View Full Version : See how strong I've become without you.(Fiend)

May 4th, 2003, 12:16:53 AM
I smiled as I stepped up to the building. The tall black extremities reaching high towards the heavens. I looked up at the building I had helped him take. How foolish I was then. But it was time for revenge, and it was time for him to fall. I stepped into the building and alarms sounded. I was expected. I drew my sword and waited for anything. I heard a shot ring out, and turned in time to block it. I saw a gunmen with many others behind him, and they took aim. I dropped my sword and raised my hands. They thought they had me, but I had them. I heard the gunmen speak, "On my mark. One, two,...three!" I flipped back and rolled to the side, and as I did I tensed my arms launching stars into each of the gun barrels. There guns were ineffective now, and I pulled my sword to me with the power of the force. I activated my left hand claws and leapt up. My scarf flowed behind me as I jumped and I striked a man in the face with my claw. I took my sword and spun it over my head with my one hand, and brought it behind me, into the stomach of another gunmen. I had four stars left, and twenty darts. I launched two darts into the men ahead of me. They fell, and as they did I heard another shot ring out. I leapt backwards and spun as I did. I landed with my back facing the man, and spun in one direction. My claws struck the man in the back, and my sword pierced his flesh. He fell and I removed my sword from him. I deactivated my claws, and sheathed my sword. I yelled, "FIEND!" I headed for the stairs and ran up them. I came to a door, and I could feel an evil prescence. A man I had once revered as a god. Soon, he would be mere rubble beneath my boot. He would not steal another life, evil or just. A life was made for living, and he robbed all of their right to live. I slammed the door in and instantly felt the cold chill of pure evil. I could see the desk in front of me. His chair was swiveled, facing the window. He was overlooking the city. I stood straight, and with much power in my voice I spoke. "Fiend, do you remember this voice? Your former servant, and the one you stole a life from. But I regained my life, and my sense of justice. I play by my rules now Fiend. I play by my own form of justice. Not yours, not the Jedi, not anyones." I put my hand on the hilt of my sword. I could feel the twisted mechanics working here. This was what evil was, and Fiend was that evil. The axis upon which all evil spun. He had achieved what some people had only dreamed of. But everyone had a weakness, and I would find his. I smiled, "Fiend, I have come here to kill you. You have destroyed too many, and I know your plans. You wish to take control of all, and I won't allow it. I will stop you." I unsheathed my sword and leapt forward. I slashed at the desk and cut it in half. I leapt again and spun so I was facing the demon. I tensed my arm and my left claws came to life again. I smiled, "Fiend, your carriage of death awaits." I shot off two darts and charged him with a slash to the face and another to the stomach.

May 4th, 2003, 01:23:01 AM
:: Ansatsu stopped midway in air, before he even reached the desk. The darts flew harmlessly into the back of the leather chair and I could only smile more as I looked out the window. This building was now nothing more than a beginning. A beginning I didn't need. But it would serve it's last purpose as a traitor's grave.

The chair turned as I looked up to the suspended ninja.::

You got rid of my cells? You took them out of the child? You ran away from the Horde? And than come back to me, wanting to do me a favor and release from this mortal prison before I can finish my term here?

:: Ansatsu flew against the wall, bouncing onto the floor with a thud.::

Do you know how hard it is to kill me and how easy it is to kill you? Do you even know how much I've cared to spend time on trying to kill you? None, because I knew you'd be stupid enough to return, even with the Fiend cells out. It's a pity you didn't bring the boy though. He showed far more promise than you might've ever had, he was malleable at least. You... are just pathetic now...

:: I stand, putting one foot on the desk and resting my gauntleted elbow on my knee as I looked at him there, tilting my head to the side slightly.::

You could've been something, could've being the key word. But now, without me, you're nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm going to enjoy actually not killing you. This building is actually becomoing a holding facility. You and many, many others will have a good rest of eternity stuck in freezing test tubes for the rest of your lightforsaken lives.

