View Full Version : A Forgotten soul

jedimaster skywalker
May 2nd, 2003, 11:36:09 PM
a man dressed in brown robes enters his sanctuary. a place he has come to know as his home where he is safe and content. The beared man sits down at his comm panel, he has not taken up the fight for peace and justice in a long time, but he listens and waits for what? he knows not

......."ahh I have been in hiding for too long, surely what ever remains of the empire has forgotten about me by now"

the old man turns and heads for the door. he turns back and stares at the comm. panel. "The day will come when the galaxy will have forgotten my name but until then I must remain here and continue the training"...

a faint voice is head from another room
"Father, father I am ready for my lessons."

the old man leaves the room and walks down the halls of this long forgotten temple..

"Ahh there you are my boy, today's lesson is on patience,. One should never be eager and impatient all will come in its own time, You should now mediate....I....I need to rest"

"but father", the son protested

....."you heard me junior....now go meditate" the old man insisted.

"yes...father, i just do not see why i must always mediate, if I am to be a Jedi, I need to learn to fight"

"LUKE , How many times have I told you that a Jedi does not look for a fight, he trys to avoid them at all costs, besides your training will continue, it takes a life time to master the ways of the force"

"but father how am I too be a great hero on this back ward planet"

"Don't worry about that now son, you will have plenty of opportunities to make sith tremble once again with the name Skywalker, but for now please do as I ask"

"Very Well Father" [i] the student moves off to meditate as his father, once the only Jedi left in the galaxy now contemplates his life, and tries to remember his friends, and wonders what has become of those that he cared for. What is his sister doing now?, and what of Narvara Tarken?, these things he may never know, but for now he must concentrate on preparing his son for the destiny that lies before him, especially if the vision he had were to come true.</I

jedimaster skywalker
May 14th, 2003, 09:02:44 PM
Luke awakens from the dream...the dream of the life he could of had, the son that he could of had.

Luke enters his sanctuary. He moves to a console on the far wall and presses a green button. Enter Access Code . Luke enters a series of numbers and steps back. In a few moments the wall moves aside and is replaced by a spiraling stair case.

As he enters the alcove, and preceeds down the stair case the wall closes behind him. The stair case is dark and cold and the somewhat musty smell reminds him a little of dahobah and his old master whom he has been missing deeply as of late. Luke has been remembering the past all to often, remembering those who he left behind and those that he had abandoned when they needed him the most. The Padawan he watched die before his eyes and could do nothing to save.

Luke desends into a room dimly lit by a few monitors hung on the walls. He crosses the room and presses some buttons on the near by console and the room illuminates, showing several banks of computers and a tinted tank.

Luke crosses over to the tank and checks the readings and finding everything in order returns to the computer and seats himself in the chair. "I feel like I havn't slept in days", Luke rubs his eyes and leans his head back as the next dream overtakes him.

jedimaster skywalker
May 15th, 2003, 09:44:07 PM
They say a dream is a window to possibilities, what could have been had a path been taken or not taken depending on what one dreams. For Luke Skywalker, his dreams are of a life he could have had. The life that was stolen from him by the empire, or more precise the vengefulness of the empire. Since the death of Vader and the Emperor Luke has had to look over his shoulder. Just like the neighborhood bully, you are only on top until someone comes around that can knock you down.

Luke knew ever since the Empire fell that he would never have a normal life. That day he became a marked man. Marked by every imperial warlord, dark Jedi and sith.

Bring down Luke Skywalker and you become the most powerful entity in the galaxy.

Hours Later
Alarm klaxons rang through out the lab, Luke jumped to his feet and hurried to the computer screen Unknown ship approaching . Luke initiated a series of scans but was unable to identify the approaching craft. Luke's hands swiftly ran across the computer console, a low level hum filled the room creating a dampening field around the room. No sensor's would be able to penetrate the field, he powered down the rest of his equipment and returned to the sanctuary.

Luke walked out onto the front porch carrying a small cage, he placed his little pet on the deck and sat back.
"Be still my young friend, your force numbing effect will make sure that no one will be able to "probe" me through the force, unfortunately the effect will be the same for me."

Luke sat and waited.

jedimaster skywalker
Jun 7th, 2003, 04:59:41 PM
a man dressed in a black cloak approched Luke. The man raised his head so that only his eyes were visible.

"Hello Brother, Long time no see"...

Luke watched the stranger closely, "I am sorry sir, you must have me confused with someone else, for I have no brother" Luke watched as the man approached closer and raised his hands to his cloak and pulled the hood off.

When the stranger removed the hood Luke recognized him immediately. Luke unlocked the cage next to him and the little force numbing creature scurried away.

"You are not my brother, you are an abomination"

The Luke clone simply smiled and brought his light saber up and ignited it..."That may be brother, but this abomination is going to rid the galaxy of its biggest probelm....YOU!"......The clone slashed at Luke with his lightsaber.....