View Full Version : Money is always an issue... sorta (open)
May 2nd, 2003, 02:25:45 PM
:: I step out of the limo slowly, the black sunglasses on my face covering my slightly growing red irises. I turn to look at the other two cars behind me and smile as two men in black coats get out, each with two suitcases in their hands.
Their hair was the similar white of mine and their eyes were a similar red but they were different of form, taller and wider, not as elegant but more like a wall with a suit on.
I turned, running a hand covered in metal, the blades protruding from my knuckles passed through my shoulder length hair. I headed to the building before me and the limo and the other two cars passed to the side, awaiting our return. I was here for strict business, as any President of a galaxy wide corporation would be.
I passed through the doors, my black cloak hanging at my waist, with my chest bare, exposing the Sith and Massassi runes etched into my skin. Once the other two make it in, I stand there, someone would be sure to come, if they wanted business.::
OW outcast
May 3rd, 2003, 12:26:19 PM
The little three foot green Duro stepped from behind the bar and walked over to Fiend and companions. He had his normal childlike grin on his face because he was always happy to meet new people who where willing to do business with the SFF.
OW had no clearly defined Job around here he just did what needed to be done for Hera. Sometimes he was bartender, some times he was on inventory and others he was just doing odd jobs. The little Duro was wearing his normal business suit and tie and it made him look distinguished. OW was smaller then normal so he normally had to get peoples attention to look down at him.
"Down Here sir, my name is OW how can I help?"
May 3rd, 2003, 02:31:02 PM
:: I had seen him, not visibly, but I'd noticed him when I entered. Pleasant enough of an underling to possibly get me to the business deals::
I am here to cut a deal. I have all the requirements for such I believe.
:: I gestured to one of the tall men behind me and he flipped open the suitcase in one hand and leaned it down to show OW. The suitcase contained a massive amount of credits, I didn't care if OW had seen this many before or not, it was still alot to fit in one suitcase, and I had four more.::
This is not all of it but merely a sample of what I offer for the ShadowFaene's services. I require to talk to your leader or leaders though, excuse me if you aren't.
:: My eyes glowed dimly beneath my sunglasses. It was hard being stoic, I enjoyed emotions but money wasn't alive and neither were deals.::
May 4th, 2003, 11:51:34 PM
As Fiend opened the case full of credit chits it not only caught the eye of the Duro as it was meant to, but it caught the eye of every single cutthroat and scumbag in the joint.
Remkah's eyes narrowed from where he sat at the far end of the bar. The guy should just paint a red dot on his chest and be done with it.
"Poseidon's Gate" was owned by Hera and used as a front bar for the ShadowFaene ops, and was patronised by many of the Base's crew. It drew by word of mouth and hear-say many who sought dealings with the Smuggling organization, but no one openly admitted such an arrangement. You never knew just who you were talking to..
It was also, however, a favorite watering hole among the scum of Enton and the Unknown Regions - who's clientele, while eager to keep on the SFF friendlies list, were not beyond knockin a guy over who was fool enough to invite such. Loyalty among theives only went so far. And such temptation was hard to resist...
Remkah slid his eyes off the new arrival and his G-men lackeys to watch carefully his more dangerous associates as they nursed their ales.
May 5th, 2003, 06:24:29 AM
:: the cases slid shut as my mouth twisted in a wry grin. With a movement of my hand, the cases were shut and back in the well portected hands of my men. I closed my eyes for a moment, sensing thoughts of the darkside weere so easy to depict in these people. Greed... Envy...
My eyes opened and I looked across the room to a few sitting there before turning my gaze back to the small person before me. I hired out these sort of people al the time. More than most of the time they were the best ones because money had never been an issue for an assissination or anything like that, smuggling weapons and so on.
My gaze flicked up to one man who had directed his thoughts at me, not just my money. I ran over his mind and almost wanted to sneer... :lol He found his comrades more dangerous? We would see. My metal encased hand rested on the small fellow's shoulder.::
May 5th, 2003, 09:39:45 AM
Sitting in his normal spot in the corner, the "watchdog" kept his eyes locked on the three who entered. The leader was a darksider, he felt that when the man entered. He looked over to Rem who was now surveying the room. He slightly nodded to the Captain with a smirk letting him know he was ready if anything should happen.
OW outcast
May 5th, 2003, 10:21:14 AM
OW eyed the credits counting as much as he could before the case was closed again. He did seem impressed in the least and wasn't even in fear of fiend power he displayed because fiend was on his turf. OW held the upper hand he had Remkah and Ezra waiting in the shadows watching Fiend to make sure he didn't do something stupid.
Fiend was very impatient it seemed as soon as the case was shut he pressed OW. How pathetic was this man to think he would be granted access to Hera with out having to wait until she was ready to meet him.
"Well I'd say you have allot of money and I'd say I’m a lucky fella to have you spending it in my bar. I'd also say you’re going to be in one heck of a drunken stupper unless of course you’re planning on spending some of that money on gambling?"
OW put on his child grin as he played his normal game with the patron’s. Answers where all OW was looking for, something he could give to Hera and the rest of the SFF. If the man didn't play along he would end up not getting the services of the SFF and if he tried to cause trouble he would end up dead. So he waited for fiends answer to his sarcastic question.
May 5th, 2003, 02:21:56 PM
I would not think you have chilled blood on the tap and I'm sure you're not up for gambling in the way of life. But if you have the first and play the later than so be it, I have what you're asking for in plenty and I've always loved those games that ran with the best crowd.
:: I laughed as I produced a deck of sabac cards and a chance cube in one hand. I wasn't really joking but I did find any kind of gambling quite entertaining, win or lose, what most people wanted I didn't care for and gave away freely but what I cared for most people valued too much. The cards and cube disappeared just as quick as I moved to a nearby empty table.::
I'd say you are a very lucky fellow also. I'll pass on the drink but if you have the means, my fingers itch to write my wins and losses off for the day.
