View Full Version : Sound of Fear(open challenge)

May 3rd, 2003, 11:31:41 PM
As Epyon treds after his victim threw the dark ally, the man starts to scream in horror. The man screams at the top of his lungs, but no one hears him. The more the man screams the slower he gets and the closer I get Epyon thinks to himself. Finally the man gives up running and turns around as if to fight Epyon.

::Giving up already? I was just starting to enjoy my self. The sound of you yelling makes this kill even greater than the ordinary kill.::

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 4th, 2003, 10:55:09 AM
Ambrose let the body drop to the ground. Two puncture wounds were visible upon the dead corps's neck. The Vampire had been watching this man torture this other human being. The screams that the helpless man were putting out were very loud. Ambrose was irritated in what these two mortals were doing. The vampire emerged from the shadows, his night black cloak rustling around his feet as he walked. Ambrose stopped in front of the man. He looked down to see the man on his feet, begging for his life. Grabbing him by the shirt, he threw him against the wall across the alleyway. The sound of bones crunching were apparent as he made contact with the wall.

Bringing his attention back upward to the man standing, Ambrose looked at his neck. Seeing the blood flowing in his jugular vein. The main artery in which life flowed throughout this mortal. The vampire thought how sweet the blood would taste when he took this mortals life.

I can see that you strive to hurt others. We are the same in a way. But, now it is your turn to run...

May 6th, 2003, 07:34:47 AM
::HAHAHAHAH you think im going to run, you have must not know who I am. I am no ordinary mortal vampire, I suggest you leave on your own free will before i force you to leave.::

Before Epyon finishes speaking, Epyon's eyes turn as red as blood and spikes start to come out of his sholders and his elbows.

:: This spike looks like it would hurt:: Holding up one of the spikes:: Say if it were to go through your heart!::

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 8th, 2003, 02:07:29 PM
Calling upon the force for guidance, the saber hilt of the Vampire Warrior was unclipped from its resting place at his hip and was thrown into the hand of the vampire. With a click, the smell of burning ozone was in the air. The maroon blade hummed with life as it extended outward from atop the hilt of Amrose's lightsaber. The weapon that was so dear to him. A lightsaber was the weapon of a Jedi, but it was more to a sith. It was life, to weild a lightsaber took great skill in battle.

Epyon was still adimring the spikes that were sticking outward from his shoulders and his elbows, when the blade of Ambrose's lightsaber cut through the spike which rested upon the right shoulder. With momentum still in play, the blade kept moving and struck Epyon in the side of the neck. Making a gash in his flesh. But no blood was shed durring the attack, for a blade of a lightsabr will close the wound as it strikes its destination.

Thrusting his foot outward, Ambrose's foot hit squarely in the mid-section of Epyon. Nocking the air out of him. Doubling over from the pain, Epyon was unaware of the events that were about to take place...

Extending his palm outward, Ambrose summoned the force, to bend it to his will. Epyon was hit with a sudde force, as if a brick wall had just slammed into him, full force. Epyon was thrown aback and slammed up against the adjacent wall. The vampire's opponent slumped down to the floor, landing in a heaping mesh...

May 9th, 2003, 07:43:04 AM
Epyon layed up aginst the wall dazed, but Epyon comes to his sences and kicks Ambrose in the chest, sending ambrose a few feet back. This at the moment was a move of despiration by Epyon to get away from Ambrose.

The kick spun Ambrose around giving Epyon time for an attack. As Ambrose turned around to face Epyon, Epyon drops to his knees and slashes Ambrose across the knees. Ambrose yelled in pain and fell to the ground. Sence Ambrose had cut off one of Epyon's spikes, Epyon decides to with draw the spike that had been damaged and force it out of the top of his wrist. Now that Epyon in a sence had a new, some what deadlier weapon than what he had previosly he starts to charge Ambrose...

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 20th, 2003, 06:05:19 PM
The healing powers of Vampires came into play after the spikes that were attatched to Epyon's skeletal system slashed through his knees, makinking Ambrose crowch to the floor of the alley way. The Vampire knew that his foe was just doing something that most do in that type of situation. They try and get away as fast as they can. Ambrose quickly glanced upwards just in time to see the mortal man charging at the vampire with all of his might. Getting to his feet with speed that adorned him when he was borned to Darkness, Ambrose readied himslef for the events that lie ahead.

Thrusting his elbow forward at the charging man, Ambrose made full contact with the man. The point of impact was at the bridge of the nose, causing the bone to break with a loud crack. From the force of the blow, Epyon was forced off of his knees. His body made a backflip motion with gravitation taking its toll on the helpless man. Landing with a sickening thud upon the ground, Epyon's head looking at the concrete, Ambrose automatically took on a defensive stance. Preparing for what the mortal had in mind for the vampire.

May 22nd, 2003, 02:48:52 PM
Staring at the concrete, Epyon's anger grows. His eyes begin to turn blood red. Epyon raises his head and grins at Ambrose. Using the force speed, Epyon charges Ambrose and connects with a devastating punch to the sternum. Ambrose flies into the air backwards and as he is still in the air Epyon kicks him in the side sending him flying into a wall.

