View Full Version : The Rush (open to almost anything)

Eris Alexiel
Apr 29th, 2003, 11:09:08 AM
An ebony black wolf raced in-between the people walking the streets. Blood covered its muzzle and all the way up to its ears, making the fur stick up in places. The people it passed gawked but had no way of dealing with animal that ran so effortlessly between them. Eris the Garou had killed again and was reveling in the thrill of it all, unlike most of her kind, this Garou killed for fun as well. She stopped briefly when a group of people waited for the light to change for them to cross. The wolf whined impatiently before shoving its way through. The speeders were still zooming past but she didn't care, with great bounds the wolf leapt onto their hoods and made it across before continuing her run.

Cassidy Williams
Apr 29th, 2003, 11:53:41 AM
"Take a left on 151st and tehn stay on that street for about two blocks. It's a little shop, hard to miss. Just look for an orange sign."

Cassidy nodded and thanked the man, continuing her trek along the busy streets. Though she'd spent a fair amount of time on Coruscant and knew the area rather well, there were still places that she was infamiliar with.

This day she was looking for a little trinket shop that had a reputation for carrying interesting and strange things. Of course she had been curious and wishing to discover whether the precedented tales of the business were true, the girl had set out.

It was growing later now but there was still plenty of light, and Cassidy wasn't worried. As she stood waiting for the signal to cross, she was suddenly knocked off her feet by a black blur. Frowning she stood up and craned to see through the tangle of people at just what had caused her abrupt fall. To her great surprise, it was a wolf, racing through the traffic ahead now.


Well this wasn't something that you saw everyday. The light flashed and a little beep signalled that it was safe to go, seconds after the creature's harried rush. Cassidy pushed by those in her way and took off. Her curiousity was sparked now, and had she known what exactly Eris was, or indeed what she herself was, her reasons for following would have been far more compelling. Because Cassidy was a Garou, though she was unaware of it.

"Hey waitaminute! I won't hurt ya, just wait!"

Eris Alexiel
Apr 29th, 2003, 12:01:47 PM
Eris continued on her way, weaving in and out of the people in her way. Her ears flicked backward at the yelling, she paused a moment, looking back, her ears pricked forward and a paw raised. She sneezed softly A pup? here? Her sense of smell told her the girl calling out to her was a Garou so she waited, sitting down on her hindquarters, ears still listening for others who might want to take down a bloodied wolf.

Cassidy Williams
Apr 29th, 2003, 12:08:57 PM
Cassidy panted as she struggled to keep the wolf in sight. Quite suddenly it stopped, sitting patiently as if it was just waiting for her. Picking her feet up the girl ran faster until she reached the Garou and then bent down on a knee, cautiouslsy. Slowly extending a hand Cassidy surveyed the creature.

"Hey there...Don't worry, I won't hurt ya. Are you hurt?"

A second look revealed a negative answer. Cassidy's brow furrowed.

"Oh...That's why you're runnin', huh? Well I won't get ya in trouble."

She smiled timidly.

Eris Alexiel
Apr 29th, 2003, 12:16:18 PM
Eris made a little whine, acting like a wolf for now, her tail swished a bit too. Didn't seem that Cassidy knew she was a Garou or herself for that matter. Most Garou or Lupine would know the scent but this one didn't seem to. She whined again and nosed her with her muzzle.

Cassidy Williams
Apr 29th, 2003, 12:19:34 PM
With unmistakable delihgt, Cassidy ran her hand down Eris' head. She allowed herself a few more pets and then stood up.

"C'mon, I'll help you. We can find somewhere to hide, and I'll make sure no one finds you."

She knew that the wolf could most likely take care of herself, though to what extent the girl was ignorant. Grnning excitedly, Cassidy began to jog down the street, suddenly very comfortable and at ease.

"Y'know what? I think I know the perfect place t' get away..."

Eris Alexiel
Apr 29th, 2003, 12:24:46 PM
Eris swished her tail and woofed, still playing the wolf/dog like role. So this one didn't know, she couldn't with the way she was acting. Eris woofed again as she jogged beside her, wondering how Cassidy didn't know she was a Garou, how could Eris tell her? For now, Eirs just played like a happy puppy, she had plenty of time to figure it out.

Cassidy Williams
Apr 29th, 2003, 12:29:18 PM
OOC: Check your PM's Eris :)


She took shortcuts, zigzagging through the city as if all of Coruscant police were on their trail. When her predetermined hidaway grew closer Cassidy kneeled again, breathing heavily.

"Okay...When we go in, you gotta be real quiet or else someone'll find you."

Ruffling Eris' fur Cass stood up and took a breath before dashing forward, to a place that had become quite familiar to her in the last few weeks.

Her quarters in the Jedi building.

Eris Alexiel
Apr 29th, 2003, 12:33:06 PM
Eris looked around as they went, no followers so far. Her fur had dried by now so the blood no longer showed against her dark coat. Where am I being taken? She wondered, following after Cassidy like a dog would.