:: The two lackeys leaned against the wall behind me, closer to the door. Wraith might be appearing soon and Malice said he would be interested in this proposal himself also, I had plenty of time it seemed until whoever I would talk to might show up and the others were at their own leisure. I didn't have time to play along here, but I would, if that was what they required. I saw no need for secrecy but... let's just gamble.::
OW outcast
May 6th, 2003, 08:48:41 PM
OW just nodded his head and a wench walked there way. OW grabbed the Pencil and paper from her and sent her on her way. The little man set it before Fiend as he sat down.
"I haven't played in a long time but I will now. So what brings you to this side of the Galaxy anyway Mr. umm I don't believe I got your name?"
May 9th, 2003, 02:17:11 AM
:: I gave my single syllable name and began to ignore the small fellow until he came back with a drink, some cards, or a business contact. I could sense those watching me and I only smiled more. I fed off suspense and conflict, I could not wait until one of them made their wrong move.::
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
May 9th, 2003, 07:39:30 AM
She wondered how well he 'fed' off laughter. Daiq had been wearing an amused grin from the moment Fiend had entered the bar and it had only grown in size as she watched and listened.
Most of the bar patrons were now ignoring him. They werent impressed and neither was she. Noone who seriously wanted to do any kind of business with ShadowFaene walked in bare chested, flashing their money and openly announcing that they were looking for the Fortress.
Noone in their right mind, that is.
May 10th, 2003, 01:38:12 PM
Remkah nodded to Ezra in return. The look that passed between them bespoke that they had the same opinion of the new comer. Which was basically...who the hell is this guy...?
A rueful smile, and then the SFF Captain took a drink of his whiskey. Taking the bottle and glass from the counter, he walked over to the table where Fiend was, sparing a wink for the beautiful Lady Daiquiri as he passed.
He set the whiskey bottle down and fishing his cigarettes from his pocket spoke in his low gravelled voice.
"You always have 2 goons to carry your wallet, do ya?"
OW outcast
May 14th, 2003, 02:41:34 PM
OW walked back to the table and nodded to Remkah as the duro sat back down at the table waiting for fiend to answer the mans question. which more then likely would lead into more questions.
May 28th, 2003, 11:05:36 PM
:: I viewed the man through my sunglasses, my teeth bared in a welcome smile of sorts. He could say whatever he wanted for all I cared, they were mindless and the small talk might lead to something bigger.::
Are you here to gamble with me or would you like to ask me anymore questons about my goons and who carries my wallet?
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 2nd, 2003, 09:44:36 PM
Ezra would be the one Fiend would desire to gamble with. He had recently lost a 200 credit bet with Remkah and his luck hadnt improved since. Even the weekly games of Sabacc - played against other 'Faene members - had taken its toll on the vampire and none of them were shy in reminding him daily with barbed quips at his expense.
From behind her glass, Daiq tosses a wink at Ez.
Jun 3rd, 2003, 10:40:14 PM
It didnt take a force-user to pick up on the condescending vibe this new guy was giving off. and Remkah didnt take to it much.
He picked up the deck of cards from off the table in front of Fiend and tucked them into his jacket pocket.
"Actually, Id like to know exactly what you want before I toss your scrawny ass outta here."
He punctuated his statement with an insincere grin.
Jun 3rd, 2003, 10:57:50 PM
Ezra winked back and then shifted in his booth to get a clear run at this "tough guy". Arrogance, a darksiders bane it was, though they never seem to catch on to it. Ezra smirked, sheer stupidity. Cause as soon a you think you're indestructable, WHAM someone comes along and makes you bleed.
Ezra always remembered that, although he was practically immortal in the sence of age and wounds....he wasn't immortal to certain things. All he did to make him seem fearless in combat was accept the fact that any given day he could die. Whether by daylight, or someone's hands. These darksiders, they dont accept anything but there own self-righteousness. Fools....
' C'mon....make your mistake...I dare you'
He thought to himself as he stared hard at the man who was now facing Remkah.
Jun 4th, 2003, 08:44:28 AM
Exactly? Well, I'm looking for someone who can... ferry cargo to put in better words through New Republic space. Other than that I'm here for a drink and a game of cards. And you can keep those.
:: This man was suddenly hostile? I liked that. Of course it all made sense. I come in here for business, they want to play a little game of cover up, one man comes over insults my employees, takes my deck of cards, :lol and then proceeds to threaten me. No wait, that doesn't make sense. :lol
I was done with their games though. Screw cover up for all I cared. I payed the police to look the other way the other half of the time they didn't see it. You would've thought you didn't have to be friendly to do business. They'd just take the money and get the job done, but of course not. There was no sense in these people's actions other then to prove that they had a solitary business going on that was selective to their friends. Fine by me, :lol. There were others, just not as good from what others said.
I stood up with a smile. Looking back to one of my men for a moment and nodding. The two men nodded back in acknowledgment and headed for the door without me. I grabbed my drink and finished the rest. I set it back down. I was disappointed this day would not end too well. I spread my arms and spoke to the disgruntled man before me.::
Go ahead, I told you what I wanted. Throw me out.
:: And I would let him do so also. It would save me the effort. :lol ::
Jun 7th, 2003, 07:28:37 PM
Remkah lit his cigarette, taking his time and eyeing Fiend all the while.
A sideways glance showed the goons were already on their way out the door. This dance was over before it was begun.
A deep inhale and the cigarette crackeled as it burned.
"I'll tell the boss you stopped by."
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:30:30 AM
:: I nodded, running a hand through my hair.::
:: I smiled, whether he was telling the truth or not, I wasn't sure it would matter. I shrugged as I walked out the door, flipping the tip to the short fellow before I left. I went outside, down the steps and into the limo waiting for me. I sat down in the comforting chair and leaned my head back as the servant closed the door.::
:: The limo took off, the other cars following.::
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:41:41 AM
Walking over to Remkah, Ezra leaned slightly over to the Captain.
"Well now, that was a little too easy. I had expected a fight at least from one of those guards he had. No matter, saves us the trouble of mopping the floor afterwards eh?"
He kiddingly elbowed the Faene captain. Then he handed Rem an bag. Then smiled as he patted his friend's shoulder.
"That's two hundred we're cleared of the bet, and now that you have the two hundred, you can buy my last round."
He laughed and gestured over at the bar with his thumb.
