View Full Version : Foundations of Comeradery: Discovery

May 2nd, 2003, 01:25:09 AM
Foundations of Comeradery: Discovery
Location: Coronet City, Corellia

Time: Unknown

He honestly didn't know where he was. Reen never really kept him very informed. He knew that it wasn't Dantooine--too cold and moist. The place was like a giant city, and the speeder whizzed through what seemed like a thousand lights and sounds. Zumari stayed in the seat of the hover car, remaining solidly focused and calm.

The speeder came to an abrupt stop. Zumari knew because of the intense pull on him in his seat. The vehicle seat-belt strained as his weight leaned against him. He almost fell out of it--it was difficult to hold on when his hands were clamped in binders before him. Dark eyes remaining perectly still and staring straight into darkness before him, he heard the other combatants adjust and stir as the momentum finally ended.

Soon enough, the guards would be at the rear doors of the speeder. They would unbuckle all restraints and usher the other men out of van. The would keep their blasters--the only weapons their limited minds could clutch to--close at hand, just in case of an uprising. There had been a few in the past. One had escaped. Zumari had been caught twice.

"Let's go, move it! Reen wants you lunkheads into the armory ASAP. Got that?" Zumari stood, having been released from his seat. His eyes remained focused on a target that existed beyond the speeder, guards, and the setting around him. One of the guards shoved him forward, out of the back of the van.

Zumari landed nimbly on his feet.

"Got that? You got that, darkie?" Zumari smiled, a bright white toothy grin aimed directly at the guard. Deead. Yoou're deead. He wanted to say it, but he'd save the suprise for later. Nonetheless, he--along with the other men--were pushed into a new place. Another armory. Another arena. More guts to be spilled before masses of the bloodthirsty. He was a gladiator, and his job was to kill.

Zumari didn't mind.

"Well, well. There's my boy, eh?" Reen. It was the voice of his 'master.' The one who so valiantly saved him from the rest of his tribe and family. The one killed them and stripped him from his home--only to profit at his own personal risk. The one he hated so. He stayed his time, waiting until he could strike. Waiting until he could kill the one who had ruined his life and move into a life of his own. "The trip didn't tire you too much, eh? Eh?" He slapped Zumari on the cheek half-lovingly, half-abusively. Zumari's gaze did not falter.

"Answer me, boy!" Reen reared back and let loose a strong punch into his jaw. It threw his head to the side for a split second as his face quickly returned to its previous position. The eyes remained cold.

"Zumari be redee." He replied, his mouth tensed as he fought back the pain. He was tough. He was used to it.

"Good, good. Now, you get on inside and get everyone ready." With that, Reen withdrew and Zumari and the others were escorted inside to the armory.


The arena was giant--perhaps the largest that Zumari had ever seen before. He could tell by the intense, heaving sounds that permeated from the outside collesium. He also. . .just sensed it. A gift from U'lahd, the protector of his tribe. The God protected him from harm by giving him keen senses for perception and danger.

From their armory and ready room, they could hear the chants of the people outside. Beings could hardly contain themselves as they prepared for the onslaught that was to ensue. Zumari would surely give them what they wanted--it was simply a matter of time. He readied himself, silently brooding as he was quiet in the corner.

"Zumari! Let's go. They're ready for you." He was called. He stood, the blue paint of his tribe covering his upper body. He wore his combat attire--a necklace made of a few charms and bone fragments, two leather wrist guards, a loin cloth, and sturdy, leather boots. The less he wore, the better, keeping him agile and flexible. In his hand, he clutched his sword--a gladius made of Dantooine's finest iron. Onto his belt was strapped a dagger. He was the captain of the squad and thus allowed to carry multiple weapons and wear armor.

He didn't need armor.

Led by about a dozen guards, he made his way down a long dark tunnel with a blindingly light opening at the far end. This event was just as usal--he would be sent alone, in the preliminaries, against several of the arena's slaves. He would have to prove himself and his master--fight for what could be considered bracket position for the rest of the tournament. There was no mercy in this particular aspect of the day. He was to kill all he faced.

A loud, muffled voice sounded over the intercomm, seemingly announcing the event. As he made his way to the opening he could see several opponents holding various weapons standing in a small, unorganized group before him. Seven, he thought. He could count fairly well. A spear, a sword, a whip, two daggers--the weapons were the usual. Then the announcement.

