View Full Version : Pranks dont stop when you hit 18

Tyler Younger
Apr 30th, 2003, 07:08:07 PM
It was early morning. In fact, the twin suns had not yet risen over Tatooine. But it was time that they left. They’d overstayed their welcome, and they were all well aware of this. The scuffle in the cantina yesterday was proof to this. And Tyler had a few nice bruises to show for it. Besides, there was more to be seen across the galaxy and they weren’t getting any younger.

Not that they were old by any means. Tyler was a young man of eighteen years, bookended by a sixteen year old shirker of chores, and their fearless leader of twenty one. Together the three force sensitive brothers had been making their way across the galaxy.

It wouldn’t have been like this. Not if it hadn’t been for a suspicious set of circumstances that had caused the death of their parents, both who had been rather outspoken senators from their home world. But there was only so much time for mourning before the boys had needed to move on. Needed to do something to erase, stifle, or eliminate somehow the grief. And so they distracted themselves with…well…each other. It was a handful for the eldest, keeping the younger two in line, assuring that they both grew up to be perfect model citizens like….well…ok, so long as they grew up, that was all that mattered. And for the youngest, well, it must have been difficult having two brothers on his back all the time. And Tyler, well, yeah, being the middle was tough. Despite being a mischief maker himself, he was mature enough to understand where his older brother came from. And so he found himself the mediator.

But he loved them both. Fiercely. He could call them names. Could shove them. Punch them. Could curse them out. But if anyone, anyone without their blood tried it….they would find themselves facing the business end of his blaster. He didn’t joke around when it came to his brothers.

Uness, of course, he was joking around with them. It was pitch dark in the Lady Luck, but the three had been living out of the ship long enough to make their way around without the use of lights.

It had been a late night. Theyd been in the cantina for hours, playing cards and perhaps enjoying a drink or two. Until one of them had been accused of cheating by a rather greedy rodian across the table. And, as mentioned before, not one to take slights to the family lightly, the brothers had jumped into the brawl without even a glance at one another to confirm. They’d just known. They looked out for each other.

Ah yes, as I was saying, they looked out for each other. Unless, of course, there was a prank to be pulled. On the youngest, of course, because he was the easiest target. Jessen didn’t wear a chrono, and so it was easy to fool him. Tyler changed the chrono in the room, setting it ahead several standard hours. And then he left the room, only to come back in moments later, flicking on the light, tearing the covers off his soundly sleeping younger sibling, and demanding to know why Jessen hadn’t prepared the ship for take off.

Jessen, affectionately known as Jay, was always one to shirk his chores, and though he hadn’t quite yet this morning, Tyler was a step ahead.

“Would you get your lazy butt outta bed?!” He demanded, trying to appear somewhat stern and not crack a smile.

“The alarms been going off for hours now and Im not going to keep doing all your chores for ya.” He looked to the rather sleepy expression of Jessen.

“Besides, I already covered for you last night in sabbaac.” He added pointedly. These things he said loud enough, certainly, to wake the eldest brother, and though Tyler had not filled him in on the prank, he had no doubt he’d pick up on it in only moments. He was quick like that.

Cal Younger
May 1st, 2003, 12:33:33 AM
"Yeah, who'n the hell said you could lay around all day while me and Ty took care of your crap, Jay?" Cal flipped the brim of the hat that had covered his sleeping face up to reaveal an unshaven, square-jawed, trying-his-best-not-to-be-sleepy-eyed face. He'd caught on to the joke quickly, as expected, he was sure. Stretching and coming to a squat, he scratched his neck roughly and removed his hat, pulling a hard hand through his hair.

As Jay was rustled out of his bed, Cal looked to Tyler. He was growing up--a little more everyday. Soon enough, he wouldn't even need the guidance of his older brother anymore. But Cal had made a silent promise that he would stick to these boys like glue until they were men. He'd made the promise to a higher authority. Something he couldn't put his finger on. . .it was like a god, but it just felt as though it was part of him. He'd never forget his promise.

"What're you waiting for, bedhead? Let's go!" Cal stood, stretching his legs out. He was a fairly well built young man, and he stood a bit taller than his brothers. He attire just as similar to his brothers--ranch gear, from their old home. It was the same type of clothing many of the men in their town had worn. Across his waist was slung a hide belt containing two holdsters--each housing a blaster pistol. He carried these on him nearly everywhere. He called it the protector in him. Some, however would say he was paranoid.

He flashed a closed-mouth smile at Tyler and turned to round up his gear.

Jessen Younger
May 1st, 2003, 10:39:38 AM
The Younger family wasn't mad eup of the traditional components. As such the boys had learned that divying up the work was a neccesity. Jay'd learned jsut as well as Ty and Cal-- he just never bothered to apply it.

It wasn't unusual for him to be jerked out of bed in some loud manner, but after a night like the previous, Jessen wasn't exactly in a good-natured state. It didn't help that he'd snuck a drink or two (or three) at the cantina.

