View Full Version : General roleplaying (help!!)

May 4th, 2003, 11:18:20 AM
I am a padawan learner and I have a master so can I start in active roleplaying? Do I have to have my master with me? And one other question is can I join any roleplaying in the sense of this: If maybe someone puts up a post that has to do with something like the black hand, can i join it as a padawan? I just wonder because it seems unlikley that I could posibly be at some of the places that these people are. Just that I would all a sudden be in the right place at the right time. Please help me out. Thank you.

Dasquian Belargic
May 4th, 2003, 11:32:41 AM
Do I have to have my master with me?

If you're outside of GJO, interacting with people that could potentially be hostile - yes. Otherwise, I'd say no. It's fine to be around GJO, or in Roleplaying, so long as you aren't wandering straight into trouble :mneh

If maybe someone puts up a post that has to do with something like the black hand, can i join it as a padawan? I just wonder because it seems unlikley that I could posibly be at some of the places that these people are.

You've answered your own question there :mneh if you don't think its realistic/feasable that your character could be in that place, don't have them there. for instance, if you didn't have a means of transport to get off of Coruscant, you'd have to use public transport or get a lift or something. If you couldn't get those, you couldn't really be there. Of course you can always write in that you are there, somehow, like you said.

It's best to just stay in GJO for your first few weeks, to get settled in here before you go out into the scary universe :mneh

May 5th, 2003, 12:33:05 AM
Thanks you have been very helpful. How long does it take to go from padawan to Knight? And what kind of clases do i have to go through with my master? (she is out until tuesday so i cant ask her). Ok thanks

Sage Hazzard
May 5th, 2003, 12:56:03 AM
Let me try and give you an idea, along side Dasq here. :)

How long does it take to go from Padawan to Knight?

It varries. People in the past have tried to put a number on it, but it's really quite impossible to determine that. It has to do with how advanced your character is in the Force (which comes from training and experience) and how mature your IC self acts. Basically the more your character acts like a Jedi, the closer you get to promotion.

Tip: Don't ask if you'll be promoted soon, as people seem to frown apon that. So just be patient and try to do your best, hoping someone notices.

What kind of clases do I have to go through with my master

Well, that's up to your Master. There's really no set course or anything. How to get into the Force, how to lift stuff, and other neat things.

Good advice would also be:

If you're ever in doubt about if you can/should/etc join a thread PM your Master and ask if it'd be okay to post. Your Master has been here for longer than you and should be able to instruct you appropriately. Then if you have any further questions about what role you should play in the thread, how you should appear in it, etc. you might want to PM the starter of the thread and ask for their thoughts on how you can perticipate.

Welcome to RPing, pal. Hope you have fun. :)

May 5th, 2003, 10:00:09 PM
I am very grateful. Thanks for the help!

Lion El' Jonson
May 11th, 2003, 02:26:11 AM
Originally posted by Nadorj
How long does it take to go from padawan to Knight?

I couldn't agree with Sage more on that issue. I know several people who have been promoted within 4 months. I myself have been here for almost a year as a padawan. I've passed up two promotion nominations. Believe me, try to have as much fun with being a padawan as you can before being promoted to a Knight. Although becoming a knight sorta gives you the perogative to whoop up on bigger bad guys, it also places a new set of responsibilities on your shoulders.

Either way, good luck and it's nice to see a new face around here!
