View Full Version : Fresh Coruscant Air (open, fight request)

Syrius Cline
May 7th, 2003, 01:11:11 AM
Walking down the streets of congested, lower level Coruscant the not so young Padawan counted the legal deviants around him. He didn't have enough fingers and toes. Most of the laws were ones the citizens weren't even aware they were breaking and laws he'd never consider booking someone for. Litering, no leash, illegal u-turn, alley gambling, too many to keep track of. Good thing it wasn't his problem anymore. Technically, he was on leave from the RSC to pursue his Jedi adventures... adventures in books and theory. Jedi weren't supposed to seek excitement but were they forced to seek boredom?

Lucky for Syrius he was able to take these walks. Despite the fact the air was at less than desireable pollution levels, it still cleared his head. His clothing didn't give him away to hate groups, law deviants, or fellow Jedi. Just the way he liked it. Except of course for the fact his jacket felt looser on him from his weight loss. And they say cigarettes keep weight off, he was proof to the contrary. Though he surely owed more of his improved physical state to rigourous exercise than his recent vice dumping.

Being an Alderaanian, weapons and him didn't agree. He didn't carry a lightsabre, not that he could use one with skill anyhow.

OOC - Okay, here's the deal: I want someone to attack me. Being a Jedi Padawan it'd be stupid for me to attack a Sith, or whatnot. Also, there's the many views on if Jedi go looking for fights, etc. But this character needs field experience. So could a Dark Sider be kind enough to A: Attack me or B: Attack a NPC who I need to help. Thanks.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 7th, 2003, 05:24:11 AM
She'd changed since the last time Syrius Cline had seen her; in more ways than one. And he had changed too; though she had no way of knowing that he'd joined the Jedi Order. Perhaps if she'd known, she would have put as much distance as she possibly could between them. It wasn't that she was a darksider in any way; it was just... her and the force didn't exactly mix.

And so, when she bumped into his as they were walking the opposite way, she paid little attention except to say "Keep your eyes on the road, pal," and give a glare up at the man.

Surprise flitted across her face then, which broke into a smile. n"Hey Love," she teased, letting the mass of people stream past her.

Syrius Cline
May 8th, 2003, 12:06:36 AM
Syrius raised an eyebrow and placed his hand on her shoulder, flirtingly.

"I know you, lovely? Father told me never to forget the beautiful ones."

Through his journies and testing experiences, he'd forgotten her. To complicate things she looked slightly different. The fact was he didn't know her from a Susan, Barbara, or Carly. Though the oddest tingle, stronger than the usual ones he had learned was a danger sense, was playing at the back of his neck.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 8th, 2003, 05:25:45 AM
s'Il had to role her eyes at his response; it was strange that she'd run into him in the first place, but she at least expected him to remember her. Then again, he'd been out of the loop, so to speak, and so had she rather; though at least she hadn't forgotten him. She'd begun to keep tabs on his replacement - Elsius Brandt - but stopped after a while. She just wasn't really worried anymore.

"Syrius, I'm crushed," she started, "I would have at least thought you'd remember me a little... "

She reached up and patted his cheek lightly, "I know you'd remember Blake if she was here right now."

Syrius Cline
May 9th, 2003, 01:03:32 AM
Syrius' hand snapped out and grabbed her wrist, twisting it as he gripped a hold of it.

"Well, isn't this lovely? Old friends meeting again?"

Now he remembered her. Not seeing someone's face on the twenty most wanted list everyday doesn't help in your memory. He'd figured out who she was after she said the word 'I'm'. He played the sheep until she got her hand close enough for his move to work, then he turned into the wolf.

"Love the new 'do'. Maybe we can make a deal," he said, applying more pressure to her wrist. "You tell me who did your hair and I'll get you a plea bargain!!"

Unaware to him, S'Ilancy was probably revving up for a disastorus counter. Too bad his danger sense wasn't always on yet.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 9th, 2003, 07:58:41 PM
His reaction was a little startling, and s'Il couldn't help the look of surprise that flitteed across her face as he held her. She really shouldn't have been, but still. She craned her neck to look up at him.

"Hey... !" she winced a little as he put more presssure on her wrist, "I'm delicate goods, you know; best be careful with the merchandise."

With her other hand she did her best to pry her wrist from his grip, but it did no good. With an aggravated sigh, she glared up at Cline, letting a small growl begin in the bottom of her throat.

"You're not on the RSC roster anymore; you took a little break. You don't have any right to hold me."

He still kept an iron grip on her wrist, and ever so slowly, s'Il let tendrils of tawny yellow seep into her metallic eyes. "I'm serious. Let me go."

Syrius Cline
May 10th, 2003, 12:29:16 AM
Syrius ignored the threat and simply failed to notice any eye color change. Instead he pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his back pocket.

"Yeah but I kept the handcuffs," he said, raising the handcuffs to her eyes. "Besides, haven't you heard? Jedi Padawan, I am, and I'm doing my new job. See any similarities to the last one?"

He locked one end of the handcuffs to the wrist he held and began working on the second...

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 10th, 2003, 07:43:30 AM
"Hey; I'm here on completely legit-" his words took a moment to register, but when they did, her protestations died in her throat.

Jedi Padawan?! The thought brought a look of horror to her eyes; a look that wasn't easily ignored by even some of the passerby. Her eyes narrowed considerably, and s'Il froze in her struggles. This was not good; if he could use the force... if he used the force here, things would turn very bad very quick.