Crying out in indignation as his precious bedding was torn off him and replaces with the harsh overhead light, Jay buried his head in his pillow.

"Aw, hell Ty! I'm tired, gimme a break!"

By then Cal was up and layin' in on him. Jessen groaned loudly and tried pushing the pillow down over his ears; it was promptly wrestled away from him.Blinking his bleary, sleep-heavy eys, jay did his best to glare menacingly at his elder siblings. It hadn't even occured to him that this might be a trick. He wasn't bright in the mornings.

"Go play with a thermal detonator an' just let me sleep guys!"

He curled his lean body into a ball to stay as warm as possible and shut his eyes tightly, fully intending to return to his slumber.

Tyler Younger
May 1st, 2003, 11:10:03 AM
Tyler shook his head and grinned, though this was not visible to the younger sibling with his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Ty shared a glance with Cal as the eldest brother stopped midstride in the doorway upon hearing Jay’s refusal to get his butt outta bed. Ty winked and then turned back to Jessen.

“You know, the last time you tried this and we had ta drag you outta bed you weren’t so happy with the results, ya know…” He reminded, barely concealing a grin as the alarm clock beside Jessen’s head began to buzz rather loudly. Loudly and annoying enough that even Tyler, who’d been awake for a bit of time now found irritating.

“Its your turn to prepare the ship. And if we aint outta the landing space in the next half hour we owe another 30 credits for the landing space fee, and its not comin’ outta my pockets.”

“And Cal’l back me up on this one, wontcha Cal?”

The snort in return was enough to confirm this. And as there seemed to be little movement, the middle brother now resorted to tossing coins won in last nights saabbaac game at his youngest brother. One by one he flipped them up so that they fell with a tiny pelt down onto the somewhat hungover sixteen year old. It was like having mosquitos buzzing around your head. Even the most talented of sleepers wouldnt be able to ignore them.

(ooc: Just so you guys know, Im going to be out of town for a few days. I probably wont be able to post until Monday, maybe Tuesday. Sorry 'bout that.)

Jessen Younger
May 1st, 2003, 12:21:12 PM
"Shove it, Ty."

Okay, so it was uncalled for. But Jay didn't care. He was just about to hurl the blaring alarm at the wall when the first coin hit his back, followed by a barrage of little bombs.

Roaring, Jessen got up and promptly fell, feet tangled up in his blankets that had been discarded to the floor. Ignoring the huge grins that were appearing on the older Younger's faces, Jay grappled at Ty's legs, and pulled them out from underneath him. Luckily Cal's bed was Ty's point of impact, and the look on his brother's face was enough to cheer Jay up a bit.

"I'm up."

Pulling on a shirt he left the quarters silently, but rather than get Lady ready for departure he headed for the kitchen. Food first, work later, that was his motto. The brothers bought in bulk, to save money and time and the special of the month had been some sort of processed meat. Taking a can and opening it distastefully, Jay sat down and propped his feet up on the little table. He grimaced as he took a bite of the contents.

"Y'know, if I have to eat this junk one more day, I think I'm liable to die."

Cal Younger
May 1st, 2003, 01:10:43 PM
"And if you don't get your lazy butt out there, I'm liable to kill ya," came Cal's response as he made his way into the kitchen. He smirked at Jay, a sign that the comment was only half serious. Feeling the exact same way as his younger brother--they were related, you know--Cal grabbed one of the ration cans and cut in, leaning against the counter of the small kitchen. The stuff tasted like dried meat and muddy water mixed, but it gave sufficient nutrition. Cal was a minimalist, and the basics were covered.

"Before Ty gets in here, I wanted to have a word with you." He could see Jessen roll his eyes. He could smell these 'talks' coming a mile away, it seemed. Cal thought they were necessary, but Jay often reminded him that he wasn't their father. Still, Cal had a responsibility--one that he would not take lightly.

"Last night, at the catina. . .I know we were having a good time and all," he said, remembering the drinks that he and Tyler and the Twi'lek prostitute he'd. . .talked to. But he also remembered the brawl. And he remembered Jay rushing into a grapple with a considerably larger fella and getting tossed into a table. "Ya need ta be more careful, Jay. I can't spend all my time watchin you, and you damn well know it." Jay knew what he was talking about.

Jessen Younger
May 1st, 2003, 02:57:35 PM
He grew visibly tense and averted his eyes from Cal. Yeah, Jessen knew what he meant and so did his back, but he wasn't happy Cal'd brought it up. Jay loved his brothers and would've done anything for them, but this had always been a sore spot between the two. He was too young to understand the full weight of Cal's responsibility and so naturally it seemed to him that his brother was just too protective.

"Aw c'mon Cal!"

Jay wrinkled his face in frustration, tossing his tin and spoon onto the table and pushing his chair back.