:: The desk my foot was resting on suddenly shot against the wall behind Ansatsu, breaking, as pieces fell against his body. I stepped forward, the windows breaking as my eyes blasted red light across the room. My hair moved with a black wind and my cloak billowed as I crossed my arms.::

Well, "Master" of the Fuma Ninja School, what then, where is your mighty justice that would extinguish my evil?

May 4th, 2003, 01:01:19 PM
I stood tall, and my body barely feeling the pain from being thrown against the wall. I took my sword firmly in hand, and with a booming voice, I spoke, "My justice is implanted in every living being. In all the lives you have taken, and the ones that hate you as much as I. My justice, Fiend, will be your undoing." I smirked, "Now then, have at you!" I leapt forward and spun my body, my blade spinning at his face. I hit the ground and sped up through the force. I pushed my legs and body outward, and came in contact with his stomach. He flew back and slammed into the window, cracks appeared. I had a plan. I smirked, and knew when I had hit him the spores in my legs had released. He would be choking in a matter of no time. I activated the small respirator hidden in my mouth. A filtering system if you will. I jumped back and flipped forward, activating my left hand claw as I did so. I landed on one knee, and launched my arm out. Two of my four stars went forward and embedded themselves in his arm. I stood, and smiled. "Fiend, you think yourself to be a god. Well, it is time for a self proclaimed god to be struck down by his past follower." I stood and prepared myself for whatever he had.

May 4th, 2003, 07:57:55 PM
:: Ansatsu finished speaking and I laughed as the stars plucked out of my robes as if I was rubber. My eyes flared red again as I moved to the side casually. I knew all about this failure's little tricks, the spores, all of it.

He threw stars at my metal gauntlets forged from the darkness? Doing nothing. He kicked me in the stomach? hitting the protective armor forged by the former Emperor Palpatine himself with the darkside. I was not one to know a trap and not come prepared against a weapon I had helped create, I was fully covered this time but for my neck and face. Once again having little to no affect on me. And the spores? This thing... was stupider than I had ever believed. I would almost go as far to say that I had made the mistake to even think him worthy of being near me or even living to be one of my experiments.

A self proclaimed god? No, I was a god, :lol, there was nothing to prove against it. I was the Darkside, nothing stopped me, nothing, I destroyed creation, I was there when stars collapsed and planets were eaten. And now I was manifested, physical, sentient, I would make sure the process of creation was not there to begin anew when I ha destroyed this galaxy.

I flexed my hands, clenching my fists as my head lifted up. Ansatsu could sense it, the air seeming to get thicker, before I smiled and the vicinity around me was set on fire. The whole room burst into flame and in those seconds of raging fire I leaped, the claws of my gauntlets still cool even in the Hellfire.

The gauntlets found Ansatsu's body fast enough. They slashed his arm, cutting into the weapons he had there acurately and then into his legs, releasing the spores that were instantly incinerated. I helped make him, and I could destroy him, but as said before I had other plans. The fire stopped as soon as I was sure the spores were no more and my spurred boot came up in contact with Ansatsu's ribs.

He might be a ninja but I was Fiend. How often was I seen fighting? Barely, because the true masters didn't have to fight every battle and war. I stepped back and slammed my foot into the ground, a massive wave of the force slamming into Ansatsu and kncking him back from the room he had come in through. The doors went with him, being blown off their hinges. I sneered as I turned my back to Ansatsu. He was finished... I unflexed my hands and began breathing again... a slow sigh as the already cracked windows blasted outwards, far below onto the ground below.::

Now, you wretch, see your self righteous justice against one of "those" who follows the "self proclaimed god."

May 10th, 2003, 12:13:43 AM
A cool fog suddenly appeared. Arriving down the hall from Ansatus, but quickly reaching him, and the room Fiend was in. Within seconds, the fog had reached kneed high. In the distance, a figure, clouded in white flowing robes appeared. His body hidden, save for his dark blue eyes. Slowly he walked, like a messanger of death he headed straight for Ansatsu. His voice was bone chilling. Filled with an awesome power it demanded respect.