With a surprising amount of strength, she jerked her hands from his grasp. With one cuff still locked on her wrist, she started backing away from him. "If you're a jedi, then just stay the hell away from me... trust me. You don't want to be anywhere near where I am. "

Syrius Cline
May 13th, 2003, 01:34:13 AM
He looked down at his hands, wondering how she had slipped out of them. That was a nice trick. By the way she was acting he wouldn't be suprised if she was on some kind of strength enhancing drug.

"Wow, never heard that one before in my dozen or so years of law enforcement," he said completely deadpan, with sarcastic meaning. "Though you changed the out the usual with Jedi. Good for you, being original in your own way."

He walked slowly towards her.

"Now listen, we can do this many, many ways. Though there's only a few that I'd like to pursue. Do me and you a favor and come quietly. Bread and water isn't so bad when you have grool to spice it up with, now is it love?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 13th, 2003, 09:21:55 PM
"Original," she snorted in derision, "you have no idea how original I can be."

As he came closer, she kept a constant distance between the two. He was pushing her; not letting the matter alone. Besides; if she had any hopes of leaving the planet of her own will, and not shackled in binders, than the only option left open was the one she'd not wanted to use. But then again, four legs were always better than two. That, and the cuff attached to her wrist was starting to get annoying.

People were already looking at her funny, and she knew it was only a matter of time until one or two got the hint that Cline was trying to arrest her. Her initial horror and fear at his mention of being a jedi were still in the back of her mind, but she was more concentrated on getting away from him.

And so, she stopped, standing stock still. Bowing her head, s'Il let her arms fall to her sides. It was strange; she could hear his particular footsteps... pick them apart from the rest of the mass of people pushing past her. The last time she'd been in a footchase she'd come out the loser; in a detention cell. She gauged his footfalls, and when he came within no more than six feet from her, her head snapped up.

Eyes now a complete gold, she let out a gutteral growl. "Sorry, love, I'd rather not... "

And with that, s'Il let the transformation take over her body. She arched her back in the first throes of dislocating joints and reforming muscles. Her skin grew hot to the touch as she flexed her hands; hands which were morphing beneath skin as bones moved to facilitate a new structure.

Right there, in front of Cline and those lucky enough to be around her, she started the change...

Syrius Cline
May 17th, 2003, 01:52:59 AM
"Screw this, I need to start carrying a sodding lightsabre..." he said breathlessly, watching the transformation with morbid curiosity. "Hell, I give up love, what the bloody frell are you?" he asked, again without breath.

OOC - Sorry for the slow reply. Too many characters, so little time. :)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 18th, 2003, 11:43:09 AM
It was a trick she'd been practicing; to stop midchange. It was hard, but she'd begun to master the painful halt in form. To hold her body in limbo was a challenge. And that's what she did, staring at Cline through tawny yellow eyes; the world around her now in monochrome. Her shoulders were hunched, her stance wide to balance her frame, and she watched him. At this point she could still speak, though it was gutteral and a little stuttered, her voice a husky rasp as she spoke one word in answer to his question...


And then she waited.

What he did next would determine the direction of her change; into vonrnskr, or back into human...

Syrius Cline
May 24th, 2003, 01:24:02 AM
"Uh, I didn't quite hear you but... I'll give you an allowance on that. Becoming ugly that quickly does that to your voice, I suppose..."

He spread his hands.

"Well, go ahead and try to eat me love, because I'm going to arrest you afterwards. There's a cell large enough for you, I'm sure."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 24th, 2003, 10:40:06 PM
She glared at him, her anger rising as he spouted off about arresting her regardless of what happened. Just the fact that he kept on was enough to touch on her annoyance, and s'Il let herself go, continuing the change. She fell to her knees, a pained groan escaping her lips as hands morphed into massive paws, a silver sheen of fur grew like wildfire over her body, and her whole frame settled into that of an enormous vornskr. Tail lashing back and forth in lazy motions, she let her ears lay flat against her neck in frustrated aggravation.

Pacing forawrd just a little, the vornskr huffed a breath though her nose, glaring up at Cline. Fur rippling over muscle and bone, she let the beginnings of a growl start in her throat.

Darven Calmoarn
May 26th, 2003, 10:02:56 PM
"Unngh..." Markoth groans as he gives me a hand up into a ventilation shaft. We'd rigged this one with staples years ago, giving us easy access up a vertical shaft. The only thing we have to watch out for usually was what we were bringing with us. Bithi, a leader of another settlement, is holding a cage of rattled vynocks. They don't appear to be too happy about the travel arrangements. I say as much as the cage is handed up to me.

"I wouldn't be either." Bithi strongarms his way into the shaft as I make my way down it towards the joint. "Gods these things are ugly."

"And let's not forget smelly." Markoth joins us in the vent as I stand up in the joint. Bithi waits until I'm started climbing before taking my place in the joint. He straps the cage of confused and hungry vynocks onto his back.

"These things can't eat through this can they?" He sounds vaugely worried. Vynocks eat wiring and love electrical systems. The two most destructive animals on Coruscant aren't native to the planet, of course, but they're imports. The vynock is a cousin of the mynock, which only lives in the vaccum of space. Vynocks are adapted for atmosphere, and are exterminated whenever they're found. Granite slugs don't eat wiring, they prefer to reconstitute duracrete, and other stone-like substances.

The only people who venture to our levels of the city go there to kill these creatures. Someone wised up to the danger of the lowest levels becoming unstable from being devoured by granite slugs, and so we have to watch out for pest patrols now.

By now we're all climbing up the vertical shaft, the vynocks jostling around in their cage, sucker mouths trying to grasp the sides of the clear container we have them in. I think we have about six of them. I hope its enough.