"I ain't a kid anymore so just lay off would ya? Nobody asked you ta look out for me, ya took that on yourself. Hell!"

He stood up and stormed out of the kitchen, passing Ty who had a 'here-we-go-again' look on his face. Jay shook his head before Tyler could say anything.

"Not now Ty, I'm not in the mood."

The youngest Younger punched the exit hatch pad and hurried down Lady's ramp into the brightening day and desert heat. He was cutting it awful close but Jessen would've rather paid the late docking fee than continue the argument. The young man stopped a fair distance away from the ship and put his hands on his hips angrily.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!"

Tyler Younger
May 4th, 2003, 05:12:05 PM
Ty had remained where he’d fallen for a few moments, laughing silently to himself as his younger brother, finally awake, had moved into the other room. It had surprised him, certainly, that Jay had knocked him off his feet so easily – a simple reminder that the kid wasn’t go to be a kid for all that much longer.

Hearing the beginnings of some sort of argument, he’d finally clambered to his feet, only to come face to face with an already rather sulky Jay who stormed down the hatch and out of the ship.

Ty had turned then to Cal, raising an inquisitive eyebrow as if to ask what had sparked this sudden storm, and the older brother had merely shrugged it off. It happened often, the oldest and the youngest going head to head, and Ty ending up the mediator, understanding what it was like to be an older brother as well as a younger brother. The other two were lucky, he thought, they only had to deal with one kind. Him – he had both. And sometimes, it was too much even for him.

But at the sound of Jay’s cursing, he moved to the open hatch and stood there with a triumphant grin on his face. And then he began laughing. It was a slow chuckle at first that quickly turned into an all out cackle.

“Good night.” He stated as he began to put up the hatch, insinuating that he was going to lock his younger brother out and go back to sleep. But the hatch was stopped by Cal, who stood there behind Ty with an expression that told him to quit kidding around. As early as it was, they did have to get the heck outta there before their adversaries from the night before caught wind. Just in case they wanted a second round.

“I cant believe you fell for it…” He chortled, giving his brother a hard time while he still could. It wouldn’t be long before Jay was able to give him a good run for his money. And with that, he turned back into the ship, rounding himself up a can of rations and slumping into the only other chair besides the smaller one at the table that the kitchen had to offer. A sort of stool that stood just a bit to tall to sit comfortably at the table, but was perfect for simply hanging out. It was the preferred seat for a round of cards, for it somewhat overlooked the others and occasionally a peek could be had of the opponents cards beside him. And besides, the only other seat used for sitting around the table was a crate dragged in from the storage compartments.

As both his brothers entered the kitchen once again, he stood to grab a carton of milk from the small refrigerator, drinking straight from the carton, the thought of actually pouring a glass never occurring, and then offering it to the others.

“So whats the deal with today?” He asked, more to Cal than to Jay, who was likely clueless on the matter.

Cal Younger
May 6th, 2003, 01:17:29 AM
Tyler always had a way to break the arguments between Cal and Jay. It was strange--perhaps an uncanny ability given to him by the heavens to keep the two brothers from seemingly killing each other. Though Cal would never harm Jay, and Jay would never truly hurt his older brother, they never quite saw eye-to-eye. This was the usual end to their conversations.

As Cal made his way to the hatch, he gave up. That was probably enough lecture for the day, and it seemed that whether or not he believed in the importance of his message or not, Jay didn't think it was all that key to his survival. There were other things on his mind, anyway. One of them was getting outta here.

"Well, I think it's time we ship outta here. I don't think those boys from last night are real happy with what happened." Cal answered Tyler's question, squeezing his fist. It was sore from all the collisions with several jaws from the previous night. "Have Jay pull the fuel and oxygen lines out and let's get moving." Cal then made his way to a tall, metallic cabinet near the bridge. It held a few of the Younger's possessions as well as their money.

"Here," Cal said, getting Ty's attention. He sifted through the small pile of credits--they were running short. They had lived a little lavishly lately, and it was really working on their account. Soon enough, it would be time for another job. "Take these credits down to the hangar clerk and pay." Ty made a strange face as Cal handed him an ammount that was significantly less than the required payment.

"I know, I know." Cal rubbed his head and looked away nervously. He usually kept good tabs on the money, not sharing too much of the account info with his brothers. But it was time they learned how to deal with it themselves. In case something were to. . .happen to him. "It ain't enough. But we don't have enough. We need to go. I've got a plan." He smiled--Ty knew the smile well.

"Just tell them this is all we have and they can take it or leave it and get back here to the ship. I mean it. Get back here as quick as you can." Cal made his way to the cockpit firing up the HUD and other systems. "Get Jay movin, ya hear?"

Tyler Younger
May 6th, 2003, 11:53:30 AM
Ty had raised an eyebrow at the lack of credits handed to him to pay. Cal took care of the financial stuff, giving both he and Jay allowances from time to time. And on occasion, money had been tight. Tyler knew of this, but it wasn’t something he suspected Jay was ever aware of. Cal trusted him with this information because, well, he probably needed to confide in someone, sometimes, and Ty was the next in line.

