View Full Version : The First Visitation (Lillian, Wei, Neyasha)
imported_Altered Beast
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:02:00 PM
(OOC: I have Figrin's permission to do this thread. ( Unless you've been listed, please don't post for the sake of storyline. I promise not to wreck anything. :))
Thunder rolls in a fast series of bass beats in the sky, telegraphed by the forks of lightning dancing in the clouds above the Living Quarters. A lone Beast of Armaiil Kryatir is perched in the dense foliage of the trees at the west end, invisible to the senses of the Jedi within. It hasn't come to hurt people or break things. Around it's putrid face is a set of night vision goggles, tinkered to show the vital statistics of beings. It reaches up with a clawed hand, adjusting the sight on them to zoom up on the face of a Padawan girl...Lillian Snow.
It's long tongue forces unnecessary "h" sounds into its speech, creating a whistling hiss inaudible against the claps of thunder. It zooms in on her face, and when the Beast can see only that, it shifts, hanging precariously and focusing on her stomach.
" iss the mhhaaster's child faring?"
Lillian Snow
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:08:44 PM
Lillian looks out into the night, squinting and cupping her hands around her eyes to cut the glare on the glass. She can't see anything, save for the driving rain. The girl leans away and shudders.
"I can't wait to move out of this room...I feel like someone's watching me."
She shudders again, fretting over what mysterious things may lie beyond the warm comfort of her room. It's been a few weeks since she was delivered back to the Order by the madman's had been on just such a night as this that she and Salemn had been kidnapped.
imported_Altered Beast
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:43:36 PM
The beast peers through its goggles, cursing the rain that's interfering with its vision, and focuses instead on the displays inside the frame of vision. It's too far away to get a solid bead on her. It leaps from the tree to the balcony rail, landing with quiet grace. Lillian doesn't move an inch; it blends with the black of the night and is hidden behind the curtain of rain. If it recalls correctly, it has been three or four weeks since she was delivered back to GJO...the child within her isn't developed enough to be noticeable. But it can tell...oh yes, it can tell...The master made this eyewear to tell it whether or not she's missed "that time of the month" as Armaiil elusively explained to the monster, and she's missed it by a few weeks. Also, it notifies the Beast that she's slowly gaining weight.
"A sshhhoorrhhtt vhhhisit, but a frhhuuitfhuul one. hhhI imhhagine there whhiilll be mhhorre to sssee in a fhhheew months, yhhhess?"
Lillian Snow
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:52:06 PM
Lillian walks to her mirror, idly playing with her hair, piling it atop her head, pulling it into a ponytail at the base of her neck, trying to decide how to wear it. She sighs after a moment and looks to the window in time to see a flash of lightning; and the hunched figure of the beast outside. Lillian shrieks, backing away from the balcony window as fast as she can, screaming for someone, anyone, to help her.
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 30th, 2003, 02:37:15 PM
Wei had been laying down on the floor, his butt up next tot he wall and his feet resting parallel on the wall pointed at the cieling. Wei was staring off into space, when he heard a loud scream.
Wei back-rolled to his feet, then dashed across the hall to the aid of the shrieking girl.
"Lillian, what's wrong?" Another flash of lightning gave Wei his answer. "Oh. Hello," he muttered as he saw the outline of the beast in the light.
"Stay behind me Lillian. We'll soon see what sort of thing this is that we're dealing with."
imported_Altered Beast
Apr 30th, 2003, 02:41:11 PM
It's been spotted. The beast can't help but smirk at the girl's scream, and the arrival of another Jedi has it itching to break into the room and rend them both limb from limb...but it has a MISSION. The master would not be pleased to know it had ruined his Masterwork. The next burst of lightning reveals an empty balcony. The beast is on the move.
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 30th, 2003, 02:54:35 PM
Wei's brow furrowed. "Lillian, go back to my room, and stay in an area without any windows, ok? Like the refresher or something. Stay calm. I'm going to go find out what was watching you, ok?"
Wei ran out onto the balcony and into the stormy weather.
"Where did you go, beast?" Wei picked up a small tinge of life force in the trees and jumped off the balcony and onto the branch that the beast once stood on. Wei put some energy into his body, boosting his attributes to a superhuman level and started jumping from one tree to the next, chasing after the mysterious watcher.
"Come on, beast."
Apr 30th, 2003, 03:13:00 PM
Neyasha was in her room down the hall and heard the screem, she is on her feet with her weapons on her body running down the hall in almost no time.. She sees her Master (Wei) running into the room where the screem came from...
