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Apr 28th, 2003, 11:08:01 PM
Name: Ezra Darkmere

Employer: Shadow Faene Fortress

Position/Duty: bodyguard, fortress watch dog, personal pilot.

Ships own:
Empress Marva-refitted naboo royal barge. crew-4 ( pilot,co-pilot- 2 gunners )
passengers- 8
weapons- 2 hardpoint lasers in front, two twin linked turbo turrets.
special attribute- is cloak capable.

Bloodbane- refitted heavy class fighter
crew- 2 ( pilot, gunner )
passengers- 2
weapons- 4 hardpoint front facing laser cannons. rear turret.

Shadowmoon :in the works

Thread participation - "Nothing a little sunlight" , " Rhapsody- bounty hunters blues" , "Nothing lasts forever" , "Needful things" , "New blood", "Keeping up to par" and "Stopping by"

The only vampire that presides at Shadow Faene Fortress. His helping the duo of Darth Hera and Lady Daiquiri landed him a seemingly permanent spot. His weapon of choice are the twin Cersea daggers he keeps in special spring holders on his forearms. The blades belonged to a vampire hunter who was killed by his great grandfather. He is a smooth talking cutey and gets into trouble with bets taken with Remkah, seems Ezra's luck needs a little work.
His loyalty to employers shows in the way he takes to his tasks. With his piloting skills, combat skills, vampire speed and strength, he is indeed an important asset to the SFF.