At the suggestion of Cal’s plan, Ty couldn’t help but grin. As hairbrained as some of the schemes were, they worked. And he admired and trusted his older brother’s judgment. With one exception. Cal and Jay were hotheads. This they had inherited from their rather spirited mother. He, somehow, had received his father’s enormous loads of patience. And perhaps would have followed in his father’s footsteps as a senator had life led them down a different path.

Instead, he played ambassador – to several nations. To his older brother. To his younger brother. And to those they encountered along the way. The hanger clerk for instance.

There was no way he was going to tell the guy that was all they had and to take it or leave it.

No way. He took another bite, grimacing at the rations. He had to agree with Jay. The stuff was going to kill them.

Anyway, back to his thoughts. No way he was going to tell the clerk anything resembling the harsh truth. Instead, he’d feign ignorance of the exorbitant docking fees, hand over what they had, and claim he’d be back with the rest in just a few minutes. That seemed a bit more…diplomatic.

Get Jay movin’, ya hear?

Oh he heard alright.

“Yeah, I heard ya.” He replied through another mouthful of rations. He scraped the last bite and tossed the empty can of rations into the trash before he made for the hangar bay.

He ran into Jay on the way back out. Jay who had either been sulking or trying to calm down out there. He offered a somewhat apologetic grin.

“Hey, just yankin’ yer chain, ya know…” The middle brother began.

“How ‘bout you get to have first choice of chores next time we dock.” He gave Jay a solid slug on his arm, “And I’ll cover your first round of bets in cards tonight.” This offer was more than fair, considering that Ty hadnt done much but deprive Jay of a few hours of sleep. Not to mention, it served them all better to be up and out of there sooner rather than later anyway.

He began to head off toward the docking clerk.

“Hey, Cal said to have you pull the oxygen and fuel.” Something in the look he gave Jay let him know he was serious this time.

“You maybe oughta do it right now…” He added, “And get in the ship.”

Jay could usually be counted on for things like this, but it always depended on his mood. If he'd gotten over his argument with Cal, if he'd forgiven Ty, would all factor into his decision to actually motivate and take care of things.

Jessen Younger
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:01:22 PM
Yes, he had been sulking. But only because he felt like an idiot. Words just seemed to fly out of his mouth before his brain kicked into gear and Jay all to often found himself in situations that could have been avoided, with just a little thought.

That was why Ty was such a good tonic. His brother never failed to ease tension and break ice, always managing to find humor in a situation and bring it to light with their father's clever tact. There was no doubt about it; Jay would ahve gone stir-crazy without Ty's antics.

Nodding with a smile, Jessen shrugged as his brother aoplogized.

"Heck Ty, I ain't mad. I just got...You know."

Yeah, Tyler knew. Blowups were all too common between Jay and Cal. Perhaps the reason was because they were so much alike; but despite the cause the brothers loved each other and these spats were erased easily enough.

"I'll take you up on cards but you know as good as I do it don't matter what chores I get... I don't do 'em anyhow."

His mood improving, Jay grinned and gave Ty a good-natured slug in the arm.

“Hey, Cal said to have you pull the oxygen and fuel.”

Jay nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do it."

But Tyler persisted, and Jay knew when to toe the line. He gave Ty a funny look as he walked away, and went about his job, and soon enough he realized, with a start, that something was going on. It just wasn't like Ty Younger to be so urgent.

Charging up Lady's ramp, Jay barrelled into the kitchen; it was empty. He ran down the corridor, a slow grin plastered onto his face.

"Cal! Hey Cal!"

Cal's head opked around from the bedroom door. Jay put his hands on his hips.

"What's goi' on Cal?"

He pointed a finger at his oldest brother, before he could answer.

"And don't say nothin', cause it sure as hell ain't nothin'. 'Bout time we got the excitement started!"

Jay didn't know exactly what was going on but he let his imagination run with it. Not altogether a good thing. Throwing his hands up in the air, Jessen made to run back out of the ship.

"Aw to hell with stayin' here! I'm going to catch up with Ty and get some action!"

OOC:SOOOOOOO sorry for taking so long!!!!

Cal Younger
Jun 2nd, 2003, 07:04:09 PM
"Naw, get on in here!" Cal shouted after Jay, who was already making his way out of the ship. His brother stopped and Cal came from the cockpit after getting the engines set. "You pull them lines like I said?" He gave him a look.

"I'm gonna need you back in here pretty quick." He noticed that Jay wasn't going to buy any old excuse, and he decided that especially after their little spat, he deserved a real explanation. Jay was getting older, and thus Cal thought he was entitled to the truth a little more often.