OW outcast
Jun 13th, 2003, 04:02:24 PM
OW smiled widely as the man drove off and at that moment he reached into his pockets and pulled out a hand full of credits.
"You know theres a saying the hand is quicker then the eye. That guy shouldn't go around flashing his money like that he prone to losing it."
OW smile and stared at the credits he lifted from the man when he had first entered.
Jun 15th, 2003, 11:10:12 PM
Remkah laughed as OW revealed his prize. He walked around behind the bar to pour a round of drinks for them all. Pocketing the 200 cred from Ezra with a smirk, he then paused and pointed his cigarette at the Duro.
"Just dont be tryin that caper on me.."
He pinned the smoke back between his lips, and squinting from the smoke that curled up into his eye the Base Captain looked from one to the other.
"Name yer poison"
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:13:07 AM
" Right now, any type of rum will do. As long as it's strong."
He said coming up along side the Faene Captain. Then looked at OW and his new found money.
"Been hanging around Lenore?
The watchdog laughed knowing Lenore wouldve gotten a whole lot more than that. Girl was good at what she did, even though the resident vamp freaked her out.
"OW, you gonna share the wealth or what?"
The vampyre asked with a huge smile.
Brielle Acaana
Jun 18th, 2003, 11:55:36 PM
There had been a lot of money flashed and some had exchanged hands but forensics specialist Brielle Acaana didnt care. This wasnt her jurisdiction and she had no intention of sticking her nose in the wrong place out here. For all she knew - or cared - these people were probably smugglers.
A long, deep yawn broke her subdued expression and as an afterthought, Bri drained off the last swallow of her drink, one that she had been nursing for almost an hour. If she could catch the 'keep's eye, she would ask about getting something to eat. If not here, then somewhere else.
Jun 19th, 2003, 12:20:42 AM
He was laughing with the two and felt eyes upon them. He turned to see another beautiful woman sitting and looking in their direction, but not AT them. He glanced back and she was looking at the barkeep for the night. He was ignoring her for some reason, guess he was about to leave his shift, Ezra didnt know for sure, but hey...gotta treat the customers well.
He grabbed the datapad and excused himself from the present company and walked on over.
"Good evening, I'm Ezra and I'll be your waiter for the moment. Is there anything I can get you? A refil or even something to eat?"
He had a pleasant smile on , not his toothy smile, but almost. He waited or her to order as he held the small datapad.
Brielle Acaana
Jun 19th, 2003, 12:42:39 AM
"You do serve food? Great! How about something thats quick and hot - like a burger or some kind of meat strips? No, I dont think I need another whiskey...something cold, milk or a juice, please? Thanks."
Ezra was pleasant and not bad to look at but he sure could use some sunlight. The guy was so pale that he could almost be dead.
With half of her hunger problem on its way to being solved, Brielle leaned back in her chair, this time taking a good look at the two remaining males at the table across the bar from her.
OW outcast
Jun 19th, 2003, 09:59:11 AM
"I would never try that caper on you remkah your far to smart for that. This guys problem was he was to busy watching my face and not my hands."
OW still grinning from ear to ear as he peered his way over to Ezra the vampire. He was an interesting fella although OW hadn't talked to him much.
"I could of got more Ezra but I have small hands and grab as much as I like."
A new woman entered the bar and Ezra began a small conversation with her. OW started to butt in when it came to the question of food. The three foot green duro with his child like grin except when he had a cigar in his mouth knew allot about food or at least sandwiches.
"May I suggest a hot ham sandwich the cook makes an excellent one of those? I eat about twenty or thirty of them a day it keeps me strong you know."
This Human female was quite interesting.
Jun 21st, 2003, 12:23:56 AM
OW was quick for a little dude. One minute he was there, chatting his little green face off, next he was focused on the leggy blonde, whom had taken Ezra's interest also.
Remkah checked Brielle out from his vantage behind the bar, the cigarette hanging loosly in his lips caused the smoke to curl up into his dark eyes, making him squint.
Remkah had great instincts and was severly street smart. A pretty face, with intelligent eyes behind it meant a man could easy loose his money, his heart, or both in a Nar Shadda Minute if he wasnt careful...and there were the fearless duo - OW and Ezra walking like lambs for slaughter straight to her.
The SFF Captain lifted his glass, exchanging the smoke for the rum passing his lips and gave Brielle a slow wink.
Brielle Acaana
Jun 21st, 2003, 01:00:38 AM
"May I suggest a hot ham sandwich the cook makes an excellent one of those? I eat about twenty or thirty of them a day it keeps me strong you know."
Big, black eyes peered up in her direction. A small green... something was speaking to her. Bri thought it might be a Duro but werent they usually taller than this one? And just where would this little one stuff 20 or 30 sandwiches? In his knapsack? She shook her head.
"Thanks for the advice but Im not a ham person. Red meat or fowl is what I generally go for. Seafood is always a good choice, too."
Brielle could hear the 'tender grumbling about 'havin ta mess up me grill agin' but she didnt feel the least bit bad over it. Glancing at her chrono, she saw that it was still a couple of hours before this bar would even think about locking up. Bri shrugged. As long as he didnt spit on her food, she didnt care how much he complained.
The other man hadnt said a word - the one sitting behind the little green guy. A cigarette hung from his lips as the smoke curled around his face, making it difficult to see him clearly in the slightly dim light. As she narrowed her focus down to only him, one of his eyelids slid closed then lifted again as he took a drink from his glass - and he was looking right at her. Had that been a wink?
Brielle hoped so.
Jun 21st, 2003, 01:49:51 AM
Walking back with the food she'd ordered, Ezra placed the plate on her table along with her drink.
He said and walked back to the bar where he sat down. He looked at Remkah and smirked. Had to hand it to the faene captain, dashing and suave is what the ladies liked and he was exactly that. Taking his drink, he excused himself and walked to his usuall corner booth. sliding in he relaxed and lazily played with the ash tray that sat on the table top.
Jun 22nd, 2003, 03:18:14 AM
Yep, pretty and intelligent - that much was obvious he concluded as he continued to watch Brielle.
