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May 2nd, 2003, 02:56:33 PM
:: I sat in the back of the bar, my eyes closed as I "trained"...

The others sitting at my booth looked somewhat like me yet not, all different body structures, but all with the same hair color and their eyes were a dimmer red than mine. All but the one sitting directly across from me. His eyes were just as red, maybe brighter, clearly visible underneath his hooded face. The others were all in black, jackets, a suit, some with studded gauntlets, all assorted.

Myself, my armor resting at my waist, with my cloak open over my shoulders, my bare chest visible with runes tattoed down my skin. I took the dirty wine in my hand and drank it down, all but the hooded figure following in suit. My eyes still closed as I focused.

I was summoning, using the other's force attuned bodies to amplify my abilities, I was reaching out to another force user, anyone. I was trying to manipulate the area around me, bend the souls of those near to my fate, buinding them to me and have their souls commited to the Savage Garden.::

Fiend Wei
May 2nd, 2003, 03:05:14 PM
:: I cracked my knuckles slowly as Master used my force powers to amplify his own. I could feel my eyes glowing. Master had blessed his chosen children well, making us above the weaker. My other brethren had been bent on killing their counterparts. For me, I served Fiend, my creator and master, no one else, and through him I served the Savage Garden.

Life was simple. Wei was my enemy but not my goal to destroy. Fiend would destroy everything in time and in time I would destroy Wei. Not now... no need, why not build power under Master and than strike when Wei stands no chance. My brethren attack their counterparts while they are still equals, I find that pointless, they will eventually cancel each other out, killing both and bringing no further sucess and destruction for Master Fiend.::

Wei Wu Wei
May 5th, 2003, 03:13:09 PM
Wei sauntered into the bar, looking for some food. It really wasn't like Wei to go to a bar other than Yog's but he was really hungry.

"Turkey melt on Swiss," Wei said as he took a seat and a droid came by to take his order.

Wei looked around the bar and noticed something odd. "That guy. He looks like me," The Jedi Knight said as he noticed Fiend Wei.

May 5th, 2003, 06:27:22 PM
:: I sat up, my eyes flying open as the lightside diverted my call like a stone thrown into a river. I stopped, this was good enough. Wei, stronger since last time we met, walked in and that was all I needed to know that I could pull people into fates. I could bend destiny with the force maybe. Too many coincidences to call them coincidence.

I looked across at Fiend Wei, he didn't need to look to know his counterpart had entered, had noticed him now, and that was enough. Fiend Wei was probably the strongest of the four clones I'd made of Dios' companions. He waited, would wait until he was stronger than Wei. There might not even be a fight this time, just a confrontation. I'd like to see that.::

Maester Wargrave
May 5th, 2003, 11:33:15 PM
He wasn't impressed or amused.

Watching from the back of the restaurant, his cold blue eyes staring at both the Jedi and the five men sitting in one booth. He'd been waiting for almost an hour, drinking from a drink he brought into the place himself (not trusting the establishment at all).

His hands were steepled, covered in the gauntlets he always wore, and he breathed slowly. His new lightsaber, tested on Lilaena De'Ville and Hobgoblin, was strapped to his belt and his armor was secure. And, of course, his hood fully covered his face from anyone's view.

Maester Wargrave watched and waited.

The time to act would be soon.

Very soon.

May 28th, 2003, 11:30:03 PM
:: I stood.::

Child, we are to converse outside.

:: My glare turned to Wargrave, I'd dealt with him before and had no intention of ruining Fiend Wei's fun tonight.::

Maester Wargrave
May 28th, 2003, 11:56:54 PM
Wargrave smiled and waved a gloved hand at Fiend.

"Oh good..." he said to himself, keeping the smile on his face.

"Fiend finally noticed me."

He raised his voice slightly, "Preying on children now are we, Fiend? Huh...I expected better from you."

May 29th, 2003, 08:35:07 AM
:: I smiled, shaking my head. Wargrave didn't understand the importance of this meeting between Wei and Fiend Wei and probably wouldn't care either way.
This was not my fight, I laughed at the thought. I moved out of the booth, crossing my arms across my chest as I leaned against the booth, facing Wargrave.::

Maester Wargrave
May 29th, 2003, 01:11:25 PM
"I take it I'm not allowed to sit here and enjoy my drink in peace? And I can't watch you infect another Jedi can I?"

Wargrave gave a dark smile.

"Or are you trying to convince the leader of your 'army' to come back to you?"

May 29th, 2003, 02:52:21 PM
:: I laughed.::

You are retarded. I have no idea of what you speak of. I said nothing to you in the first place, merely noticed you. :lol I have no plans to infect this one either. He is not mine to deal with. Trying to convince who? This jedi has had nothing to do with the Horde, ever. You obviously are just a drunk old man, learn your place and keep it that way.

:: I turned away and walked out the door, leaning against the wall outside as my eyes flashed red. The others followed, all laughing at the moronic words of Wargrave. Only Fiend Wei stayed behind in the building.::

Maester Wargrave
May 30th, 2003, 01:17:19 AM
Wargrave rose, preparing himself to leave. He did have better things to do, and after all...he had people to train.

As he walked out the door, the Dark Jedi Master had parting words for Fiend.

"Might I make a suggestion, Mister Fiend. The next time you open an establishment, it might be more beneficial to invite only those you want in. It just ensures certain people don't crash any parties."

He gave a smile, "It prevents important things from getting wrecked."

The smile faded and Wargrave began walking down the street.