". . .and we shall see. . .feared. . .Reen Tillis. . .THE WILDMAN ZUMARI!" It was his cue. He'd had it a thousand times before. Stepping through the tunnel and into the light he made his presence known. His face was cold, unresponsive to the crowd around him. He stopped, squatting and reaching down to rub his hands in the grainy dirt of the arena floor.

Spending a moment to scan the scene, he noticed the details of the building. The floor was huge--probably three times larger than any he'd been in. The stands stretched high into the sky, and numerous screens broadcasted his scowl. There were several gates as well as what appeared to be weapons dotting the ground. Apparently, they encouraged creativity.

Finally he stood, his medium-sized figure before the seven opponents. He was smaller, but very toned, and it showed in the small ammount of clothing he wore. He allowed his sword to fall at his side and pointed his left hand towards his opponents. It was a beckon. A beckon to give them the offensive--something few captains did. He smiled--another bright, toothy grin.

It was an invitation to die.

Maester Wargrave
May 2nd, 2003, 01:58:32 AM
They hadn't exactly sneaked onto Corellia, but they definately hadn't made their presence known. In fact, the only one who hadn't been seen by CorSec was the youngest and that was because he was hidden in a compartment with heavy shielding. When asked what it was, the middle one shrugged and said, "It's the engine core. You guys want t'get radiation in those suits of yours?"

Both men had shaken their heads and left them alone.

The oldest, identified as a Dr. Fell from Dubrillion, stood in a dark suit, sunglasses covering his face, and a hat on his forehead. He'd identified himself as a teacher at the university on Dubrillion and the middle one was his student. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't necessarily true. The CorSec men had accepted this without question.

Fell walked with long strides from the ship, the middle one following him. They were headed around Coronet, viewing various buildings and monuments.

After about an hour of walking around Coronet, Fell turned to his companion and spoke in a dark smooth voice, "Let's go see the gladiator games. It will help us observe the culture here. Notice how it's different from back home."

The two walked towards the coliseum, keeping a watch on the crowd as they entered the large stone structure.

"Notice the architecture and the way it mimics older styles from past histories. This is something instilled by the new inhabitants of this planet...not past cultures. Corellians might have strong tempers, but they do not believe in random bloodshed.

"Sith on the other hand," his voice was noticably lower, "Do not have such constraints."

He purchased two tickets, handing one to his student.

"Come, my student...let's watch the games. Perhaps we will see something worth noting for our fellow members."

The two took a seat in the high stands, staring at the dusty ground below as the gladiators were led out to fight and die.

Fell watched...and observed.

There was much to do...much to do.

May 2nd, 2003, 02:38:12 AM
One of the men was brave.


With his sword pointed to stab, one of the men had charged Zumari, weapon poised to stab. With incredible ease, the dark warrior quickly sidestepped the rush. His speed and agility was amazing, and without a second of hesitation or a flicker of thought, the gladius whipped into action, coming across the man's mid-section and tearing a deep gash into his stomach. The blood surged from the open wound as the warrior hit the ground, clutching his front.

The crowd roared with a scary enthusiasm for the blood of Zumari's first victim.

Zumari turned to face the others, eyes intense. The gladius glistened crimson in the bright lights of the arena, the newly spilled blood nearly black. He took a few steps towards the pack, challenging the next agressor. A spearman pointed his spear down and lunged in a few steps, coming closer to the warrior. Zumari kept his body square to the spearman, but eyed a dagger-weilding foe cowering a few steps off to his right. In one fluid motion, he turned his torso--his feet remaining square--and heaved the gladius in the direction of the dagger-weilder. The gladius came to rest with a sickening thud in the chest of the target as the man dropped dead.

The crowd ooohed and aaahed. Two down, five to go.

Without missing a beat, the spearman--spotting an opening in the unarmed Zumari--lunged in for an attack, thrusting the spear at the warrior's left side. Zumari shifted his weight right, and took a simple step that direction as the spear shaft whizzed by his body. With two strong hands, he clasped the spear and gripped it, jerking it strongly towards him. The spearman came with it, and as his momentum carried him, Zumari raised an elbow to meet with his chin, sending the spearman stumbling backwards. Zumari twirled the spear across his body and braced it outwards from his hip across his back and forearm in his right hand.