But there was something more to her, Remkah was sure of it. Call it gut instinct or street smart or a lifetime of living on the wrong side of right and you got a sense about these things.
She had an athletic build - which spoke that she knew how to take care of herself and lent her an air of confidence. Especially in a hive of villany like Poseidon's was. She was at home almost. No, that wasnt quite it...more like she didnt feel threatened. Remkah couldnt quite put his finger on it.
As all this deducing was being done from a distance, the SFF Captain decided a more one to one approach was in order. He looked over at Ezra, who had taken himself off to his usual booth, and grinned as if to say "Its a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.."
Coming around from behind the bar, and standing beside OW..who suddenly seemed even shorter than his full 3 feet when offset by the tall Captain...Remkah spoke, his eyes smiling.
"OW here isnt trying to sell you any beachfront property on Tatooine is he? He's been known to try that with the more goodlooking patrons. He's had more luck with it though since he started trying it on the female ones.."
Brielle Acaana
Jun 25th, 2003, 06:41:34 PM
That voice!
Rough and gravely it swept over Brielle like her loufah sponge did in the shower - a bit surprising in its 'bite' but it left one feeling all smooth, silky and wanting to show off the after glow.
Just for one fleeting second, Bri wished she was wearing something sexy and revealing.
The Duro, who still wasnt quite eye level to her, turned a narrowed gaze on the taller male before again bestowing his sweet smile on the woman in the booth.
"I thought you said it was beachfront property on Camino. And here I was ready to hand over my life savings."
With the smile plastered on his face, OW turned towards the Captain as he conceeded defeat, and whispered darkly something about 'while youre sleeping' before he went and joined Ez at his booth.
This was a rare thing indeed for officer Acaana to openly flirt with someone and had she been on her own turf, this encounter probably wouldnt have happened. On Coruscant, Brielle was all business and protocol, wrapping rules and regulations around her like a security blanket and she wore it proudly. But this wasnt Coruscant.
"Would you like to join me?"
From her training and the few years she had spent with the Watch, observing people was second nature to her and she could already have written a couple of paragraphs on a report concerning the man who was sliding in the booth across from her.
Tall and lean, yet muscular. He was used to working with his hands as the small cuts and calluses attested to. His leather jacket, while looking weathered and worn in spots, had been expensive as had the boots on his feet. His pants had the same worn appearance to them yet they retained the semblance of a crease running down the middle of the legs. He took pride in his possessions and in himself.
He set the ashtray on the table between them and Brielle's eyes darted to his hands - good! No rings and no telltale signs that he had just slipped a marriage band into one of his pockets. His face was as lean as the rest of him and his teeth flashed white in the smile he gave her as he settled himself.
His eyes were dark, so dark that they almost looked black in the dim light and they matched his hair, which showed no signs of grey. His age was hard to determine but oddly enough, Brielle found that she didnt really care if he were a few years older. There was just something about this man that drew her.
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:23:15 PM
Remkah laughed lowly in his throat as OW tossed him what looked like an injured scowl and then crossed over to join Ezra.
Tossing a glance over at his two companions and co-workers, the Base Captain grinned at Brielle.
"Now, there's a sight you dont see everyday...even here in the outter rim"
The little Duro and the pale Vamp raised their glasses in salute to the lovely blonde sitting with Remkah and then fell into easy conversation together.
His focus returned fully now on Brielle who, if Remkah's woman-o-meter wasnt dull from lack of use, seemed delighted of his company.
Offering her a cigarette, shaking the pack forward a little so the smokes shuffled out for easy access, he opened with his best line.
"'re new round here"
...Well maybe not his best line, but he was a bit rusty...
Brielle Acaana
Jun 25th, 2003, 11:30:07 PM
With a wave of her hand, Brielle declined his offer.
"I dont smoke, thanks but you go ahead. It doesnt bother me."
"'re new round here."
Remkah's opening line was so old that it had dust on it and she wanted to laugh but not at him. The best that she couldve come up with was 'Can I buy you a drink?'. It pleased her beyond measure that he wasnt so smooth and polished that she could have gone ice skating on his opinion of himself.
But charm he had aplenty. His smile was easy and he seemed completely relaxed as he half lounged in the leather booth, his eyes squinting slightly against the rise of the smoke and one arm laid casually along the top of the booth.
"Just passing through really so I guess that would make me 'new'. You seem pretty comfortable here .... is this your regular watering hole?"
Lifting the over-sized burger to her mouth, Brielle did one of the things that she always mentally berated other females for - she nibbled at it. Her hunger demanded that she take a big, honking bite out of the sandwich but now with Remkah sitting right across from her ..... she nibbled again and washed it down with a swallow of her drink.
Dabbing her lips with the napkin that Ezra so thoughtfully provided, Brielle indicated the large helping of still steaming fries on the platter.
"Would you like to share them with me?"
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:41:46 PM
If he noticed she was eating a little self-consciously, taking little petite bites instead of gaping mouthfuls as was necessary when eating burgers, he never showed it.
Reaching over one hand, he pulled her plate a little toward himself "thanks, dont mind if I do" and began to routinely lift a fry, swirl it in some ketchup and pop it in his mouth, as comfortable as you please. He did this as they continued their conversation. He explained that he was a regular here, that his work brought him often to this area. A generic generalisation to be sure, but hell, the girl didnt want his whole life story.
Another sauce laden fry disappeared into his mouth.
"So, princess, you got a name?"
Brielle Acaana
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:16:46 PM
"So, princess, you got a name?"
Her throat constricted involuntarily. It was the first time since her father's murder anyone had called her that and it caught her off guard.
Staring hard at the burger on her platter, Brielle swallowed with difficulty before lifting a shakey smile at him.
"Its Brielle - Brielle Acaana, from Coruscant. Sorry, I should have mentioned it earlier. I havent caught yours, either."
Had she not shifted her green-eyed gaze back down to the platter, Brielle might have noticed something 'click' behind those dark orbs of her table mate. Snipping off another small bite from the sandwich, she glanced back up at him.
Jul 3rd, 2003, 10:58:39 PM
"Remkah" he said with a smile.
His answer was short, because his mind was racing off in another direction entirely. Acanna..He knew the name. Well.
