View Full Version : The Queen needs a Tom (Single males, please)

Rinpoo Chuan
May 2nd, 2003, 06:12:46 PM
(OOC- if you don't know this, a Queen is a female cat, and a Tom is a male cat. :mneh!)

Walking into Yog's, was a simple matter, hand over and weapons and you're in, don't and you'll probably get flattened by one of the burly guards. This newcomer to the bar is, unique, so to say, with cat ears and tail, and an over use of the color pink. Boots making barly any noise as she moved between groups of people to an empty stool, she sighs and orders a drink while running a gloved hand through her hair. Turning on the stool, she looks around taking in the 'sights', the men of this bar. The barkeep soon returns with her order in hand, removing the required amount of cash from a pocket, she takes her drink, and continues to scan the bar.

Shrin Safserim
May 2nd, 2003, 06:24:35 PM
The guard is learning; he sees Shrin walk in and is ready to catch the sheathed sword when Shrin tosses it to him. He's the only person to be so eager when handing over weaponry. The peaceful swordsman collapses into a booth, head and shoulders drooping as he sighs, leaning forward to keep his back from contacting the chair back. He's got a few large welts there from a recent fight; they hurt to have pressure applied to them.

"A juice, please," he asks of a passing waitress.