View Full Version : The Master's Will (Char)

imported_Altered Beast
May 5th, 2003, 08:13:31 PM
Armaiil is dead, killed by the successful specimen. All his laboratories, equipment, and specimens have been left to the alpha of the Altered Swarm, who carries Armaiil's genius within it's very genetic code. Of all these, perhaps the most versatile and useful thing left to it was Char, the old doctor's servant. The beast perches above the girl, in the high rafters of the darkened laboratory. She doesn't know yet that her master is dead. Its here to deliver the news.

May 5th, 2003, 08:23:15 PM
While the beast lurked above, Char was busy doing the last thing He had asked.. no.. ordered her to do while he dealt with the buisness. She heard roars
(screaming, too, death crys..)
and battle going on above, but had not a clue to the origin. Her first guess was the Doctor was experimenting with the Altered and oen of his other things.

Laying down a hypodermic needle
(watch the edge, it's sharp dear)
filled with neruotoxin onto the operators table, she moved over to the bloody scalpel set. Her attire, constructed from old clothes Armaiil had begun to throw away, was dyed black. It was a haltertop with medical slacks and a pair of loafers, nothing too extreme but it sufficed to keep her warm.

The noise upstairs had ceased, for quite some time, and
(he's done, your next, dear)
she was begining to worry about the mess. He would make her clean it up, or more quicksilver.. Man..

imported_Altered Beast
May 5th, 2003, 08:26:47 PM
The beast drops heavily onto her worktable, crushing and killing the specimen she's been torturing. Her willingness to do this astounded the mad doctor in life; but the Beast knows well enough why she does.

"Chharr...I hhhave nhhhewsss fhhor you."

It's long tongue hisses and whistles as it forms its words, inserting "h" sounds and drawing out the s's.

May 5th, 2003, 08:30:04 PM
Char skitted back slightly, watching as the specimen she had just begun work on begin to thrash and die.
(Oh man, He's going to be mad..)

Char frowned mentally, looking up at the beast carefully."News? Is it from the Doctor?"

imported_Altered Beast
May 5th, 2003, 08:33:33 PM
"Yhhhesss...and nhho. Hhhe isss dead. Khhilled, asssss it were, bhhy his only sssuccesss...hhhI whiilll continue hhhhisss resssearch, and finish hhhhisss fhhinal experhhhimentation. Yhhhou whhill hhhelp. Thhhat isss an order!"

May 5th, 2003, 08:40:50 PM
"Understood.." She replied, crossing her arms under her chest. "What is this about a 'Final Experiment', Doctor never said anything about that?"

She backed further up, turning to the empty table layered with other tools she schemed to use on the now deceased subject. What was the final experiment all about? She thought that bezerker thing Armaiil had preached about WAS it.

She was wrong. With ears back and tail twitching, she turned back to face the Monster. Something took over then, pushing the innocent Char over to the side, her eyes narrowed and a faint smirk crossed her face.
(My turn, darling)
"I'm not going to resist his order, No-sai, What is his first task?"

imported_Altered Beast
May 5th, 2003, 08:44:22 PM
"Hhhe hhhasss no other tassksss, Char. I am the one asssignhhing tasks now. Firstly, yhhhou must knhhow thisss: any interfhhherence with the Masterwork whhhill be mhhet with unrivaled torture...I will skhhhin you alive and fhhhorce you to live in that quicksssilver tank for the rhhhessst of your lhhife!"

May 5th, 2003, 08:46:23 PM
"Go on."

imported_Altered Beast
May 5th, 2003, 08:56:15 PM
"Thhhe Masterwork whhassss begun befhhore your time, whhhen the Mmhhhassster ordered us to raid the Jhhedi Order fhhhor specimensss...whhee captured two Jedi ghhhirllsss...one whasss given to the mhhassster'sss old ssssponsssor, and the other was lheft to him. Hhhhe raped her, not of lussst, but in the name of ssscience. Hhhhe belhhhieved himssself to have latent Fhhorce ability, bhhhut wasss nhhever able to prove it. Sssso...this girl, Lhhhillian Sssnow, whhill at lassst provhhide him with proof. The chhhild of the massster is to be ssstudhhhied closely, during all sssstagessss or prhhhegnancy and dhhuring itsss life. Yhhhour cooperhhation issss paramount."