*Shame on you worm. Going against the one whom created you. Not very wise i'd say*

The being came closer. His waist length white hair draping down the front of his shoulders. When he had finally reached a few feet from Ansatsu, he stopped. Pulling back his hood, his face was revealed. It was Malice Draclau. Sith master from The Sith Order. He had recently made an alliance with Fiend, and likewise was getting TSO to make an alliance with Fiends group. As Malice stared at Ansatsu, black force lightning danced along his whole body. The darkside quickly started to fill the hallway, the room, within moments the entire building as Malice concentrated on gathering his power.

*You cannot stop our plans now foolish one. Nothing you could ever do would stop us. And i shall soon show you. NOW GET UP!!!!*

Malice did not like killing worthless worms when they were on their backside. He muched prefered them fighting to save their pitiful selves.

May 15th, 2003, 02:07:06 PM
I stood. A man of honor, how respectable. My body damaged, but I tried to ignore it. I stood holding my sword up and my claws. I smiled, "I was not created by that monster. You have fallen for his spell. He is a devil, but I can see you are too. No matter, I will kill his worthless underlings, then kill him." I ran forward and slashed down with my sword and brought my claws up at the same time.

May 15th, 2003, 02:37:56 PM
Within a matter of seconds, his duel blade saber was activated. Holding it up, Malice counter Ansatsu sword. Though his senses had alerted him of the claws, Which Malice managed to side step. Using his hand to grip Ansatsu clawed hand up against his side, trapping it there.

*Fool, i am noones underling. Fiend and i have a partnership. And i shall not have anyone mess that up. You want to see a demon, fine, i'll show you a demon*

With the force, Malice shoved Ansatsu backwards. Then, the sith master began to gather all of his energy together. A dark cloud appeared over him. Within minutes, his body was covered in a black sphere of energy. It would act like a shield while Malice was going through his transformation.

It was rather fast to say the least. After a couple minutes, the black sphere had shrunk. Going back into Malice's body. Though when it did go away, they no longer saw the human form of Malice. Instead, Ansatsu was now staring at an 8ft tall, blue demon of chaos. A whip like tail accompanied by a pair of deadly wings.

His claws and teeth were now longer and dagger sharp. His very body had grown in mass. Muscles buldged nearly everywhere. Even with his massive size, His speed had not suffered. But had gained from this transformation as well.

Saliva dripped from his fangs as he stared at the assassin.

*Come Ansatsu........face the demon of chaos. Let me show you
redemption, through the power of the darkside*

Thrusting both hands forward, Bolts of lightning screamed through the air as they made their way towards Ansatsu. He would find this fight anything but easy.

May 15th, 2003, 02:56:29 PM
I rolled out of the way of the lightining, and leapt behind the demon. I sped up through the force and charged him. I slid underneath his immense body and using my sword and claws stabbed his legs with them. I appeared on the other side and stood quickly. I turned in a fighting position, my sash turning quickly. I smiled, "Well, you will fall demon. You are Fiends slave, and he has tricked you. I realized that a long time ago. You will fall just like he will. I have justice on my side, and the fuma art. You cannot win demon." I used a force jump and leapt toward the creatures head, and my leg extended. This kick was going to have quite a force if it landed. I had charged the power of the planet in my leg, and my leg was catching flame from the power. "Come on you beast!"

May 15th, 2003, 03:25:30 PM
Malice fell to his knees when Ansatsu had stabbed them. Growling in anger as the pain shot up both legs. He looked up to see Ansatsu comeing at him from above. Fire seemed to gather around is foot as he came in closer. It would seem he was using some sort of special attack. Let him, he'll get a very rude surprise.