"Look, we aren't gonna be leavin here on real good terms, ya understand?" Jay nodded. "It probably ain't gonna be pretty, and Im gonna need ya back here on the turret." Cal barely asked Jay to take an aggressive defense position on the ship, and he smiled a little as he saw Jay's face. "I know you can handle yourself on the guns, and I trust ya. You know we ain't tryin to kill anyone who might chase us, but we'll need cover."

Jessen Younger
Jun 3rd, 2003, 12:08:17 PM
A look of annoyance flashed over Jay's face.

"Yeah, yeah, I pulled the lines."

But his expression was soon replaced with one of shocked excitement. Looking at Cal as if he didn't really believe him, Jessen nodded.

"'Kay....Whoa, you really serious?"

In answer Cal grinned, and Jay whooped, running pell-mell to his newly-appointed spot. His young face was brimming with excitement; this was what the brothers lived for, besides each other. They certainly weren't strangers to dramatic departures and over the years it had become sort of a habit. But now Jay was sitting where Ty usually was, and enjoying every minute.

"Hey Cal...what if someone shoots at us? Then can I nail 'em?"

Tyler Younger
Jun 3rd, 2003, 12:34:01 PM
Whistling to himself as he walked to the hangar clerk’s office he thought about how nice it would be to have a steak dinner again, despite the fact that it was barely a decent hour in the morning, nevermind time for dinner. It had been a while since they’d eaten well and rations, as they’d all realized earlier, just weren’t cutting it anymore. He half considered pulling his blaster and robbing the clerk…afterall, Cal was planning on a quick escape.

But such a move would make it nearly impossible to ever return to this docking station…then again, running off without paying the full amount didn’t exactly make it easy to return again either. But the deciding factor was that Cal would have killed him if he pulled a stunt like that.

There was a lone light on as he approached the clerk’s office and, it seemed, two figures inside. Had it still been on his mind, that have just about ruined his plans for robbery. But it wasn’t and he was mulling over his original idea of telling them it was more than he thought and he had to run back to the ship for the rest as he reached for the doorknob.

Only as he opened the door to the clerks office, the scene wasn’t at all what he expected. The clerk was slumped over dead at his desk and Ty was staring down the barrel of a blaster with a silencer. Seems someone else had the same idea he’d had only moments ago. And wouldn’t you know it, it was one of the gamblers from the night before in the cantina. The middle brother reacted out of instinct, grabbing for the wrist of his opponent and slamming it against the wall in an effort to release the blaster from his grip.

It fired without aim, blasting through the glass window of the clerk’s office. A struggle ensued and as soon as the blaster had been knocked from the man’s hand, Tyler struggled free and ran from the office and across the docking bay.

It looked bad to anyone watching. Blaster fire and then one man running towards a ship that had begun to fire up its engines.

And Ty’s thoughts weren’t on the fact that it looked as if he’d robbed and murdered the hangar clerk – he was thinking about the fact that the guys they’d run into last night now knew where they were – and it was time to high tail it outta there.

“Cal…..we’ve got company….” He yelled as he ran up the ramp to the Lady, blaster fire erupting from the clerk’s office toward the ship.

Cal Younger
Jun 3rd, 2003, 05:39:05 PM
"Dammit! Is that line pulled?" He ran to one of the ship's side portholes to look out on the lines. The fuel line wasn't pulled yet. His first instinct was to scream at Jessen with all the volume and anger he could muster, but he knew that would do no good. He had to do something and quick.

"Tyler! Get to the cockpit and boost engine power. They should be rolling, but we need to get moving." His brother nodded. "Jessen! Get inta that turret and lay down some cover." His eyes narrowed for empahsis. "I'm gonna need you out there." He put a hand on Jessen's shoulder. He wasn't lying--he was gonna need Jay's help. But he trusted his brother. Especially when it counted.

Before his brothers could respond, Cal was out the door. He wouldn't put either one at harm over himself, and this was his job to take care of. Making his way down the gangplank with careful steps, he reached into his coat, drawing one of his blaster pistols with his right hand. Holding it upright, he kept his eyes peeled, as the blaster fire had stopped. Keeping his body and center of gravity low, he jogged out the length of the fuel line. Reaching it, he kept his eyes up, searching for his thus far unseen opponent. With his free hand, he reached out to the clamp, unclamping the fuel line.

"Ty, we're--"


Blaster fire ripped through the air surrounding Cal's head as the air became hot with blaster fire. Instantly, he dropped his body down behind a crate. With his left hand, he drew his second blaster and prepped to roll.

He only hoped that Jay was on the turret and Ty was getting the Lady Luck moving. . .

Jessen Younger
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:23:31 PM
Jay'd run to the turret as soon as Cal told him, an unbelieavable adrenaline rush giving him all the energy he would need. It was at this moment that he remembered he hadn't quite yet pulled the fuel line. He'd meant to, but he hadn't done it yet. Swearing, Jessen ran back to the ramp, sticking his head out to shout to Cal.

