View Full Version : Creatures of the night...(open challenge)

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 3rd, 2003, 09:51:20 PM
It was especially cold this night, the creatures were coming out like they always did to feed on prey. Vampires were creatures of the night, coming out into the night to hunt upon their prey. There was one Vampire that had awoke this night in search for blood. The lid of the coffin that was holding the vampire Ambrose Braeden opened with a click. Lights flashed as it moved aside, to let the vampire rise from his sleep. After he had aquired his clothes, he walked out of his illustrious room.

Walking down the hallway, passing ancient tapestries that had lined the walls for as long as he had known them to be, he headed straight for the one room in the Shrine of the Damned that he had known all to well.

The doors to the Blood Pitt were enourmous structures that were held fast by huge hinges strapped onto the side of the door. The front covering of the mohogony doors was carved with archaic roons, describing its past. The vampire placed his hand upon the door and pushed slightly. The door gave way to the vampires motion, opening without a sound. Walking into the large room, he could smell the blood that had been sheded here many times before. The bones of the weak were skattered across the sandy floor. He looked to the pillars that stood directly in the center of the room, and could see a skeleton of a man, or was it. The bones were mutilated, bent into shapes not human. He looked away, recalling the many times he had participated in a simple spar.

The vampire reached outward, trying to feel the force. Then it hit him like a blast wave hitting a major city. The thing that he had searched for was right there, waiting to be found. The darkside pulsated within him, throughout him. He sent a message to all of the vampires who found the Shrine to become their home, and said a few simple words.

Come to the blood pitt...If any wants to participate in a simple spar, please come...