Hera had killed a senator named Acanna in Coruscant not too long back. She'd been caught some Jedi AND the murdered man's daughter, no less, but she had made good her escape. Surely...this wasnt the daughter..?
Remkah had thought it endlessly funny that the daughter was a cop and had a hand in nailing his boss, along with some Jedi big-wig magician, some guy named Vymes and half the City Watch to boot (If one believed Hera's version, that is).
He had laughed long into the night as she had relayed the whole scenario out to him. Her meeting the daughter the night before, meeting up with her next morning..A well timed explosion, a flawless slaying of the Senator - plan well executed for such a populated place. Hera had laughed at the daughters anguish, as had he. It was so ironic.
Sitting across from what, in all likelihood was the very same woman, looking in those beautiful eyes and delicate features - Remkah didnt find it as amusing now.
Trying to keep his voice conversational, he asked,,
"..Acaana hmm.. You any relation to that Senator?"
Brielle Acaana
Jul 5th, 2003, 12:41:21 PM
"You any relation to that Senator?"
Yeah, she was related. that Senator had been her father and one of the most caring. compassionate people she had ever known. Brielle found him to be a rarity among the myriad of politicians who roamed the city. He hadnt been in the political circle for wealth, power or status - he had inherited that from his father, along with a strong sense of the responsibility that went hand in hand with that position.
Senator Acaana loved the people of Coruscant. His people. Yet, he would be the first to tell you that he belonged to them and not the other way around. He had been one of a kind and was the standard that Brielle used to measure all other men against. All but one had failed and that 'one' was her commanding officer, Zemil Vymes. Helluva cop and one good man.
The right side of her chest - just below the shoulder - began to ache. It seemed to always do so when talking about her father. It was the result of an injury she had received at the hands of DrenKast after the capture of the infamous Sith.
Unconsciously, Brielle lifted a hand to rub at the large scar, grimacing in remembrance of the moment it happened.
"Hes my father. He was my father."
It was still taking some time getting used to speaking in past tense. Lifting her green gaze to his, Brielle smiled.
"Remkah. I like that."
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:40:44 PM
Remkah didnt miss the hand to the shoulder...he knew the injury Brielle had received there, but he tried not to look at her.
He felt bad. Bad for Brielle and what she had been put through.
He felt bad, sitting here with her in Hera's bar. Not that Hera would care - the Faene Mistress would probably find it funny as hell.
But he had to get Brielle out of here. She couldnt know who's bar she was in - and should she realise it, Remkah didn't doubt Brielle would want to exact some revenge. And the Coruscant Watch beauty would not likely survive such an action.
Standing abruptly he took Brielle by the hand.
"Lets get out of here Brielle. The joints startin' to get to me."
Brielle Acaana
Jul 9th, 2003, 06:19:55 PM
It had been something she said - Remkah's abrupt desire to leave told her that much.
Grabbing up the ever-present leather pouch from beside her, Brielle slid out from the bench seat with help from remkah, who had a firm hold on her hand.
Rummaging quickly through, she withdrew several credits and tossed them onto the table, making sure that the extra would cover the tip needed. Bri flung a wave in the direction of Ezra and OW, then stepped through the door that was held open for her and out into the cool night air.
Stealing a glance at the man walking beside her, Brielle made note of the way his lips had thinned and his eyes had grown serious. What had triggered the change? All she had done was answer the question he had asked about 'the Senator'. Had he thought she was going to give him gory details or bore him with her lose? Remkah couldnt be more wrong if that was the case.
Brielle looked down and let a tiny smile tug at her lips. He was still holding her hand.
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:05:53 PM
It took a moment for him to realise how incredibly soft her hand was.
In the heat of the moment, his only thought was to avoid running into Hera at all costs. But now, walking toward his speeder bike, Brielle's hand still tucked inside his own, the Captain enjoyed the moment of such a simple pleasure.
He smiled as Brielle followed with him in step, and suddenly he realised he should let her hand go, but how? Just drop it? Peel it loose with the other? Aww hell.
Fortunately, the deciscion was made for him, as he lifted the helmet from the bike and handed it to her.
"Put this on - it will make for a more comfortable ride"
She rose her eyebrows at this, suggesting need of a helmet was indication of his driving ability.
He allowed a low chuckle.
"It gets windy"
He lifted one long leg over the seat and perched on the bike, holding the handlebars. With a lopsided grin that was an attempt to be cool, he gestured for Brielle to climb on board.
Brielle Acaana
Jul 15th, 2003, 01:34:14 AM
With a shake of her head, Brielle declined the head gear.
"After I share my fries, you want to give me a case of helmet hair? Besides, Im the adventurous type - I like living dangerously. Thats why Im a cop."
With a saucy grin and a wink to match, she twists her long hair 'round and 'round at the back of her neck before looping it in a circular bun and securing it in place with a nail file from her bag.
Slipping her head and arm through the pouchs large leather strap, Brielle anchors it at her side then tosses one long leg over the seat behind Remkah.
Centering her weight on the bike, she hooks two fingers of each hand into the belt loops of his pants on either side of his waist.
Watching his passenger over one shoulder, the base captain grinned as he brought the speeders engine to life. Kicking it into gear, he was surprised to feel her breath on his cheek.
"How fast can she go?"
Jul 19th, 2003, 04:58:27 PM
"She" could go pretty darn fast, as Brielle quickly came to find out.
Though for all his speed, Remkah was not once careless. With confident ease, he maneuvered the speeder through the township, and then off into the darkness of the surrounding outlaying area.
Small neighbourhoods gave way to the odd farmhouse and then odd ramshakle shacks, until only the woods speed by on either side of them.
They had been travelling through the darkness, the only relief being the large moon that broke often through the scudding clouds overhead.
Finally Remkah slowed the speeder, and followed a winding path through the forrests. Coming to a stop, he twisted around to look at Brielle. Her hair had come down and fell chaotically about her face. Her makeshift pin had long ago been lost somewhere off the beaten track. She was so beautiful.
As the bike hovered in the air, Remkah pointed up ahead.
"If we walk up there, Ill show you the prettiest sight you'll see in a long, long time."