"Hey, I forgot--"

It was then that the blaster fire erupted. Jerking back into Lady, Jay cringed. He was gonna get it for sure this time. The boy rushed back to the turret, whistling nervously out of habit. After a few minutes he swore.

"Ty, I can't get a clear shot!"

Well he wasn't going to just leave Cal out there all alone. Ignoring the rash implications of his decision, Jay ran into the bedroom and grabbed his blasters from under his mattress. Tearing out and towards the exit ramp, Jay paused only to shout out a warning to Tyler.

"Ty, I'm goin' to give Cal a hand! Don't leave without us brother!"

And with that he ran out, dropping to the dusty ground as soon as he did. Jay maneuvered himself over to Cal on his belly and smiled nervously as he plopped down, flipping a mess of dark hair out of his eyes.


Tyler Younger
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:51:07 PM
Jesus frelling Christ. For the love of…..!? He wasnt a religious man, but he sure as heck felt like praying for a little mercy.

He’d distinctly heard Cal tell Jessen he needed him in the turret. But the kid couldn’t seem to listen. Heads were going to roll later – that is, if they got outta here alive.

Ty was torn. Now he had the both of them outside. But he knew his brother well enough to know that what he wanted was the ship ready to go. He never used anything but the shortened version of Tyler unless he was serious. And right about now, Ty
knew Cal was serious.

He took a seat in the tattered captain’s chair all business as he settled in. Cal had begun the process of warming up the ship and above him lights and gadgets illuminated the cockpit area.
He depressed the booster button and a moment later pulled the throttle lever towards full power. The ship seemed to come alive beneath him, the overhead lights dimming only momentarily before they returned to full illumination.

He stood and hit the button that opened the exhaust fans and light fumes began billowing out of the back. The boys took good care of the Lady and she was up to date in regards to all atmospheric regulations.

Cursing under his breath he paused only for a moment on the cargo lock downs. The brothers would have to enter along the main ramp. It was the only way to be fully prepared. A moment later doors and compartments were sealed and ready for departure.

He heard the blaster fire klinking off of the hull of the Lady and considered the blast shields. But they would lower the power for takeoff, and he wanted to be able to get the heck outta dodge when the time was right.

He ran to the ramp calling out to the older and the younger brothers.

“Lets go, lets go!” He hollered, not seeing either one of them at the moment. He ran back to the cockpit, hopping down into the turret and just for good measure firing in the direction of where the shots came from. It didn’t really matter what he hit, so long as it distracted them enough for his brothers to get back on board.

Cal Younger
Jun 4th, 2003, 01:30:47 PM
As if someone had punched him directly between his eyes, his face was stunned to see a sight he definitely did not expect. Jessen dove to the hangar bay floor just as a few blaster shots whipped by him.

"Dammit Jessen," Cal muttered under his breath. He was hoping that neither of them would do something stupid like this--run out into the middle of gunfire. But then again, it was he that did it in the first place, so it was no suprise--especially coming from Jay. Still, it wasn't exactly a good thing, and Cal would be sure to give him a piece of his mind about it. Later, though.


"Don't you 'hey' me!" Cal snapped, but instantly saw the face that Jessen made. He had come out here on his own--against Cal's wished--because he wanted to protect his own brother. Cal could definitely respect that, and if they were gonna get outta this, they needed to work together. "Dammit, Jessen, you know I didn't want you out here. And you know that you directly disobeyed me. And you know how much that doesn't make me happy."


"But we gotta get the hell outta here!" Cal spoke as several more blaster shots began to decimate the crate that he and Jay were hiding behind. They were gonna have to rely on each other to move outta here. "Since you're already here, I don't have to tell ya that we're pinned down." He gave Jay a sheepish smile. "I think there's at least two guys back yonder shootin at us. Maybe more--but at least two. Here's what I'm thinking." He looked at the ship, which was ready to go. Ty had it prepped.

"I'm gonna pop out and lay down some cover fire for you. I want you to make a bolt back to the ship. I'll take down at least one of 'em, and you get to the gangplank. Then, you do the same for me from the plank. Take at least one of 'em out, but lay down enough cover for me to get back to the ship." He checked the cells on his blaster--they were charged.

"You got it? You ready?" Cal waited for an affirmitive from his brother.

Jessen Younger
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:27:55 PM
The boy’s momentary bravado was wiped clean away as Cal snapped at him. Flinching every time a blaster beam whizzed too close, Jay analyzed his situation. Cal had called him ‘Jessen’ which meant he was pretty peeved…but it wasn’t so bad that he’d used a last name and Jay was thankful for that. The boy didn’t even bother offering up a defense, knowing that the time didn’t call for it. He peered over the crate, which was providing less and less protection by the minute, and tried to get a glimpse of who had started this free-for-all. Instead he only ended up narrowly missing having his head removed.


Sinking back down, Jay half-listened to Cal’s plan, distracted by the noise of the firing. He got the gist of it, nodded in affirmation and crouched, ready to high tail it back to the ship.