May 5th, 2003, 08:59:03 PM
Char entered seriousness, "What am I to do from within the confounds of this... prison of words? I have no outside influence."

imported_Altered Beast
May 5th, 2003, 09:02:14 PM
"Hhyyou whhhill perfhhhorm the anhhalysssesss of the infhoorrmation I brrrhhing you...also, you whill on occassion be sent to interact whhith the sssubjhhect in question...under mhhy watchful eye, of coursssse..."

May 5th, 2003, 09:04:40 PM
Char nodded her head slowly, the thought of seeing actual daylight flowing through her like ecxtasy. "I understand my duties."

imported_Altered Beast
May 5th, 2003, 09:11:58 PM
"Ghhoood...now ghho upssstairss and dhhissposse the masster'sss body. hhhI hhhave retrieved hisss casskhhet forrr you. Place hhhim inssside; ALL of hhhim. Hhhiss head rolled quhhite a dhhhissstance and whhill take some hhhunting for. Clean up the blood assss well."

May 5th, 2003, 09:21:01 PM
"Yes," Char saluted, or something to the matter, before traversing to the massacre. Indeed it was messy, body parts strown about and it very well took her more than an hour to find his head under a pile of boomsticks.

Again, it took Char well over another hour to mop half the blood up and by then - she was soaked to the bone in his fluids and partially disgusted of the thought...

imported_Altered Beast
May 7th, 2003, 02:14:13 PM
The caress of a sticky tongue up her arm alerts her to the alpha beast's prescence.

"Ssshall I clhhean yhhou up?"

It's more of a statement than a question. Though this be its master's blood, the beast's thirst for it is maddening. Char may as well be a walking meal, but it has that much restraint.

May 7th, 2003, 08:29:11 PM
She nearly screamed. But every inch, every fiber of her memory closed her voicebox to a choked groan. She glanced over herself, catching the gleam of the beast's eye.
(pop goes the weasle!)

She gave a small smile and ran her index and middle finger up her soaked forearm. Blood gleamed in the dim light as she licked the stuff off. Char had to supress a violent shutter and needness to vomit instantly.

"No, my dear Lord. I would enjoy to clean myself.." She lied, a good one too.

imported_Altered Beast
May 7th, 2003, 08:35:41 PM
It chuckles low in it's throat, placing a heavy hand on her shoulder as it slips by her to the casket of its dead creator.

"Whhhhatch it, or hhhyou'll be cleaning it a sehhhhcond time."

May 7th, 2003, 08:39:32 PM
Char crossed to the other side of the coffin, peering down at the remains. They were arranged like a normal body... with exeption of the gaps where Armaiil had been sliced in twain.

"I tried putting him together.. but.. I didn't do well.."

imported_Altered Beast
May 7th, 2003, 08:43:47 PM
"hhhhIt mattersss nhhot. No one will looohhhk inssside."

The beast shuts the coffin lid and lifts it with the ease of a baby picking up a toy, and begins to carry it away. It notices Char hasn't moved.


May 9th, 2003, 08:40:58 PM
Char does, casting one glance back to where the coffin had rested. A trickle of blood had dripped down, as if the doctor's body had been filled to the brim with the fluid and never ended.

imported_Altered Beast
May 11th, 2003, 08:16:40 PM
The trail leads them to a secondary crygenic chamber, the primary one having been destroyed in the battle of the Jackel and the Doctor. A square vault is built into the side, and the Beast plugs the coffin into it. Someday, the old doctor's body may prove useful.

"Nhhow...I mhhhusssst attend to the Masterwork. Mhhhhy bretherin whhhillll be whhhatching you, ssssso refrhhhhain from any foolissshhh actionsssss."