View Full Version : Well, do you want to rule the galaxy or what?

Khendon Sevon
May 7th, 2003, 03:43:27 PM
Khendon walked in, his boots chanting the mystic hymns of the Empire, the stolid, metallic reverberation of his boots colliding with the floor tiling causing reminiscence of better times. Blue, thick fumes rolled around his tender visage, clouds of spicy mist awash in the filtered air of the building. His tight fitting, impeccable Federacy uniform clung to his body in all of the right spots, jet-black and covered with as many medals as a galaxy stars. As the brown hair, silver eyed young dictator walked forward, his cloak caught in the subtle wind of the room and was thrown behind him like a great cloak of ole.

The Dark Soul ignored the officer at the desk, and the troopers at the door and rapped loudly on the immense wooden doors of the Ministry of Finance and Economy main office. “Telan, come out and play!” said Khendon in his usual commanding voice.

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2003, 03:52:13 PM
Flimsiplasts were arrayed before him, personifying the paper and staff work he hated so. Data pads and discs abounded, strewn about as if thrown in a rage. Indeed, they had been.

Budget Summary - Imperial Corps of Stormtroopers

Repair Yard Schedule - Thyferra - Synopsis and Summary

Caridan Training Manual, Fifth edition

Desaria nearly toppled his desk as he stood, pouring over the titles which were as mundane as it came. Their perusal was the job of a General Staff officer or reduced and disgraced officer of the line.

With a heavy sigh, the Grand Admiral moved through the low room lighting towards the doors to his office's antechamber. From them radiated a heavy rasping before he reached their apex. The voice which sounded beyond it was unmistakly Imperial, and undeniably that of Grand Moff Sevon.

" Enter," the Admiral replied, bidding the knocker to come in. He stood before his desk, hands clasped at his back, gold epaulettes dangling from his shoulders.

Khendon Sevon. It is indeed about time...

Khendon Sevon
May 7th, 2003, 04:44:11 PM
The lighting was dimmer than Khendon would have enjoyed. Dark rooms always made him edgy. He inhaled deeply, filling his lounges with the rich aroma of his spicy smoke. “Telan,” said Khendon smoothly, “don’t get over anxious,” he grinned, “I’m just here to discuss a quick… business proposition.” Khendon moved forward a bit and clasped Telan’s hand in his, making sure to squeeze just enough when he shook it.

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2003, 04:51:16 PM
" Well then, let us get to it. Militarily, we are equal, so we may dispense with rank. Welcome to Thyferra. How can I help the Federacy?"

Khendon Sevon
May 7th, 2003, 05:02:10 PM
Khendon smirked, he knew Telan was enjoying himself beyond belief. The former Vice Diktat of the Galatic Empire flicked his wrist and all of the materials strewn around the room lofted into the air and began spinning quickly, like a miniature dust storm that had managed to open a filing cabinet. The materials quickly settled in four piles on Telan’s desk, “Sit,” said Khendon, pointing to Telan’s own chair behind the desk, "please."

Khendon took a seat in front of the desk, sitting as straight as possible. “By now you must understand that the Federacy is light years ahead of everyone when it comes to ship design, I’m sure, hypothetically of course, that any ‘informants’ that contact you are presenting you with the general ‘misinformation’, or, as we call it, antiquated research, that we generally feed them.” Khendon cleared his throat, “can I have something to drink before we continue?” He put out his smoke in an ashtray on the Admiral’s desk.

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2003, 05:09:43 PM
" Thank you," Desaria smiled, taking his place in a deeply-padded satin chair. The quick reorganization of his...mess...had saved him much time indeed.

With the asking of the Grand Moff's question, the Admiral opened his top drawer and removed a small bottle of amber fluid. The inscription on its ivory label was illegible, it being in Centaurian Gothic. A pair of glasses followed, Desaria pouring an equal amount of liquid in each decanter.

" Brandy, from Raenoria, my family's home province. It is perfectly aged, and I've been saving it for a special occasion."

The Admiral allowed the Grand Moff's quip about Intelligence pass, that not close to his mind. He knew what happened behind the Federacy's iron curtain was mysterious and beyond his times, he was a man of advanced tactics and brilliant ships - simple, yet strong.

" Go on, Khendon. By all means."

Khendon Sevon
May 7th, 2003, 05:29:43 PM
Khendon grinned, “You have good taste, Telan. Which is why I think you’ll like my proposition.” The Imperator of the Federacy took the delicate glass and swirled it around for a moment, then brought it to his mouth, inhaling the fragrance before taking a slow, sip of the fine liquor. He set the glass down, “good taste, indeed,” he grinned as the powerful taste of the brandy settled on his tongue and mouth, a slow warmth traveling through his body as it revitalized him.

