View Full Version : Stimuli: Part I (open)

Cassidy Williams
Apr 30th, 2003, 12:31:08 PM
OOC: Takes place after 'Parentis' thread.


The weather was completely unfitting. It was bright and sunny out and rather than making her happy it only served to annoy Cassidy Williams. She found that she was getting annoyed with many things lately. Just that morning she'd been so upset with her hair that she had left without drying it. In reality she was just unsettled after her meeting with the Jedi Knight Xazor. Everythign she had once known was fuzzy now, caught in the space between truth and lie. It bugged her.

She had ventured into the lower levels of Coruscant, in an effort to match her grungy mood. There had been too many happy people shopping but down here, well there were less smiles. Hers too was absent.

As the young padawan picked her way along the filthy pedwalk the thought occured to her that perhaps wearing her Jedi robes, which she rarely did, hadn't been the wisest choice today. They would serve to be more of a source of danger than protection in these parts. But it was too late now and she most certainly was not going back to the Jedi facilities to change.


Cassidy stopped, looking around unammused for the source of the voice. The few beings that made themselves apparent scowled at her; she must have misheard part of their conversation. Shooting them an equally dirty look the girl continued trekking on to some unknown destination. But the sound came again, more insistent this time.


It seemed to be coming from a narrow divident of space between two rusty durasteel buildings. Now, Cassidy was not stupid enough to walk in there under normal circumstances; However, despite her suddenly tense body she found herself unable to resist the urge to follow the sweet voice. As she stepped through and along the narrow path it grew louder.

Yes...That's right Cassidy...Just a little farther...

Almost in a trance-like state the girl obeyed, ealking into the shadows until she was completly invisible. A pair of cold hands grapped her and wrapped around her mouth and she felt a sharp prick in her neck before everything went completly black.


When she woke her mouth was dry and dusty and Cassidy found that she couldn't see. Her heart was beating fast but she dared not speak. For some reason she was hopelessly entertaining the idea that if she were quiet, whatever had brought her here would forget.

Ahhh...You're awake.

SHe sat upright, breathing heavily. It was so dim down here, the light heavily outweighed by the shadows. Scanning the hazy underground and seeing nothing Cassidy spoke.

"W-who...Where am I? Who are you?"


"Who are you!?"

The sickenenly sweet voice answered slowly.

Tut, tut, Cassidy...I hardly think that you're in a position to be so demanding."

The padawan was scared out of her wits. Just when she thought that she could never feel more afraid, the speaker revealed himself. It was the most terrifying thing Cassidy had ever seen. Though not grotesque or savage, the being was still horrifying in it's presence.

A pale, filthy man, bald and emaciated. His skin was almost luminesent and his eyes were abnormally huge. His tiny body was twisted and knarled and perhaps the most awful was the fact that he was skittering about on his feet and hands, like a spider.

"W-what do you want with me? P-please, I-I'll do anything, just don't hurt me..."

I don't want to hurt you Cassidy.

She stared at him.

"How do you know my name?"

The thing chuckled.

I know everything about you. I know that becoming a Jedi is futile Cassidy. Don't get me wrong, it's a noble cause and you would do quite well at it. If you lived.

Cassidy let out a sob, shaking hard.

"I thought you weren't going to hurt me!"

The thing crept closer, and extended an icy cold finger to brush her cheek. Cassidy shuddered and closed her eyes, crying.

I'm not going to hurt you Cassidy. Not me. But you won't live long enough to do much servive to the galaxy m'dear. Not long at all

It chuckled again and she felt it's rotten breath creeping closer to her face. The padawans chest heaved.

Remember Cassid--

Suddenly she screamed and kicked it in the stomach, scrambling up. It gasped and went flying, crying out as it's deformed body hit stone. Cassidy ran without knowing where she was going, just screaming and praying that she was getting farther away.

