was a black, really boney, Hand, In a dark circle."

Thinks for a moment longer...

"Now that I think I was the Logo when I turned on the Data Pad..."

Garen walks over to the Data Pad, turns it off, then back on... The group of them see...


Jun 2nd, 2003, 03:29:25 PM
:: AB folded her arms under her robes. She had heard from the guard stationed outside of Garen's medbay room that the boy had been questoned, but it was possible the guard had misheard himself. She chided herself silently to always double-check before being certain. ::

:: As to the symbol Garen started to describe, she would have guessed the Black Hand. But after seeing the insignia, it was completely different, thus meaning a different group... and possibly new threat. ::

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 2nd, 2003, 04:17:44 PM
"Two attacks in the same night?"

Navaria fell silent, much like Rie, when she saw the insignia. Her thoughts also led themselves to the Black Hand, but it made no sense. The Black Hand worked in secret and did not hire underlings to do their work. No, they always did the dirty work themselves.

"I fear I am leaning towards a mole in this matter. Such a precise strike, and the fact they got through our defenses, points to it."

Garen Selore
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:39:09 PM
"So What does this meen for me? Do I have to go to bed each night thinking that somebody will come through the window?.."

Garen shutters at the thought of having a repeat attack...

Jun 5th, 2003, 02:07:45 PM
:: AB looked at Garen. ::

No, Padawan, you do not have to worry about a repeat attack.

What this means is that we have to change a few things in our security measures and start a thorough investigation as to whom the mole or moles might be.

Garen Selore
Jun 5th, 2003, 02:36:40 PM
"But if the enemy is already here.... Then wouldn't that meen that they could attack anytime?"

Jun 5th, 2003, 04:15:14 PM
:: AB slowly nodded her head. ::

Yes... but knowing that he is here also prepares us in the event another attack does occur.

:: She moved closer to her Padawan, and placed a hand on his shoulder. ::

As it is, and as a security precaution, I have temporarily moved into the room neighboring your new room. You have my protection if the need arrises for it.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 5th, 2003, 07:43:10 PM
"I am glad to hear that Master Rie.... I do believe we should inform the rest of the Council not present and begin a list of possible suspects."

Garen Selore
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:45:40 AM
Looks up at AB and nods, understanding the security precaution, but not likeing the idea of moving rooms again.