View Full Version : Business's Question Again

May 7th, 2003, 03:32:26 PM
I want to know who ether owns or controls the market on the Three Businesses I name. If no one does then I would like to do a few Rps to by up these companies if I can.

Merr-Sonn Munitions
Fields: Weapons, explosives
Well-Known Products: Class-A Thermal Detonator, G8 Blaster Rifle
BlasTech's chief competitor in weapon sales, Merr-Sonn provides everything from personal weaponry to large ship systems, the latter through its subsidiary Merr-Sonn Mil/Sci. It is best known for its wide variety of grenades and other explosives, and Merr-Sonn is known for having "More boom for the credit." It has a thriving and related civilian arm, Merr-Sonn Industrial Equipment, which makes mining and construction vehicles. Like its rival BlasTech, Merr-Sonn is extremely flexible in dealing with buyers, and the company does not let earlier wars and previous rivalries get in the way of a sale.

Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles (A/KT)
Fields: Uniforms, armor
Well-known Products: Blast Vest and Helmet, Tuff1 Combat Jumpsuit
A major corporation that concentrates its efforts in clothing, A/KT was formed in the days of the Old Republic of a merger of Ayelixe Fabrico and the larger, struggling Krongbing Interstellar Fashions. Studiously neutral to the point that its employee regulations prevent membership in a political party, Ayelixe/Krongbing sells uniforms to most organized military forces in the galaxy, often supplying both sides in a conflict. It also maintains a thriving consumer division, both with specialized survival clothing and planetary fashion trends.

Arakyd Industries
Fields: Weapons, droids
Well-Known Products: Mark VI Inquisitor Seeker
Arakyd Industries was a strong supporter of Palpatine and grew in power during the years of the Empire. It is best known for non-humanoid droids, as it values functionality over appearance. Its work in jet-based propulsion for its droids has allowed it to expand into jet- and rocketpacks. Since the Galactic Civil War, Arakyd has sold its products without concern of political background, but many in the New Republic remember the company as a fervent supporter of the Empire.

Sanis Prent
May 7th, 2003, 03:56:17 PM
Arakyd is under imperial control, I believe.

Marcus Telcontar
May 7th, 2003, 04:08:54 PM
And how exactly do you have the credits lying around to do that?

May 7th, 2003, 04:15:22 PM
through other business deals already made, also through payments of my smugglers and such that I rent out you could say. Plus I run a small time Business which currently uses Prent Enterprises as a backer due to investment into Sanis company. Also slave trade dealings.

Is that good enough for you? :)

Sanis Prent
May 7th, 2003, 04:18:35 PM
He is a sizeable investor in Prent Enterprises, so I'd imagine he'd have the cash for it.

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2003, 04:34:44 PM
Arakyd is under Imperial Control, supplying all factions. The Sovereignty receives


Sovereignty - 40

Federacy - 15

Remnant - 20

Balmorra - 5

Miscellaneous Factions (Independent/Small Warlords) - 20

May 7th, 2003, 04:46:16 PM
Thank you all for the Help I will continue to see if there is anyone else who has something to say.

Taylor Millard
May 7th, 2003, 05:04:40 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Arakyd is under Imperial Control, supplying all factions. The Sovereignty receives


Sovereignty - 40

Federacy - 15

Remnant - 20

Balmorra - 5

Miscellaneous Factions (Independent/Small Warlords) - 20

Just for curiousity sake...how'd you come up with those percentages?

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2003, 05:51:22 PM
I guessed. You got the least because Balmorra is a heavily industrialized world whose sole export is weaponry. The Federacy received little because it focuses on technology, not quantity. The remant as well produces most of its own materiale.

The Sovereignty however, with the exception of Eriadu, has had to construct all of its manufacturing facilities from scratch. While we are now more than self sufficient, every little bit helps.