View Full Version : Wanderings

Faith Scott
Apr 30th, 2003, 06:43:45 PM
"OWWW! Why do you gotta do that?"

A young girl shrieked as the large door guard gently pulled her hair. He smiled, despite his bulk, and waved slightly. The brown haired preteen stopped where she was and re-adjusted her pony tail with an unhappy expression on her face. "I can see why people call you 'Mean Mac'!" Of course, though, the guard was merely playing games with the child -- attempting to brighten up his day by another's 'misfortunes'. Stoming her feet, Faith turned around and began marching toward an open booth near the window. Sitting down with a slight thud upon the bench, the girl placed her elbows upon the table and rested her chin in her hands.

"Can I get you something, dear?" A melodious voice was heard and the young girl turned her head to rest her eyes upon a waitress standing over her. For a moment, Faith thought about the question and wondered why someone would actually get her what she wanted -- but she decided that no time she be wasted wondering, and instead, she would jump on the opportunity. "Can I have a huge banana split and an even bigger soda? Pleeeeeeease?" She pleaded with the waitress who had no problem writing down the girl's order and smiling on her way toward the kitchen. Faith sat back in a bit of shock and amazement and her eyes soon drifted out the window; her mind free without cares. She finally felt freedom -- something she had been without for so long -- and now, she would exercise that freedom by indulgind in something her Father never allowed her to have.

Shrin Safserim
May 1st, 2003, 10:42:10 AM
Shrin walks in behind her, handing his sword to the guard before he was ready to accept the sheathed weapon.

"I love it here. No weapons...no fighting...Just..." He's cut off as a waitress bearing a huge bowl of ice cream and a three liter bottle of soda, delivering to a single girl who didn't look like she was capable of eating even half of it. "...um...wow." He can't stop staring. "Jeez, that's alot..."