Brielle Acaana
Jul 19th, 2003, 05:53:05 PM
Out in the middle of nowhere with a man she had just met. Her friends would say she was nuts, her commander would level a look at her that said 'youre nuts but be on your toes' and her mother would give her the dreaded 'lecture'. Brielle was glad that none of them were able to see her right now.
She knew the dangers and would be ready if Remkah made a wrong move. Her gun was in her pouch and easily accessible, should the need arise. But it wouldnt. Somehow she knew that she was as safe with him as she would be at home behind locked doors.
Brielle laughed as she attempted to tame the wild mane that her hair had become, finger combing through the tangles as she grinned up at Remkah.
"Im not sorry that I didnt take the helmet, though I can imagine what I must look like."
Hopping off the speeder, she straightened her clothing and looked towards a narrow path that Rem had indicated. She held her hand out to him.
"We're wasting moonlight."
Jul 26th, 2003, 06:24:48 PM
Originally posted by Brielle Acaana
She held her hand out to him.
"We're wasting moonlight."
Remkah looked back at her - the way her hair fell crazily about her face and onto her shoulders, her pretty smile and beautiful eyes. The SFF Captain felt he could stand and look at her all night.
"No, we're not"
He took her hand, and reluctantly turned away to look up the path they needed to go.
"Its not far - bout a ten minute walk"
They journeyed along, Remkah slightly ahead leading the way. As they progressed a dull rumbling sound could be heard and Brielle strained her hearing to discern what it was.
As they broke from the woods, a faint spray of cool water drifted on the air to her face. It was refreshing and light.
As they continued forward, Remkah cautioned her to watch her step, and led her to sit on an old tree trunk that had toppled years before to the ground. A soft mossy covering had grown over it, making it a perfect seat.
In the darkness, Brielle could tell they were at the edge of a cliff face, and the rumbling of earlier was revealed to be the tumble of thousands of gallons of water over the rocky falls infront of them.
She sat, peering into the night..not really seeing anything of interest.
Remkah sensed her confusion as to what exactly she should be looking at.
"Wait a minute" he assured her confidently.
After a moment or two, the clouds broke and the bright moonlight beamed down from the dark sky. In its soft light, the spray from the pounding water hitting the rocks below swirled up and around in the night air, and as it did so, it reflected in brilliant irridescent rainbows of color that took the breath away.
As Brielle watched in wonder, Remkah spoke softly, pleased.
Brielle Acaana
Jul 28th, 2003, 01:59:35 AM
The path ambled up at a slight angle. Though well defined and easy to see, it was narrow, which told Brielle that few people made the journey here.
The rocks and leaves held a sheen in the dim light and the longer they walked the damper the air became. Remkah kept her hand tucked into his, steering her around remnants of stumps and roots which poked up through night-darkened landscape.
Stopping, he indicated the log, seeing that she was comfortable and had the best view before sitting down beside her. What at first sounded like distant thunder was now clearly discernable as the roar of water. Brielles guess was a waterfall since the walk had led them upwards and not a set of rapids as she had originally thought.
Light, fluffly clouds had skittered across the face of the moon, blocking most of the light and making it difficult to see anything. Glancing at Remkah, he only smiled and nodded toward the sound.
"Wait a minute."
A light breeze blew across the chasm, catching and drifting the rising mist in their direction and sprinkling them with a liberal portion. Brielle didnt mind the damp - in fact it helped tame her tangle of hair which she smoothed down as she waited.
The wind picked up and suddenly it was revealed as the clouds scattered and the moon shone brightly on the fall. Not nearly as vivid as their daylight relatives, the moonbeam rainbows were fantastic just the same. They appeared and disappeared in soft twinkles and the mist took on a magical silvery hue as it rose above the cliff.
Brielle heard the pleased tone in Remkahs voice and could only nod in agreement - words couldnt do this justice. She suddenly had the impression that this place was special to him and not one that was easily shared.
Turning briefly to smile at him, Brielle squeezed his hand lightly before returning her gaze to the water.
"This is so beautifully unexpected. Thank you, Remkah."
Aug 2nd, 2003, 12:47:45 AM
He sat beside her and stretched his long legs out on the ground infront of him, crossing his ankles.
Pulling his cigarettes from his jacket pocket, he offered Brielle one before taking one for himself.
"Its been a little while since Ive come here. I discovered the irridescent falls my first visit to Enton and used to come here often. Just to clear my head, have some breathin' room."
Brielle Acaana
Aug 4th, 2003, 10:25:55 PM
It was breathtaking and Brielle found it hard to tear her gaze away from the enchamtment of the falls. Remkah nudged her arm gently and she turned then to look at him.
"..what? Sorry, its just so.....oh. Yes, thank you."
She took the offered smoke and placed the tip of the butt between her lips, leaning towards Rem as he held up his lighter, the flame dancing in the night breeze. Cupping one lean, long-fingered hand around the lighter, he lifted it to the end of the cigarette, holding it steady as Brielle drew on the opposite end.
The Watch officer had flirted briefly with the nicotine habit back during her academy days and had forgotten just strong the smoke could be once it hit the lungs. Startled, the inhaled smoke made a quick exit as Brielle launched into a barrage of loud and thoroughly unattractive coughing. Her eyes watered, her nose and cheeks grew red with the effort and to her horror, a tiny droplet of spit flew from her open mouth. What had she been thinking??
Remkah had lit his and was now watching with an amused smile on his face, one that he was careful not to let turn into an open laugh. Reaching over, he patted her back lightly, knowing that his action wasnt doing a bit of good.
"Guess its a good thing I didnt offer you whats in my flask."
Aug 10th, 2003, 08:15:47 PM
He waited for Brielle to regain her composure, sipping the whiskey from the flask as he did so.
She smiled sheepishly at him and once again attempted the cigarette, this time with less coughing.
"Just like riding a speedbike, huh"
She nodded.
Remkah leaned back, his eyes on the lightshow infront of them as the fall continued to mist, and then resting once more on his companion.
"Why a cop......?"
