View Full Version : Foundations of Comradship: New Weapon

Maester Wargrave
Apr 29th, 2003, 03:55:15 AM
He needed a new lightsaber.

It wasn't his old one was destroyed...no...it was...old. And it was for Millard.

And he was not Millard.

So bent over a workstation, his cold blue eyes staring at the black metal casing before him was Maester Wargrave, Dark Jedi Master. His cloak was set aside, as were his gauntlets, but his grey armor remained on his chest.

The goggles he wore shielded his eyes from the flashing of the welder as it pieced together the new weapon for his battles. Torches lit the area around him as he worked, the dull light providing enough atmosphere for the new weapon.

Although he could have just replaced the crystals of his old lightsaber, a part of his mind...the back part which only speaks when it has something to say...told Wargrave otherwise.

You will need it later...keep the old one...as a trophy.

Much like the other lightsaber in his possession. The one he took from the clone, Luuke Skywalker, after killing him. That was now displayed in the new Castle Millard on Balmorra. Wargrave's old one would soon follow, in fact, he'd left it with Tomar for placement in the weapons room. The lightsaber would remain there until a time both Millard and Wargrave couldn't comprehend.

But now Wargrave had a new crystal in his hand, a deep yellow one- the color of a sapphire. He dropped it carefully in the focussing lens. It fit.

Pleased his lightsaber skills were still up to date, Wargrave set aside the top part of the lightsaber, and turned towards the bottom half of the weapon. This would take longer and require more focus.

Wargrave smiled and picked up the welder again.

Maester Wargrave
Apr 30th, 2003, 07:02:59 AM
He'd been tempted to make a double-bladed lightsaber.

There were advantages to the kind (the ability to fight multiple foes, the multiple blades)...but Wargrave was a traditional kind of fighter. One blade working with both his own abilities and the power of the Force were enough for him.

But if he ever wanted to make a double-bladed lightsaber...he would. Wargrave had the tools, he the ability, all he needed was the want to create the double-bladed one.

Seth Darkserpent, his master of old, who had disappeared a few years prior had always been a believer of Exar Kun. It was Kun's lightsaber, Wargrave would pattern a double-bladed one off of if he ever decided to use it.

He was bent over the bottom part of the lightsaber, where the power coupling would go, as well as, the 'on-off' switch. Millard's lightsaber possessed a 'Fingerprint ID' on it...protecting it from being used by someone other than him. But Wargrave wanted something else. A 'normal' lightsaber. If someone were able to wrest control of his lightsaber from his grasp, then Wargrave surmised, he had no business carrying one.

But he did put in one security feature...if he ever released the blade (unless he threw it at an object, then the Force would hold the blade) the blade would disengage.

Wargrave set about ensuring the dark metal was in the shape he desired it. When he was satisfied, he turned back to the top and the diagnostic systems.