Time to take the offensive.

Holding the spear out and away from his body, he charged the unarmed combatant, who was recovering from the blow. He shifted the spear forward, stabbing it upwards and into the neck of his opponent as it nearly took the other's head off.

The crowd roared in excitement. Four more left.

Two swordsmen grouped together and decided to attack simultaneously--a good move, Zumari thought. Just as he removed the spear from the fresh kill's body, he turned, swinging it in a wide arc to clear the two agressors from him. They stepped back to avoid the blade. One stepped in, swinging the longsword directly at Zumari's right arm. With a swift swipe of the spear, he parried the attack, pointing the man's sword arm towards the ground. With his left leg, he kicked out at the sword hand of the other, disarming him. Pulling the spear up into the gut of the parried foe, he let it fall with his limp body. Lunging in another fluid transition, he grabbed hold of the swordless man's neck, pulling his head in to meet Zumari's knee. The man barely had a chance to react when the dagger on Zumari's belt sprung up and into the neck of the grappled foe.

The arena errupted into a disturbed yet excited cheer. Two more. Time to show off.

Kicking one of the blades up to his hand, Zumari bent down to grip the other one. One was a longsword and the other a shorter gladius. The two left were swordsman, and Zumari decided it best to give the crowd a taste of his swordsmanship. He moved forward, and engaged himself right between the two. Both attacked--Zumari parrying on either side of his body with a weapon high and low. He kept his feet moving strongly towards his right side--the hand that held the longsword and the stronger side of him. Forcing his opponent to retreat, he kept the attack moving.


The archaic blades clashed loudly as he stayed between the two, parrying each shot. The audience watched and chattered nervously as he appeared to be in the disadvantage. But, he was not. Finally, he made his move. With a strong slash, he carried the weapon of the swordsman at his right down, turning to pull his shorter sword into the man's side. The swordsman behind him drew his weapon back to deliver a final blow--but was stopped short as the longsword was quickly tucked under Zumari's arm and stabbed backwards into the gut of the man. The swordsman stumbled backwards, dropping his weapon and clutching the sword in his stomach.

The crowd burst into an amazing volume of cheers as the last two men were felled. Zumari smiled--his face now painted in a crimson streak. He returned to the carcass of the dagger-man. Removing his sword from the body, he turned to the booth to spot Reen. He saundered slowly--raising his arms before the crowd as they complimented him with some praise--towards the swordsman he had stabbed in the side. The man was not quite dead.

Eyes locked on Reen, he stabbed the sword downward, into the head of the man, killing him instantly. It was a message of dominance and a foretelling of the future to come, Zumari believed.

Maester Wargrave
May 2nd, 2003, 03:15:51 AM
He felt it...a spike in the Force coming from the dusty ground below. Fell tried to pinpoint it, opening his mind to the Force as he scanned the crowd. There were a few hints of the Force...some from various Sith watching the action on the dust. But the particular spike was....

He leaned over to his student, "Did you feel that, my student? There is something powerful here."

Fell gazed over the area even more, his cold blue eyes taking in everything...watching like a hawk.

There it was. The gladiator...what was his name? Zumari. Interesting. Interesting indeed.

This trip to Corellia has brouth out some interesting situations indeed.

Fell kept watching Zumari as he played the crowd, killing the others quickly. It was obvious the crowd loved it...taking in the sight of blood with hungry eyes.

But it was the gladiator who impressed Fell. He'd fought well...very well...especially without knowing why he was so goo.

The teacher gave a small smile. Perhaps he would be able to take on a new student at the end of this day.

"We're getting ready to leave. I believe we need to speak with this gladiator's trainer. I think this Zumari, might have a future with us."

Then he leaned forward his eyes transfixed on the fighter as he finished his fight.

Lord Vali
May 4th, 2003, 01:40:48 AM
"I dont see anything overly special about him, Master."

The man beside Wargrave stepped forward a little. He held an illusion over himself of a boy in his early twenties. A student on a field trip. Underneath, he stood there, in a full black cloak.

"I could have done what he just did with my eyes closed..."