“Okay, whenever you’re ready!”

As soon as Jay heard the familiar sound of Cal’s blaster, he took off towards Lady, shooting a bit for good measure. Tyler was obviously in the turret providing much needed assistance, but Jay still ran stoop-backed, feeling the air hot around him from the disturbance. Reaching the plank, Jessen swiveled and began to fire upon their ‘friends’, covering Cal as he sprinted over. Between him and Tyler there was more than enough chaos and the brothers managed to make it up the ramp with little more than a mess of close calls.

“Honey, we’re hooo-ooome!”

Jay, obviously much more relaxed now that they were aboard, closed the gangplank and called out to Tyler with a wide smirk,

‘Whooee, that was great!”

Never mind that they weren’t home free yet.

Tyler Younger
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:47:41 PM
He could see blasterfire coming from beneath the hull firing in the same direction he was and this was reassuring. At the sound of boots coming up the ramp he jumped out of the turret and his blaster, set to stun, was leveled at the entranceway. Until he heard the familiar voice. Then it was lowered and with a semi frustrated expression he moved towards the cockpit.

This wasn’t a game, though Jessen seemed to think it was. Then again, most instances like this seemed to be a game to him. And sometimes they were to Ty, too. Just not this time. He’s seen the dead body slumped over the desk and he knew these guys weren’t fooling around.

“Dangit, Jay, would you get in the turret where you were supposed to be and provide some cover?! “ He demanded, the fact that he could have lost both his brothers making him a bit testy. Normally so even tempered when it came to his brothers, this was an outright display of affection – even if it came in an outraged form.

This was hollered as he strapped himself in, reaching for the console and setting all systems to go. A moment later he cursed, not bothering to keep it under his breath.

“Cal I need the boosters to be reset!” He called out, noting that the warning light was flashing. They were always having problems with the rear booster. It wasn’t charging properly and every time they fired up for takeoff, it blew a fuse the first time around.

Cal Younger
Jun 5th, 2003, 01:37:12 PM
Before he could react to the situation that had just occured, he jumped with excitement with Jay. Grabbing him by the shoulders, he laughed and smiled--he couldn't believe they had gotten out of there with such luck! Just as he was finishing the celebration, he remembered why he was mad before, and huffed heavily. Jay knew what was comin.

"Jessen Younger! If I didn't know any better, I'd--"

“Dangit, Jay, would you get in the turret where you were supposed to be and provide some cover?! “ Barking orders like a commander, Cal's verbal assault was cut short. He was impressed by Ty's aggressiveness inside, and he quit the lecture as soon as Jay started movin.

"I suppose you just saved him a chewin," he said under his breath. He'd deal with Jay later. Reholdstering his blasters, he'd begun to make his way to the cockpit, when he got the news.

“Cal I need the boosters to be reset!”

"Sithspit, I thought we fixed this!" Cal cursed as he turned towards the hull. "I got 'em, just keep this baby juiced so we can go. I know it ain't the safest, but we ain't got time ta be safe." He knew Ty would hear him as he climbed down the maintanence ladder and into the hull. Jogging to the power box, he whipped the thin metallic door open and took a look into the fuses. One would be suprised at how many fuses were on a starship. Luckily, Cal had done this several times before. Reaching into the box, he gripped the switches marked "BOOSTER POWER" and--


"Oww! Dammit!!" Cursing, he pulled his fingers back from the wires. The power was still on--as he had instructed Ty--and he had blown it off. Putting his hide gloves on, he reached back in and flipped the breaker back to the "OFF" position. Giving it a second, he threw the switch back to "ON" and listened as power was regained in the rear boosters.

"That should do it," Cal's voice came across the maintanence comm from the hull terminal. "I'm gonna stay down here in case we have anymore trouble. Fire her up and let's get the three of us and the good Lady the hell outta here!" He made his way to the tiny safety chair for workers in the hull and strapped himself in.

Jessen Younger
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:12:32 AM
“O-kay Ty, don’t get so worked up about it. None of us died or anything.”

Jay grumbled as he hopped down into the turret. He didn’t care about giving lip now; he’d been last-named already, which was as good as being blackballed, so why not throw caution to the wind? There wasn’t a whole lot to do in the turret, the boys had pretty much given up; but it was the safest place to be considering, Jessen reasoned.

“Hey…Can we get a Nek?”

He grinned to himself after asking the question; it had come out of nowhere, evidence of his drifting thoughts. Jay didn’t expect an answer to such an idiotic question, and so he fired a little, to clear his boredom. It was only when it was clear that they were going to get out into hyperspace that the boy jumped up out of the turret to the corridor—which, thank Endor, was empty.


He made a beeline for their quarters.

