View Full Version : Starting Over(Xazor)

imported_Natia Telcontar
May 4th, 2003, 09:46:08 AM
*Natia had been in and out of the B&G quite alot over the last several weeks though when she had shown up, nobody saw her really. She just ordered an ale and sat and watched ppl. Nobody saw her or if they did, nobody paid attention to her. Today is different though. Today her Mother is going to meet up with her and they shall spend time together.

And she's going to ask her Mother a question which will help her decide what to do next. She's tired of not doing anything. Her life has been in turmoil as of late so she had turned to avoiding ppl again.

She walks into the B&G and hands over her lightsaber to the guard at the door. She lowers the hood of her cloak revealing her black hair with its white stripe. Dressed in her blue dress, she walks over to the bar and orders herself an ale. After only a few seconds though, she cancels that order and gets herself a cola instead. She's going to start over.

Poledra, her owl friend landed on a street light outside and is waiting for her there instead of inside today.

After getting her cola, she goes and sits down in one of the booths at the back of the room. And waits for her Mother*