View Full Version : Looking for Information....(OW)

Dark Lord Rivin
May 7th, 2003, 01:14:13 PM
Having looked through his database, Rivin chose to meet with OW Outcast for the purpose of getting information/help with at task.

Earlier in the day he sent a message to OW saying...

Dear OW...

I am in need of your assitance in a matter of your expertice. I am willing to pay hansomly for your help. Meet me at Yougurt's Bar & Grill at sunset if you are interested. I will be in the far left corner booth...


Now Rivin sits in the far left corner booth, dressed from head to toe in a black outfit and cloke, with the hood of the cloke hiding his face, sipping a glass of Red wine, and waiting for OW to arrive.

OW outcast
May 7th, 2003, 01:28:24 PM
The little green Duro made his way into the Jedi bar for the first time since he had obtained a job at the SFF. Hera had given him some leave because he had received and urgent Message from some unknown person. He didn't know who the man was or even if it was a man but he needed OW's help and there was money involved.

OW was wearing a business suit and had a cigar hanging out of his mouth. He peered around at the crowd no one seemed familiar so he headed over to the corner booth and there sat a man OW did not know. OW crawled up into the booth and sat in front of the man with a child like smile on his face only broken by the cigar he was smoking.

"You are person who sent me the message I presume, I'm OW Outcast."

Dark Lord Rivin
May 7th, 2003, 01:32:56 PM
"Yes That would be me..."

His voice come off as a deep raspy tone, that souns almost demonic.

"I have heard that you are proficent at collecting information... Is this true?"

OW outcast
May 7th, 2003, 01:39:41 PM
"I wonder who's been talking."

OW spoke in a Joking tone, he was pretty sure a few people knew his name but he wasn't aware his name was running around in Dark circles now. He was the man you needed if you need information.

"Yes I can get Just about any kind of info you need, people tend to trust me more then they should."

Dark Lord Rivin
May 7th, 2003, 01:47:03 PM
Part of A small smile can be seen from under his hood..

"Good... My sources tell me that you have spoken with a young lady named Neyasha in this very Bar before... What can you tell me about her?"

OW outcast
May 7th, 2003, 01:55:19 PM
"What can you pay me?"

It was the simplest question in the book although OW knew of the woman he was going to freely throw away there friendship he believe he had created with her.

Dark Lord Rivin
May 7th, 2003, 01:59:40 PM
Rivin slides a bag of credits across the table.

"There are 200 credits there, and more where that came from, If I like what I hear. "

OW outcast
May 14th, 2003, 02:35:35 PM
OW grabbed onto the Bags with a smile.

"Interesting well I'll give you all I can; she is a Jedi here which you could find out through any new republic computer system. She is a very pretty lady even though she doesn't show much emotion."

Dark Lord Rivin
May 14th, 2003, 03:22:30 PM
Rivin just looks back at OW, not impressed with what he has been told...

"I Sure hope, for your sake, that you have more to tell me than this small obvservation that even a blind man could have given me."

OW outcast
May 15th, 2003, 12:27:02 PM
"Oh I know allot more and I could more then likely find even more if I wanted to. I can't though for a couple of reason, I'm no longer a freelance criminal. I work for an organization and all deals have to be made through my boss and will cost you more then you cruddy two hundred cred's."

OW was a nice guy but when it came to business and to crime he could be the biggest beast in the ring even at three foot tall. H e didn't make any attempted to throw the money Riven had given him back at the dark lord. Oh no it was a nice starting offer to OW who just sat back and grin his child like smile.

Dark Lord Rivin
May 15th, 2003, 12:32:40 PM
Rivin tosses another 800 credits to OW...

"If I don't get better information from this amount, you will be loosing your head."

OW outcast
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:49:26 PM
"Ha you talk tuff but you have no Idea who I work for."

OW pulled in the 800 credits with a grin on his face.

"There's only one problem mister, I could give you the information I know but I consider Neyasha a friend. Even though I'm criminal I don't rat out friends. I'll keep the credits as payment for your stupidity.

Now run along before I have to get my sith friends to beat you up. Trust me my friends have allot more sith in them then you think you do."

OW jumped off the chair and looked up at riven and gave him a wink.

"You didn't think I could tell you where a sith, the dark energy is all over you."

Dark Lord Rivin
Jun 2nd, 2003, 04:00:00 PM
Rivin stands and Glares at OW....

"You are lucky that this is a Jedi Bar.... You would only be a smoldering corps if it was any other place. Watch your back OW. You never know when my lightsaber will be flying at it."

Rivin storms out of the B&G