View Full Version : Lessons in the Hating Art (Training, Lady Vader)

Vice Hazzard
May 2nd, 2003, 10:58:31 PM
A gloved hand clamped the opening of Apprentice Vice's cloak shut. Despite the lack of wind on the grounds he held it shut with overdone emphasis. His skin was dangerously white from underexposure to the sun. A side effect from his indoor love affair. Not that he didn't long for the gentle touch of a warm breeze but his studies, which he openly relished in, kept him occupied beyond self indulgence. The hope of one day fulfilling the destiny his first Master and his only true father figure gave him was enough to unwind any delusions of vacation.

Sitting on the ground, back pressed against a large boulder that cast a long shadow, he was finally able to let his hood down. He did so and his eyes thanked him for it by torturing him with bright light. The pain subdued as his eyes focused and adjusted to natural light until he could see without squinting his eyes to the point of blurred vision.

"Master will arrive soon," he said with a sigh, letting his hand release the death grip on his cloak.