View Full Version : Once More...for old times sake(open)
Demon Night 666
Apr 28th, 2003, 07:22:20 PM
Demon walked calmly into her favorite bar and grinned at some familar faces that cheered at her. she made her way to an empty table and sat down. She was meeting a good friend who she hadnt seen in years.
She smoothed down her damp hair and waited for the server droid to make it's way to her table and to also wait for her friend to show up.
Apr 28th, 2003, 07:26:54 PM
Satine feels a familiar presence in the force, and turns from the bar, taking a sip of his klah as he scans the room. Finally he spies her. Grinning, the JEdi Master picks up his drink, and stands, walking over to the table Demon sat at.
"Well, well, well...If it isn't Demon Night...Long time no see, De." he says, grinning. "Mind if I sit?"
Demon Night 666
Apr 28th, 2003, 07:31:26 PM
"Damn strait it has...go ahead and make yourself comfy."
Dem waved her hand at the chair next to her and smirked at alpha.
"Always though you and Temps would wind up killing each other. Or me killing Temps for some things...."
Hey yellow eyes gleamed with a malicious delight. Sometimes she hated that shifter but then again he aslo had ahold of her heart like alpha and Lasairian.
"Wheres the damn droids?...Thirsty....need coffee"
Apr 28th, 2003, 07:35:10 PM
Satine laughs and waves a droid over, which whirrs to a stop next to the table. "Order away."
Satine listens to the order, and then asks for a refill of his klah, before turning to look at Demon.
"Well, we've come close to killing each other a few times, but right now the main one I'm after is a lizard man. Nasty dude. Goes by the name of Odin Murk. Oh, and you might have a hard time believing it, but me and Miryan no trunks are actually on a friend basis." he laughs. "Stranger and stranger galaxy..."
Demon Night 666
Apr 28th, 2003, 07:40:27 PM
Dem busted up into laughter at what he had said.
"You and M.N.T are friends?...Now i know I have been gone for awhile....strange but all good i guess."
She gazed down at her hands before flashing another smile at alpha.
"So hows life been treating you?"
Apr 28th, 2003, 07:44:17 PM
Satine shrugs. "Can't complain. I finally got my Masters rank, by the way." grinning, he continues. "It's just...lately, I guess I've been missing my old friends. You're back, so it's all to the good, but I just miss the ones who seemed to just disappear."
Satine fleetingly thinks of the two that had been on his mind most. Shay Kaylon and Iyza Myst...
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