View Full Version : Searching......(open challenge)
May 3rd, 2003, 11:57:06 PM
I smiled as I walked down the halls of what was once my old home. I remember this place like it was yesterday. An old training facility, but it was decaying now. My master had once trained me here, inside these walls. I tensed my wrists and my claws emerged. The red shafts of light coming on with a quick snap-hiss. I looked this place over and stuck the claws into the side of the wall. The wall simply caught fire, and then I placed my other claw in the other wall. I began walking dragging my hands along the walls. The flames consuming it all. My eyes could be seen beneath my scarf, and I continued to walk. I smiled, and chuckled some. I walked up the stairs, and onto the top of the small wooden fortress. I stood up on the top and the flames engulfed the entire building. I smiled, "Omgenki!" I leapt into the air and flipped backwards, and force sped myself through the building and out the other side. I stood silent as the building collapsed behind me. I stood, and my scarf flew in the wind. I had betrayed Wei's orders, but this place needed to fall. I stood straight up and looked to the sky, "Another memory destroyed, and ready to be replaced." I heard a simple rustling behind me and stood still. I was waiting for anything.
Vice Hazzard
May 7th, 2003, 01:47:14 AM
"Blessed Emperor!" he gasped as the building fell into itself.
He'd never seen such a thing. It just... was this a planned demolition put forth by the governing political body? Then he saw the man. Something told him this was the lone wrecking ball. It was the fact that he didn't seem interested in the building's firey shriek in the night. Only the creator of such a blazing distruction would have such disinterest.
Despite the fact this other was of considerable power, as evidenced by such a spectacle, Vice drew his staff. At first it was a small cylinder. With a push of a button however it expanded into a roughly 1.9 meter long weapon. Yet the length still expanding slowly. But when it grew to an appropriate length, Vice shut off the expanding command and twirled the staff defiantly in front of him. It was making a clockwise tour in front of him, a defensive barrier and distraction method.
Still, despite the other's greater skill, Vice's niavity and want to prove himself spurred his comments. He'd become more modernly hip and witty after watching numerous holonet teen dramas.
"Pick on a structure your own size!" He said with a throaty chuckle to mask his tremble.
OOC - Open to a Darksider fight? And what planet are we on, if I may ask, for mental reference?
May 7th, 2003, 01:59:53 PM
OOC-Open to anybody. Satsa is neutral, so he doesnt care.
I smiled and turned to the voice. "Child....." I tightened my fist and leapt at him. I landed in front of him. I saw the remarkable weapon he had. "A bo, how gorgeous. A weapon of the ninjas." I lifted my sword and smiled, "But can you use it." I launched a dart at his arm and swung my sword at his chest. Would he block the poison filled dart, or the slash. The dart would only immobilize his arm for a moment. But the slash would sting for a while. Time was ticking by. I leapt back and flipped, my body moving like a beautiful dancer. I landed and smiled, as my red sash floated in the air. "Well child, can you handle me?"
Vice Hazzard
May 7th, 2003, 11:59:27 PM
Vice spun the staff slightly clock-wise catching the dart and knocking it harmlessly off course. The other side came down on top of the sword, batting it down.
Now, as his opponent set himself up again and talked his talk, Vice smiled with growing confidence.
"Most certainly. The destruction you caused," he jerked his head towards the wreck of a building, "does not represent you well. You are much less skilled then I would have thought."
He twirled his staff, then brought it under his arm and spread his legs widely. The staff, or 'bo' as this man called it, ran along his back and came visible after it passed behind his shoulder blades.
"In reference to your first query... you'll find out soon enough."
OOC - Hope your sword isn't a Lightsabre. Otherwise it'd cut through the staff and I need to edit. :)
May 15th, 2003, 02:03:46 PM
OC: It's metal. Dipped in cortosis though. The claws are lightsabers.
I smiled and ran forward toward the man. I activated my left hand claw and jumped throwing a kick out. I landed behind the man, and turned to face him. He had dodged my kick. I ran again this time swinging them toward his arm.
Vice Hazzard
May 18th, 2003, 01:43:23 AM
Vice steadied himself and tried to calm his fear. Fear was good, as it aided in your survival instincts. But now it was crucial he focused and devised a plan.
He brought his staff forward, acting as if he intended to block the swing when it arrived. Then, he lowered the staff and expanded it's length. It hit Ansatu's leg. The expansion speed could be controlled, but Vice let it expand as quickly as possible to maximize the force of the blow. Hopefully it would halt his charge, and subsequent slash.
OOC - Okay. My staff is just plain ol' durasteel. :)
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