She runs into the room and with her geneticly enhanced sences she can smell the beast that was watching the young lady.... she draws her swords and moves between the balcony and Lillian after hearing Wei's instructions to Lillian...
"You heard Master Wei.... Get out of this room."
Lillian Snow
Apr 30th, 2003, 06:22:42 PM
Lillian doesn't need to be told twice; she nearly trips over her own feet in her rush to get out of the room. In the hallway she actually does fall, but instead of getting up, her fear siezes her in place, drawing her body into a shivering, sobbing ball. She coughs violently, spattering the floor with blood.
imported_Altered Beast
Apr 30th, 2003, 06:28:25 PM
The beast jumps from tree to tree, climbing ever higher in a diagonal spiral before leaping atop a tall obelisk set into the corner of the garden. It balances on a thick, supple tail, heeling over backwards to look back the way it came. It can see Wei below, upside down.
"How interhhhesting. A Jhhedi Knhhight."
It can guess Wei's rank simply by the fact that a Padawan would have run or attacked by now; Wei seems more cautious.
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 30th, 2003, 06:35:57 PM
Wei noticed that the beast had stopped. "His life force has stopped moving."
Wei sped up, but only a slight bit, looking all around him to find out the beast's location. Finally Wei found the beast on a large stone thing, hanging upside down.
Wei came to a halt on a tree branch a safe distance away from the creature.
"Slow down, buddy...I don't know what you are, or what you're doing here, but you scared that girl half to death..."
Wei spoke to the Altered like he would any other escaped animal, in comforting tones, so as not to scare it. Wei wanted the thing to know it meant it no harm.
"Now, let's get you out of here, eh? I promise not to hurt you."
imported_Altered Beast
Apr 30th, 2003, 08:46:06 PM
It laughs low and deep in it's chest before speaking in it's high-pitched rasping, whistling voice. It's words are telegraphed by a flash of lightning and puncutated with a bass rumble of thunder.
"hhhI'm nhhot the one who should be whhhorried about beehhing hurt, Jhhedi."
Apr 30th, 2003, 09:11:55 PM
After Lillian is out of the room, Neyasha quickly moves to catch up with Wei, her swords still at the ready, Classifying the beast as a potental threat she waits at Wei's side for futher instructions...
Wei Wu Wei
May 1st, 2003, 08:27:42 AM
Wei raised an eyebrow. How intelligent it was. But then again, maybe it wasn't an animal at all, but one of a new sentient species that Wei had never quite met before.
"I suppose not. And I'm sorry for treating you like just another wild animal. So, what are you doing watching Lillian?" Wei's apology sounded somewhat out of place among the roaring wind and rain and thunder.
Neyasha appeared, seeming to wait on Wei's order. It was a good thing too. Though this beast was smart, Wei didn't feel like making it mad. Who knew what it could do?
"Where do you come from?" Wei was shouting now, not because he was angry, but because his voice could barely be heard over the thunder.
imported_Altered Beast
May 1st, 2003, 10:30:08 AM
It doesn't answer the question of why it is watching her. To do so may spoil the Masterwork. However, the second question...this it has no qualms answering.
"A Lhhaboratory..."
May 1st, 2003, 10:36:15 AM
Neyasha Looks the beast over.....
"Were you created there from scratch, or were you once a person and altered like I was"
Neyasha could only guess what the beast had gone through, and could relate to it at some level.....
Wei Wu Wei
May 2nd, 2003, 05:22:55 PM
Wei raised an eyebrow. "Laboratory, huh? What happens at this laboratory?"
Wei also hoped the beast would answer Neyasha's question too, but Wei was more concerned about what happened at this laboratory. No doubt it would have something to do with Lillian.
imported_Altered Beast
May 2nd, 2003, 05:38:22 PM
"hhhYyyou clhhaaim to be altered? Nhho, yhhou are ssstill human. I am a trhhue alterhhation, bhhorn of the sssadhhistic genius of Armaiil Krhhyatir, the grhheatest geneticist this whhorld hasss known. In hhisss lhhaboratory, hhhumanoids frhhom all over the galaxy are altered to become sssoldierssss...berssserk ffhhighters incapable of anything but an overwhelmhhhing offenssse."
The beast smirks, pausing to let the thunder pass.
"hhhI am hisss grhheatesst fhhhailhhhure. The onlhhy success is lhhoose in the universe...I know nhhhot where he isss..."