Brielle Acaana
Aug 11th, 2003, 01:14:55 AM
Her chest still hurt but at least her lungs no longer felt like they were on fire. Brielle took another drag from the cigarette, this time making sure not to inhale so deeply. Blowing out the smoke, she thoughtfully watched it drift over their heads, dissipating on the breeze.
"Why? I wanted to make a difference for people, to help them when they couldnt help give them a voice. And, my family has had a cop in the Watch for years. Its how my Father started."
She thumped the butt, flipping the ashes into the air and over the side of the cliff. Canting her head to the side, Brielle looked at Rem.
"What about you? What do you do?"
Aug 21st, 2003, 07:58:25 PM
He smiled crookedly at her, and his trademark sidelong glance.
"You dont wanna know"
Brielle Acaana
Aug 21st, 2003, 08:41:44 PM
Brielle digested his brief answer, spoken in that same deliciously gravel toned voice.
Though she knew nothing about Remkah, she felt secure in her knowledge of human psychology that he was attempting to 'spare' her something he thought she would find distasteful. Or, his hesitancy could stem from her having a badge. She wouldnt know if she didnt ask....again.
"After seeing all that I have with my job, I doubt you could tell me anything that would shock me. And....if you dont want to tell me because Im a cop....Im not only off duty, Im also out of my jurisdiction."
Aug 23rd, 2003, 12:23:39 AM
"What? Tell you and loose my "mysterious" scoundrel routine?"
He was avoiding a straight answer, and if she was any good at her job, which he had a feeling she was, she would know it.
Whether she would let it slide or not would determine if it was time to call it a night.
Brielle Acaana
Aug 23rd, 2003, 12:45:12 AM
Brielle smiled at his words, as he hoped she would and she deliberately did not disappoint him. He had danced around the question with all the grace of a Twi'lek entertainer and for his effort, Bri let it drop. Not everyone was as open as she.
The mist rising from the falls had increased and in the last few minutes, so had the breeze. Together the combination had a cooling affect and Brielle folded her arms across her chest, her shirt offering little warmth.
"Still have some of that whiskey? I could use a shot about now."
Aug 23rd, 2003, 03:27:45 PM
Pulling a thin flask from his back pocket, he twisted off the cap obligingly and handed it to Brielle.
"Careful, thats my own-brewed firewater there."
Brielle drank tentatively and the amber liquid burned as it passed her throat.
"Good huh"
He noticed her shiver slightly, and putting his arm around her, pulled her close to him.
"It turns cool here quickly. Temps drop dramatically after midnight."
He rubbed her arm gently to create a little friction and warmth.
"We should probably get you indoors pretty soon"
Brielle Acaana
Aug 23rd, 2003, 10:31:08 PM
"Good, huh?"
The stuff had a bite like a rancor and after taking a sip, Brielle was surprised it hadnt eaten right through the flask - must be made from a special metal.
"Its strong."
Turning the thin container up once more, she took a long pull on it then passed it back to Remkah. Already she could feel the warmth spreading through her body but that didnt stop Brielle from snugging in closer when he looped an arm around her shoulders.
His hand was warm where he rubbed her exposed arm and the heat from his body was seeping through to hers. It felt good. As much as she was enjoying her time with him, Remkah was right. The temperature was cooling down fast and the ride back to the bar on the open speeder was going to be cold.
Brielle hadnt looked at her chrono but judging from the moons height, she had probably missed her flight and would need to book a room for the night.
"Its been wonderful with you showing this to me and I hate to leave but....youre right. Its late and Im fairly sure Ive missed my ride home. I'll need to get a room at that hotel I saw earlier."
Aug 23rd, 2003, 10:40:22 PM
" dont want to stay there"
He stood, pulling her to her feet.
"There's a nicer place ten minutes further on. I'll take you there.
It was a little further out of the way, but it was not associated with ShadowFaene in any way, and there fore safer for all concerned.
He took back the flask after offering Brielle another drink, which she declined.
"You'll like this place much better, and then not have so far to go in the morning."
He once more took her hand, and it was easier and a more natural gesture this time around, and led her back to the speeder.
Brielle Acaana
Aug 23rd, 2003, 11:13:32 PM
"Closer? Thats good. I have a feeling the next flight out will be early."
Remkahs hand closed over hers and he kept it there as he led Brielle back down the path and to his bike. Mounting first, he held her hand as she slung her leg over and settled behind him, her feet propped on the extra rests.
"You want my jacket? It'll keep you warm for the ride."
Bri shook her head and pulled her hair back, trying to find some way to keep it from blowing in her face.
"Thanks, Remkah but no. You'll need it worse than me. Im going to huddle up behind you and let you take the cold."
Her voice held tones of playfulness and Rem chuckled at her humor. With a flip of his thumb, he started the motor and revved it a few times before kicking it in gear.
Snuggling up close behind him, Brielle slipped her hands into the pockets of his jacket. Keeping her hands warm and hanging on at the same time - it worked for her.
Aug 25th, 2003, 09:13:34 PM
It took 15 minutes, not ten, and Remkah deliberately took the long way. He knew he shouldnt, but he was enjoying Brielle being so close, he couldnt help himself.
Arriving at the "Forrest Lodge" the two entered the cosy foyer of the Inn's office and got a room for Brielle.
Remkah took care to see it charged to his credit chits, and handing her the keycard, led the way to the little bungalow assigned to Brielle.
The "Forrest Lodge" was a quaint little set up, surrounded by the natural beauty of the woods. Brielle slid the card into the lock and the door slide open.
Remkah put a hand on her arm, belaying her entry, and stepped through the door. Flicking on lamps and checking the two rooms and small bathroom to see all was clear and in order, he turned to wave Brielle on through.
Instead, he turned to find her just under his nose, looking at him as if he was from Carshoulis or some other planet just as remote and unlikely. She was a cop - she didn't need some man to check if the coast was clear.
He smiled sheepishly.
"sorry...dont know what got into me"
Brielle Acaana
Aug 26th, 2003, 05:12:49 PM
Her cheek had grown warm against his leather jacket on the ride to the hotel Remkah had told her about. The bike ride there was too short but Brielle smiled and took his offered hand as she swung off the speeder.
