View Full Version : Sealing the Deal (Open)

Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 30th, 2003, 09:16:02 PM
*The past week, to say the least, had proven very fruitful. Finally, Snack could say he had some sort of purpose again. Ever since the untimely disappearance of the Empire, he had been traveling the galaxy as a loner. Sure he had his servant... that plump tub of walking skin, and a few apprentices; some new to the fold, others having been in or once affiliated with the Empire at one time or another.

But this past week, the Force was with him. He had met and fought (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27446) the Dark Jedi Zasz Grimm on the planet of Tantooine. The two had a hellish dual, ending in a stalemate. It came to the point where the two could have easily killed each other, but they.. Zasz specifically, had another agenda. One that Snack agreed with.

The two talked on Zasz's ship, The Kehedrin, and smoothed out the details. All of which were to Snack's liking. At the end, both decided that a small celebration was needed, to 'seal the deal' so to speak. A week after their meeting, on Coruscant - specifically at Yoghurt's Bar & Grill. A perfect place, he thought.

It was not too bad of a walk from where Snack had landed his snubfighter to the Bar and Grill. He parked it relatively close, oddly enough. Parking is usually hard at this time of day in this area. One could spend hours just roaming about looking for a decent parking space...

Again, the guards at the doors confiscated his weapons. All of them, Re' forbid he start something in the Jedi stronghold. For a Darksider, Snack was not that stupid. Upon entering, he scanned the oddly familiar pub - so many frequents he had spent here... back on the old Jedi planet of Degobah. But not so more here on Coruscant.

There was no sign of Zasz, yet, so Snack walked in, removing the hood of his cloak from around his head and made his way to an open booth near the side wall. He took a seat facing the entrance doorway, and waved off a serving droid that rolled by. He'd wait to order until his new comrade showed up.*

Zasz Grimm
May 8th, 2003, 11:25:55 PM
Zasz, in fact, had been there before Snack. He had watched him land his ship not that far from his own, and leave for the Bar and Grill. After his comrade had entered, Zasz had gone back into the depths of his mind to think. He sat there in the shuttle a good thirty minutes, and then sat up and moved for the exit to his shuttle.

He saw the entrance and he made his way towards it slowly, his crimson hair waiving about as the wind hit it. His blood red pupils moved over the ground as he walked, and when he stepped in, the guards looked to him. They asked him to hand over the weapons that he had. Little did they know, that his whole body was a weapon, or did they?

They had asked him for his weapon, and he had merely stared at them. He watched them, he didn't respond, his eyes fell to theirs as they became nervous. The Dark Jedi was sending them images, images of what it was like when Zasz cut down civilians, people that had done nothing. The innocent, the guilty, the evildoer. He saw them shudder, and he merely smiled.

He reached underneath his cloak and retrieved the lightsaber hilt. He then stepped forward, causing the men to stop back. Slowly he set the lightsaber hilt onto the table, it clinked as he did so. He turned his back to the guards and then made his way deeper into the Bar and Grill. He found Snack on the side wall, in a booth, waiting for him.

He headed in that direction, and he passed by several droids that were moving quickly to deliver their orders, he passed by several other creatures and humans, that when he did pass, their heads turned to look at him, and shudder. He moved to the booth and he sat down opposite of Snack. He smiled to him, gladdened to see his comrade in arms.

"Hello my friend, I trust you are well?"

His calm, cold, and somewhat frightening voice rang out from his mouth. He leaned back and as a droid came near, he looked to Snack, to see what he would order. Zasz was completely comfortable here, in a place that was controlled by an enemy, an order of those he loathed.

Nathanial K'cansce
May 14th, 2003, 03:28:13 PM
Alderaan ale, and a club sandwich for me..

*Snack said to the droid as Zasz sat opposite from him.*

I'm as well as I can be... my leg finally healed, no thanks to you.

*He smirked, refering to that energy blast Zasz let explode at close range. Yeah, there was still a few scars left over, and they would probably remain. But other than that, his leg felt as good as new.*

How fair you, comrade?

Zasz Grimm
May 25th, 2003, 02:08:24 PM
"Alderaan Ale also, please."

The droid moved away. Zasz was not hungry at the moment, but if he was so later, he would order. His blood red pupils fell upon Snack as he commented upon his wounds that were inflicted upon him. But Zasz had his own.

"You and me both, my friend."

He had been injured himself in that blast, and by the other touches of Snack's saber. He nodded his head as the droid came back with their drinks, informing Snack his food would be ready soon. Zasz took the drink and swirled the dark ale around.

"Me? Oh, I am quite well. I was thinking, though. Perhaps we should start something?"

He grinned. Zasz was known for his antics, no doubt. He wanted to cause trouble, he wanted to pester the Jedi, the Jedi he so hated.

Nathanial K'cansce
May 26th, 2003, 10:28:13 AM
*An eyebrow quirked upwards as he sipped at his glass of Ale. Zasz's smirk only furthered to prove the hidden intent behind his request.*

And what, pray-tell, do you have in mind?

Zasz Grimm
Jun 18th, 2003, 07:49:51 PM
"Hm...Well, we are on Coruscant. We are not too far from the Temple. I believe that a small...disturbance...could entail some..Fun?"

Zasz grinned as he took a sip of his Ale. Snack would hopefully agree. It could be one of their first battles side by side. But of course, annoying, rather, causing the jedi some grief would be fun. And of course, it would slow them down if they injured, or even killed a member..

Or it might cause some...hostility.

"What do you think?"

OOC- Sorry it took so long, bro.

Nathanial K'cansce
Jun 27th, 2003, 10:19:38 PM
The hostility is already there, whether they know it or not, friend.

*Snack smiled, downing the rest of his ale in one gulp. Whatever Zasz had schemed up, Snack would go along with it. There was virtually nothing the two could not accomplish if they set their minds to it.*

I say let's have our fun. >D