As Ansatsu came in closer, He was stopped suddenly. Ansatsu had just crashed right into Malice's force wall. Right when Ansatsu had done this, Malice lept at him. His huge bulk catching him off guard. Using his massive hands, Malice gripped both of Ansatsus. And with his tail, he wrapped it around his legs, squeezing tightly. They both landed on the ground, but with Malice ontop.

*You call me a slave one more time little one, and i'll eat you were you stand*

With that, Malice bit down. And bit down hard. The right shoulder of Ansatsu was covered in blood within seconds of Malice's long dagger like teeth penetrating his skin. Slowly, the demon sith began to drink Ansatsu's blood. The taste of the warm crimson liquid qould slowly drive Malice berserk. Which always happens when he turned into his demon self.

May 15th, 2003, 04:20:45 PM
I gritted my teeth in pain and thought of something to do. I was in horrible pain. My arm was useless, and I had dropped my sword. Time for fun. I concentrated on my sword with the force, and lifted it into the air. I did my best to concentrate on his wall. If he was biting me, then the wall around him had to have been gone for a bit. Otherwise, it would have continued to repel me. I threw the sword with the force into the demon's eye. He let go and grabbed the sword. I jumped up, and smiled. "Can you see me?" I concentrated on the planets power, and my body caught flame. I smiled and walked towards him, "And now demon, you will die." I activated my claws and marched towards the man.

May 16th, 2003, 10:58:15 PM
A loud, ear defening screem was heard as the sword pierced into Malice's left eye. The demon stumbled backwards, freeing Ansatsu. And covering his face with both massive blue hands. Blood oozed forth from his left hand as he tried to craddle the wound. Unlike the rest of his demonic body, his eye would not grow back. Therefore, he would have to do something about it later. For now, he would get his revenge.

*You shall pay dearly for that Ansatsu. I shall show you the fury of the darkside*

Malice kept both eyes close. His demonic senses, as well as the force told him of where Ansatsu was. He did not need his eyes. Besides, with Ansatsus body in flames, Malice could feel the heatwaves coming from his body. The demon waited till Ansatsu drew closer, and closer. All the while drawing in force energy.

When he had gotten a bit closer, Malice attacked. He ran at the little man, doing a force jump up and over him, doing a 180 spin while in the air. Before he had even landed, lightning shot forth from his hands once more. This time however, they did not miss their marks. As the demon landed, blue bolts of electricity wrapped themselves around his arms, legs, and body. Acting like a force lightning web. One of Malice's favorite tricks.

The demon now, half in pain still from the wound, was letting out horrific laughters as Ansatsu was being electrocuted. Regardless of the fire that consumed his body, the lightning would have no trouble killing him.

May 19th, 2003, 02:19:36 PM
I howled in pain. "Not today demon!" I lifted my claws. Time to use an old trick. I concentrated only on having my arm straight up, and pointed my claws at him. I concentrated my energy into my hand and the fire from my body formed a large ball, and sat in my hand. I pulled in as much as I could, and then I released it all. It came flying at him at incredible speeds. A huge fireball flying for his chest. I prayed and closed my eyes. Concentrate on his mind. Not the pain, can't feel it if I don't think on it. Come on Satsa, you can do this! I concentrated on my thoughts, and smiled. Time to end this. Please let that fireball hit it's mark!

May 19th, 2003, 08:44:52 PM
Malice's senses alerted him of the on comming attack. Quickly drawing back the lightning, Malice now formed a ball of lightning within the palms of his massive hands. Without wasting another second, Malice sent the ball of lightning straight towards Ansatsu.

The lightning ball met with the fireball. Resulting in a pretty big elemental explosion. Dropping to his knees, Malice wrapped his wings around his body. Shielding himself from the shockwave affect the explosion gave off. This Ansatsu was proving to be more of a pest then he's worth. It would seem as though Malice would have to finish this one off quickly.