“One moment,” said Khendon producing a cylindrical device from his pant pocket. He clicked a button and a hum rang dully, an annoying, long droning. The device opened up, releasing three small droids, each hovering a meter above the table. The droids scattered, quickly flying about the room, colors jettisoning from bright, optical sensors. “I have to be safe, we’re about to talk about a sensitive issue.”

Suddenly, the droids took up positions around the room, then released electrical bursts designed to fry the circuitry of recording devices and corrupt the data storage networks that were connected to them. “Sorry, put any devices I just destroyed on my tab.” The droids fell to the ground and began turning black, literally dissolving.

The device on Telan’s desk turned a copper hue and smoke began to slowly loft from the device. The circuits inside melted and finally the device turned black, then into a liquid, and finally it became nothing more than a lingering smell of burnt carbon-plaster.

“As I was saying,” Khendon placed another small device on Telan’s desk, “don’t worry, this one won’t dissolve or anything,” Khendon grinned.

“How do you feel about the… Jedi… and the New Republic?”

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2003, 05:48:43 PM
" I would like nothing more than to see them both eradicated, and I am taking steps to see that happen. Within the next quarter, a Sovereign armada will assault the New Republic and commence our relciaming of our birthright.

" The Jedi, however, are another matter. I leave them to the Inquisitoriate. The Force is mystical, yes. I dare not delve into it. I am a soldier, not a warlock. I have never understood it. I do not disregard it, but it does not affect my work. When the Jedi are destroyed, once and for all, I shall be very grateful to whomever accomplished it. I have been breeding ysalmiri as fast as possible for the day when they arrive to attack us.

" I cannot say the Rebels are in any better shape than we are, though. They have two substantial task forces which rival our old Destroyer Divisions. One defends Coruscant, the other patrols the Rim. Now it lurks near Admiral Lebron. We are safe. They are threat, but are improperly deployed to react or attack."

Khendon Sevon
May 7th, 2003, 05:53:53 PM
Khendon grinned at the warlock remark but gave a slight, curt nod. Khendon lifted his glass and bathed his senses in the strong powers of his drink, rolling the flavors around in his mouth for a moment before allowing the smooth liquor to slide slowly down. The former Vice Diktat placed his glass back down on the desk that separated him from Telan and nodded slowly for a moment, “The jedi are the main menace I am worried about, but it is good to hear the New Republic will be… ‘taken care of’,” Khendon showed his teeth in a friendly smile, “but, what if you could remove both with one simple… deal?” Khendon’s grin turned into an all out wicked smile that contorted his facial features into a much more savage and less becoming configuration.

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2003, 05:57:35 PM
" That seems like a barbed question, my dear Moff. Of course I would. My Fleet would be ready to strike wherever victory would be assured in a week. We are mopping up in Senex and reorganizing the Fleet.

" But I doubt an assault is what you had in mind - though while I am on the subject, the four ships you sold me have performed excellently.

Desaria took a sip of the brandy, enjoying its familiar taste. Centaurians, while rare in the galaxy, were no strangers to trade. Over centuries of mixing drinks and crossing varieties, the brandy had been created, the apex of decades or research and tests and failure.

" What do you have in mind, Grand Moff Sevon."

Khendon Sevon
May 7th, 2003, 06:15:39 PM
Khendon grinned at the words ‘Grand Moff’, only Telan still called him that. Khendon leaned forward, pressing a button on the small device he had placed on Telan’s desk. “This is what I had in mind,” with that a brilliant projection of three times higher quality than a holo came to life. The view was of a ship seemingly from a nightmare. The craft appeared to be two star destroyers forged into a single unit, with the tip of one contorted into wings on the side. The meter on the bottom read “3.6km” a fine size for a vessel with its mission.

The Federalist cleared his throat, “I know, I know… it looks like a demented star destroyer pumped up on spice, but it’s designed to be deceiving. What it really is, Telan, is the end of our troubles.” Khendon pressed another button and the video disappeared only to be replaced by another.

This new screen was an animation of the craft moving, and as it moved, the camera switched to the internal workings. In the rear of the craft, as the cutout depicted, a large room, literally taking up half of the second destroyer, was filled with a brilliant light. As the light climaxed it was vented and a bright, blue energy ball formed around the vessel, expanding at light speed.