Now that Ambrose was on the ground, Epyon begins to think quitly to himself...

::What will Ambrose do next?::

Epyon readys himself for what is about to come and also prepares for his counter attack.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 25th, 2003, 03:26:30 PM
Hitting the wall across the alley way was not very damaging, but it did knock the breath out of the Vampire's lungs. After standing a moment to recooperate and heal, the Vampire looked up at Epyon. Ambrose could tell that Epyon was scarred, the fear in his eyes was apparent to the Shrine Vampire. Ambrose focused on his rage, letting the darkside flow through him as he did so. His fangs were apparent, letting the man know who he was dealing with.

With Vampiric speed, Ambrose was like a blur to the mortal eye as the vampire ran towards Epyon. The maroon blade died away as Ambrose clicked the presice switch atop the hilt. When his hand moved past his thigh, the hilt of the lightsaber was clipped onto the belt of the sith. Now back in its original resting place, Ambrose cold now clearly use both of his deadly hands.

Stopping suddenly in front of Epyon, Ambrose saw the surprise upon the face of his foe. Epyon did not know how the man had moved from one spot to stand right in front of him, in mere seconds. The vampire did not let him ponder the thought for long. Still moving with Vampiric speed, Ambrose thrust both hands forward, the vampire made full contact with the mid section of the man. Hearing bones crack, Ambrose knew that he had done some damange. The Vampire kicked the man in he abdomen, sending him flying. Upon impact with the opposite wall, the back door to the apartment caved in. From what Ambrose could tell, the place was pitch black. Epyon dissapeard in the room. Ambrose did not know if he was still alive, or just unconsience.

May 25th, 2003, 08:24:01 PM
Dazed from the attack of Ambrose Epyon stands up, and Epyons anger grows emensly, knowing that the vampire could not see into the dark room, Epyon takes advantage of the situation. Epyon charges his force attack Demon's Baptism. as Epyon is charging Demon's Baptism the vains in his hand and arm begin to protude from the skin. With hesitation, Epyon uses his force speed and blast Ambrose in the face with his heated force push.

Charging Ambrose while he stands up, Epyon takes the spikes on his wrist and slashes them across the chest on the vampire, leaving a cross shape across it. The vampire yells in emence pain and falls to the ground. Epyon knew this attack would seriously wound the vampire.

Epyon's patience grows and he begins to tire of Ambrose and the battle at present. With Ambrose on the ground Epyon walks away from the back ally and into the street, leaving Ambrose wounded and on the ground.

:: Ignore the avatar, I was on my friends account and forgot to change to mine. Sorry, Epyon::

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 28th, 2003, 08:45:50 PM
As the flesh wound that had adorned the vampire healed themselves, the skin coming together to become whole again, Ambrose raised his eyes just enough to wittness his foe walking out of the alleyway, and into the dirt streets of Tatooine. The dust from the road collecting around his feet as he walked along. The evil vissage that adorned the vampires face was horifying. A woman who had just stepped outside of her apartment, quickly ran back inside, her baby in her arms the whole while. Raising to his feet, Ambrose started after Epyon.

With vampiric speed, Ambrose ran towards his foe. All of the people who he had passed by while running were taken aback when the vampire stopped. They started backing away from him. This would be to Ambrose's advantage. Grabbing hold of Epyon by the collar bone, his long sharp nails sunk into his skin as if it was hot hutter.

The adjacent building was a tall, well built structure made of brick, the building consisted of a few windows in the front, along with a large double door. The place seemed as if it recieved a lot of buisness, due to the fact that there were patrons entering and exiting the building at all times of the day. The building behind the tow fighters was, in some ways, the same. The differences were that the building looked as if it had been abandoned long ago by who ever had previously owned the place. There was windows that were boarded up, and the door swung open. Squeaking as it did so. Ambrose smiled to himself in satisfaction.

Throwing Epyon into the air with al of his strength, the mortal was sent flying through the air as if he was a baseball which had just left the hand of the pitcher. Impacting on a broken windw sill, the wood went cleanly through the flesh of the man. Protruding out the front of the shouler, blood poured down the shirt of the man. Ambrose could tell that the man was in an immense amount of pain. He could smell the blood of the man, listening to the heartbeat of the mortal. Wanting the blood, wanting to satisfy his hunger, but he could not. He would torture this man a little more, make the kill a little more fun. Ambrose wanted to see how Epyon would handle the situation at hand.

Jun 4th, 2003, 12:54:07 PM
Epyon falls to the ground. But stands up after a moment. The thing that no one knew about Epyon except for his creator Fiend, was that when in combat, the damage that is delt to Epyon only enrages him more. Epyon grabs the wooden splinter with one hand and rips it out. Holding it above his head, he drinks the blood as it drips off.

:: Ambrose, I grow tire of your pathetic attacks!::

With that said, Epyon throws the wooden splinter at Ambrose. Aiming for his heart, he hits the shoulder. As the splinter hits Ambrose, Epyon charges Ambrose using force speed and rams the splinter of wood through Ambroses shoulder.

Epyon looks down at Ambrose, as he is on the ground and saids,

:: How much longer do you think you can go? There is only an hour of night time left.::