View Full Version : Well, I'm in.. Now what? (open)

Zach Almsalsys
May 4th, 2003, 11:42:53 AM
Zach had just gotten finished exploring the small dorm room that the registerar had assigned to him after being accepted into the Order by Knight Wei. It was small, but furnished, and Zach was able to fit Devil Trigger, the huge sword he had trouble getting through each door on the way to the room, on a set of pegs on the wall.

Standing back to survey his work (and not to keep from his foot being chopped off if it decided to fall) Zach recalled what Wei had said about the sword
(lured you here)
being the reason he was here in the first place.

"What are you hiding, you little beast..." Zach spoke without thinking, stroking his chin lightly before turning... and tripping over the bed. Cursing, he righted himself and straightened his red jacket before going to the holo-news report...