A computer-generated fleet around the vessel was turned to ash and ships thousands of kilometers away were damaged sufficiently to be considered out of commission. The animation repeated, but this time with one difference, the wings on either side fired steady, thin beams that burned through a massive super star destroyer, slicing it from stem to stern, small, animated figures falling from the vessel’s split hull.

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2003, 06:22:11 PM
" By the Emperor!"

The Grand Admiral gasped, for it was all he could do. At his fingertips sat three old World Devastators, used for manufacutring and recycling purposes - they were as close as he had ever come, Imperial of Warlord, to wielding superweapons. He had had nightmares of superlasers and dreaded the sun crusher, the latter nearly destroying Carida, were it not for the intervention of a brave TIE pilot.

" What is this? What is that? What in the Sith's name have you shown me?"

In a deeper voice, bereft of horror and dripping only evil, the Grand Admiral's face turned into a facade of evil. Uncharacteristically, he smiled.

" And how can I help?"

Khendon Sevon
May 7th, 2003, 06:35:02 PM
Khendon grinned, “the first test firing of the central laser will be in a week, but we’ve run into some problems in hiding the money we’re using. UIT and Maverick Labs, the two main providers of technology for the Federacy are both working on the project with all of their best scientists… sadly, the two companies, with substantial aid from my government have only amassed one-fifth the required funds to build the full device to our expectations. The clip I’ve shown you contains a version that is much cheaper to produce, but we still lack two-thirds of the funds… we currently have a build up of 135 billion credits, a good chunk of our treasury and all of the funds that UIT and Maverick Labs can produce. The main issue is that the current money we have allotted to the project only pays for materials required… we now have to pay staff and provide compensation to UIT and Maverick Labs, as well as pay for vessels to ship the materials to the build site and for the testing equipment, the setup of facilities for defense and so forth…

“The weapon is actually being estimated at more powerful than what I’ve shown you on these clips, but we won’t be certain until we test it. The main issue facing the testing is that the armor protecting the core of the ‘device’ that generates the discharge has to be tested with 300 individual tests and has an 80% failure rating on the tests, thus it’s taken us a month to produce enough armor to line the interior of the system, just enough to do our first test firing.

“Once the test firing is complete, we’ll be producing three times as much of the armor as we currently have, and need to quadruple our output of the material, at least. It’s for the lining of the vent system and main rotating laser arrays.” Khendon took a breath and waited for a reaction from the Admiral.

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2003, 06:42:42 PM
" You've come to right place, Khendon, if money is all you need. Unfortunately, our bacta output was halved this month due to sabotage - I suspect Rebel interference. Our profit was only sixty billion. The treasury, can easily aide you. By redeploying my military garrison here on Thyferra - "

Desaria gestured to a holomap static on the wall, giving the unit description, strength, and orders for every formation on Thyferra.

" - I will be reducing security costs and adding to our output. Droids work better as humans do when they feel secure, did you know that?"

The Grand Admiral awaited no answer.

" I wish not be selfish, Khen," Desaria continued, using an old knickname he had assigned the Grand Moff when both were less senior in rank. " But during these...splintered...times, I cannot help but think of my men and realm first. I must ask for something in return.

" You will doubtless be using a great deal if not all of your current industrial output to build this behemoth. You do have perhaps a dozen Destroyers commissioned now. You do not need them. I wish to buy whatever capital warships you can spare. For them I shall pay outrageous prices, giving you the money you need and I do not, as well as the ships I need and you do not.

" I tell you this much. With the exception of my dealings with Admiral Lebron, this is the closest we've come to rebuilding our glory. You have my support, Moff Sevon. But you must tell me more...and how we can destroy the jedi with it!"

Khendon Sevon
May 7th, 2003, 06:59:55 PM
Khendon squirmed slightly in his chair, “Ships… ships… The Federacy has two star destroyer class vessels, one of capital size, the other of support size. We’re not big on having large amounts of craft. What I can do, however, is use the shipyards at Omerose to produce four Nihilist-class star destroyers for you, each is stronger than five or so Guild-class star destroyers… however, with them comes great responsibility. You must make sure they never fall into anyone’s hands… and I warn you, reverse engineering will result in them destroying themselves.

“Also, upon the completion of this unnamed vessel, I can provide you with a copy of the core along with engineers who’ll install it in any ship or haul you produce. Of course, after building our initial ship, the price of producing copies of the core system will fall to virtually nothing, a few billion.

