View Full Version : Ponderings over dinner(open)

May 4th, 2003, 08:16:34 PM
The husband and wife have taken a seat far from everyone else in the restaurant while also being as close to the door as possible, so as to make a quick retreat back to their room. Blues is picking at his meal, not eating the soup so much as just stirring the vegetables about, lost in his own thoughts and ponderings. Without a Jedi to train them he can't even begin to atone for his past failure...it's eating away at him, to the point where he hardly eats anything himself. Blues drops his spoon and reaches across the table to take his wife's hand. She's his only comfort, and its rare for him not to be touching her in some way. By holding her hand it confirms that she's there, that he hasn't failed completely. He's still got someone he can protect.

May 4th, 2003, 08:28:04 PM
She looks up from her food and smiles but only briefly, her thoughts plague her just as much as they do her husband, too many memories running through her head. Her mind drifts back to a time before the bloodshed, when their son was still alive.

May 11th, 2003, 09:33:55 PM
His other hand picks up the spoon and continues to idly pick at the food, poking the vegetables beneath the broth and watching them bob back up, resilient, defying him. He squeezes her hand and scoops some of it, eating it slowly. She's still here...she's sitting right across the table...he can protect her still. He can save her and defend her.

May 11th, 2003, 09:40:54 PM
Jazz watched him silently, knowing where his thoughts must be. Her own still drifting back to happier times.

The childlike gaze of her son's eyes were easy to get lost in as she fed him from a bottle. Gospel cooed, causing a little bit of milk to drip out and down his chin. Jazz watched him, her eyes half closed, enjoying the quiet.

She sighed softly, keeping her mind from wandering to the bad times, wishing she could hold Gospel just once more.