The crowd was just beginning to leave. Wargrave and Vali stood still, letting the crowd part around them.

"If you wish to bring him with us though, I doubt his trainer will object very much..."

Maester Wargrave
May 4th, 2003, 01:48:22 AM
"As could I," Fell replied to his student, "However...you could feel the spike. This is someone who has the chance to be a good warrior. Someone quite beneficial to our goals, for the future."

The two started making their way through the crowd, pushing past aliens and humans alike. The throng started to disappear out the exits of the coliseum and back toward Coronet City.

Fell walked towards the back where the gladiators only were allowed. A security man, armed with a blaster and looking rather bored, stood up. The immense of his bulk jiggled as he breathed deeply (sounding a bit winded).

"No one'llowed back there."

Fell didn't move, but instead smiled, "I wish to speak to the man who runs the man named Zumari. Tell him...someone important wishes to speak with him. Now."

May 9th, 2003, 01:56:34 AM
"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" The fist connected with an already bruised right cheek as Reen threw yet another punch at Zumari's face. Two guards held him as his hands were bound, a third with a virboblade spear poised less than a half of a meter from the back of his head. "DO YOU THINK THAT WAS FUNNY?"





THWAK Zumari's head hung as his chest heaved, sucking wind and grasping every breath it could in weakened hands. Though the pain pierced his every thought with a blade sharper than he could imagine, he gathered his pride and straightened his head to look into Reen's eyes. With all of the strength left in his hurting jaw, he smiled--a once white mouth now covered in a thin sheet of crimson that pooled in his lip and began to run down his chin.

"That's it, I have HAD IT--"

"Master Tillis, there's someone here to see you." Just as Reen drew back yet another fist, the voice of one of his assistant guards drew him from the blind rage. The stubby man found himself taking a few steps back from the misbehaving warrior before him and took out his usual cloth, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Who is it? Who disturbs me?" He let out a sigh as he began to calm down.

"A Dr. Fell. Says he's here on some important business. Sounds legit." The guard didn't know what legit was, but the words came out of his mouth easily nonetheless.

"Well, I guess we can entertain. It might do our reputation a bit of good around these parts. Plus, if he's some kind of buyer, we could make a buck. Send him in." With that, the guard quickly turned to spread the news. "Stand that idiot up and make him look respectable for our guests." The guards around Zumari did as they were told, keeping the gladiator in binders but leaning him against the wall for support. Reen took a seat in a padded, comfortable chair which had two guards surrounding it. Before long, a twi'lek and two female humans were at his side, offering him food and drink, among other things.

Maester Wargrave
May 9th, 2003, 11:02:28 PM
Fell walked in, alone, his companion was outside standing by.

"Mister Reen," he said politely, "I would like to speak to you about your fighter. The champion one."

Reen took a drink from his wineglass, then had one of his females dap his face with a towel. It was rather hot today.

Oddly enough, Dr. Fell did not appear to be sweating.

"Ah you mean Zumari," Reen gave a dismissive wave of his hand, "He's not for sale."

Fell gave a quizzical look, "I simply wanted to speak to you about him. Not offer to buy him just yet."

Reen gave a snort, "You're insulting me. I'm not going to speak with you again."

Now Fell's eyes did raise and his face darkened, "I am a man of infinite patience Mister Reen, but you are trying on mine. I am not one to disregard."

Reen took a drink from his glass and laughed...actually laughed in Fell's face.

"You are a scholar not a fighter, Mister Fell. And I could care less what you want with Zumari. You'd probably just give him an education and teach him to be a pacifist."

He rose from his chair with such a fury, it startled all those around him.

"No...NO!" his voice was full of venom, "I will not give you Zumari! I refuse to. You'd have to kill me to get me to sell."

Wargrave's eyes flashed as he heard the last words.


Five minutes later and Reen was leading Wargrave and Lord Valli to where Zumari was.

"This is Zumari...Zumari...these gentlemen wish to speak to you. You're now their propertry...good...good luck."

He then ran as fast as his chubby legs could take him.

Wargrave stared at Zumari's black face as the gate was opened, "Let's go someplace private shall we? Then...we can talk. You do understand Basic correct?

