View Full Version : Trouble With Old Memories

Marga Alton
Apr 30th, 2003, 01:09:43 PM
Marga was out walking the streets of Coruscant. It was late out, nearly dark to be exact and the neighbourhood that she's in isn't the best one either. Tonight she had decided to have a slight change in her routine since the threat on Garen's life. Normally she would be getting herself settled down outside the door to his room where she would later fall asleep. But not tonight.

Dressed as she was in a plain yellow dress and wearing her necklace which she had just recently started wearing again, the pendent, which was a gem was wrapped in a small silk bag. A few ppl had questioned, but none got the answers that they were looking for.

Not really wanting to be found through the Force, she pulls presense inwards so that only ppl who are really looking for her with the Force would find her. Of course anybody using their eyes would see her. It was times like this that she had been having lately, and it was one of these excursions of hers that prevented her from being there for Garen when he was attacked.

After several long minutes, she reaches up and pushes a lock of her bright red hair behind her ear again. She gets the feeling that she's being watched and followed, but overly sure of who it is that is following her. That right there says that she probably doesn't know the person. But that does not matter right now. Not much does matter to her anymore. Her family at home hates her because of an accident...

A girl, about 14 or 15 years old is seen in a mirror. Marga Alton. Youngest daughter of her Father, Lord Alton. How many times has she seen her face wet with tears lately? How many times has she gone unnoticed by her family unless she does something by accident and a person gets hurt. It doesn't matter though. Nothing matters anymore it seems.

Standing up from the desk, she walks to the window of her bedroom and opens it, letting the cold spring air in. She had just returned home yestarday from being gone for a couple of weeks and nobody even mentioned anything about her disappearance. Either they didn't notice or they didn't care. Likely the latter of the two.

'Marga, your Father wishes to speak to you so pretty up and hurry to his study.' a voice calls to her. Her Mother. Her Mother only talks to her if she's in trouble.

She hopes like crazy that her Father hasn't figured out that it was her that broke his favourite mug. That would be disasterous to her. But then again, she gets in trouble for everything, even if she didn't do it.

"Don't move" a rough voice says behind her as she feels the tip of a knife in her back which jolts her back to the present. "A pretty young thing like yourself shouldn't be walking the streets at night alone. You might run into some trouble."

Marga freezes so she doesn't get hurt right now though she glances around and it has indeed gotten dark out. There are also a small group of ppl nearby watching.

Apr 30th, 2003, 02:38:13 PM
"I've been watching you Marga. I've been watching you since you arrived and I like what I have seen. Such a caring and companssionate thing you are. Though it is a pity that we haven't met before now, don't you think."

He says in a rough voice as he uses his empty hand to turn Marga around so he can look at her again. Yes, now was the right time to approach. She's unsure of herself and much trouble has happened recently to put her out of her comfort zone. And now, she's out of her comfort zone even more and she's going to stay that way for awhile yet.

With a glance at the small group of ppl that were watching, the group turns and heads off. With Marga's left arm gripped tight in his hand, his knife in his other hand up at her throat, he moves them off to the lower levels of Coruscant.

"Nothing's going to happen to you. Unless you don't co-operate. I want to make sure that you behave yourself for the next little while until things are settled for you. Nobodies going to miss you, you know. Your nothing to them. Even the person who took you as a student doesn't care for you. If she did, she wouldn't have given you up."

After a couple hours of fast walking, they reach what looks like an abandoned building which they enter. Inside it is anything but abandoned.

"Now my sweet little thing, you're gonna be my guest for awhile. You will have nothing to fear as long as you behave yourself. If things work well, you may even be able to go home and not be locked in jail for the rest of your life. That would be a big waste to keep a pretty little thing such as yourself in a tiny damp little dark cell for years on end.

No, I shall safe you from that for you do not need that worry. You shall have no need to worry for anything or anyone ever again. I shall take good care you and you in turn shall be taking care of me for you are such a sweet little thing. You need not worry anymore.

This shall be your new home where you can learn the proper way of living my sweet little thing."

He takes Marga over to a wall, noticing that she is tired from their fast paced walk here, he pushes on a picture and a hidden door opens up. He moves the knife away from her neck and shoves her into the small room that was just revealed, a grin on his face.

"I shall see you later after you get some rest pretty little thing. Then we shall talk."

He pushes on the picture again and the door closes, sealing Marga in the small room where there is no light of any sort.