When her lungs hurt so much that she thought she would collapse, the girl finally saw light. Taking a ragged breath she sprinted into it, falling to the ground as fresh air greeted her. Tears were falling down her face and she was badly shaken. Still feeling the spidery, cobweb like members of the creature on her, Cassidy began to run as best she could. As she turned her head to see if anything wa following her, The girl stumbled on the edge of her now tattered and dirty robes, falling to the concrete with a thud.

A hand touched her.


It jerked back momentarily but then gently touched her again, as if trying to help her up. Cassidy opened her mouth and screamed as long and as loud as she could, tears falling down her face.


Nequa Galos
Apr 30th, 2003, 01:47:37 PM
Not twenty feet away, Nequa heard a scream. Turning in the direction of the scream, Nequa literally leapt the twenty feet to mouth of the ally. Seeing what looked like a human attempting to be an arachnid attacking a young female, Nequa rushed the thing attempting to scare it off.

It just removed its hand and cackled as it lept out of the way.

You dare try to save my Cassidy? You are a foolish one indeed.

Placing himself between the thing and the young lady, Nequa charges his fore arm mounted particle cannons and readys an electrolisis net missle. The missle head can be seen just over his right shoulder.

"Halt you torment of this young lady before I am forced to harm you in away that makes rancors seem nice and polite."

Faith Scott
Apr 30th, 2003, 03:19:56 PM
"Sorry! Geez -- I was just tryin' to help ya!"

A young girl dressed in black pants with a tight red shirt on stepped away from Cassidy, who looked to be about the same age -- maybe a little older. Faith crossed her arms over her chest -- or lack thereof -- and attempted to look tough. Her nails were painted black and her brown hair done up in a pony tail had black highlights in it. She had several bracelets on both wrists with spikes on each including a similar model around her neck. Despite all efforts to look 'cool', though, two pieces of hair fell down on each side of her head, just above her ears. She continually pushed them back and behind the pieces of flesh that stuck out of her head allowing her to hear everything she wanted to -- and didn't want to.

" -- Ya hurt or somethin'?" She questioned, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear once again as she wondered why the girl had been screaming in the first place. "She looks really familiar." Faith thought of herself as she eyed Cassidy closer, moving in toward her face with her own -- without realizing it. Suddenly the two girls were nearly nose to nose, but Faith pulled away when she heard a loud explosion.

"What the -- do you know him?" The girl looked toward Nequa and then toward Cassidy, wondering more and more about her by the moment. "Maybe I could be her friend." Faith thought to herself but decided not to push the issue -- she knew it would have been nice to have someone her own age to talk to, though -- at least someone to hang out with.

Nequa Galos
May 1st, 2003, 08:44:57 PM
Walking out of the resulting dust cloud with his armor partially charred, Nequa says "Whoever or whatever that thing was should not be bothering you anymore."

Noticing the clothing of the young lady on the ground Nequa says "Wouldn't Masters Ryie and Tarkin be surprised if I came back to the temple after saving another padawan."

Stopping about five feet from the two girls Nequa asks the one standing "What are you doing here? This isn't exactly a safe place to be, even if you know how to defend yourself" he says forestalling any arguments.

Cassidy Williams
May 7th, 2003, 01:43:44 PM
The voice both surprised and relieved Cassidy. Opening her tear filled eyes she gasped and jerked back; Fath's closeness startled her and her already shaken state it made her heart leap like a Nala frog.

"Ya hurt or somethin'?"

Was she? Not really no, the padawan realized; her hands and knees were a bit worse for wear and she was dizzy, presumably from whatever had stolen her conciousness. The worst however was the shock from the terrifying experience.


The explosion cut ioff Cassidy's stuttering. Both girls looked at Nequa and Cass shook her head in silent response to Fath's second inquiry. As the droid came clsoer, scolding the two, the young Garou drew a shaky breath.

"I n-need to get back...b-back to my home."

She wasn't trying to be rude but the girl felt very vulnerable bow and wanted nothing more than to hide ina closet. The clausterphobic feeling of panic rose in her chest and Cassidy stood up on wobbly legs. The combination of fright and spinning vision made her stumble and she grabbed hold of Faith without thinking.