Lord Vali
May 10th, 2003, 12:21:29 AM
As Wargrave started to unlock Zumari from his bindings, Vali quietly left the room. A few moments later, he returned, just as Zumari was freed. At his side, he drug a nearly unconscious guard by the hair of the head.

Wargrave and Zumari started toward the door as Vali secured the guard in Zumari's shackles. As soon as he clamped the last binder on, he leaned back and brought his right fist across the man's face, shattering his cheekbone. With that, he turned to follow the others out.

May 11th, 2003, 03:40:20 PM
Zumari understood, but on the same token, he didn't. Why were the guards dispersing? Why was Reen willing allowing this man to take him out of his cage? Why? Nonetheless, he nodded in response to the stranger's question. There was a quiet contolled feeling about the man--unlike Reen's usual intenese and emotional lack of control.

He followed.

Though Zumari had the spirit of Anooba--wild and free--within him, he also had the wisdom of Bantha, and he knew when to seize an oppurtunity. He would take this man's offer, for he was responsible for his current state of freedom. He would assess his knew situation, and if this man turned out to be anything like his previous master, he would do what he had planned all along: kill his master and flee.

For now, however, he found his current situation comfortable and gratifying, as the binders were taken off of his hands. He smiled at the guards. How he wanted to draw blood--his eyes a deep, deep brown. But he restrained himself before the new owner. He would test this man first.

"HA!" He laughed, out of sheer relief. "Zumari is free! HA HA!"

Maester Wargrave
May 11th, 2003, 04:47:21 PM
"Yes Zumari," Wargrave said, abandoning the 'Dr. Fell' ID in everything but the face. He was unsure at how the former slave would act at seeing his face change.

Best to remain how he was for now. Then change later.

"You are now presented with a choice Zumari," Wargrave spoke as they walked down the crowded Coronet City streets. Even with it being almost dark, crowds packed the area around the arena. Men and women ran, holding hands, drinking from life...not bothered by the iniquity within them and around them.

Wargrave, Vali, and Zumari strode into a clothing store, called "Xiphlar's Fine Men's Wear".

"The first thing we do need to do is get you out of your clothes and something to eat."

He motioned his hand out to the store.

"You may choose whatever you like. I will purchase it for you."

The Dark Jedi saw a look of distrust on the gladiator's face.

"No strings Zumari...you can choose whatever you like..."

He chose his words carefully, "Consider them...a gift. Of freedom."

May 11th, 2003, 07:41:45 PM
Zumari understood, but not totally.

"Zumari choose?" The other nodded. He smiled again--this new Master was already proving to be more giving than Reen had ever been. He led Zumari into the building.

"Zumari not choose," he said, overwhelmed by the fact that he was to pick something from the massive ammounts of apparel before him and even more so by the fact that he didn't have a clue what to pick. He didn't know what clothes were, let alone what he could understand as appropriate.

"You will choose for Zumari," he said again, convinced that it wasn't worth trying to figure it out himself.

Maester Wargrave
May 11th, 2003, 08:15:11 PM
"Hmm...very well," Wargrave walked towards a particular rack of clothes. A simple black suit with a tie.

The Dark Jedi looked at Zumari for a bit, then nodded.

"I believe this ensemble fits you, Zumari. There is a dressing room right over there," he pointed to the location, "Feel free to try them on there. If you choose to come with me to Balmorra, there will be more clothes for you to choose from."

He saw the quizzical look on the former slave's face, "I'll explain over dinner. Go...try on the clothes."

May 13th, 2003, 02:44:40 PM
Zumari did as he was told. The clothes fit. . .well, they were strange, but they fit rather well. It was much more cloth than he normaly wore, but he did realize that he would fit in better. He was cunning, and it was important that he didn't look so out of place. Especially with all these strangers around. It was difficult to know what to expect, and any step that would bring him closer to blending in was a good one.

After examining himself for several minutes in the mirrors, he revealed himself to his new Master. The other seemed receptive of his attire, and he was pleased that the ordeal was over with. It was stressful--finding clothing. It wasn't as simple as killing another man or fighting in the arena. It was complicated.

"Zumari hear Master say choose. Choose to go?" Though Zumari's basic was terrible at best, his new Master could understand what he meant. The man was intelligent and could read Zumari better than he would have guessed.