View Full Version : Kwiet Ideya, Parentless Terror (open)

Kwiet Ideya
May 4th, 2003, 05:48:01 PM
Kwiet is at Yog's instead of Dex's, as Dex's is closed and none of the mommies and daddies are there to take care of him. They told him to go to the GJO, but he didn't feel like it, and came here instead. The Bartender has been putting up with his antics for hours now, and has finally shut the kid up by feeding him lunch. Two corndogs and a little dish of ketchup and mustard. Only problem is...he's not eating them. He's got them clutched in his little fists like daggers, swinging them around in a fairly impressive display, slinging ketchup and mustard everywhere and making a big mess. A patron walks by with an odd look. A challenger! Kwiet lunges with his corndogs, each covered in a condiment, and brings his food down on the unfortunate soul's shoulders, smearing the clothing with red and yellow.


Kwiet has vanquished a heinous villain with his mighty weapons and fighting style! His Corndog no Jutsu is unmatched!!

May 6th, 2003, 12:35:41 PM
:: AB walks into the B&G just as the poor unsuspecting patron is attacked by a corndog-weilding child. Slightly confused, and not sure whether to laugh or scold the little boy, she instead looks about for his parents. But no one seems to pay him any mind at all, and there is no sense of attachment to the boy from any of the couples in the room. ::

:: Sighing she walks up to the man who has just been smeared with condements, waving down a droid. To the droid, she instructs it to bring several napkins and a moist towel. To the man, she apologizes and says she'll take care of the boy. ::

:: Then she turns to face the young lad who's standing at the ready, corndogs help up in self defense. Looking down at the boy, and being somewhat tall for a woman, she decides to come to his level, kneeling and regarding him. ::

:: She speaks softly with a small smile. ::

You don't like your corndogs?

Kwiet Ideya
May 7th, 2003, 02:31:42 PM
Kwiet frowns at her. Now he has to stop.

"They're good," he says, though he has yet to take a bite of either of them. "I was playin' a game. Tha' guy was the villun, and I was the hero, and I was vakwishin' 'um with these two daggers!"

He waves the corndogs for emphasis.

May 7th, 2003, 10:06:06 PM
:: AB half-smiled, raising one eyebrow. ::

I don't know... I think the corndogs would be happier if eatten than played with.

Kwiet Ideya
May 7th, 2003, 10:23:47 PM
Kwiet clenches one in his teeth and hops to catch the lip of the bar, swinging his leg up to try and get over it. At last he hooks the toe of his boot and hauls himself up, settling one corndog on his plate and taking a bite of the other.

"Do YOU like corndogs..."

His voice trails off. He's not sure what to call THIS mommy.

May 16th, 2003, 05:23:22 PM
:: AB smiled and took the booth next to where the child had seated himself atop the bar. As she sat, she moved her bright red hair from her shoulder as it had fallen there when she had sat down. The slight breeze it created carried a light scent of fresh flowers after a spring rain. ::

Of course I like corndogs. As a matter of fact, I'll have some myself.

:: She turned to the bartender who had come to her to ask her order, and she ordered two mini corndogs, complete with mustard and ketchup. ::

:: While her order was being filled, she looked back at the child, who had now finished the first corndog in a chewy mess and was starting on the second one. ::

What's your name?

Kwiet Ideya
May 16th, 2003, 11:31:52 PM
"Kwheet," he says with his mouth full. She'll be the red-haired mommy. Yeah. He strips the food from the little stick and swallows it hungrily, ignoring the ketchup dripping down his shirt. "Are you a mommy?"

May 21st, 2003, 04:03:17 PM
:: AB blinks at the sudden and personal question. Recovering from her surprise, she smiles. ::

No, I don't have any children of my own, Kwiet. Perhaps some day... but not at the moment.

:: She looked at him curiously. ::

Speaking of which... where are your parents?

Kwiet Ideya
May 21st, 2003, 09:12:43 PM
"I dun gots none! Abel said that mommy went to be with God when I was borned, and that I never did have a daddy. But I got one, a daddy I mean, an' he's cool! The mommy came and took me to where there's lotsa mommies and smelly daddies and a grampa, so I dunno where Daddy is right now."

No doubt Kwiet's speech is somewhat confusing. Men and women are categorized under the general heading of Mommies and Daddies, with the former taking priority over the latter. The mommy is Dae Jinn, the only woman in the whole galaxy to come even remotely close to being a mother figure for him. Daddy is Ansatsu, who took the boy under his wing after kidnapping him from Abel kannan, his only real legal guardian.

May 30th, 2003, 01:50:58 PM
:: AB blinked after the child had finished his long explaination. ::

I see...

:: It took her a moment, but she understood his catogorizing of men and women... if rather interesting. ::

So, then, how did you end up here?