“If this isn’t a problem with you, I’ll continue describing the vessel.” Khendon looked at Telan, hoping he would accept the proposal. The Imperator took another sip of his brandy, allowing the soothing flavor to calm him and arrest his ever-speeding heartbeat. It was only moment of negotiation that caused his adrenalin to peak like this, and moments with Kyry.

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2003, 07:05:35 PM
" The design of the Nihlist does not interest me sincerely, and I mean no slight to your engineering. We are putting into production a heavy Star Destroyer to replace the agin Imperials. Your ships will serve to fill the gap as we bring in veteran crews to man them.

" I wonder, Khen, will this be our weapon? Will this foster cooperation between us as Imperials rather than bickering businessmen? Will we be officers of the line once more?

" Either way, this is unimportant. The destruction of the enemy is our primary concern. While the Diktat is away with the Fleet, it is up to us to maintain order. And order we shall maintain. Make your preparations, Moff Sevon. We build!"

Desaria calmly removed himself from the oratory plateau he had built around his manner, allowing the other to continue.

(OOC - I am off. We shall have to finish this tomorrow)))

Khendon Sevon
May 8th, 2003, 06:08:01 PM
Khendon grinned, “Well… It’s good to hear we’ll be building this…” Khendon thought for a moment,” majestic vessel. I’ll lay out a brief overview of how she’ll be build,” Khendon cleared his throat quickly.

“She’s, more specifically the core testing device, is currently being worked on in an undisclosed and very secure location in the outer rim. Two new modified Sevon-class star destroyers are under construction at Omerose and will fly to the scaffolding at our hidden base, where they will be modified further and connected together.

“After the core has been tested, it will be placed within the second section of the hull of the new vessel, and our engineers will begin upgrading the ship further so that it will be able to withstand the amount of stress the weapon will generate,” Khendon took a moment and sipped his drink, allowing the rich flavor to quench his momentary thirst.

“Obviously, we have new engines being put together along with other systems. All of the work is being done by trusted technicians who have been with the company for a long time and are under constant observation. Droids have looked over the final products, making sure everything is operation and as we speak a good portion of the upgrades that are going to be required for the two Sevon-classes are being loaded on transports destined for…” Khendon grinned, “the undisclosed location,” Khendon paused, “any questions?”

Telan Desaria
May 8th, 2003, 06:14:57 PM
" Just one, Khen. You eluded my question of inter-Imperial unity. I do truly hope we do indeed grow closer instead of further apart.

" I would also like to contribute to the security of the vessel. You have always made a show of touting the Guilds, or rather your technological superiority over us, which is granted. But I have numbers on you, Grand Moff. I offer to you the 17th Defender Wing. Numerically it isn't much, but as a unit it is doubtless the best fighter wing I have. Take them, as a token of my faith in you, and my belief we will defeat the Rebels!

" Once and for all!!!"

Again, the Grand Admiral calmed. Slowly and deliberately he sipped, looking at his compatriot through the amber fluid.

Khendon Sevon
May 8th, 2003, 06:27:50 PM
Khendon nodded respectfully, “I accept your show of friendship, maybe this will lead to greater trust. Now, if that is all, I have a government to get back to running. It was a pleasure talking with you, Telan. With should do this again, maybe on Delteon next time.” Khendon stood and gave a slight bow.

Telan Desaria
May 8th, 2003, 06:31:31 PM
" Indeed. I will order the 17th to escort you home. All political maneuverings aside, it was truly good to see you again."

The Grand Admiral moved around his desk with a bottle in one hand. When he stood barely a meter from Sevon, he clicked his heels and saluted rigidly. A second later, he relaxed to at ease and extended both hands towards his fellow Imperial. One hand held a bottle identical to the one they had imbibed from, though full. The other was outstetched in an ancient human expression of parting, symbolic of kinship.

Khendon Sevon
May 8th, 2003, 06:48:12 PM
Khendon smiled and grasped Telan’s hand and shook it, “Goodbye, Admiral.” With his free hand he took the bottle, his thoughts already drifting to the libation. The Imperator turned slowly, his smile still showing and left the room, humming an Imperial tune under his breath as he strolled towards his shuttle. Ah, a good day of negotiations, with a good ending.

Sean Piett
May 8th, 2003, 06:55:30 PM
"How'd it go, Khendon?"

Piett had been leaning against the wall just outside the door, waiting for the results of the conversation at earliest convinience.

Khendon continued walking, and Piett joined him.

"We'll talk on the shuttle," said Khendon as the two walked briskly. Piett simply nodded.