Marga Alton
Apr 30th, 2003, 03:40:49 PM
Marga puts up no resistance when she's moved at a fast pace through the streets, especially seeing as how there is a knife at her neck. Who is this guy and what does he want with me? she thinks to herself. Have I met him before? How does he know my name? Has he really been watching me? These are the questions that she asks herself as the move along the streets.

After what feels like an eternity, they arrive at their destination. She feels ready to drop and has lost all sense of location, only knowing that they are on the lower levels of Coruscant. As she's shoved into the small room that is revealed after a hidden door opens, Sotar grabs her necklace, ripping it off from around her neck and then leaves her in silence in the dark.

To weary to do anything right now except to sleep, she curls herself up in the corner of the room and falls asleep, not bothering to worry about what she is going to do about her current situation.

* * *

Several hours later she wakes up stiff and sore from sleeping on the ground. She looks around the room, trying to figure where she is when she suddenly remembers what happened to her the night before. Well, what she thinks is the night before.

Her hand instictively goes up to her neck to where her necklace is supposed to be only to find that it's gone. It got ripped off last night. Carefully standing up, she walks around the room to get an idea of how big it is and to see if she can find the door. It's a small room and the location of the door is unknown.

After awhile, she sits down and goes over what she can remember of last night, wondering if what he said was true. That no one will miss her. Of course ppl will miss her. She's got friends who care about her, and of course there's Rognan, a good friend and companion who she can go to talk about almost anything.

Her best option right now is to just wait until her kidnapper shows himself again, then she can try and get out of this place.

Apr 30th, 2003, 04:12:59 PM
He left Marga alone for a good long while. Most of the day after he had first brought her to his home. It's about dinner time to be honest, and he thought that he would be nice and bring Marga her dinner.

Wanting to be on the safe side though, her dinner is just a sandwich and a glass of water which happens to be in a paper cup. Nothing that could be used to help her escape or harm him.

He approaches the hidden door and pushes on the picture to open the door so he can give her her dinner. Stepping into the room a couple of steps, he places the sandwich and water on the floor and backs off to the door frame which he leans up against.

"Well pretty one, I thought that I would give you your supper today. Don't have much money so it's not much. Now be a good girl and eat up. I don't want you wasting away to nothing now.

I believe now would be a good time for you to ask me some questions that you no doubt have, so please ask away."

Marga Alton
May 1st, 2003, 08:34:02 AM
Marga's stomach growled slightly after Sotar entered the room. She quickly covers her eyes with one of her hands as light enters the room for the first time since she was put in it. After several moments her eyes have adjusted to the light again and she sees the sandwich and cup of water on the floor. She cautiously moves over to them picks them up and moves back to where she was, not wanting to be to close to Sotar. Just how much does this guy know about me? And what does he want with me? Not caring to find out whether or not he uses telepathy, she speaks verbally to him.

"Who are you? What do you want with me? How do you seem to know so much about me?"

Marga figures those are questions that are worth staring with as she bites into the sandwich, the first bit of food she's had all day.

May 1st, 2003, 01:07:45 PM
He smiles as he watches Marga get readusted to light again after spending a day without any light.

"Now my pretty young thing, you ask some very good questions. Unfortunately, I am not going to answer all of them. At least not yet, not when you are so new to my care.

But how I know so much about you, well that's very simple and I have told you already. I've been watching you. I've been watching others, but you are the best of the ones that I have been watching.

As for who I am, you can just call me Master for now. I will show you things that you have never imagined. You will experience things you never have even dreamed about. In time, you will grow to like me and think of me as your life for now you start a new life my young thing. For now, you are mine."

Marga Alton
May 1st, 2003, 02:45:04 PM
Marga says nothing while she eats her sandwich and drinks her water, trying to figure out if she could make an escape right now. He seems to think that she won't leave, otherwise, why would he risk her escaping on him, even if he is standing in part of the door. After taking a look at his face, she decides against it right now, though perhaps later, when she knows more about her situation.

Finally, she goes and responds to his answers to her questions.

"I shall not call you Master. That is reserved for the person who trains me as a Jedi."

Marga winces internally as she remembers what Sotar said last night. That nobody cares, not even Xazor who took her as a padawan and then had to stop teaching her due to to many demands on her.

"You can just make this easier on yourself and just let me go. I am my own person and nobody, and I mean nobody, is going to change that.

Ppl do care about me. You'll see that when I get back to them. I betcha that right now they are looking for me at this very moment, worried sick about me since they can not find me."