:: She saw he was finishing with his corndogs, and offered him a bowl of ice cream. ::

Kwiet Ideya
May 30th, 2003, 10:25:07 PM
"B'cuz all the mommies an' smelly daddies are bisybodies! They gots too much to do so they said I could go play! I came here b'cuz the four armed daddy kep' hittin' me with a spachala!"

Of course, the beating with the spatula was not umprovoked. The boy had glommed himself to Dexter's leg with a vicegrip, and had finally been pried loose with said cooking utensil.

Tomak Ohara
May 31st, 2003, 01:07:34 PM
I smiled as I stepped in to the old bar. This place had so many memories in it. I couldn't beleive it. I hadn't been here in so long. I saw a young boy sitting in the corner and I ventured over to him. "Hello there you two. How is everyone today?" I smiled at AB, and I wondered if anyone here at the order would recognize me. I smiled and took a seat. "It has been a long time since I have been here." I smiled and looked at AB, "Hello there. It's been a while since I've seen you." I turned to Kwiet, my cape flowing as I did so. "And who are you?"

Jun 2nd, 2003, 03:43:20 PM
:: AB regarded the new comer to their table. ::

It's been a long time, Tomak.

:: She looked back to Kwiet. ::

This is Kwiet, and he's just about ready for a bowl of ice cream, I think.

Kwiet Ideya
Jun 2nd, 2003, 09:54:45 PM
Kwiet nods vigorously.

"Uh huh uh huh uh huh!"

He's quite enamored with AB. She's a mommy, and she's taking care of him and buying him ice cream! Tomak...he hasn't gone unnoticed, but Kwiet hasn't visibly acknowledged him yet. Oddly enough, the boy finds himself wondering how quickly he could draw and throw should he try to keep the mommy from him.

Jun 3rd, 2003, 05:40:17 PM
:: AB can't help but smile at the boy's enthusiasm, and waves down a serving droid. It tootles as it comes closer and AB makes an order. ::

One three scoop sunday with extra chocolate syrup and cherries.

:: The droid whistles an affirmative and rolls off to fill the order. It wasn't everyday she was a ble to spoil children, and while she didn't make a habit of it, she did like to endulge every now and then. ::

Kwiet Ideya
Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:28:22 PM
Kwiet scoots himself forward off the edge of the bar to land in AB's lap. He hugs her as tightly as his little arms will let him and smiles big.

"Thank you!"

She can be his new mommy! He's sure of it!

Jun 4th, 2003, 04:11:08 PM
:: She was slightly taken aback by the sudden affection, but she didn't push the boy away. ::

You're welcome, Kwiet.

:: At that moment, the whopping ice cream sunday arrived, seemingly bigger than the boy, and was placed on the counter. AB smiled and pointed to the dessert. ::

Better get it before it melts!

Kwiet Ideya
Jun 5th, 2003, 07:30:53 AM
He turns back to the bar and starts eating. Not two spoonfuls later and his mouth is ringed with ice cream, some of it melting and dribbling down his chin. He ignores it for the most part; the ice cream is good! He'd say so, but his mouth is full. That's bad manners and the mommy'll be mad if he doesn't use his good manners.

Jun 5th, 2003, 04:30:18 PM
Careful you don't choke.

:: As Kwiet attacks his ice cream, she thought back to what he'd said about lots of daddies and mommies and a grandpa. The latter intrigued her as it was in the singular and not in the plural like the two former ones. She questioned him about it. ::

So... who's your grandpa?

Kwiet Ideya
Jun 5th, 2003, 07:03:23 PM
"He''s smelly! He gots a big big cape with a hood!"

Jun 6th, 2003, 03:56:09 AM
-Covenant sits at a corner table by himself. The lone wolf has choosen to go a little less dark today, he wares a dark red suit with the jacket extending right down to the floor which, for a 7" stature, is a long way down.
His sleeves are folded up and bound back by the leather straps and silver buckle cuffs, his exposed, well toned, muscled arms ended in sturdy yet fine quality leather gloves.
Spending time in this neck of the galaxy meant that Covenant had to do away with his signature broadsword and pistols however, the subtley armour-padded troussers and vest where still a must in the world of Covenant. The protection was not an expression of his paranoia but instead out of habits from his older days.
His armor caused no cocern as they were mostly unseen beneath the long jacket. Besides, Covenant was here to relax and check this place out and had absolutley no intention of starting anything; Although he was still a little nervous having to wander around unarmed, he was still a little reasured as everyone else faced the same handicap.

He's minding his own buisness when this child begins to make a ruckuss and disturbs his quiet thinking over a hot beverage. He can't help but eavesdrop on the childs bantter with the other two and actually becomes interessted with the boys description of "granpa". Covenant's emerald eyes look up from his drink and fix on the child as he speaks, despite the slight glow of his jewel-green irises he knows that from across the large room the conversers will probably overlook the green stare. Just the same, the lone knight plays it safe and observes them instead in glances, the subtletey an attempt to remain unoticed.-

[OOC: Thanx for the warning! And feel free to delete this "OCC" message to clear things up.]