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Alana Stormcloud
May 2nd, 2003, 11:54:20 AM
Pandora had stood silently in the shadows of the room. Her piercing eyes taking in every nuance of each mortal, each foolish action. She had begun to wonder why Soth, master of the Shrine himself, would put up with such as these.

The Vampyre Ancient had resided in the Shrine for an eternity, there had been many who had come and gone. Of all that had, it was she they had to reckon with. Her timeless features held no expression, but her eyes burned with irritation. She had seen enough of the mortals. There presence sullied the Shrine of the Mother.

"Enough...." Her voice though silken smooth carried the weight of the dark side, and the power of her race. Stepping forward from the shadows Pandora regarded all, each in turn.

"Why is it girl that you call on Saurron? Soth Nuevole is a Master here, and if you want more, then call on me..." Her chill eyes bore into Sorsha. With a small flick of her wrist the Sith was sent flying, her body falling in a crumpled heap after she hit the wall.

"Take all that you came with, and leave the home of the Queen. Until you learn some manners, and how to treat those you ask favors of, you are not welcome here....." The shadows gathered around the Ancient of the Shrine, there hissing voices filling the chamber, dead eyes waited for a command from there mistress.....