Marga though has a tiny voice inside her head nagging at her. What if they aren't looking for her? What if this person is right and nobody does care about her? What then?

"I may be trapped here right now, but I won't remain here forever you know. I will return to my friends and they will be happy to see me again."

May 2nd, 2003, 09:30:32 AM
"No my sweet thing. I speak the truth to you. No one cares for you except for me. Your family hates you. Everybody despices you save for me.

In time dear, you will call me Master. You will beg to call me Master.

I have no fear of you or your so called friends. They are happy to see you gone. You are mine now and you shall remain mine forever, even in death you will be mine."

He smiles as he sees Marga shudder slightly at that.

"Oh, one other thing, don't try to escape. If you actually do manage to get out of here, you won't get far."

He then goes and steps out of the room.

"Oh and pretty thing, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day."

He pushes on the picture and the door closes, locking Marga inside the room again with no light.

Marga Alton
May 2nd, 2003, 12:27:37 PM
Marga just looks at Sotar as he speaks. But when she sees him step out of the doorway, she quickly gets up and rushes for the door, but she doesn't make it there quite fast enough. The door closes, locking her in the dark again. She pounds on the door, wanting to be let out, but knowing that won't happen, at least not yet.

Sliding down the wall, she seats herself on the floor in the room again. A feeling of hopelessness overcoming her. Tears form at her eyes which she wipes with the back of her hand so they don't run down her cheeks.

"Of all the nights I chose to go out, why did it have to be last night?"

Marga asks this aloud to herself. All she wants right now is to back at the GJO where she can be snug in her bed with a good book instead of here where she doesn't even have a bit of light.

Marga Alton
May 5th, 2003, 09:45:39 AM
Marga remains locked in the small dark room for about a month. To her though, she has no idea how much time has passed. All she knows for certain is that she's hungry and lonely for company. Even that of Sotar who has been coming once a day to give her food and water. Oh what she wouldn't give for a nice glass of juice right about now. Juice and a hot meal with pleasant company. Those are the things that she's really wanting now. That and to be out of the small dark room which has been her home for the past month.

Her dress just hangs on her now, exceedingly loose where it was a form fitting dress a month ago. A couple weeks ago, she had started calling Sotar Master. Why, she's not sure why. Though Sotar seems to be pleased with it. Since then, she's been getting a bit more food which seems to taunt her though. Eating, but never enough to fill her.

She had been spending more and more time back in her memories and not always does Sotar opening the door snap her out of it now. Because of it though, she has been getting even more hungry then if she had been eating every time Sotar came in. But no. Sotar leaves nothing for her when she's out of things.

It seems like her hope of her friends coming to rescue her are for nothing. No friends have shown up to take her home. Sotar's words are all that she has to go off of now. And she is starting to get to a point where she is believing him on the fact that nobody cares about her. That none of her friends are out there looking for her right now. Only one person cares for her besides Sotar, and that person is Rognan.

Why hadn't she been spending more time with him before this happened? Maybe then he could have gotten her out of here before now. He cares for her. He's got to. Otherwise he wouldn't be willing to spend so much time with her.

A couple of tears come to her eyes as she thinks of Rognan.

Suddenly the door opens again, sending light into the room. She quickly brings an arm up to shield her eyes from the onslaught of the light. Something she's not used to right now. The dark has been her only companion lately. As her eyes slowly adjust to the light, she see's Sotar standing in the doorway again. She just remains silent until he starts to speak.

May 5th, 2003, 04:53:57 PM
"Well my pretty one, how are you fairing today? Well I'd imagine since you aren't running around causing trouble with your so called Jedi friends. Now then, what would you say to a chance to stretch your legs for a moment or so. I'm willing to let you get yourself a nice hot bath to ease your pain which you might be in."

He could see Marga's eyes light up at the thought of getting out of her room, if even for a couple of moments.

"But first, you must eat something."

He steps into the room and places a sandwich on the floor and a glass of water before stepping back to the door of the room to let her eat her food.

Marga Alton
May 8th, 2003, 11:53:06 AM
Marga's eyes light up at the mention of her getting a chance to get out of the room and to get a bath where she can soak and relax for a short while at least.

She quickly moves to where the sandwich and water is and eagerly eats up and drinks her water. It's not much, but it's better then nothing.

"I would love to have a bath and to stretch my legs."

Marga hopes slightly that Sotar may even let her go outside for a moment or so as well. But she's not going to push that one, at least not yet.