View Full Version : 24 last four hours

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 29th, 2003, 10:07:19 PM
Anybody see the last episode. Man its getting intense, I will put spoiler for those in England :) Palmer outsed, the bombers going again. And Jack trying to find out who is behind it all. I also think Chappelle is bad he seems to be trying to keep Jack from finding out the truth. It also will be cool to see Mrs Palmer and Jack face off next week that should be interesting. Have no clue who is behind it all. I think Chappelle is a traitor, Nina is still bad but not around, this Kinglsey guy seems like a middleman not sure who is in charge. I suspect it is a foriegn group who is trying to destroy the US. I think if the bombers are successful the tape will be linked to the media showing the truth. The VP would be impeached and maybe jailed for Treason, the US would be ruined we would lose all our allies more terrorist would attack us. So I think who ever is behind it wants to see the US destroyed. For who I have no clue.