View Full Version : A Call to Order: Reparations II: A Change of Mind

Maester Wargrave
May 4th, 2003, 03:12:38 AM

It was a lovely city planet. The high arching towers, the Senate building...the Imperial Palace now used by the New Republic for their Senate Buildings. The Senate buildings...filled with politicians who wished nothing more than to further their own agenda for their planets. To expand their own personal power...the power many failed to break.

The power of an incumbant.

Oh sure some incumbants lost...every 50 to 60 years the galactic power changed for the opposing party, giving them a chance to attempt to 'rule it all'. Republic. Empire. Republic. Empire. Then Republic. At some point...the New Republic would fall again with some sort of Empire rising in its ashes.

But that wasn't why he was here today. No...he was here to avenge a failed death. The attempted assasination of Balmorran Ambassador to the New Republic, Fel Tarkenton. Tarkenton had survived the attack by a Sullustan dissident who did it as a 'favor' to a New Republic Senator.

It was almost a pity, the man mused as he perched on the top of a building, that fools always attempt assassinations of sort. What did they hope to accomplish a Galactic Civil War?

Chaos...was not something to simply bring up. Controlled chaos though...was.

Sasha was on his way, currently disposing of the Sullustan who had served his purpose in giving them a name.


Now...it was time to act.

But Wargrave's mission was a bit different. De'Ville believed in outright assassination...replacing senate members with those she could control. Hobgoblin preferred to work the Senate from the outside...bribing one here and there...blackmail...whatever means to get things done. The Senate was such a hard thing to control. He had his own ideas for manipulation. Objectives hard to accomplish...but even harder to undo, when done.

His grappling gun whipped from his belt, then fired...the long cord grasping onto the nearest building. With a press of a button, Wargrave flew across the sky, towards the building in front. The wind whipped around his body, as he flew. He hit the roof, then unhooked his grapple, using the Force to steady himself.

One building down. Ten klicks to go. Wargrave gathered his coil, waited for several speeders to pass by the building, then fired again.

Tallah would learn what it was to incur the wrath of Maester Wargrave.

He leaped in the air again.

May 9th, 2003, 11:02:31 AM
Personally, he hated Coruscant. Or, at least, that’s what he told himself. But the truth was that he had been there plenty of times, and for one reason or another, he was always going back.

He had disposed of the Sullustan as Wargrave had asked of him. And now he was on his way to meet up with the Dark Jedi master to assist him in showing the senator a bit about what it was to anger a man like wargrave.

To some degree, Sasha pitied the man. But then again, it was difficult to feel bad for someone who had been stupid enough to do what he’d done. He almost just had it coming to him, really.

He moved through the streets on foot, familiar with the back alleys from spending so much time with his friend Dae. She lived in the…not so great part of town. But she loved it, and he’d been to visit her and ask her advice on more than one occasion.

Eventually, he would resort to other means, but for now, it was a suitable method to get where he needed to be. And he was looking forward to it. There was much to be learned from Wargrave.