The night clerk bit back the urge to comment, 'Oh, is that Mr and Mrs Remkah?' when they inquired about a vacancy, then smirked behind their backs as they left the office and walked the short way to the bungalow.
Brielle had already handed the clerk her chit card but when Rem shook his head and gently placed it back in her hand, she uncharacteristically complied without comment. Once she got back home, she planned on scouring the stores and shops of Coruscant until she found just the right 'thank you' gift to send Rem for his thoughtful kindness.
Unlocking the door to the 'low, he had halted her progress with one light touch to her arm then went in first, checking the rooms for any hidden bogies. Bri followed him inside, peering around his shoulders.
Satisfied that Brielle wasnt in any danger, he turned back to gesture her into the room and nearly trod on her toes. Officer Acaana smiled up at him, her green eyes dancing with repressed laughter. Remkah smiled apologetically.
"Sorry...dont know what got into me".
Canting her head to one side, Bri grinned teasingly while giving the front of his jacket a playful tug.
"Its alright...I enjoyed watching you. KInd of nice to have someone look after me for a change. Thanks, Rem."
An awkward silence suddenly hung between them. She glanced at the open door and thought of going over to close it but reconsidered. It had been a long time since Coruscant Watch Forensics Specialist Brielle Acaana had shown any real interest in a man - the last was during her academy days and she had willingly given the relationship up in exchange for a future. But now was altogether different.
She had felt a connection with Remkah from the start and in the short time they had spent with each other this night, Bri had already made her decision if the question of his staying the night should come up.
From the door back to her 'guest' she looked. The ball had been on his side of the court almost all night long. Why not let it stay there?
Aug 26th, 2003, 09:20:21 PM
He followed Brielle's glance from the open door and back to him, and his crooked smile broadened. It certainly wouldn't be the first time the thought that had just crossed her mind, had crossed his.
But the reality of who she was, the connection of himself to her fathers murderer, complicated things. Of course, he couldn't explain this to Brielle. But he liked this woman alot, and he felt it was being unfair to her. Not to mention, conflict of interest where his boss was concerned.
He ran his hand through his hair and rubbed the top of his head, in indecision.
Brielle was beautiful, and she smelt so good too. Wish she'd stop smiling at him like that, it was impossible to think straight.
Stepping around her, she turned with him and they were yet again almost nose to nose. Which made them laugh. Remkah was not exactly the "smoothest" guy in town. He pointed to the door unenthusiastically.." going. Let you turn in."
But his feet remained planted where they were.
Brielle smiled and nodded. And still he stood there.
Finally he lifted his hand to touch her cheek lightly. He traced a finger from her ear, along her jaw and touched her lips softly. Her skin was like silk. His dark eyes looked deep into hers, and she could easily read his emotions. He was holding himself back for some reason, and he apologised with his eyes.
Then he dropped his hand, as if finally making his decision, and he stepped back.
"I enjoyed tonight, Brielle."
Another step back, and he knocked the bottom of the doors slightly.
"Have a safe trip tomorrow"
Another step back and then he pressed the panel to close the door - Brielle inside. And then he turned and walked to the speeder.
Brielle Acaana
Aug 27th, 2003, 01:40:51 AM
Brielle stood there, staring at the worn flooring of the bungalow, listening to the gravel crunching beneath Remkah's retreating footsteps.
Slowly, sounds of the night began creeping through the thin walls of her room. A cricket - or two from the noise of it - had previously taken up residence inside the small building but she wasnt in the mood to go hunting for them.
Brielle clicked off the closest lamp then did the same with the other two, plunging the interior into near darkness. Only the deflected lighting from the green flashing neon sign which advertized the hotels exsistence, kept the rooms from being pitch black.
It was still a few hours before first light and to save time, Brielle opted for a quick shower, dropping her clothing on the bed as she peeled it off then stepped into the 'fresher.
A nice hot shower helped warm her from the earlier chill and soon she was out, toweling off her body and squeezing the excess water from her hair. A quick finger combing through her hair and shes done, returning to the bedroom.
Pulling on a long sleep-T, Brielle didnt bother pulling back the covers. She already knew this was going to be a sleepless night. Crawling up on the bed, she put her back against the headboard and tucked her knees up to her chest. And listened to the crickets.
Aug 30th, 2003, 06:20:39 PM
Three times he changed his mind.
And three times he stayed seated on his speeder, unable to make himself move off it and cross the distance to the small bungalow.
It would just make a whole mess a problems for himself, and for Brielle, eventually. Better to not even get things started.
He was on his last cigarette, now, and crumpled the empty packet, tossing it carelessly to the ground.
A last look over to the bungalow, whose lights had been extinguished quite some time ago.
And the Base Captain fired up the speeder, and turned it out into the remainder of the night.
Brielle Acaana
Aug 30th, 2003, 07:51:33 PM
She didnt move as the roar of the speeder broke the relative stillness of the night, the thrumming of its engine fading in the distance. Call it a woman's intuition but she had known Remkah was still out there - wrestling and weighing the pros and cons of spending the night with her. Whatever had stood in Rem's way, had won out and Brielle found it ironic that she had turned out to be a 'con'.
Sitting there on the bed, unable to go to sleep was useless. Getting up, she got dressed, repacked her leather pouch and checked out of the bungalow, leaving her key card on the bed.
Turning her back to the hotel and on the small town of Enton, Brielle hoofed her way along the road, refusing the offer of a ride of a kindly older man who had stopped for her.
The space port was still a few miles away but it suited her to walk, to let the fresh air mingle with her thoughts until it was time to return to the choked and tangled city of Coruscant.
She arrived at the port just as the clerk was opening the ticket office for the day. Putting the fare on her chit card, she felt relieved when the man informed her that the next shuttle would be arriving in just under an hour.
True to schedule, the rough looking shuttle made dock, dispensed a handful of passengers and the annoucement to board was made.
Brielle hesitated and despite her better judgement, cast a hopeful glance to the parking lot outside. Her shoulders slumped - she knew he wouldnt be here - and up the ramp she went, finding a seat farthest away from the rest of vessels occupants.
A few minutes later the ship disengaged from its moorings and made a slow turn, its nose pointed at the galaxies hub.
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