May 20th, 2003, 02:16:55 PM
I jumped back from the blast. I crouched down covering myself in my shawl and stood after the blast was gone. I smiled and pulled my sword from his eye with the force. I now had my claws and sword in one hand. I smiled and ran at the demon. I was running quiet, so I would see if the demon could sense me. I charged at him, so lightly I could barely hear my footsteps. And I ran my sword into his side. Running it up to the handle. My claws went in as well, and I sneered. I pulled them back out, and leapt back. I stood completly still and waited for the demon to do something.

May 20th, 2003, 09:16:42 PM
Right after Malice had retracted his wings, he felt a sudden surge of pain in his side. Ansatsu had managed to sneak his way right up to the demon. His sword and claws made past his armored skin, and straigth into his flesh. It felt like his insides were tearing at the seams and being set on fire.

After Ansatsu had pulled out and back away, Malice doubled over on his side. His huge bulk laying on the floor. As his blood oozed out, Malice glared at the assassin.

*That's it....Play times over mortal*

Getting up, the darkside was pumping furiously in the demons body. It was like he had just taken hundreds of shots of steroids. His massive bulk was up and running on all fours aided by the force, Malice quickly made towards Ansatsu. Using his whip like tail, He latched onto Ansatsus clawed hand which held the sword. After releaving him of the weapon, Malice lashed out with his arms, pulling Ansatsu into a bear hug move.

Baring down on him, His teeth begged to spill blood.

*This ends now assassin. Do not mess with pure darkness*

As his wounds throbbed, Malice bit down on Ansatsu shoulder. having already bitten down on the other one, Malice decided to ruin the second. Not stopping there, Malice thrust his dagger like claws deep into Ansatsus Sides as his arms wrapped fully around his body. With both teeth and claws in him, combined with the vice like grip. There was little hope now for Ansatsu.

Just to make sure he would not get out of this, Mentally Malice placed a strong force choke on him. If Ansatsu had ever feared Fiend before, he would now know not to mess with the demon sith master. For compared to Fiend, Malice was much more deadly.

May 21st, 2003, 01:59:33 PM
I screamed in pain, though they were muffled under the choke. I tried to concentrate as best I could. I was losing so much blood. But my just from my sides. My arms and legs were mechanic. All this pain, I pushed some from my mind. One last defense. The jets on my legs. Catch the demon on fire. That was all I could do. Do that and run, run fast. Make it to Wei. I thought of my legs, the only things working on me. I was losing air, had to hurry. I turned the boosters on and they shot upwards to the demon. The fire blazing his skin, blistering it. He would have to let go, or it would at least throw off his cocentration. Then I could make him let go. Work you stupid things, work! They were still blazing his skin. Surely he would let go, nothing could withstand this for long.

May 22nd, 2003, 11:42:55 AM
Indeed Malice did not let go. His hard, armored skin was protecting him from the fire. That is, it was protecting him. As soon as he could feel the fire start burning through his skin, the demon let go. Flying Ansatsu upwards with the motion of the jet packs. Jumping backwards, Malice flaps his wings furiously. Letting a cool breeze wash over him. Easing the pain of the burns a little.

Glaring as he watched Ansatsu leave, Malice spoke in a low, menacing tone.

*He shall pay. I shall hunt him down and kill him*

Slowly, Malice's demon form began to shrink. Until nothing but his human form remained. Picking up his robes from the ground, Malice stared at Fiend. Blood stained his face from the eye that was no longer there. Limping because of the damage done to his legs, the sith master nodded to Fiend.

*I must be off now. A day or so in a bacta tank should heal me. Besides, i must gather a few sith priests, as well as a new eye and see what they can do for me*

May 28th, 2003, 10:50:08 PM
:: I shrugged as Malice walked off. A smile crossing my face as I watched Ansatsu depart. Let him believe he won this. But yet his sworn enemies still stand and he will have accomplished nothing by the morrow's sunrise. Malice will be fully healed and my capitol of Hell will still stand in the Vento system.::

Pitiful wretch.