Tyler Younger
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:14:28 PM
It was a good thing Cal was getting to be such an expert at repairing the ship. The first time this had happened, Ty and Cal had spent a good hour or so trying to find the correct switch. Jay had looked on, putting in his two cents every now and then, which had done nothing but aggravate the older two, or from time to time, crack them all up in amusement. But when it came down to it, it was either Cal or Ty invariably who ended up working on the ship. Jay knew how, he just somehow always managed to get out of it, unless, of course, he was in that sort of mood to help out.

As they took off, Ty handled the ship with ease. Though Cal typically was the pilot, all of the boys knew how to fly the Lady. This, Cal had been sure to instruct – in case, of course, of situations like only moments before.

“We’ve gotta put some credits into getting that dealt with….” Ty commented as Cal came up from the hull.

He stood up from the pilot’s seat, offering it to his older brother.

“The coordinates are set for the jump…” He advised, slumping into the co-pilots seat and casting a quick glance toward the turret where Jay remained.

After they made the jump, Ty heard Jay come out from the turret and try to slip off to his room.


Ty knew Jay was trying to avoid being cussed out and would have let him go, but he had a feeling Cal wouldn’t let things slide so easily. Ty might have been angry moments ago, but that was moments ago. And like most things, he let it go, not bothering to harp on it. That was perhaps why he and Jay got along so well – Ty was able to just live and let live. Cal, on the other hand, had to drive the point home.

Cal Younger
Jun 23rd, 2003, 11:48:46 AM
OOC: Sorry guys!! :( I didn't see the notice for this one!! I'm here, I promise! :D

He felt the smooth vibrations of the engines and knew that the fix would work--for now. They'd definitely need to get that looked at. Of course, when they had the credits to do so. Ever since--well, ever since ever, money had been tight for them for things like reparations. Booze, gamblin', guns and fun were some of their more favorite expenditures.

"You're right about that," Cal commented on his brother's wisdom. "We'll have someone look at it next time we stop. We can't keep riggin that thing forever." He took the pilot's seat as Ty dropped into the co spot. He listened as Tyler updated him on the status of their flight.

"Sounds good," he said in response to the coordinates being set for jump. "Hey--that was a nice take-off." He smiled. "Lucky for us, we didn't murder anyone. Hangar patrol is all over those back there and plum forgot about us." He had a relieved look in his eyes. They could make thier way out alot easier when they didn't have heat bearing down on them.

“I’mprettytiredgoin’tobedforanapg’nightguys!” Instinctively, Cal jumped up from his seat and began to pursue Jay. His face was furious, and his tone raised.

"Jessen Younger! Boy, I oughta--" he started making his way toward the bridgeway as somehting caught his arm. It was Ty's hand on his forearm. He look down on his brother with firm, angry eyes--but Ty remained stern with a warning look. It was almost a Is this gonna help?. Cal turned and huffed, plopping back down in the pilot seat.

"I tell you what, Ty, if I didn't have to fly this thing right now, your brother'd be gettin it." Cal took his hat off and ran a hand through his hair. "I'll give 'em an earful later." He began to calm down a bit. Tyler had that effect on him--always had. He was a gentle spirit, though Cal wouldn't always admitt it. Cal knew that, more times than not, Ty was his true source of wisdom.

"Where we jumpin?" He almost laughed as he realized he had no idea where his brother had programmed.

Tyler Younger
Jun 25th, 2003, 01:47:02 PM
Ty was relieved when Cal sat back down. He recognized the angry huff, but also knew it would blow over if Jay just kept himself hidden a bit longer. Of course, Cal didn’t always forget, and Ty didn’t doubt that he might, later, make good on his threats to give his youngest brother a piece of his mind.

Where we jumpin?

Ty laughed and stood from his seat.

“Come one, come all folks, don’t miss your chance – yes – your chance to visit Fifteen Moons Casino! A grand ‘ol gaming house located on Ord Mantell! Yes, Ord Mantell, known for its lenient banking laws and flexibility in taxes on gaming wins!”

This commotion was plenty enough to likely draw Jay from his ‘nap’ in the other compartment.

He grinned like the young ruffian that he was.

“We’ve gotta make some money to get the boosters fixed. And…well…ya made it plenty clear earlier we’re having a little financial difficulty so…..”

He shrugged.

“We’re good gamblers….” He added, seeing the somewhat skeptical expression on Cal’s face. Ty had somehow already forgotten the trouble of last night over a game of sabacc.

Jessen Younger
Aug 21st, 2003, 03:38:01 PM
"Ord Mantell? Frell!"

Jay sauntered on out, avoidence of his eldest brother completely forgotten. A large smile was plastered on his face and he lazily reached up and rested his hands on a bulkhead.

"Man! That's gonna be awesome! They got races there that I can..."

He trailed off, a mischievious look on his face.

"Well, I mean, we can have some fun there."

Jessen hovered around Ty, suddenly remembering the not-so-pleased mood that Cal had had in regards to him. He shot a cautionary grin to his big brother and then shrugged.

"At least we didn't die Cal. No biggie."