May 5th, 2003, 09:34:34 AM
Neyasha mumbles..."Just what we nead... Somebody else making altered fighters"
She then speaks to the beast..
"I was altered in a diffrent manner.... I was ment to blend in to a croud.... But I am still altered.... My home planet military altered me to be the best fighter out there... They enhanced my sences, my strength, my speed, my reflexes, And removed my emotions, amd most of my free will to make. I may look in changed, but I am completely altered."
Wei Wu Wei
May 5th, 2003, 02:56:07 PM
Only success loose? Wei didn't like the sound of that, but more importantly, it seemed Neyasha had something in common with the beast. Wei had only one question to ask, then he decided it would be best for Neyasha to do some more talking.
"Could your master make something for us?"
imported_Altered Beast
May 5th, 2003, 03:19:50 PM
"Whhhhat whhhould you asssk of the mhhassster?"
May 5th, 2003, 03:26:22 PM
Knowing what Wei is most likely going to ask Neaysha answers..
"We would ask for him to make me a hormone, in liquid form... We have the formula, we only nead the equiptment and a person that knows how to use the equiptment. I require it so I make myself and my modifications more efective."
Wei Wu Wei
May 5th, 2003, 04:10:34 PM
Wei nodded. "Do you think your master can do this for us?"
imported_Altered Beast
May 5th, 2003, 04:47:03 PM
An upgrade for this woman? It isn't sure it wants to improve a potential enemy...but the potential to cause her unparalleled pain is tempting.
"A hhhhormone? It whhhould depend upon whhhat you were prhhoducing..."
May 6th, 2003, 09:45:36 AM
"Yes it is an artificaly created hormone that is required. The hormone was created by 5 expert bio chemists, and requires a large about of complex equiptment to create. If you think that this will give you a chance to tamper with me, I do not require the hormone to be pumped into my system. I do require about 10-25 liters, or more, of the hormone in a liquid form. I am willing to pay anybody that can supply me with what I need."
Wei Wu Wei
May 6th, 2003, 01:36:43 PM
"Can your master do alone what 5 other scientists can do?"
Wei couldn't tell if the beast was indeed an animal, or something sentient. It was odd to see the beast. It was also a little disturbing. His Padawan seemed to be doing well, but her lack of the ability to feel fear made him worry that she wouldn't get in over her head in her dealings.
imported_Altered Beast
May 7th, 2003, 02:17:27 PM
"Whhiiith easssse, Jhhhedi...with eassse...ghhive over the fhhhormula, and hyyyou shhhhall have your hhhhhormone."
May 7th, 2003, 02:33:23 PM
Neyasha looks over to Wei, knowing that he has the formula writen down... then says to the beast...
"I would like to watch as the hormone is created, to make sure it is done correctly"
Wei Wu Wei
May 7th, 2003, 03:04:28 PM
Wei looked at Neyasha out of the corner of his eye. She was pushing it, but he supposed she had a good reason. The beast didn't seem to be all that trustworthy.
"Then I'm afraid I'll have to go too," Wei said. "That won't be a problem, will it?"
imported_Altered Beast
May 7th, 2003, 08:46:54 PM
No, not really. But it doesn't want them to know it. If its going to help them, its going to give them all the trouble it can.
"hhhYou'll hhhhave to come blhhhindfohhlded. It'sss a hhhhighly ssssecretive location."
May 7th, 2003, 09:55:11 PM
Neyasha looks over to her master....
"Do you think that those conditions are exceptable, Master?"
Neyasha has no problem being blindfolded... Her other sences could make up for her lack of eyes.
Wei Wu Wei
May 8th, 2003, 07:42:12 PM
"Not at all."
Wei removed a large hankerchief from his pocket that he kept for first aid, and cut it into two long pieces. Wei went over to Neyasha and tied one piece over her eyes, then tied the other one over his own eyes. "Lead the way," he said to the beast.
imported_Altered Beast
May 11th, 2003, 08:22:54 PM
With the Jedi's sight gone, and hearing diminished by thunder, the Beast has no trouble dealing them each a solid blow, rendering them unconcious. If they are awake, they will know how to get to its lair...this it will not have. The great beast throws its baggage over its massive shoulders and disappears into the night.
May 12th, 2003, 09:29:08 AM
Neyasha is is knocked out, but due to her alreration she is only unconcious for 3 minutes, but thinks it best to pretent to that she is still unconcious.
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