View Full Version : all these silly books!

Azhure Darkstone
May 6th, 2003, 04:59:52 PM
Ok, we're in the last year of high school and there are so many courses and choices for next year and somehow I'm more confused than when I started.

Theres the bodgy media course that takes one year with three years of work crammed in (no), theres a lot of out of state universities (maybe, need cash), theres the private uni's and tafes which by the way one has a great course (whoops, we have to pay straight out the money).
And you know somehow you knew what you wanted to be then that goes out of the window, and you don't know where you want to go.
I mean how did you guys decide what to do after the break of freedom aka. schools out.

The dole (government paid sort of 'pension' to those who don't work and are too lazy too in most cases- ah for the joy!) is starting to look good.

Marcus Telcontar
May 6th, 2003, 05:44:58 PM
Hint - Uni sucks. TAFE is more relavent and your more likely to get into somethign quick. I'm suspicious of Uni now, esp with the ways HECS is set up - too much debt too quick. go TAFE if you really need a bit of tertiary paper