View Full Version : Sleepless Dreamer
Zach Almsalsys
Apr 30th, 2003, 02:55:44 PM
Zach yawned, streaching out his arms to the sky before craining his neck to read the building's arch. Other Jedi hopefuls, learners, and faculty milled around inside and outside the arch, which Zach noted carefully.
Having to drop his parcel, quite large one infact, Zach yawned once more and walked into the Center. Instant chatter assaulted his hears; Idle talk, meets and greets, intercom annoucements and the like.
"Sir, Can I help you?" The lady-at-the-desk spoke, diverting the white-haireds attention to her.
"Uah... Na... Yeah.... I'm here to learn Jedi stuff.." Zach replied, winking with his right eye. The receptionist smirked then pointed off to a row of benches without another word. Zach walked off slowly, nearly removing a four-armed beast's head with the burlap covered end of his parcel. Laying the massive thing next to the bench, Zack ploped down with a groan and rested his chin on his palm..
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 30th, 2003, 03:07:32 PM
"Be careful about where you swing that thing. It looks like it weighs a ton," Wei said as Zach sat down next to him on a bench. Most recruits around him didn't know who Wei was. They all presumed him to be another hopeful just like them. But in truth, Wei was a Jedi Knight. He just liked to sit down and watch people.
"My name is Wei Wu Wei, Jedi Knight of the GJO. So you're here to learn Jedi stuff, eh? I could hear you from the desk. I suppose by 'Jedi stuff' you mean how to lift things with your mind and play with a laser sword, huh?"
Wei grinned. "But why come to the Jedi to learn that? I mean, you could just as easily have gone to the Sith to have done that. What's your reason for coming to the Jedi?" Wei asked out of curiosity.
Wei was known by just about everyone to be an easy going kind of guy. He hardly ever raised his voice, except to get someone's attention. Wei made a point to never be mean or rude to anyone. It would never do for someone to meet a Jedi and leave feeling belittled or upset.
Zach Almsalsys
Apr 30th, 2003, 06:01:49 PM
"Eh..." Zach glanced over at the parcel, "... About right, lotta' people think that it's heavy as it gets, but nah... nah."
Zack smirked before returning his gaze forward, "That's about a right definition for Jedi stuff, rather, Jedi Techniques. There's the word, J E D I, Jedi.. Do-gooders. I couldn't live with hurting people for fun and profit, but for sheer defence of the helpless... man, that's something to stride for, ya know?" He glanced over, "?"
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 30th, 2003, 07:06:35 PM
Wei smiled. "I agree. Defending the helpless is indeed something to stride for. But the helpless need more than just defence. They also need food, shelter. Hope. I've found myself administering all these things, and much more to the peoples of this universe during my time as a Jedi. And believe me, every lesson I learned as a Padawan has been useful to me."
Wei smiled and sat back in his chair. "Yeah. Every single one. So, is there any particular reason as to why you want to help the helpless? Or are you just naturally altruistic?"
Wei laughed. He rather liked Zach. Then he realized something. "I don't know your name." then he laughed again at his own absent-mindedness
Zach Almsalsys
Apr 30th, 2003, 07:26:04 PM
"Call it natural, always wanted to help people. Although, some instantes I've had to engage in combat in which these-" He slid his greatcoat tail back to reveal a pair of 45 caliber hanguns, "-and that." Here he cocked his head over to the parcel.
"Oh yeah, I'm Zach. Zach Almsalsys, that's Al-Mm-Sail-Sys. Alot of people sound it Alm-sa-lsys.. but whatever may float your boat, as the saying went."
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 30th, 2003, 08:23:12 PM
Wei nodded. "I never did much like handguns. Not much reality in them. But whatever may float your boat, right?" Wei chuckled. "May I ask what's in the parcel?" Wei was curious.
Zach Almsalsys
May 1st, 2003, 05:04:43 AM
Zach grew silent for a moment, contemplating. "It's a weapon, a sword actually..." He reached over and tugged free one edge of the parcel to reveal a gleaming edge, the temper line visible as broad daylight.
"Her name is Devil Trigger, dont know why, but that's what.. this might sound crazy.. it wants to be named.."
Wei Wu Wei
May 1st, 2003, 08:22:29 AM
Wei raised an eyebrow. "It's a metal blade. That's cool. Where did it come from? I'm guessing you found it somewhere."
Wei wasn't at all sure what Zach meant when he sai the sword wanted to be named.
"How would you wield such a heavy thing?"
Zach Almsalsys
May 1st, 2003, 01:46:34 PM
"Found in on Naboo on a B.V.S trip I had hiked on.." Zack replaced the fold before sucking in his breath, as if something had taken the wind from his chest.
"I had to drag the bastard out of the cave I found it in, but after a couple of hours, it seemed lighter and lighter, now it seems to weight about the same as a gallon of water.."
Wei Wu Wei
May 1st, 2003, 01:59:59 PM
Wei nodded. "Sounds strange, to be sure. With something like that, you'd think it would take maybe a few days to get used to, but a few hours? Now that's something else."
Wei propped an elbow on his kneed and rested his chin in his hand. "I can't help but wonder," Wei said in a wondering tone of voice, "that you are here for more than just helping people. I get the idea that you're partly here because of that sword too."
Zach Almsalsys
May 1st, 2003, 04:34:41 PM
Zach's brow knotted in surprise questioning, "Howso?"
Wei Wu Wei
May 1st, 2003, 04:47:06 PM
Wei shrugged. "Because as much as you seemed to be used to carrying it around, you really don't know that much about it. It still seems like a mystery to you."
Wei chuckled. "But then again, I'm just guessing. It's not like I can read your mind." Wei rather liked relying on his own abilities to percieve what a person was thinking or feeling as opposed to digging around in their heads like some people. Wei knew how to do it, he just didn't like doing it. He felt like it was spying.
"Just how much do you know about that sword, other than how much it seems to weigh in your hands and where you found it, and that you feel like it wants to have a name?"
Zach Almsalsys
May 1st, 2003, 08:00:06 PM
"I can use it like a regular sword, I suppose," Zach replied idly, watching another potiental recruit begin a convo with a, what he guessed, Knight of the Order.
"Other than that.. It's like a regular one, just... supersized and weird. But, I can use it and use it well - so my Pa said before I left Naboo with the V.B.S," Zach leaned back, throwing his arms over the back of the bench and yawning again, he was sleepy... like.. really tired nowadays. " 'It's looks like a arm on yas, boy' He said, wise man... wise man."
Wei Wu Wei
May 1st, 2003, 08:22:57 PM
Wei nodded. "My Grand dad taught me how to fight. He taught me how to do alot more too."
Wei shifted in his seat and looked around. Then he checked his crono. "Oh, why put this off? Zach, you pass my test, whatever thing. Welcome to the Order. Go to the LQ and find a place to stay. Maybe get a roommmate, or live on your own. Ask around with the other Padwans and maybe find a good teacher. Or just do nothing. I like doing nothing." Wei smiled and shook Zach's hand. "If you have questions, come hunt me down. We can hang out."
Wei stood up and headed out the door, waving to Zack over his shoulder. "Good luck, man!"
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